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Q2346517 Inglês
Choose the correct answer:
Q2346516 Inglês
Based on the following excerpt from Charlotte's Web by E.B. White:

'Wilbur was lonely. The sheep were asleep. His stomach was empty.'
What is the correct form of the verb 'to be' used in these sentences and why? 
Q2346515 Inglês
How would you use the verb 'to be' to ask a question about Harry's profession?
Q2345011 Inglês
Imagem associada para resolução da questão

The Internet has changed people lives, speech styles, jobs, communication, and education. Modern cell phones, digital cameras, and other new devices have affected the way we use language. People communicate with each other through electronic mail, instant messaging, and texts. They might “chat” in different virtual rooms, join interesting online groups, comment on news websites, and write in blogs and “wikis.” These practices construct new forms of “discourse, identity, authorship, and language” (Kern, 2006, p.183). The English language is widely used on the Internet and is considered to be the most common Internet language. English language has many new expressions and abbreviations that appear on the Internet. These Internet expressions have grown in popularity. People use several terms to describe them, such as texting language, textese, Internet language, digital language, and chatting language. Such expressions build up a new variety of English that is very common among Internet users, bloggers, chatters, gamers, and teenagers in general. It is considered an informal written language, much like slang, which is an informal spoken variety of the language. This paper uses the term “texting language” (TL) to mean all these kinds of messages, expressions, and abbreviations.

If you like to share your opinion in comment threads or chat rooms politely, you should use the abbreviation 
Q2345010 Inglês
Identity is intrinsically embedded in the social hierarchy of our postmodern world particularly since technological globalization has facilitated contact between people, cultures, and languages, thus shortening distances, removing boundaries, and fueling the notion of the world as a global village (Bauman, 1999). Social relations have indeed become more complex as identities tend to be less coherent and stable entities. This is to say that the more diverse and complex human encounters and relationships are, the more multifaceted and plural the roles they assume in individual and in social practices will be. Yet identities may be the product of social, cultural, or institution instantiation (Weedon,2004) and subjectivities are constituted by the discourses generated by institutional, social, and cultural practices within historical contexts. Identities are always relational and negotiable (Norton, 2000). Language, seen as more than a linguistic system of signs with regularities and applicability, is a social practice that engages subjects into meaningful exchanges where identities are negotiated and constructed. When social practice is seen in relation to language use and education, particularly in the case of foreign language teachers, their lived experiences, beliefs, and knowledge help them build their identity transforming their practices. Identity “reflects the social, historical and political context of an individual’s lived experiences” (Hall, 2002, p. 31); it is not a sole identity, but identities, related to different traditional demographic categories such as ethnicity, race, nationality, migration, gender, social class, and language.

For the foreign language teachers,  
Q2345009 Inglês

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

Reading the cartoon, we infer that 

Q2345008 Inglês
From a more pedagogical standpoint, suggestions have been made to use certain activities for activating readers’ existing schema or at least providing learners with crucial information about the topic they will be reading (Ajideh, 2003; Brown, 2001; Chastain, 1988; Chen & Graves, 1995; Grabe, 1991). The use of reading activities can promote strategic reading behaviors by students at pre-, while-, and postreading (Alyousef, 2006; Ur, 1996) stages. In turn, reading activities can promote interpretation of the text through the interaction between the reader and the text (Wallace, 1992) and thus play a vital role in schema activation in order to comprehend and interpret the text better (Chen & Graves, 1995; Grabe & Stoller, 2002). Despite the fairly well-documented impact of background knowledge on reading comprehension and a host of activities suggested, it still remains to be explored whether, or to what extent, the lack of cultural knowledge can be compensated through the use of reading activities. Erten and Karakaş (2007) noted that our knowledge on the value of these activities mainly stems from pedagogical recommendations or personal experiences and often lacks scientific scrutiny. Only a handful of studies have investigated which is more effective, using a particular activity on the same text (e.g., Karakaş, 2005) or making use of different activities on the same text with different groups of students (e.g., Chen & Graves, 1995; Erten & Karakaş, 2007; Shen, 2004).
Erten & Razı: The effects of cultural familiarity on reading comprehension

