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Q2126227 Inglês
I go to her house because she is sick.”, in the simple past is:
Q2126225 Inglês
Mark the alternative with the sentence in the Past Perfect.
Q2126219 Inglês

Read the text below and answer the question:

1 Speech is one of the most important ways of communicating. It consists of far more that just

2 making noises. To talk and also to be understood by other people, we have to speak a language,

3 that is, we have to use combinations of sounds that everyone agrees stand for a particular

4 object or idea. Learning a language properly is very important. The basic vocabulary of English is not

5 very large, and only about 2,000 words are needed to speak it quite well. But the more words you

6 know, the more ideas you can express, and the more precise you can be about their exact meaning.

7 Words are the main thing we use in communicating what we want to say. The way we say the

8 words is also very important. Our tone of voice can express many emotions and shows whether we

9 are pleased or angry, for instance.

According to the text, speech is:
Q2125501 Biologia
O sistema digestório é responsável pela absorção de nutrientes provenientes dos alimentos ingeridos. Esse sistema é composto pelos órgãos:
Q2125495 Biologia
Na mitose, a célula divide-se em duas e o material genético é repartido entre as células-filhas. A mitose pode ser subdividida em quatro fases: prófase, metáfase, anáfase e telófase. Durante esse processo, os cromossomos ligados aos microtúbulos do fuso migram para o equador da célula, na fase chamada de: 
161: C
162: B
163: D
164: B
165: D