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Q1679235 Direito Civil
A respeito do negócio jurídico, das obrigações, dos contratos, da responsabilidade civil e do direito do consumidor, julgue o item a seguir.

Para que enseje indenização por danos morais, a utilização da imagem de uma pessoa deverá violar a honra e ter caráter vexatório.
Q1679234 Direito Civil
A respeito do negócio jurídico, das obrigações, dos contratos, da responsabilidade civil e do direito do consumidor, julgue o item a seguir.

Se a promessa de contrato for unilateral, ela ficará sem efeito caso o credor não se manifeste no prazo previsto.
Q1679233 Direito Civil
A respeito do negócio jurídico, das obrigações, dos contratos, da responsabilidade civil e do direito do consumidor, julgue o item a seguir.

A possibilidade de o devedor purgar a mora depende da viabilidade do cumprimento da obrigação.
Q1679232 Direito Civil
A respeito do negócio jurídico, das obrigações, dos contratos, da responsabilidade civil e do direito do consumidor, julgue o item a seguir.

A conversão substancial do negócio jurídico tem o propósito de sanar a invalidade absoluta.
Q1679231 Direito Constitucional
No que se refere ao direito constitucional, julgue o item a seguir.

O Ministério Público junto ao Tribunal de Contas da União integra o Ministério Público da União, podendo atuar nas causas que envolvam transferência de recursos federais às empresas públicas.
Q1679230 Direito Constitucional
No que se refere ao direito constitucional, julgue o item a seguir.

Ofende o princípio da livre concorrência lei municipal que limite o quantitativo de instalação de estabelecimentos comerciais do mesmo ramo em determinada área.
Q1679229 Direito Constitucional
No que se refere ao direito constitucional, julgue o item a seguir.

Considerando-se as normas referentes ao processo legislativo, é possível a tramitação de proposta de lei que seja formalmente complementar, mas materialmente ordinária.
Q1679228 Direito Constitucional
No que se refere ao direito constitucional, julgue o item a seguir.

Entidade de classe que pretenda propor ação judicial em favor de seus associados precisará de sua autorização na hipótese de ajuizar mandado de segurança coletivo.
Q1679227 Direito Constitucional
No que se refere ao direito constitucional, julgue o item a seguir.

Considere que o inciso IX do artigo 21 da Constituição Federal de 1988 prevê que compete à União elaborar e executar planos nacionais e regionais de ordenação do território e de desenvolvimento econômico e social. A respeito dessa norma, é correto afirmar que ela se classifica como norma constitucional de eficácia contida.
Q1679226 Legislação Federal
Com relação ao direito administrativo, julgue o item a seguir.

Se a administração pública realizar chamamento público para celebrar parceria com organização da sociedade civil, em regime de mútua colaboração, para consecução de finalidades de interesse público e recíproco, nos termos da Lei n.º 13.019/2014, será vedada a participação de qualquer organização estrangeira, devendo a parceria ser destinada apenas a organizações nacionais.
Q1679224 Legislação Federal
Com relação ao direito administrativo, julgue o item a seguir.

Se um usuário de determinado serviço público quiser realizar manifestação perante a administração pública acerca da prestação do serviço, essa manifestação deverá ser dirigida à ouvidoria do órgão ou da entidade responsável — ou diretamente ao órgão, se não houver ouvidoria — e deverá conter a identificação do requerente, sendo vedada quaisquer exigências relativas aos motivos determinantes da manifestação; caso a manifestação seja dirigida à ouvidoria, esta poderá propor aperfeiçoamento do serviço público.
Q1679223 Direito Administrativo
Com relação ao direito administrativo, julgue o item a seguir.

Se entes da federação celebrarem consórcio público para realização de determinado objetivo de interesse comum, esse consórcio passará a integrar a administração indireta dos entes envolvidos, seja qual for a personalidade jurídica adquirida.
Q1679222 Direito Administrativo
Com relação ao direito administrativo, julgue o item a seguir.