Regarding the suggestions for reading activities that require the student to use Skimming, rate T for true sentences and F for false sentences:

(  ) Prepare a text for a treasure hunt, which must be enigmatic so that students highlight the key words and find clues to the treasure.
(  ) Distribute short texts in English, with vocabulary already known to the students, and ask them to read for a few minutes. Afterwards, ask each student to tell you what their perception of the text was.
(  ) Write short advertising texts and ask students to read and guess what type of advertising it is.
(  ) Distribute texts in English of different genres to students, ask them to read them quickly and answer what the text is about. 
Q2345007 Inglês
According to Block (1992), there is now no more debate on "whether reading is a bottom-up, languagebased process or a top-down, knowledge-based process." It is also no more problematic to accept the influence of background knowledge on both L1 and L2 readers. Research has gone even further to define the control readers execute on their ability to understand a text.

This control, Block (1992) has referred to as 
Q2344904 Inglês
Read Text IV and answer the question that follow it 

Text IV

Teaching Reading Strategies

No matter what we are reading there are effective reading strategies we call on in order to make meaning from the text. Many of these strategies can be taught with comics and graphic novels. The ones highlighted below are particularly important when reading graphic texts.

Drawing Inferences

In comics and graphic novels, perhaps more than any other text, readers must build understanding by filling in gaps. A whole world of information is left in the gutter between the panels. The comic artist expects the reader to infer the action that takes place off the page. The more complex and sophisticated the comic, the more important this strategy becomes. If the reader is not making inferences, he is lost. Understanding this strategy and using it effectively will help students read ’between the lines’ in more traditional print narratives.


Students who struggle with reading may not understand what should be going on in the reader’s imagination during reading. With comics and other visual texts, the images are there for the reader. Through comics students can be taught how to create their own mental images when reading more traditional texts.

It is important that students understand the visual cues that are provided in the text. Although the words and images work together to tell the story, comics are primarily visual narratives. Therefore readers must draw on and integrate some important background knowledge and understandings about visual texts, comic elements and narrative structures in order to make meaning. The more knowledge readers have about the way visual texts work, the more successful they are likely to be.

Adapted from
The pronoun in “The ones highlighted” (1st paragraph) refers to: 
Q2344903 Inglês
Read Text IV and answer the question that follow it 

Text IV

Teaching Reading Strategies

No matter what we are reading there are effective reading strategies we call on in order to make meaning from the text. Many of these strategies can be taught with comics and graphic novels. The ones highlighted below are particularly important when reading graphic texts.

Drawing Inferences

In comics and graphic novels, perhaps more than any other text, readers must build understanding by filling in gaps. A whole world of information is left in the gutter between the panels. The comic artist expects the reader to infer the action that takes place off the page. The more complex and sophisticated the comic, the more important this strategy becomes. If the reader is not making inferences, he is lost. Understanding this strategy and using it effectively will help students read ’between the lines’ in more traditional print narratives.


Students who struggle with reading may not understand what should be going on in the reader’s imagination during reading. With comics and other visual texts, the images are there for the reader. Through comics students can be taught how to create their own mental images when reading more traditional texts.

It is important that students understand the visual cues that are provided in the text. Although the words and images work together to tell the story, comics are primarily visual narratives. Therefore readers must draw on and integrate some important background knowledge and understandings about visual texts, comic elements and narrative structures in order to make meaning. The more knowledge readers have about the way visual texts work, the more successful they are likely to be.

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“No matter” in “No matter what we are reading” can be replaced without change in meaning by: 
Q2344902 Inglês
Read Text IV and answer the question that follow it 

Text IV

Teaching Reading Strategies

No matter what we are reading there are effective reading strategies we call on in order to make meaning from the text. Many of these strategies can be taught with comics and graphic novels. The ones highlighted below are particularly important when reading graphic texts.

