Questões de Concurso Comentadas para professor - inglês

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Q2410920 Inglês

Mark the alternative that correctly fills in the blank.

______________ are linguistic mechanisms that allow a logical-semantic connection between parts of a text. The connection and harmony that enable the binding of ideas within a text is made with the use of conjunctions, prepositions, adverbs or adverbial phrases.

Q2410919 Pedagogia

Julgue as sentenças abaixo como VERDADEIRAS ou FALSAS:

1.(__)O processo de alfabetização se inicia antes mesmo de a criança entrar na escola.

2.(__)O ensino e a aprendizagem da leitura e escrita na escola não precisam se restringir as atividades padrões próprias das aulas expositivas, mas podem envolver situações cotidianas como, por exemplo, incentivar a criança a escrever e/ou ler uma receita de bolo.

3.(__)O desenvolvimento da escrita acontece necessariamente antes da aquisição das habilidades de leitura.

Após análise, assinale a alternativa que apresenta a sequência CORRETA dos itens acima, de cima para baixo:

Q2410918 Inglês

Mark the alternative that does NOT have words that have the same sound in the pronunciation.

Q2410917 Pedagogia

De acordo com a Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC), o ensino e aprendizagem de Língua Inglesa coopera para a ampliação da visão de _____________, ou melhor, dos _____________. Isso porque conhecer a Língua Inglesa potencializa as possibilidades de participação e circulação - que aproximam e entrelaçam diferentes semioses e linguagens (verbal, visual, corporal, audiovisual).

Marque a alternativa que preenche corretamente as lacunas acima:

Q2410916 Pedagogia

A Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC) para o componente Língua Inglesa é orientada a partir de eixos organizadores. No caso do eixo Conhecimentos linguísticos, este:

Q2410915 Inglês

O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder às questões de 1 a 4.

TAKING THE CRISP Fury as Walkers cuts two bags from multipacks but keeps price the SAME

(1º§) Its variety pack has shrunk from 24 to 22 bags but still costs £3.50.

(2º§) The older version contained six salt and vinegar packs, six cheese and onion, six ready salted and six prawn cocktail.

(3º§) Missing from the 22-size bags are one salt and vinegar and one prawn cocktail.

(4º§) However, other snack makers are also being skimpy, a Sun investigation has found.

(5º§) Multipacks of Smiths' Frazzles and Chipsticks have shrunk from eight to six but remain about £1. And packs of KP's Space Raiders have also gone from eight to six while keeping their £1 price.

(6º§) KP has made each bag 1.2g heavier, but the total multipack is more than 16g down. And £1 Roysters T-bone steak-flavoured bubble chips now come in packs of five rather than six.

(7º§) Experts warned families to watch out for the sneaky and widespread shrinkflation.

(8º§) MoneySavingExpert's Oli Townsend said: "When products get smaller but prices stay the same, shoppers rightly feel short-changed.

(9º§) "If your favourite brand has got smaller but the price hasn't, consider 'downshifting' by dropping one brand level from your usual choice - if you can't tell the difference, stick with the cheaper one."

(10º§) Walkers, Smiths and KP Snacks did not comment.

Acesso em: 16317541/walkers-cuts-two-bags-price-same/

According to the text, what was the attitude of the companies involved towards the complaint?

Q2410914 Inglês

O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder às questões de 1 a 4.

TAKING THE CRISP Fury as Walkers cuts two bags from multipacks but keeps price the SAME

(1º§) Its variety pack has shrunk from 24 to 22 bags but still costs £3.50.

(2º§) The older version contained six salt and vinegar packs, six cheese and onion, six ready salted and six prawn cocktail.

(3º§) Missing from the 22-size bags are one salt and vinegar and one prawn cocktail.

(4º§) However, other snack makers are also being skimpy, a Sun investigation has found.

(5º§) Multipacks of Smiths' Frazzles and Chipsticks have shrunk from eight to six but remain about £1. And packs of KP's Space Raiders have also gone from eight to six while keeping their £1 price.

(6º§) KP has made each bag 1.2g heavier, but the total multipack is more than 16g down. And £1 Roysters T-bone steak-flavoured bubble chips now come in packs of five rather than six.

(7º§) Experts warned families to watch out for the sneaky and widespread shrinkflation.

(8º§) MoneySavingExpert's Oli Townsend said: "When products get smaller but prices stay the same, shoppers rightly feel short-changed.

