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Using your phone while on the toilet poses significant health risks, as warned by an expert, Dr. Sethi. Despite being a common habit, mindlessly scrolling or using your phone in the bathroom can lead to severe consequences. Dr. Sethi, a Harvard-trained stomach doctor, highlights that this practice, particularly during bowel movements, causes extended sitting that strains the rectum and anus, potentially resulting in hemorrhoids, anal fissures, and rectal prolapse.
Furthermore, using phones in the bathroom makes them a breeding ground for bacteria, surpassing the hygiene levels of a public toilet seat. Dr. Sethi emphasizes the importance of avoiding phone usage while on the toilet or, if unavoidable, suggests disinfecting the phone afterward. Research spanning over a decade has consistently shown that phones harbor a significant amount of germs, including fecal matter.
Despite these health warnings, over 65% of adults take their phones into the bathroom, with Spain having the highest usage rates (nearly 80%) and Germany the lowest (just under 55%). Interestingly, younger age groups, particularly those aged 26-41 and 18-25, are most likely to engage in this unhygienic behavior. Apart from health concerns, there’s the practical risk of dropping the phone into the toilet, with a fifth of respondents in the United States admitting to this mishap.
Internet: <> (adapted).
Based on the previous text, judge the following item.
The expression “Apart from” (last sentence of the text) can
be correctly replaced by Except for, without changing the
original meaning.
Using your phone while on the toilet poses significant health risks, as warned by an expert, Dr. Sethi. Despite being a common habit, mindlessly scrolling or using your phone in the bathroom can lead to severe consequences. Dr. Sethi, a Harvard-trained stomach doctor, highlights that this practice, particularly during bowel movements, causes extended sitting that strains the rectum and anus, potentially resulting in hemorrhoids, anal fissures, and rectal prolapse.
Furthermore, using phones in the bathroom makes them a breeding ground for bacteria, surpassing the hygiene levels of a public toilet seat. Dr. Sethi emphasizes the importance of avoiding phone usage while on the toilet or, if unavoidable, suggests disinfecting the phone afterward. Research spanning over a decade has consistently shown that phones harbor a significant amount of germs, including fecal matter.
Despite these health warnings, over 65% of adults take their phones into the bathroom, with Spain having the highest usage rates (nearly 80%) and Germany the lowest (just under 55%). Interestingly, younger age groups, particularly those aged 26-41 and 18-25, are most likely to engage in this unhygienic behavior. Apart from health concerns, there’s the practical risk of dropping the phone into the toilet, with a fifth of respondents in the United States admitting to this mishap.
Internet: <> (adapted).
Based on the previous text, judge the following item.
Although it is a usual habit to scroll one’s phone while in the
bathroom, it poses minor risks to someone’s health.
The English translation of the Portuguese sentence Quanto mais você adia o despertador, menos você quer se levantar da cama is How much more you snooze your alarm, how much less you want to get out of bed.
Does Snoozing Your Alarm Really Increase Sleepiness?
Snoozing the alarm doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll feel groggy the rest of the day. But it’s important to get as much sleep as you can. Getting up early in the morning is no easy task for plenty of people. That’s why alarms are important — they ensure that you wake up at your desired time. However, nobody can deny how tempting it is to try and squeeze in a few more minutes of sleep.
According to a survey, about 57 percent of people snooze in the morning, which is defined as needing multiple alarms to wake up. If you set a single alarm and snooze it repeatedly or set several alarms at regular intervals until the time you absolutely need to get up, you are a snoozer. Waking up on the first alarm is commonly recommended, but does it really make a difference if you are woken up by one alarm compared to several ones? In a recent sleep study, researchers examine how snoozing affects an individual’s health and sleep.
According to the study, people snooze for a variety of reasons. Most of the participants said that they just can’t get up with only the first alarm. Some say they snooze because they feel comfortable in bed, while others do it because they feel less tired when they do get up. A researcher said that snoozing might be a sign that people are waking up because of important scheduled activities — like school or work — rather than because they have adequately rested.
Internet: <> (adapted).
According to the preceding text, judge the following item.
The adverb “However” (last sentence of the first paragraph),
can be correctly replaced by Therefore, without changing
the meaning of the text.
Does Snoozing Your Alarm Really Increase Sleepiness?
Snoozing the alarm doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll feel groggy the rest of the day. But it’s important to get as much sleep as you can. Getting up early in the morning is no easy task for plenty of people. That’s why alarms are important — they ensure that you wake up at your desired time. However, nobody can deny how tempting it is to try and squeeze in a few more minutes of sleep.