Drawing Inferences

In comics and graphic novels, perhaps more than any other text, readers must build understanding by filling in gaps. A whole world of information is left in the gutter between the panels. The comic artist expects the reader to infer the action that takes place off the page. The more complex and sophisticated the comic, the more important this strategy becomes. If the reader is not making inferences, he is lost. Understanding this strategy and using it effectively will help students read ’between the lines’ in more traditional print narratives.


Students who struggle with reading may not understand what should be going on in the reader’s imagination during reading. With comics and other visual texts, the images are there for the reader. Through comics students can be taught how to create their own mental images when reading more traditional texts.

It is important that students understand the visual cues that are provided in the text. Although the words and images work together to tell the story, comics are primarily visual narratives. Therefore readers must draw on and integrate some important background knowledge and understandings about visual texts, comic elements and narrative structures in order to make meaning. The more knowledge readers have about the way visual texts work, the more successful they are likely to be.

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Based on the text, mark the statements below as TRUE (T) or FALSE (F).

( ) This text aims at helping teachers improve their practice.
( ) When reading comics, one should read only the words written on the page.
( ) Visual cues are irrelevant when teaching reading to students.

The statements are, respectively: 
Q2344890 Inglês
Read Text I and answer the question that follow it: 

Text I

Multimodality in the English language classroom:
A systematic review of literature

    Literacy in the 21st century is now no longer regarded simply as the ability to use a language competently in a mono-cultural setting. Literacy today involves students knowing how to navigate across an increasingly complex communication landscape and to negotiate a range of contexts and patterns of intercultural meanings as well as the prevalence of multimodal texts.

    Contemporary communication environment is characterised by multimodal meaning-making, that is the “multiplicities of media and modes”, as well as “increasing local diversity and global connectedness” (New London Group, 1996, p. 62) which necessitates a shift in the pedagogical approaches that are adopted by teachers. This is especially so in the digital age where a sole focus on language in literacy is no longer sufficient for the new workplace given that a revised sense of ‘competence’ is required. The recognition of social diversity also demands pedagogical approaches that engage with the transcultural and multicultural classroom. Issues of the day such as fake news and social justice concerns also need to be addressed in the literacy classroom.

    Multimodality focuses on understanding how semiotic resources (visual, gestural, spatial, linguistic, and others) work and are organised. Multimodality in education adopts an expanded view of literacy to include the range of multimodal communicative practices which young people are involved in today's digital age. Multimodal pedagogies refer to the ways in which the teacher can design learning experiences using a range of multimodal resources. It involves teachers making design choices in the ways in which the curriculum content is expressed, arranged, and sequenced multimodally. Multimodal pedagogies also involve designing opportunities for students to explore and perform ideas and identities using a range of meaning-making resources. The teaching and learning activities often involve drawing from the students’ funds of knowledge and their lifeworld. With multimodal pedagogies, teachers orchestrate the learning process by weaving together a series of knowledge representations into a cohesive tapestry and in so doing make apt selection of meaning-making resources to design the students’ learning experience.

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The sentence that presents the verb form in the passive voice is: 
Q2344889 Inglês
Read Text I and answer the question that follow it: 

Text I

Multimodality in the English language classroom:
A systematic review of literature

    Literacy in the 21st century is now no longer regarded simply as the ability to use a language competently in a mono-cultural setting. Literacy today involves students knowing how to navigate across an increasingly complex communication landscape and to negotiate a range of contexts and patterns of intercultural meanings as well as the prevalence of multimodal texts.