(9º§) "If your favourite brand has got smaller but the price hasn't, consider 'downshifting' by dropping one brand level from your usual choice - if you can't tell the difference, stick with the cheaper one."

(10º§) Walkers, Smiths and KP Snacks did not comment.

Acesso em: 16317541/walkers-cuts-two-bags-price-same/

"Its variety pack has shrunk from 24 to 22 bags but still costs £3.50." (1º§). The word shrunk could be translated as:

Q2410913 Inglês

O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder às questões de 1 a 4.

TAKING THE CRISP Fury as Walkers cuts two bags from multipacks but keeps price the SAME

(1º§) Its variety pack has shrunk from 24 to 22 bags but still costs £3.50.

(2º§) The older version contained six salt and vinegar packs, six cheese and onion, six ready salted and six prawn cocktail.

(3º§) Missing from the 22-size bags are one salt and vinegar and one prawn cocktail.

(4º§) However, other snack makers are also being skimpy, a Sun investigation has found.

(5º§) Multipacks of Smiths' Frazzles and Chipsticks have shrunk from eight to six but remain about £1. And packs of KP's Space Raiders have also gone from eight to six while keeping their £1 price.

(6º§) KP has made each bag 1.2g heavier, but the total multipack is more than 16g down. And £1 Roysters T-bone steak-flavoured bubble chips now come in packs of five rather than six.

(7º§) Experts warned families to watch out for the sneaky and widespread shrinkflation.

(8º§) MoneySavingExpert's Oli Townsend said: "When products get smaller but prices stay the same, shoppers rightly feel short-changed.

(9º§) "If your favourite brand has got smaller but the price hasn't, consider 'downshifting' by dropping one brand level from your usual choice - if you can't tell the difference, stick with the cheaper one."

(10º§) Walkers, Smiths and KP Snacks did not comment.

Acesso em: 16317541/walkers-cuts-two-bags-price-same/

Consider the following assertives:

I The word "prawn" (2º§) could be translated as "camarão".

II The word "if" (9º§) can be an adverb.

III. The word "multipack" (6º§) could be replaced by "wrinkle".

Which one(s) is(are) CORRECT?

Q2410912 Inglês

O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder às questões de 1 a 4.

TAKING THE CRISP Fury as Walkers cuts two bags from multipacks but keeps price the SAME

(1º§) Its variety pack has shrunk from 24 to 22 bags but still costs £3.50.

(2º§) The older version contained six salt and vinegar packs, six cheese and onion, six ready salted and six prawn cocktail.

(3º§) Missing from the 22-size bags are one salt and vinegar and one prawn cocktail.

(4º§) However, other snack makers are also being skimpy, a Sun investigation has found.

(5º§) Multipacks of Smiths' Frazzles and Chipsticks have shrunk from eight to six but remain about £1. And packs of KP's Space Raiders have also gone from eight to six while keeping their £1 price.

(6º§) KP has made each bag 1.2g heavier, but the total multipack is more than 16g down. And £1 Roysters T-bone steak-flavoured bubble chips now come in packs of five rather than six.

(7º§) Experts warned families to watch out for the sneaky and widespread shrinkflation.

(8º§) MoneySavingExpert's Oli Townsend said: "When products get smaller but prices stay the same, shoppers rightly feel short-changed.

(9º§) "If your favourite brand has got smaller but the price hasn't, consider 'downshifting' by dropping one brand level from your usual choice - if you can't tell the difference, stick with the cheaper one."

(10º§) Walkers, Smiths and KP Snacks did not comment.

Acesso em: 16317541/walkers-cuts-two-bags-price-same/

According to the text, who launched the investigation?

Q2410671 Inglês

Acerca do ensino da língua estrangeira e sua relação com outras culturas, marque a alternativa INCORRETA:

Q2410670 Inglês

Acerca da produção textual em inglês, julgue as frases abaixo.

I.Ensinar a escrever não é o mesmo que ensinar gramática.

II.A dimensão social da escrita deve ser enfatizada pelo professor.

III.É importante que o estudante seja exposto a diversos gêneros discursivos, sobretudo, aqueles que mais usa.

IV.Não existe uma fase anterior à produção do texto em si que precisa ser abordada, pois só se aprende a escrever escrevendo.

Está (ão) CORRETA (S) a (s) seguinte (s) proposição (ões).

