Questões de Concurso Comentadas para professor - inglês

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Q2254383 Pedagogia
Identifique abaixo as afirmativas verdadeiras ( V ) e as falsas ( F ) sobre o tema Língua Inglesa na BNCC.

( ) De acordo com o documento, a língua inglesa foi escolhida dentre as demais devido a sua relevância na comunicação global, sendo considerada uma língua franca, e está entre as mais faladas do mundo. ( ) A BNCC aponta que o processo de ensino- -aprendizagem da Língua Inglesa deve ocorrer diferente ao da Língua Portuguesa, ou seja, o aluno deve aprender o idioma por meio de práticas linguísticas específicas em sala de aula. ( ) O aprendizado da Língua Inglesa se torna opcional para o Ensino Fundamental 2, e obrigatório para o Ensino Médio. ( ) De acordo com o documento, cabe a cada escola buscar construir currículos que determinem de que forma a instituição pretende ensinar os estudantes a desenvolver e mobilizar recursos para solucionar impasses e desafios durante o processo ensino-aprendizagem.

Assinale a alternativa que indica a sequência correta, de cima para baixo.
Q2254382 Pedagogia

Relacione abaixo os tipos de metodologias ativas com suas respectivas características.

Coluna 1 Metodologias

1. Gamificação

2. Storytelling

3. Design thinking

4. Cultura maker

Coluna 2 Características

( ) Essa metodologia ativa de aprendizagem visa olhar para os problemas de novas maneiras, utilizando da lógica, imaginação e intuição, bem como materialização da solução por meio da prototipagem e testagem, pois coloca os envolvidos no centro do problema — e os obriga a “erguer as mangas” para encontrar soluções.

( ) Ele é um dos principais métodos de aprendizagem ativa utilizados hoje, tanto na educação acadêmica quanto na gestão da aprendizagem corporativa. É uma prática que estimula o ensino lúdico e o pensamento analítico, desenvolvendo habilidades antes inéditas na sala de aula.

( ) Esta metodologia ativa de aprendizagem, é baseada nos princípios do “do it yourself” ou “faça você mesmo“. Na prática, falamos da apresentação de problemas e recursos para resolvê-los. Assim, de maneira intuitiva, os alunos criam as soluções por si sós, utilizando os conhecimentos aprendidos em sala de aula.

( ) Ele é muito mais um recurso do que uma metodologia ativa de aprendizagem em si. Trata-se da elaboração de narrativas acerca dos temas estudados em sala de aula. É possível transmitir o conteúdo desejado em uma narrativa envolvente resultante de um enredo elaborado e da combinação entre palavras e recursos tecnológicos.

Assinale a alternativa que indica a sequência correta, de cima para baixo.

Q2254361 Pedagogia
Qual perspectiva de planejamento constitui uma proposta educacional que visa à articulação entre a pesquisa e o trabalho coletivo, em prol da aprendizagem, da autonomia do estudante e que parte da problematização de temas para que os conteúdos sejam trabalhados de forma crítica, reflexiva e democrática?
Q2254360 Pedagogia
Qual tendência pedagógica brasileira que defende que a função social e política da escola deve assegurar, por meio do trabalho com conhecimentos sistematizados, as condições para uma efetiva participação nas lutas sociais? 
Q2254359 Pedagogia
O conceito de situação social de desenvolvimento é apresentado como condição intrínseca à relação que as crianças estabelecem com seu o ambiente físico e social em seu desenvolvimento. O fim da situação social de desenvolvimento em dada idade é marcado por mudanças, cuja manifestação indica uma etapa do desenvolvimento e da formação da personalidade. Como categoria para compreender o desenvolvimento da criança, a situação social do desenvolvimento se projeta como importante para compreender as relações que ela cria com o meio escolar.

Qual dos autores abaixo apresenta em sua teoria de aprendizagem o conceito de situação social de desenvolvimento?
Q2254358 Pedagogia
De acordo com o texto da proposta Curricular de São José, se faz necessário aprofundar/avançar na concepção de avaliação do processo ensino-aprendizagem a partir de um feixe de categorias que reflitam o mais significativamente possível o trabalho educativo, a prática pedagógica como um processo vivo, forte, intenso, dialético, de mediação – interação – dialogicidade e que, entre outras, o caracterizem como:

1. Processual 2. Diagnóstico 3. Dinâmico 4. Participativo 5. Emancipatório.
Assinale a alternativa que indica todas as afirmativas corretas. 
Q2254356 Pedagogia
Consta no Currículo Básico da Educação Josefense que as Diretrizes Nacionais para a Educação em Direitos Humanos (DNEDH), aprovadas em 2012 pelo Conselho Nacional de Educação, são um instrumento orientador das atividades pedagógicas e têm por objetivo uma formação pautada nos princípios da dignidade da pessoa humana, na igualdade de direitos, no reconhecimento e valorização das diferenças e das diversidades, na laicidade do Estado, na democracia na educação, na transversalidade, na vivência e globalidade e, por fim:
Q2248478 Pedagogia

What life in medieval Europe was really like

      A time of innovation, philosophy, and legendary works of art: the realities of the medieval period (500 to 1500 C.E.) in Europe may surprise you. Many know the years before the Renaissance and _________________ that followed as Europe’s “Dark Ages,” a time of backward, slovenly, and brutal people who were technologically primitive and hopelessly superstitious.

     Sure, it would take until the 19th century for the germ theory of disease to overtake the concept of humors and “miasmas” that could damage human health. But the ___________ image of medieval people as slovenly, unwashed, and lacking hygiene is false. In fact, both indoor and outdoor bathing were beloved in Europe. People not only made and used soap at home, but they frequented bathhouses—some public, some private, some merely fronts for brothels.

      A myth persists that during the Middle Ages, the unenlightened believed Earth was flat and worried that ships might even fall off the planet’s edge. That’s patently false: People knew the planet was a sphere as far back as ancient Greece (12th to 9th centuries B.C.), and had relatively complex astronomical and planetary ______________ by the time Christopher Columbus made his voyage to the Americas in 1492.

      The so-called “Dark Ages” is a myth historians have spent years trying to disprove. The myth seems to stem from some authors’ use of “dark” to refer to everything from a 14th-century poet’s complaints about the quality of local literature to a 17th-century historian’s failed attempt to find historical sources from centuries earlier.

(Fonte: National Geographic — adaptado.)
Sobre os eixos organizadores propostos para o componente Língua Inglesa na Base Nacional Comum Curricular, analisar os itens abaixo:
I. “Oralidade” envolve as práticas de linguagem em situações de uso oral da língua inglesa.
II. “Leitura” aborda práticas de linguagem decorrentes da interação do leitor com o texto escrito, somente sob o foco da construção de significados.
III. Dimensão intercultural nasce da compreensão de que as culturas, especialmente na sociedade contemporânea, estão em contínuo processo de interação e (re)construção.

Está(ão) CORRETO(S):
Q2248477 Pedagogia

What life in medieval Europe was really like

      A time of innovation, philosophy, and legendary works of art: the realities of the medieval period (500 to 1500 C.E.) in Europe may surprise you. Many know the years before the Renaissance and _________________ that followed as Europe’s “Dark Ages,” a time of backward, slovenly, and brutal people who were technologically primitive and hopelessly superstitious.

     Sure, it would take until the 19th century for the germ theory of disease to overtake the concept of humors and “miasmas” that could damage human health. But the ___________ image of medieval people as slovenly, unwashed, and lacking hygiene is false. In fact, both indoor and outdoor bathing were beloved in Europe. People not only made and used soap at home, but they frequented bathhouses—some public, some private, some merely fronts for brothels.

      A myth persists that during the Middle Ages, the unenlightened believed Earth was flat and worried that ships might even fall off the planet’s edge. That’s patently false: People knew the planet was a sphere as far back as ancient Greece (12th to 9th centuries B.C.), and had relatively complex astronomical and planetary ______________ by the time Christopher Columbus made his voyage to the Americas in 1492.

      The so-called “Dark Ages” is a myth historians have spent years trying to disprove. The myth seems to stem from some authors’ use of “dark” to refer to everything from a 14th-century poet’s complaints about the quality of local literature to a 17th-century historian’s failed attempt to find historical sources from centuries earlier.

(Fonte: National Geographic — adaptado.)
Em relação à Base Nacional Comum Curricular e seus dispostos para o ensino de Língua Inglesa, assinalar a alternativa que preenche a lacuna abaixo CORRETAMENTE:
Em que pese as diferenças entre uma terminologia e outra, suas ênfases, pontos de contato e eventuais sobreposições, o tratamento dado ao componente na BNCC prioriza o foco da função social e política do inglês e, nesse sentido, passa a tratá-la em seu status de __________________.
Q2248476 Inglês

What life in medieval Europe was really like

      A time of innovation, philosophy, and legendary works of art: the realities of the medieval period (500 to 1500 C.E.) in Europe may surprise you. Many know the years before the Renaissance and _________________ that followed as Europe’s “Dark Ages,” a time of backward, slovenly, and brutal people who were technologically primitive and hopelessly superstitious.