    Contemporary communication environment is characterised by multimodal meaning-making, that is the “multiplicities of media and modes”, as well as “increasing local diversity and global connectedness” (New London Group, 1996, p. 62) which necessitates a shift in the pedagogical approaches that are adopted by teachers. This is especially so in the digital age where a sole focus on language in literacy is no longer sufficient for the new workplace given that a revised sense of ‘competence’ is required. The recognition of social diversity also demands pedagogical approaches that engage with the transcultural and multicultural classroom. Issues of the day such as fake news and social justice concerns also need to be addressed in the literacy classroom.

    Multimodality focuses on understanding how semiotic resources (visual, gestural, spatial, linguistic, and others) work and are organised. Multimodality in education adopts an expanded view of literacy to include the range of multimodal communicative practices which young people are involved in today's digital age. Multimodal pedagogies refer to the ways in which the teacher can design learning experiences using a range of multimodal resources. It involves teachers making design choices in the ways in which the curriculum content is expressed, arranged, and sequenced multimodally. Multimodal pedagogies also involve designing opportunities for students to explore and perform ideas and identities using a range of meaning-making resources. The teaching and learning activities often involve drawing from the students’ funds of knowledge and their lifeworld. With multimodal pedagogies, teachers orchestrate the learning process by weaving together a series of knowledge representations into a cohesive tapestry and in so doing make apt selection of meaning-making resources to design the students’ learning experience.

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The figure of speech that the excerpt “by weaving together a series of knowledge representations into a cohesive tapestry” (3rd paragraph) offers is a(n): 
Q2344888 Inglês
Read Text I and answer the question that follow it: 

Text I

Multimodality in the English language classroom:
A systematic review of literature

    Literacy in the 21st century is now no longer regarded simply as the ability to use a language competently in a mono-cultural setting. Literacy today involves students knowing how to navigate across an increasingly complex communication landscape and to negotiate a range of contexts and patterns of intercultural meanings as well as the prevalence of multimodal texts.

    Contemporary communication environment is characterised by multimodal meaning-making, that is the “multiplicities of media and modes”, as well as “increasing local diversity and global connectedness” (New London Group, 1996, p. 62) which necessitates a shift in the pedagogical approaches that are adopted by teachers. This is especially so in the digital age where a sole focus on language in literacy is no longer sufficient for the new workplace given that a revised sense of ‘competence’ is required. The recognition of social diversity also demands pedagogical approaches that engage with the transcultural and multicultural classroom. Issues of the day such as fake news and social justice concerns also need to be addressed in the literacy classroom.

    Multimodality focuses on understanding how semiotic resources (visual, gestural, spatial, linguistic, and others) work and are organised. Multimodality in education adopts an expanded view of literacy to include the range of multimodal communicative practices which young people are involved in today's digital age. Multimodal pedagogies refer to the ways in which the teacher can design learning experiences using a range of multimodal resources. It involves teachers making design choices in the ways in which the curriculum content is expressed, arranged, and sequenced multimodally. Multimodal pedagogies also involve designing opportunities for students to explore and perform ideas and identities using a range of meaning-making resources. The teaching and learning activities often involve drawing from the students’ funds of knowledge and their lifeworld. With multimodal pedagogies, teachers orchestrate the learning process by weaving together a series of knowledge representations into a cohesive tapestry and in so doing make apt selection of meaning-making resources to design the students’ learning experience.

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The opposite of the adverb in “The teaching and learning activities often involve” (3rd paragraph) is: 
Q2344887 Inglês
Read Text I and answer the question that follow it: 

Text I

Multimodality in the English language classroom:
A systematic review of literature

    Literacy in the 21st century is now no longer regarded simply as the ability to use a language competently in a mono-cultural setting. Literacy today involves students knowing how to navigate across an increasingly complex communication landscape and to negotiate a range of contexts and patterns of intercultural meanings as well as the prevalence of multimodal texts.