Q2410669 Pedagogia

De acordo com Luiz Carlos Cagliari, a leitura é uma extensão da escola para a vida das pessoas. Para esse educador:

Q2410668 Pedagogia

De acordo com a Base Nacional Comum Curricular, são eixos propostos para o componente Língua Inglesa, EXCETO:

Q2410667 Inglês

Complete the sentences with the CORRECT words.

I.The children spoke ___ at school.

II.My teacher is pleased when I do the ___ thing.

III.I have to climb the ___ to go to bed.

IV.I am going to shop to buy ___ new clothes.

Q2410666 Pedagogia

Escreva V ou F conforme seja verdadeiro ou falso, o que se afirma nos itens abaixo sobre processos de ensino-aprendizagem.

1.(__)Segundo Paulo Freire, a função precípua do professor é de mediador do processo de conhecimento.

2.(__)O construtivismo é uma metodologia de ensino cuja ideia central é a de que o conhecimento é construído, não adquirido.

3.(__)Devemos considerar que o aluno só aprende aquilo que o interessa, bem como aquilo que o professor ensina.

A sequência CORRETA é:

Q2410665 Inglês

Paronyms are words similar in sound form and spelling but having some differences in them and different meanings. Homonyms are the words different in meaning and either identical both in sound and spelling or identical only in spelling or sound.

Mark the alternative that doesn't present a paronym example:

Q2410664 Pedagogia

Relacione a coluna 1 com a coluna 2.

Coluna 1

(1)Avaliação formativa.

(2)Avaliação conservadora.

(3)Avaliação diagnóstica.

Coluna 2

(__)É contínua e tem a função de acompanhar o aluno durante todo o período letivo.

(__)Serve como instrumento de identificação de novos rumos.

(__)O professor supervaloriza o instrumento formal.

Após análise, assinale a alternativa que apresenta a sequência CORRETA.

Q2410663 Inglês


O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder às questões de 04 a 06.

(1º§) Children are turning their backs on sugary drinks, with the numbers drinking them falling by a third over the past nine years, a survey suggests.

(2º§) About half of children do not drink them - and those that do are drinking fewer than children in 2008-09 did. The shift has contributed to an overall reduction in sugar consumption.

(3º§) However, all age groups still consumed above the recommended levels, according to the nine-year analysis of the UK National Diet and Nutrition Survey.

(4º§) But on other measures, diet has not improved, the report, from the Food Standards Agency and Public Health England, said.

(5º§) Fruit and vegetable consumption remains largely unchanged and is still under the recommended five-a-day level. Fibre intake has fallen slightly, while vitamin and mineral consumption is down. And there has been little change in oily fish intake.

(6º§) Emer Delaney, of the British Dietetic Association, said she was pleased with the progress that has been made.

(7º§) She said the reduction in sugary drinks consumption was "important", adding: "It shows change can be made - and it is happening slowly, but surely."

(8º§) But she conceded more needed to be done to get people to increase fruit and vegetable consumption.

(9º§) "Frozen and tinned fruit and vegetables are just as good - we need to encourage people to use them as well as fresh products."

What about fruit and vegetables?

(10º§) The five-a-day message has been around for a long-time - the government campaign was launched in 2003. But it seems to be having little impact.

(11º§) Over the nine years there has been hardly any change in the amount people consume. Adults under 65 are eating around four portions a day on average. Older adults and children even less.

(12º§) The five-a-day campaign is based on advice from the World Health Organization, which recommends eating a minimum of 400g of fruit and vegetables a day to lower the risk of serious health problems, such as heart disease, stroke and some types of cancer.

(13º§) Five-a-day was chosen because it was viewed as realistic. Research has suggested that to get maximum benefit people should be eating twice that amount. Apples and pears, citrus fruits, salads and green leafy vegetables and vegetables, such as broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower were found to be best.

Source (adapted):

Based on text, the sentence "Fibre intake has fallen slightly" (5º§) could be translated as:

Q2410662 Inglês


O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder às questões de 04 a 06.

(1º§) Children are turning their backs on sugary drinks, with the numbers drinking them falling by a third over the past nine years, a survey suggests.

(2º§) About half of children do not drink them - and those that do are drinking fewer than children in 2008-09 did. The shift has contributed to an overall reduction in sugar consumption.