Situação hipotética: Determinada concessionária de serviço público interrompeu a prestação do serviço objeto de concessão por razões de ordem técnica, em situação de emergência. Assertiva: Nessa situação hipotética, será caracterizada descontinuidade do serviço e este será considerado inadequado, uma vez que a continuidade é condição da adequação da prestação por parte da concessionária, cabendo a ela o ônus de garanti-la.
Q1678891 Inglês

Internet: <>. 

Based on the comic strip presented above, judge the following item.

We can infer from the comic strip that the man who wants to create the website is also good at using his credit card carelessly.
Q1678890 Inglês

Internet: <>. 

Based on the comic strip presented above, judge the following item.

The man on the right went away because he realized that his friend has a compulsive online shopping disorder.
Q1678889 Inglês

Internet: <>. 

Based on the comic strip presented above, judge the following item.

The website that the man on the left wants to create would be based on his personal knowledge about electronics.
Q1678888 Inglês
As American federal authorities and cybersecurity experts rush to identify the full scope of the SolarWinds compromise, the list of known targets grows. The fallout from the cyberattack on the Texas-based software company appears to be vast, with a slew of powerful U.S. government agencies and businesses seemingly being infected by hackers who are believed to be affiliated with Russia.

SolarWinds says it has identified 18,000 customers potentially affected by the incident, which saw the culprits hijack software updates for a widely-used IT monitoring tool called "Orion" to spread malware, seemingly with the intention of espionage. The consequences of the brazen cyber-assault, which was first discovered by security firm FireEye after it too was infiltrated by the same group, are yet to be understood. But experts fear the hackers' access could be exploited to steal sensitive information or destroy and falsify government data, and warn it could take years to fix.

While the full list of victims is unclear — and expanding almost daily — Microsoft said its teams had identified more than 40 of its customers the attackers had aimed at "more precisely and compromised through additional and sophisticated measures."

It now seems likely the scope of the victims could be broad. Microsoft said the initial list included security, technology and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) alongside the government targets. It said 80 percent of attacks that it logged were U.S. based. "This is not 'espionage as usual,' even in the digital age. Instead, it represents an act of recklessness that created a serious technological vulnerability for the United States and the world," Brad Smith, president of the U.S. tech giant, wrote on Thursday.

"The attack unfortunately represents a broad and successful espionage-based assault on both the confidential information of the U.S. government and the tech tools used by firms to protect them. The attack is ongoing," the executive continued. Analysis is ongoing to determine which companies were impacted by the hack, as just because an entity used Orion is not evidence that it was actively compromised.

 Internet: <> (adapted).
Considering the text above, judge the following item.

The cyberattacks have stopped, but authorities and experts still want to find who or what is responsible for such crime.
Q1678887 Inglês
As American federal authorities and cybersecurity experts rush to identify the full scope of the SolarWinds compromise, the list of known targets grows. The fallout from the cyberattack on the Texas-based software company appears to be vast, with a slew of powerful U.S. government agencies and businesses seemingly being infected by hackers who are believed to be affiliated with Russia.

SolarWinds says it has identified 18,000 customers potentially affected by the incident, which saw the culprits hijack software updates for a widely-used IT monitoring tool called "Orion" to spread malware, seemingly with the intention of espionage. The consequences of the brazen cyber-assault, which was first discovered by security firm FireEye after it too was infiltrated by the same group, are yet to be understood. But experts fear the hackers' access could be exploited to steal sensitive information or destroy and falsify government data, and warn it could take years to fix.

While the full list of victims is unclear — and expanding almost daily — Microsoft said its teams had identified more than 40 of its customers the attackers had aimed at "more precisely and compromised through additional and sophisticated measures."

It now seems likely the scope of the victims could be broad. Microsoft said the initial list included security, technology and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) alongside the government targets. It said 80 percent of attacks that it logged were U.S. based. "This is not 'espionage as usual,' even in the digital age. Instead, it represents an act of recklessness that created a serious technological vulnerability for the United States and the world," Brad Smith, president of the U.S. tech giant, wrote on Thursday.

