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Q2490804 Inglês
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Bill Amend. Foxtrot. Internet: <> (adapted).
Judge the following items according to the previous comic strip. 
It is correct to infer from the comic strip that the teacher has taught mathematical symbols to this student’s class. 

Q2490803 Inglês

About cognate words and false cognates, as well as pedagogic trends, judge the item that follow. 

The words experiences and report are two examples of cognates in English and Portuguese.

Q2490802 Inglês

About cognate words and false cognates, as well as pedagogic trends, judge the item that follow. 

Getting students to use their knowledge of the English language to produce content for a podcast, for example, can be considered as a project-based experience to learn with a more practical approach. 

Q2490801 Inglês

Judge the following item, concerning the production of written texts as a process. 

Revising is the stage of the writing process when writers make changes to improve the clarity, coherence, and correctness of their text.

Q2490800 Inglês

Judge the following item, concerning the production of written texts as a process. 

Editing is the stage of the writing process in which writers make changes focused solely on improving the style and tone of their text. 

Q2490799 Inglês

Judge the following item, concerning the production of written texts as a process. 

Planning is an important stage of the writing process because it helps writers to organize their thoughts and ideas. 

Q2490798 Inglês

Judge the following item, concerning the production of written texts as a process. 

The writing process is a one-time event that only occurs once the writer has a clear idea of what they want to say.

Q2490797 Inglês

Judge the following item, concerning the production of written texts as a process. 

Drafting is the most important stage of the writing process because it is when writers actually write the text.

Q2490796 Inglês

Concerning the relationship between language, culture and society, judge the item below. 

Language reflects cultural nuances, with unique expressions and idioms shaping the way individuals within a society communicate and convey meaning. 

Q2490795 Inglês

Concerning the relationship between language, culture and society, judge the item below. 

Societal structures often influence language evolution, as languages adapt to reflect changes in power dynamics, social roles, and technological advancements. 

Q2490794 Inglês

Concerning the relationship between language, culture and society, judge the item below. 

In every culture, language works as an absolute determinant of societal norms and values, leaving no room for variation or interpretation. 

Q2490793 Inglês

Concerning the relationship between language, culture and society, judge the item below. 

Cross-cultural communication may face challenges due to linguistic and cultural differences, highlighting the interconnected nature of language, culture, and societal interactions. 

Q2490792 Inglês

    The Indian education sector has undergone a significant transformation in recent years, owing to the implementation of innovative technologies and solutions. According to a recent report, the e-learning market in India is estimated to have reached $ 1.96 billion in 2021, up from $ 247 million in 2016. The growth in popularity of mobile learning platforms among students has led to this expansion.

        Mobile learning platforms are expected to play a significant role in the growth of the online education market in India. A report by a consultancy company projected that the online education market in India would reach $ 1.96 billion by 2021. Educational apps have seen tremendous success by offering interactive video lessons, quizzes, and personalized learning plans to help students succeed academically.

        Personalized learning, tailoring teaching and learning to students’ needs, is also an important trend in the Indian education sector. In addition to technology, the Indian education sector has also witnessed the emergence of new pedagogical approaches such as experiential learning, project-based learning, and collaborative learning. These approaches focus on providing students with hands-on, practical learning experiences that prepare them for the real world.

        With the continued adoption of these technologies and approaches, the future of education in India looks bright, offering students new opportunities to learn and grow.

Internet: <> (adapted).

Based on the preceding text, judge the following item.

It is correct to conclude from the first sentence of the third paragraph that personalized learning is achieved by “tailoring teaching and learning to students’ needs”. 

Q2490791 Inglês

    The Indian education sector has undergone a significant transformation in recent years, owing to the implementation of innovative technologies and solutions. According to a recent report, the e-learning market in India is estimated to have reached $ 1.96 billion in 2021, up from $ 247 million in 2016. The growth in popularity of mobile learning platforms among students has led to this expansion.

        Mobile learning platforms are expected to play a significant role in the growth of the online education market in India. A report by a consultancy company projected that the online education market in India would reach $ 1.96 billion by 2021. Educational apps have seen tremendous success by offering interactive video lessons, quizzes, and personalized learning plans to help students succeed academically.

        Personalized learning, tailoring teaching and learning to students’ needs, is also an important trend in the Indian education sector. In addition to technology, the Indian education sector has also witnessed the emergence of new pedagogical approaches such as experiential learning, project-based learning, and collaborative learning. These approaches focus on providing students with hands-on, practical learning experiences that prepare them for the real world.

        With the continued adoption of these technologies and approaches, the future of education in India looks bright, offering students new opportunities to learn and grow.

Internet: <> (adapted).

Based on the preceding text, judge the following item.

The word “education” (first sentence of the text) is a noun, being nouns words that can work as the subject of a sentence, and can refer to a person, a place, a thing, or an idea. 

Q2490790 Inglês

    The Indian education sector has undergone a significant transformation in recent years, owing to the implementation of innovative technologies and solutions. According to a recent report, the e-learning market in India is estimated to have reached $ 1.96 billion in 2021, up from $ 247 million in 2016. The growth in popularity of mobile learning platforms among students has led to this expansion.

        Mobile learning platforms are expected to play a significant role in the growth of the online education market in India. A report by a consultancy company projected that the online education market in India would reach $ 1.96 billion by 2021. Educational apps have seen tremendous success by offering interactive video lessons, quizzes, and personalized learning plans to help students succeed academically.

        Personalized learning, tailoring teaching and learning to students’ needs, is also an important trend in the Indian education sector. In addition to technology, the Indian education sector has also witnessed the emergence of new pedagogical approaches such as experiential learning, project-based learning, and collaborative learning. These approaches focus on providing students with hands-on, practical learning experiences that prepare them for the real world.

