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Q1015739 Inglês

Silicon Valley – America’s High Tech Centre

Silicon Valley is located in the southern part of the San Francisco Bay area. It originally got its name from the large number of companies that produced silicon chips. Today it is a general name for the high-tech industry of Northern California.

The beginning of Silicon Valley goes back to the early 20th century when the United States military and other companies started experimenting in the fields of radio, communications and electronics. The area also grew because Stanford and other universities and colleges produced a number of students who were interested in technology.

One of the first companies that started in Silicon Valley was Hewlett Packard. It was founded by two graduates of Stanford University in 1939. Today HP is the world’s largest technology company and operates in almost all countries in the world. After World War II an industrial park was built around Stanford University. Companies rented offices from the university and employed students as engineers and scientists.

In the 1950s the silicon transistor was developed and many companies started moving into the region. In the 1970s Silicon Valley became a well-known term in the United States because of the computer and software firms that were founded in the area. About a hundred new companies were established every year. Such growth was possible because people could found a company, get money and rent office space in only a few weeks. Among the well-known companies in the region are search engines Google and Yahoo!, chip producer Intel, computer and software manufacturers Apple and Adobe.

By 1992 Silicon Valley accounted for over 250,000 jobs and over 40% of California’s exports. Companies began calling in specialists from China and India because more and more high-tech scientists and engineers were needed.

When the Internet boom began in the 1990s a number of new so-called enterprises sprang up, including the online auction house eBay and others. When the boom collapsed at the beginning of the new millennium, thousands of high tech workers lost their jobs and couldn’t afford the high housing prices that the area produced. But even after the global financial crisis of 2008 Silicon Valley remains one of the top research and high-tech center in the world. 


Leia atentamente as assertivas a seguir:

I O Vale do Silício, localizado na parte sul da Baía de são Francisco, recebeu esse nome por causa da enorme quantidade de silício encontrada no solo do local, o que atraiu um grande número de empresas de tecnologia.

II O Vale do Silício estabeleceu-se bem no início dos anos 2000, quando os militares e outras empresas dos Estados Unidos iniciaram experimentos nas áreas de rádio, comunicações e produtos eletrônicos.

III Fundada em 1939, sendo hoje a maior empresa de tecnologia do mundo, a Hewllett Packard, ou HP, foi a primeira empresa a iniciar suas atividades no Vale do Silício.

IV A construção de um parque industrial nos arredores da Universidade de Stanford durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial fez com que muitos estudantes dessa Universidade fossem contratados por empresas de tecnologia da região para trabalhar como engenheiros e cientistas.

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Q1015738 Inglês

Silicon Valley – America’s High Tech Centre

Silicon Valley is located in the southern part of the San Francisco Bay area. It originally got its name from the large number of companies that produced silicon chips. Today it is a general name for the high-tech industry of Northern California.

The beginning of Silicon Valley goes back to the early 20th century when the United States military and other companies started experimenting in the fields of radio, communications and electronics. The area also grew because Stanford and other universities and colleges produced a number of students who were interested in technology.

One of the first companies that started in Silicon Valley was Hewlett Packard. It was founded by two graduates of Stanford University in 1939. Today HP is the world’s largest technology company and operates in almost all countries in the world. After World War II an industrial park was built around Stanford University. Companies rented offices from the university and employed students as engineers and scientists.

In the 1950s the silicon transistor was developed and many companies started moving into the region. In the 1970s Silicon Valley became a well-known term in the United States because of the computer and software firms that were founded in the area. About a hundred new companies were established every year. Such growth was possible because people could found a company, get money and rent office space in only a few weeks. Among the well-known companies in the region are search engines Google and Yahoo!, chip producer Intel, computer and software manufacturers Apple and Adobe.

By 1992 Silicon Valley accounted for over 250,000 jobs and over 40% of California’s exports. Companies began calling in specialists from China and India because more and more high-tech scientists and engineers were needed.

When the Internet boom began in the 1990s a number of new so-called enterprises sprang up, including the online auction house eBay and others. When the boom collapsed at the beginning of the new millennium, thousands of high tech workers lost their jobs and couldn’t afford the high housing prices that the area produced. But even after the global financial crisis of 2008 Silicon Valley remains one of the top research and high-tech center in the world. 


The beginning of Silicon Valley goes back to the early 20th (…)

Qual dos dispostos a seguir melhor traduz a expressão sublinhada acima, neste contexto?

Q1015737 Inglês

Silicon Valley – America’s High Tech Centre

Silicon Valley is located in the southern part of the San Francisco Bay area. It originally got its name from the large number of companies that produced silicon chips. Today it is a general name for the high-tech industry of Northern California.

The beginning of Silicon Valley goes back to the early 20th century when the United States military and other companies started experimenting in the fields of radio, communications and electronics. The area also grew because Stanford and other universities and colleges produced a number of students who were interested in technology.

One of the first companies that started in Silicon Valley was Hewlett Packard. It was founded by two graduates of Stanford University in 1939. Today HP is the world’s largest technology company and operates in almost all countries in the world. After World War II an industrial park was built around Stanford University. Companies rented offices from the university and employed students as engineers and scientists.

In the 1950s the silicon transistor was developed and many companies started moving into the region. In the 1970s Silicon Valley became a well-known term in the United States because of the computer and software firms that were founded in the area. About a hundred new companies were established every year. Such growth was possible because people could found a company, get money and rent office space in only a few weeks. Among the well-known companies in the region are search engines Google and Yahoo!, chip producer Intel, computer and software manufacturers Apple and Adobe.

By 1992 Silicon Valley accounted for over 250,000 jobs and over 40% of California’s exports. Companies began calling in specialists from China and India because more and more high-tech scientists and engineers were needed.

When the Internet boom began in the 1990s a number of new so-called enterprises sprang up, including the online auction house eBay and others. When the boom collapsed at the beginning of the new millennium, thousands of high tech workers lost their jobs and couldn’t afford the high housing prices that the area produced. But even after the global financial crisis of 2008 Silicon Valley remains one of the top research and high-tech center in the world. 


Considerando as palavras ou expressões sublinhadas a seguir e seu devido contexto, pode-se afirmar que elas remetem à noção de grande quantidade ou quantidade considerável, COM EXCEÇÃO do que está exposto em:
Q1015734 Conhecimentos Gerais

Numa entrevista exclusiva ao Jornal Nacional, o ministro da Fazenda, Joaquim Levy, disse que controlar a inflação e pôr as contas públicas em ordem são as grandes preocupações do governo.

Disponível em:<> Acesso em: 19/06/15

Na linha do exposto acima, segundo o ministro da Fazenda, deve-se partir do princípio de que nesse momento “o Brasil só gasta o que arrecada”. De acordo com Levy, tal princípio não só se estabelece como é favorecido a partir da lei de:

Q1015733 Conhecimentos Gerais
A polêmica proposta da PEC (Proposta de Emenda Constitucional) que versa sobre a redução da maioridade penal foi recentemente aprovada pela Câmara dos Deputados em Brasília. No entanto, ela só foi aprovada em uma segunda votação, após uma “manobra” dos deputados que a defendem. Das assertivas abaixo, qual explica melhor como se deu esta “manobra”?
336: A
337: D
338: C
339: D
340: C