    Contemporary communication environment is characterised by multimodal meaning-making, that is the “multiplicities of media and modes”, as well as “increasing local diversity and global connectedness” (New London Group, 1996, p. 62) which necessitates a shift in the pedagogical approaches that are adopted by teachers. This is especially so in the digital age where a sole focus on language in literacy is no longer sufficient for the new workplace given that a revised sense of ‘competence’ is required. The recognition of social diversity also demands pedagogical approaches that engage with the transcultural and multicultural classroom. Issues of the day such as fake news and social justice concerns also need to be addressed in the literacy classroom.

    Multimodality focuses on understanding how semiotic resources (visual, gestural, spatial, linguistic, and others) work and are organised. Multimodality in education adopts an expanded view of literacy to include the range of multimodal communicative practices which young people are involved in today's digital age. Multimodal pedagogies refer to the ways in which the teacher can design learning experiences using a range of multimodal resources. It involves teachers making design choices in the ways in which the curriculum content is expressed, arranged, and sequenced multimodally. Multimodal pedagogies also involve designing opportunities for students to explore and perform ideas and identities using a range of meaning-making resources. The teaching and learning activities often involve drawing from the students’ funds of knowledge and their lifeworld. With multimodal pedagogies, teachers orchestrate the learning process by weaving together a series of knowledge representations into a cohesive tapestry and in so doing make apt selection of meaning-making resources to design the students’ learning experience.

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The modal verb in “The teacher can design learning experiences” (3rd paragraph) indicates:
Q2344886 Inglês
Read Text I and answer the question that follow it: 

Text I

Multimodality in the English language classroom:
A systematic review of literature

    Literacy in the 21st century is now no longer regarded simply as the ability to use a language competently in a mono-cultural setting. Literacy today involves students knowing how to navigate across an increasingly complex communication landscape and to negotiate a range of contexts and patterns of intercultural meanings as well as the prevalence of multimodal texts.

    Contemporary communication environment is characterised by multimodal meaning-making, that is the “multiplicities of media and modes”, as well as “increasing local diversity and global connectedness” (New London Group, 1996, p. 62) which necessitates a shift in the pedagogical approaches that are adopted by teachers. This is especially so in the digital age where a sole focus on language in literacy is no longer sufficient for the new workplace given that a revised sense of ‘competence’ is required. The recognition of social diversity also demands pedagogical approaches that engage with the transcultural and multicultural classroom. Issues of the day such as fake news and social justice concerns also need to be addressed in the literacy classroom.

    Multimodality focuses on understanding how semiotic resources (visual, gestural, spatial, linguistic, and others) work and are organised. Multimodality in education adopts an expanded view of literacy to include the range of multimodal communicative practices which young people are involved in today's digital age. Multimodal pedagogies refer to the ways in which the teacher can design learning experiences using a range of multimodal resources. It involves teachers making design choices in the ways in which the curriculum content is expressed, arranged, and sequenced multimodally. Multimodal pedagogies also involve designing opportunities for students to explore and perform ideas and identities using a range of meaning-making resources. The teaching and learning activities often involve drawing from the students’ funds of knowledge and their lifeworld. With multimodal pedagogies, teachers orchestrate the learning process by weaving together a series of knowledge representations into a cohesive tapestry and in so doing make apt selection of meaning-making resources to design the students’ learning experience.

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The adjective in “a sole focus on language in literacy (2nd paragraph) is similar in meaning to:
Q2344885 Inglês
Read Text I and answer the question that follow it: 

Text I

Multimodality in the English language classroom:
A systematic review of literature

    Literacy in the 21st century is now no longer regarded simply as the ability to use a language competently in a mono-cultural setting. Literacy today involves students knowing how to navigate across an increasingly complex communication landscape and to negotiate a range of contexts and patterns of intercultural meanings as well as the prevalence of multimodal texts.