     Sure, it would take until the 19th century for the germ theory of disease to overtake the concept of humors and “miasmas” that could damage human health. But the ___________ image of medieval people as slovenly, unwashed, and lacking hygiene is false. In fact, both indoor and outdoor bathing were beloved in Europe. People not only made and used soap at home, but they frequented bathhouses—some public, some private, some merely fronts for brothels.

      A myth persists that during the Middle Ages, the unenlightened believed Earth was flat and worried that ships might even fall off the planet’s edge. That’s patently false: People knew the planet was a sphere as far back as ancient Greece (12th to 9th centuries B.C.), and had relatively complex astronomical and planetary ______________ by the time Christopher Columbus made his voyage to the Americas in 1492.

      The so-called “Dark Ages” is a myth historians have spent years trying to disprove. The myth seems to stem from some authors’ use of “dark” to refer to everything from a 14th-century poet’s complaints about the quality of local literature to a 17th-century historian’s failed attempt to find historical sources from centuries earlier.

(Fonte: National Geographic — adaptado.)
Regarding countable and uncountable nouns, in relation to the underlined words, number the 2nd column according to the 1st column, then check the item that presents the CORRECT sequence:
(1) Countable. (2) Uncountable.
( ) The children are playing at the park. ( ) Hot water is always good for sore muscles. ( ) Our research is going to be groundbreaking, I bet. ( ) My heart is set on this, I can’t change it.
Q2248475 Inglês

What life in medieval Europe was really like

      A time of innovation, philosophy, and legendary works of art: the realities of the medieval period (500 to 1500 C.E.) in Europe may surprise you. Many know the years before the Renaissance and _________________ that followed as Europe’s “Dark Ages,” a time of backward, slovenly, and brutal people who were technologically primitive and hopelessly superstitious.

     Sure, it would take until the 19th century for the germ theory of disease to overtake the concept of humors and “miasmas” that could damage human health. But the ___________ image of medieval people as slovenly, unwashed, and lacking hygiene is false. In fact, both indoor and outdoor bathing were beloved in Europe. People not only made and used soap at home, but they frequented bathhouses—some public, some private, some merely fronts for brothels.

      A myth persists that during the Middle Ages, the unenlightened believed Earth was flat and worried that ships might even fall off the planet’s edge. That’s patently false: People knew the planet was a sphere as far back as ancient Greece (12th to 9th centuries B.C.), and had relatively complex astronomical and planetary ______________ by the time Christopher Columbus made his voyage to the Americas in 1492.

      The so-called “Dark Ages” is a myth historians have spent years trying to disprove. The myth seems to stem from some authors’ use of “dark” to refer to everything from a 14th-century poet’s complaints about the quality of local literature to a 17th-century historian’s failed attempt to find historical sources from centuries earlier.

(Fonte: National Geographic — adaptado.)
Concerning the parts of speech, the underlined word in “I prefer to read in the bedroom.” is classified as a/an: 
Q2248474 Inglês

What life in medieval Europe was really like

      A time of innovation, philosophy, and legendary works of art: the realities of the medieval period (500 to 1500 C.E.) in Europe may surprise you. Many know the years before the Renaissance and _________________ that followed as Europe’s “Dark Ages,” a time of backward, slovenly, and brutal people who were technologically primitive and hopelessly superstitious.

     Sure, it would take until the 19th century for the germ theory of disease to overtake the concept of humors and “miasmas” that could damage human health. But the ___________ image of medieval people as slovenly, unwashed, and lacking hygiene is false. In fact, both indoor and outdoor bathing were beloved in Europe. People not only made and used soap at home, but they frequented bathhouses—some public, some private, some merely fronts for brothels.

      A myth persists that during the Middle Ages, the unenlightened believed Earth was flat and worried that ships might even fall off the planet’s edge. That’s patently false: People knew the planet was a sphere as far back as ancient Greece (12th to 9th centuries B.C.), and had relatively complex astronomical and planetary ______________ by the time Christopher Columbus made his voyage to the Americas in 1492.