"The attack unfortunately represents a broad and successful espionage-based assault on both the confidential information of the U.S. government and the tech tools used by firms to protect them. The attack is ongoing," the executive continued. Analysis is ongoing to determine which companies were impacted by the hack, as just because an entity used Orion is not evidence that it was actively compromised.

 Internet: <> (adapted).
Considering the text above, judge the following item.

Microsoft reported that over three-thirds of the cyberattacks happened to companies and organizations located in the USA.
Q1678886 Inglês
As American federal authorities and cybersecurity experts rush to identify the full scope of the SolarWinds compromise, the list of known targets grows. The fallout from the cyberattack on the Texas-based software company appears to be vast, with a slew of powerful U.S. government agencies and businesses seemingly being infected by hackers who are believed to be affiliated with Russia.

SolarWinds says it has identified 18,000 customers potentially affected by the incident, which saw the culprits hijack software updates for a widely-used IT monitoring tool called "Orion" to spread malware, seemingly with the intention of espionage. The consequences of the brazen cyber-assault, which was first discovered by security firm FireEye after it too was infiltrated by the same group, are yet to be understood. But experts fear the hackers' access could be exploited to steal sensitive information or destroy and falsify government data, and warn it could take years to fix.

While the full list of victims is unclear — and expanding almost daily — Microsoft said its teams had identified more than 40 of its customers the attackers had aimed at "more precisely and compromised through additional and sophisticated measures."

It now seems likely the scope of the victims could be broad. Microsoft said the initial list included security, technology and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) alongside the government targets. It said 80 percent of attacks that it logged were U.S. based. "This is not 'espionage as usual,' even in the digital age. Instead, it represents an act of recklessness that created a serious technological vulnerability for the United States and the world," Brad Smith, president of the U.S. tech giant, wrote on Thursday.

"The attack unfortunately represents a broad and successful espionage-based assault on both the confidential information of the U.S. government and the tech tools used by firms to protect them. The attack is ongoing," the executive continued. Analysis is ongoing to determine which companies were impacted by the hack, as just because an entity used Orion is not evidence that it was actively compromised.

 Internet: <> (adapted).
Considering the text above, judge the following item.

In "It now seems likely the scope of the victims could be broad", the word 'likely' is a synonymous with lovely.
Q1678885 Inglês
As American federal authorities and cybersecurity experts rush to identify the full scope of the SolarWinds compromise, the list of known targets grows. The fallout from the cyberattack on the Texas-based software company appears to be vast, with a slew of powerful U.S. government agencies and businesses seemingly being infected by hackers who are believed to be affiliated with Russia.

SolarWinds says it has identified 18,000 customers potentially affected by the incident, which saw the culprits hijack software updates for a widely-used IT monitoring tool called "Orion" to spread malware, seemingly with the intention of espionage. The consequences of the brazen cyber-assault, which was first discovered by security firm FireEye after it too was infiltrated by the same group, are yet to be understood. But experts fear the hackers' access could be exploited to steal sensitive information or destroy and falsify government data, and warn it could take years to fix.

While the full list of victims is unclear — and expanding almost daily — Microsoft said its teams had identified more than 40 of its customers the attackers had aimed at "more precisely and compromised through additional and sophisticated measures."

It now seems likely the scope of the victims could be broad. Microsoft said the initial list included security, technology and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) alongside the government targets. It said 80 percent of attacks that it logged were U.S. based. "This is not 'espionage as usual,' even in the digital age. Instead, it represents an act of recklessness that created a serious technological vulnerability for the United States and the world," Brad Smith, president of the U.S. tech giant, wrote on Thursday.

"The attack unfortunately represents a broad and successful espionage-based assault on both the confidential information of the U.S. government and the tech tools used by firms to protect them. The attack is ongoing," the executive continued. Analysis is ongoing to determine which companies were impacted by the hack, as just because an entity used Orion is not evidence that it was actively compromised.

 Internet: <> (adapted).
Considering the text above, judge the following item.

American cybersecurity experts and federal authorities are not only in a hurry to solve the problem, but they are also sure the hackers are from Russia.
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