    Contemporary communication environment is characterised by multimodal meaning-making, that is the “multiplicities of media and modes”, as well as “increasing local diversity and global connectedness” (New London Group, 1996, p. 62) which necessitates a shift in the pedagogical approaches that are adopted by teachers. This is especially so in the digital age where a sole focus on language in literacy is no longer sufficient for the new workplace given that a revised sense of ‘competence’ is required. The recognition of social diversity also demands pedagogical approaches that engage with the transcultural and multicultural classroom. Issues of the day such as fake news and social justice concerns also need to be addressed in the literacy classroom.

    Multimodality focuses on understanding how semiotic resources (visual, gestural, spatial, linguistic, and others) work and are organised. Multimodality in education adopts an expanded view of literacy to include the range of multimodal communicative practices which young people are involved in today's digital age. Multimodal pedagogies refer to the ways in which the teacher can design learning experiences using a range of multimodal resources. It involves teachers making design choices in the ways in which the curriculum content is expressed, arranged, and sequenced multimodally. Multimodal pedagogies also involve designing opportunities for students to explore and perform ideas and identities using a range of meaning-making resources. The teaching and learning activities often involve drawing from the students’ funds of knowledge and their lifeworld. With multimodal pedagogies, teachers orchestrate the learning process by weaving together a series of knowledge representations into a cohesive tapestry and in so doing make apt selection of meaning-making resources to design the students’ learning experience.

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The word “shift” in “shift in the pedagogical approaches” (2nd paragraph) implies a(n): 
Q2344884 Inglês
Read Text I and answer the question that follow it: 

Text I

Multimodality in the English language classroom:
A systematic review of literature

    Literacy in the 21st century is now no longer regarded simply as the ability to use a language competently in a mono-cultural setting. Literacy today involves students knowing how to navigate across an increasingly complex communication landscape and to negotiate a range of contexts and patterns of intercultural meanings as well as the prevalence of multimodal texts.

    Contemporary communication environment is characterised by multimodal meaning-making, that is the “multiplicities of media and modes”, as well as “increasing local diversity and global connectedness” (New London Group, 1996, p. 62) which necessitates a shift in the pedagogical approaches that are adopted by teachers. This is especially so in the digital age where a sole focus on language in literacy is no longer sufficient for the new workplace given that a revised sense of ‘competence’ is required. The recognition of social diversity also demands pedagogical approaches that engage with the transcultural and multicultural classroom. Issues of the day such as fake news and social justice concerns also need to be addressed in the literacy classroom.

    Multimodality focuses on understanding how semiotic resources (visual, gestural, spatial, linguistic, and others) work and are organised. Multimodality in education adopts an expanded view of literacy to include the range of multimodal communicative practices which young people are involved in today's digital age. Multimodal pedagogies refer to the ways in which the teacher can design learning experiences using a range of multimodal resources. It involves teachers making design choices in the ways in which the curriculum content is expressed, arranged, and sequenced multimodally. Multimodal pedagogies also involve designing opportunities for students to explore and perform ideas and identities using a range of meaning-making resources. The teaching and learning activities often involve drawing from the students’ funds of knowledge and their lifeworld. With multimodal pedagogies, teachers orchestrate the learning process by weaving together a series of knowledge representations into a cohesive tapestry and in so doing make apt selection of meaning-making resources to design the students’ learning experience.

Adapted from
In the excerpt “to negotiate a range of contexts and patterns of intercultural meanings as well as the prevalence of multimodal texts” (1st paragraph), “as well as” signals a(n): 
Q2344883 Inglês
Read Text I and answer the question that follow it: 

Text I

Multimodality in the English language classroom:
A systematic review of literature

    Literacy in the 21st century is now no longer regarded simply as the ability to use a language competently in a mono-cultural setting. Literacy today involves students knowing how to navigate across an increasingly complex communication landscape and to negotiate a range of contexts and patterns of intercultural meanings as well as the prevalence of multimodal texts.