According to a survey, about 57 percent of people snooze in the morning, which is defined as needing multiple alarms to wake up. If you set a single alarm and snooze it repeatedly or set several alarms at regular intervals until the time you absolutely need to get up, you are a snoozer. Waking up on the first alarm is commonly recommended, but does it really make a difference if you are woken up by one alarm compared to several ones? In a recent sleep study, researchers examine how snoozing affects an individual’s health and sleep.
According to the study, people snooze for a variety of reasons. Most of the participants said that they just can’t get up with only the first alarm. Some say they snooze because they feel comfortable in bed, while others do it because they feel less tired when they do get up. A researcher said that snoozing might be a sign that people are waking up because of important scheduled activities — like school or work — rather than because they have adequately rested.
Internet: <> (adapted).
According to the preceding text, judge the following item.
People who snooze the alarm feel tired and dizzy the rest of
the day because they didn’t get enough sleep.
Does Snoozing Your Alarm Really Increase Sleepiness?
Snoozing the alarm doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll feel groggy the rest of the day. But it’s important to get as much sleep as you can. Getting up early in the morning is no easy task for plenty of people. That’s why alarms are important — they ensure that you wake up at your desired time. However, nobody can deny how tempting it is to try and squeeze in a few more minutes of sleep.
According to a survey, about 57 percent of people snooze in the morning, which is defined as needing multiple alarms to wake up. If you set a single alarm and snooze it repeatedly or set several alarms at regular intervals until the time you absolutely need to get up, you are a snoozer. Waking up on the first alarm is commonly recommended, but does it really make a difference if you are woken up by one alarm compared to several ones? In a recent sleep study, researchers examine how snoozing affects an individual’s health and sleep.
According to the study, people snooze for a variety of reasons. Most of the participants said that they just can’t get up with only the first alarm. Some say they snooze because they feel comfortable in bed, while others do it because they feel less tired when they do get up. A researcher said that snoozing might be a sign that people are waking up because of important scheduled activities — like school or work — rather than because they have adequately rested.
Internet: <> (adapted).
According to the preceding text, judge the following item.
For a lot of people, getting up early in the morning is
considered to be a hard task.
Se o titular do registro industrial tiver seu domicílio no exterior, é necessário que ele constitua procurador qualificado e domiciliado no Brasil, com poderes para representá-lo administrativa e judicialmente, inclusive para receber citações. Se não o fizer, fica caracterizada condição para a extinção do registro.
A programação dinâmica consiste na busca de uma solução para um problema computacional, em um grande espaço de procura, por meio de cálculos iterativos.
O PDB (protein dataBank) é o principal repositório público devotado a estruturas tridimensionais de macromoléculas biológicas.
A programação dinâmica recursiva considera cada solução parcial no passo seguinte para que seja calculada com um número ilimitado de soluções parciais, de modo que o passo final conterá a solução global.
Considerando as figuras e o tema abordado no texto acima, julgue o item subsecutivo.
Os artistas e designers soviéticos do início do século XX, que desenvolveram uma estética construtivista, foram pioneiros no uso da fotografia nas artes gráficas.
Uma das características do design gráfico da contracultura dos anos 60 do século passado é o uso da tipografia com foco na legibilidade.
Na passagem por valor, a função recebe parâmetros e as alterações nos valores desses parâmetros não interferem nos valores das variáveis da função chamadora.
O uso da técnica FIFO (first-in-first-out) permite que o primeiro elemento inserido na estrutura de dados do tipo pilha seja o primeiro elemento a ser retirado da estrutura.
Chave primária de um conjunto de entidades corresponde aos atributos que permitem distinguir determinada entidade do conjunto.
A biossíntese dos monoterpenoides, a exemplo da produção de outros isoprenoides, ocorre pela via do ácido chiquímico.
A técnica de destilação por arraste a vapor, que é utilizada na extração de óleo essencial em escala industrial, pode provocar reações de hidrólise, isomerização e oxidação nos compostos obtidos.
O mentol, que se apresenta sob a forma de cristais incolores, pode ser obtido a partir de espécies vegetais, mediante a utilização de processo de cristalização que envolve as etapas de refrigeração, filtração e recristalização.
Os terpenoides do tipo monoterpenos e os fenilpropanóis são óleos essenciais voláteis que exalam odor pungente.
Se a quantidade de bits por amostra for aumentada de 16 para 24, a razão entre o sinal e o ruído de quantização aumentará 1,5 dB.