        With the continued adoption of these technologies and approaches, the future of education in India looks bright, offering students new opportunities to learn and grow.

Internet: <> (adapted).

Based on the preceding text, judge the following item.

The text is focused solely on innovations and technologies which are related to digital and virtual forms of learning. 

Q2490789 Inglês

    The Indian education sector has undergone a significant transformation in recent years, owing to the implementation of innovative technologies and solutions. According to a recent report, the e-learning market in India is estimated to have reached $ 1.96 billion in 2021, up from $ 247 million in 2016. The growth in popularity of mobile learning platforms among students has led to this expansion.

        Mobile learning platforms are expected to play a significant role in the growth of the online education market in India. A report by a consultancy company projected that the online education market in India would reach $ 1.96 billion by 2021. Educational apps have seen tremendous success by offering interactive video lessons, quizzes, and personalized learning plans to help students succeed academically.

        Personalized learning, tailoring teaching and learning to students’ needs, is also an important trend in the Indian education sector. In addition to technology, the Indian education sector has also witnessed the emergence of new pedagogical approaches such as experiential learning, project-based learning, and collaborative learning. These approaches focus on providing students with hands-on, practical learning experiences that prepare them for the real world.

        With the continued adoption of these technologies and approaches, the future of education in India looks bright, offering students new opportunities to learn and grow.

Internet: <> (adapted).

Based on the preceding text, judge the following item.

According to the text, the profit growth observed in the e-learning market is due to government shift in educational approach. 

Q2490788 Inglês

    The Indian education sector has undergone a significant transformation in recent years, owing to the implementation of innovative technologies and solutions. According to a recent report, the e-learning market in India is estimated to have reached $ 1.96 billion in 2021, up from $ 247 million in 2016. The growth in popularity of mobile learning platforms among students has led to this expansion.

        Mobile learning platforms are expected to play a significant role in the growth of the online education market in India. A report by a consultancy company projected that the online education market in India would reach $ 1.96 billion by 2021. Educational apps have seen tremendous success by offering interactive video lessons, quizzes, and personalized learning plans to help students succeed academically.

        Personalized learning, tailoring teaching and learning to students’ needs, is also an important trend in the Indian education sector. In addition to technology, the Indian education sector has also witnessed the emergence of new pedagogical approaches such as experiential learning, project-based learning, and collaborative learning. These approaches focus on providing students with hands-on, practical learning experiences that prepare them for the real world.

        With the continued adoption of these technologies and approaches, the future of education in India looks bright, offering students new opportunities to learn and grow.

Internet: <> (adapted).

Based on the preceding text, judge the following item.

Based on the text, it is correct to affirm that online education has proven to be an expanding market in India. 

Q2490787 Inglês

    The Indian education sector has undergone a significant transformation in recent years, owing to the implementation of innovative technologies and solutions. According to a recent report, the e-learning market in India is estimated to have reached $ 1.96 billion in 2021, up from $ 247 million in 2016. The growth in popularity of mobile learning platforms among students has led to this expansion.

        Mobile learning platforms are expected to play a significant role in the growth of the online education market in India. A report by a consultancy company projected that the online education market in India would reach $ 1.96 billion by 2021. Educational apps have seen tremendous success by offering interactive video lessons, quizzes, and personalized learning plans to help students succeed academically.

        Personalized learning, tailoring teaching and learning to students’ needs, is also an important trend in the Indian education sector. In addition to technology, the Indian education sector has also witnessed the emergence of new pedagogical approaches such as experiential learning, project-based learning, and collaborative learning. These approaches focus on providing students with hands-on, practical learning experiences that prepare them for the real world.

        With the continued adoption of these technologies and approaches, the future of education in India looks bright, offering students new opportunities to learn and grow.

Internet: <> (adapted).

Based on the preceding text, judge the following item.

The growth of the e-learning market in India has led to the increase of interest in mobile learning platforms. 

Q2490786 Inglês

    The Indian education sector has undergone a significant transformation in recent years, owing to the implementation of innovative technologies and solutions. According to a recent report, the e-learning market in India is estimated to have reached $ 1.96 billion in 2021, up from $ 247 million in 2016. The growth in popularity of mobile learning platforms among students has led to this expansion.

        Mobile learning platforms are expected to play a significant role in the growth of the online education market in India. A report by a consultancy company projected that the online education market in India would reach $ 1.96 billion by 2021. Educational apps have seen tremendous success by offering interactive video lessons, quizzes, and personalized learning plans to help students succeed academically.

        Personalized learning, tailoring teaching and learning to students’ needs, is also an important trend in the Indian education sector. In addition to technology, the Indian education sector has also witnessed the emergence of new pedagogical approaches such as experiential learning, project-based learning, and collaborative learning. These approaches focus on providing students with hands-on, practical learning experiences that prepare them for the real world.

        With the continued adoption of these technologies and approaches, the future of education in India looks bright, offering students new opportunities to learn and grow.

Internet: <> (adapted).

Based on the preceding text, judge the following item.

The word “With” (last sentence of the text) is classified as a conjunction, and conjunctions are terms that modify verbs by providing information about the action that is taking place.

Q2490715 Pedagogia

Com base no Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente e na Lei Brasileira de Inclusão, julgue o próximo item. 

O cordão de fita com desenhos de girassóis, símbolo nacional de identificação de pessoas com deficiências ocultas, de uso opcional, substitui o documento comprobatório da deficiência em todas as instâncias. 

81: C
82: E
83: C
84: C
85: E
86: C
87: E
88: E
89: C
90: C
91: E
92: C
93: C
94: C
95: E
96: E
97: C
98: E
99: E
100: E