      The so-called “Dark Ages” is a myth historians have spent years trying to disprove. The myth seems to stem from some authors’ use of “dark” to refer to everything from a 14th-century poet’s complaints about the quality of local literature to a 17th-century historian’s failed attempt to find historical sources from centuries earlier.

(Fonte: National Geographic — adaptado.)
Considering the different uses for -ing forms, number the 2nd column according to the 1st column, then check the item that presents the CORRECT sequence:
(1) Noun. (2) Present participle. (3) Adjective.
(_) Playing piano is a great pleasure.
(_) That man is drinking.
(_) No parking.
( ) The rising prices are scary.
Q2248473 Inglês

What life in medieval Europe was really like

      A time of innovation, philosophy, and legendary works of art: the realities of the medieval period (500 to 1500 C.E.) in Europe may surprise you. Many know the years before the Renaissance and _________________ that followed as Europe’s “Dark Ages,” a time of backward, slovenly, and brutal people who were technologically primitive and hopelessly superstitious.

     Sure, it would take until the 19th century for the germ theory of disease to overtake the concept of humors and “miasmas” that could damage human health. But the ___________ image of medieval people as slovenly, unwashed, and lacking hygiene is false. In fact, both indoor and outdoor bathing were beloved in Europe. People not only made and used soap at home, but they frequented bathhouses—some public, some private, some merely fronts for brothels.

      A myth persists that during the Middle Ages, the unenlightened believed Earth was flat and worried that ships might even fall off the planet’s edge. That’s patently false: People knew the planet was a sphere as far back as ancient Greece (12th to 9th centuries B.C.), and had relatively complex astronomical and planetary ______________ by the time Christopher Columbus made his voyage to the Americas in 1492.

      The so-called “Dark Ages” is a myth historians have spent years trying to disprove. The myth seems to stem from some authors’ use of “dark” to refer to everything from a 14th-century poet’s complaints about the quality of local literature to a 17th-century historian’s failed attempt to find historical sources from centuries earlier.

(Fonte: National Geographic — adaptado.)
The underlined word in "A fluffy cat curled up on the cozy blanket.” can be substituted, without loss of meaning, by:
Q2248472 Inglês

What life in medieval Europe was really like

      A time of innovation, philosophy, and legendary works of art: the realities of the medieval period (500 to 1500 C.E.) in Europe may surprise you. Many know the years before the Renaissance and _________________ that followed as Europe’s “Dark Ages,” a time of backward, slovenly, and brutal people who were technologically primitive and hopelessly superstitious.

     Sure, it would take until the 19th century for the germ theory of disease to overtake the concept of humors and “miasmas” that could damage human health. But the ___________ image of medieval people as slovenly, unwashed, and lacking hygiene is false. In fact, both indoor and outdoor bathing were beloved in Europe. People not only made and used soap at home, but they frequented bathhouses—some public, some private, some merely fronts for brothels.

      A myth persists that during the Middle Ages, the unenlightened believed Earth was flat and worried that ships might even fall off the planet’s edge. That’s patently false: People knew the planet was a sphere as far back as ancient Greece (12th to 9th centuries B.C.), and had relatively complex astronomical and planetary ______________ by the time Christopher Columbus made his voyage to the Americas in 1492.

      The so-called “Dark Ages” is a myth historians have spent years trying to disprove. The myth seems to stem from some authors’ use of “dark” to refer to everything from a 14th-century poet’s complaints about the quality of local literature to a 17th-century historian’s failed attempt to find historical sources from centuries earlier.

(Fonte: National Geographic — adaptado.)
Concerning the English language vocabulary, mark the item that CORRECTLY fills in the following gaps:
To be, or not to be, that is the question: __________ 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of ____________ fortune, or to take arms against a sea of troubles and by ____________ end them. (William Shakespeare)
Q2248471 Inglês

What life in medieval Europe was really like

      A time of innovation, philosophy, and legendary works of art: the realities of the medieval period (500 to 1500 C.E.) in Europe may surprise you. Many know the years before the Renaissance and _________________ that followed as Europe’s “Dark Ages,” a time of backward, slovenly, and brutal people who were technologically primitive and hopelessly superstitious.

     Sure, it would take until the 19th century for the germ theory of disease to overtake the concept of humors and “miasmas” that could damage human health. But the ___________ image of medieval people as slovenly, unwashed, and lacking hygiene is false. In fact, both indoor and outdoor bathing were beloved in Europe. People not only made and used soap at home, but they frequented bathhouses—some public, some private, some merely fronts for brothels.