    Contemporary communication environment is characterised by multimodal meaning-making, that is the “multiplicities of media and modes”, as well as “increasing local diversity and global connectedness” (New London Group, 1996, p. 62) which necessitates a shift in the pedagogical approaches that are adopted by teachers. This is especially so in the digital age where a sole focus on language in literacy is no longer sufficient for the new workplace given that a revised sense of ‘competence’ is required. The recognition of social diversity also demands pedagogical approaches that engage with the transcultural and multicultural classroom. Issues of the day such as fake news and social justice concerns also need to be addressed in the literacy classroom.

    Multimodality focuses on understanding how semiotic resources (visual, gestural, spatial, linguistic, and others) work and are organised. Multimodality in education adopts an expanded view of literacy to include the range of multimodal communicative practices which young people are involved in today's digital age. Multimodal pedagogies refer to the ways in which the teacher can design learning experiences using a range of multimodal resources. It involves teachers making design choices in the ways in which the curriculum content is expressed, arranged, and sequenced multimodally. Multimodal pedagogies also involve designing opportunities for students to explore and perform ideas and identities using a range of meaning-making resources. The teaching and learning activities often involve drawing from the students’ funds of knowledge and their lifeworld. With multimodal pedagogies, teachers orchestrate the learning process by weaving together a series of knowledge representations into a cohesive tapestry and in so doing make apt selection of meaning-making resources to design the students’ learning experience.

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Analyse the assertions below based on Text I:

I. The digital age has been demanding changes to curriculum content.
II. In a multimodal approach, teachers bear in mind students’ identities.
III. Teachers should prevent students from bringing world knowledge into the classroom.

Choose the correct answer:
Q2344882 Inglês
Read Text I and answer the question that follow it: 

Text I

Multimodality in the English language classroom:
A systematic review of literature

    Literacy in the 21st century is now no longer regarded simply as the ability to use a language competently in a mono-cultural setting. Literacy today involves students knowing how to navigate across an increasingly complex communication landscape and to negotiate a range of contexts and patterns of intercultural meanings as well as the prevalence of multimodal texts.

    Contemporary communication environment is characterised by multimodal meaning-making, that is the “multiplicities of media and modes”, as well as “increasing local diversity and global connectedness” (New London Group, 1996, p. 62) which necessitates a shift in the pedagogical approaches that are adopted by teachers. This is especially so in the digital age where a sole focus on language in literacy is no longer sufficient for the new workplace given that a revised sense of ‘competence’ is required. The recognition of social diversity also demands pedagogical approaches that engage with the transcultural and multicultural classroom. Issues of the day such as fake news and social justice concerns also need to be addressed in the literacy classroom.

    Multimodality focuses on understanding how semiotic resources (visual, gestural, spatial, linguistic, and others) work and are organised. Multimodality in education adopts an expanded view of literacy to include the range of multimodal communicative practices which young people are involved in today's digital age. Multimodal pedagogies refer to the ways in which the teacher can design learning experiences using a range of multimodal resources. It involves teachers making design choices in the ways in which the curriculum content is expressed, arranged, and sequenced multimodally. Multimodal pedagogies also involve designing opportunities for students to explore and perform ideas and identities using a range of meaning-making resources. The teaching and learning activities often involve drawing from the students’ funds of knowledge and their lifeworld. With multimodal pedagogies, teachers orchestrate the learning process by weaving together a series of knowledge representations into a cohesive tapestry and in so doing make apt selection of meaning-making resources to design the students’ learning experience.

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Based on Text I, mark the statements below as TRUE (T) or FALSE (F).

( ) The concept of literacy has become more complex over time.
( ) In today’s literacy classroom, the issue of fake news is to be avoided.
( ) Multimodal communicative practices aim at targets beyond language learning.

The statements are, respectively,
2981: C
2982: B
2983: E
2984: B
2985: C
2986: C
2987: D
2988: D
2989: E
2990: C
2991: B
2992: C
2993: C
2994: B
2995: D
2996: A
2997: B
2998: C
2999: D
3000: E