(3º§) However, all age groups still consumed above the recommended levels, according to the nine-year analysis of the UK National Diet and Nutrition Survey.

(4º§) But on other measures, diet has not improved, the report, from the Food Standards Agency and Public Health England, said.

(5º§) Fruit and vegetable consumption remains largely unchanged and is still under the recommended five-a-day level. Fibre intake has fallen slightly, while vitamin and mineral consumption is down. And there has been little change in oily fish intake.

(6º§) Emer Delaney, of the British Dietetic Association, said she was pleased with the progress that has been made.

(7º§) She said the reduction in sugary drinks consumption was "important", adding: "It shows change can be made - and it is happening slowly, but surely."

(8º§) But she conceded more needed to be done to get people to increase fruit and vegetable consumption.

(9º§) "Frozen and tinned fruit and vegetables are just as good - we need to encourage people to use them as well as fresh products."

What about fruit and vegetables?

(10º§) The five-a-day message has been around for a long-time - the government campaign was launched in 2003. But it seems to be having little impact.

(11º§) Over the nine years there has been hardly any change in the amount people consume. Adults under 65 are eating around four portions a day on average. Older adults and children even less.

(12º§) The five-a-day campaign is based on advice from the World Health Organization, which recommends eating a minimum of 400g of fruit and vegetables a day to lower the risk of serious health problems, such as heart disease, stroke and some types of cancer.

(13º§) Five-a-day was chosen because it was viewed as realistic. Research has suggested that to get maximum benefit people should be eating twice that amount. Apples and pears, citrus fruits, salads and green leafy vegetables and vegetables, such as broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower were found to be best.

Source (adapted):

According to the text, why five-a-day period was chosen by the government campaign?

Q2410661 Inglês


O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder às questões de 04 a 06.

(1º§) Children are turning their backs on sugary drinks, with the numbers drinking them falling by a third over the past nine years, a survey suggests.

(2º§) About half of children do not drink them - and those that do are drinking fewer than children in 2008-09 did. The shift has contributed to an overall reduction in sugar consumption.

(3º§) However, all age groups still consumed above the recommended levels, according to the nine-year analysis of the UK National Diet and Nutrition Survey.

(4º§) But on other measures, diet has not improved, the report, from the Food Standards Agency and Public Health England, said.

(5º§) Fruit and vegetable consumption remains largely unchanged and is still under the recommended five-a-day level. Fibre intake has fallen slightly, while vitamin and mineral consumption is down. And there has been little change in oily fish intake.

(6º§) Emer Delaney, of the British Dietetic Association, said she was pleased with the progress that has been made.

(7º§) She said the reduction in sugary drinks consumption was "important", adding: "It shows change can be made - and it is happening slowly, but surely."

(8º§) But she conceded more needed to be done to get people to increase fruit and vegetable consumption.

(9º§) "Frozen and tinned fruit and vegetables are just as good - we need to encourage people to use them as well as fresh products."

What about fruit and vegetables?

(10º§) The five-a-day message has been around for a long-time - the government campaign was launched in 2003. But it seems to be having little impact.

(11º§) Over the nine years there has been hardly any change in the amount people consume. Adults under 65 are eating around four portions a day on average. Older adults and children even less.

(12º§) The five-a-day campaign is based on advice from the World Health Organization, which recommends eating a minimum of 400g of fruit and vegetables a day to lower the risk of serious health problems, such as heart disease, stroke and some types of cancer.

(13º§) Five-a-day was chosen because it was viewed as realistic. Research has suggested that to get maximum benefit people should be eating twice that amount. Apples and pears, citrus fruits, salads and green leafy vegetables and vegetables, such as broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower were found to be best.

Source (adapted):

Based on text, analyze the following sentences and check True (T) or False (F).

1.(__)Over the last nine years, children are drinking less sugary drinks and consuming more vitamins and minerals.

2.(__)The five-a-day message has impacted children over the last nine years. So, because of that, they are eating less fruit and vegetables.

3.(__)The five-a-day campaign recommended to eat every day five portions of fruit and vegetables as part of a healthy diet.

Choose the alternative with the CORRECT sequence:

2501: C
2502: B
2503: D
2504: B
2505: A
2506: C
2507: C
2508: C
2509: A
2510: D
2511: A
2512: B
2513: B
2514: C
2515: B
2516: C
2517: C
2518: A
2519: A
2520: B