      A myth persists that during the Middle Ages, the unenlightened believed Earth was flat and worried that ships might even fall off the planet’s edge. That’s patently false: People knew the planet was a sphere as far back as ancient Greece (12th to 9th centuries B.C.), and had relatively complex astronomical and planetary ______________ by the time Christopher Columbus made his voyage to the Americas in 1492.

      The so-called “Dark Ages” is a myth historians have spent years trying to disprove. The myth seems to stem from some authors’ use of “dark” to refer to everything from a 14th-century poet’s complaints about the quality of local literature to a 17th-century historian’s failed attempt to find historical sources from centuries earlier.

(Fonte: National Geographic — adaptado.)

Concerning the simple past, analyze the sentences below:

She walked along the beach and collected seashells (1st part), while he completed his assignment and submitted it before the deadline (2nd part).

The sentences are:

Q2248470 Inglês

What life in medieval Europe was really like

      A time of innovation, philosophy, and legendary works of art: the realities of the medieval period (500 to 1500 C.E.) in Europe may surprise you. Many know the years before the Renaissance and _________________ that followed as Europe’s “Dark Ages,” a time of backward, slovenly, and brutal people who were technologically primitive and hopelessly superstitious.

     Sure, it would take until the 19th century for the germ theory of disease to overtake the concept of humors and “miasmas” that could damage human health. But the ___________ image of medieval people as slovenly, unwashed, and lacking hygiene is false. In fact, both indoor and outdoor bathing were beloved in Europe. People not only made and used soap at home, but they frequented bathhouses—some public, some private, some merely fronts for brothels.

      A myth persists that during the Middle Ages, the unenlightened believed Earth was flat and worried that ships might even fall off the planet’s edge. That’s patently false: People knew the planet was a sphere as far back as ancient Greece (12th to 9th centuries B.C.), and had relatively complex astronomical and planetary ______________ by the time Christopher Columbus made his voyage to the Americas in 1492.

      The so-called “Dark Ages” is a myth historians have spent years trying to disprove. The myth seems to stem from some authors’ use of “dark” to refer to everything from a 14th-century poet’s complaints about the quality of local literature to a 17th-century historian’s failed attempt to find historical sources from centuries earlier.

(Fonte: National Geographic — adaptado.)
 Check the item that CORRECTLY fills the gaps in the text:
Q2248469 Inglês

What life in medieval Europe was really like

      A time of innovation, philosophy, and legendary works of art: the realities of the medieval period (500 to 1500 C.E.) in Europe may surprise you. Many know the years before the Renaissance and _________________ that followed as Europe’s “Dark Ages,” a time of backward, slovenly, and brutal people who were technologically primitive and hopelessly superstitious.

     Sure, it would take until the 19th century for the germ theory of disease to overtake the concept of humors and “miasmas” that could damage human health. But the ___________ image of medieval people as slovenly, unwashed, and lacking hygiene is false. In fact, both indoor and outdoor bathing were beloved in Europe. People not only made and used soap at home, but they frequented bathhouses—some public, some private, some merely fronts for brothels.

      A myth persists that during the Middle Ages, the unenlightened believed Earth was flat and worried that ships might even fall off the planet’s edge. That’s patently false: People knew the planet was a sphere as far back as ancient Greece (12th to 9th centuries B.C.), and had relatively complex astronomical and planetary ______________ by the time Christopher Columbus made his voyage to the Americas in 1492.

      The so-called “Dark Ages” is a myth historians have spent years trying to disprove. The myth seems to stem from some authors’ use of “dark” to refer to everything from a 14th-century poet’s complaints about the quality of local literature to a 17th-century historian’s failed attempt to find historical sources from centuries earlier.

(Fonte: National Geographic — adaptado.)
According to the text, mark the CORRECT item:
Q2248468 Pedagogia
A Teoria Cognitiva da Aprendizagem trouxe várias contribuições para as Ciências Humanas. Sobre essa teoria, analisar os itens abaixo:
I. O Construtivismo sustenta a ideia de que o indivíduo, tanto nos aspectos cognitivos quanto nos aspectos sociais do comportamento, bem como nos afetivos, não é um mero produto do ambiente nem um simples resultado de suas disposições internas, mas sim uma construção própria que vai se produzindo, dia a dia, como resultado da interação entre esses dois fatores.
II. Segundo a Teoria Cognitiva da Aprendizagem, o comportamento dos seres humanos é instintivo e natural, sendo resultado de condicionamentos. Assim, os comportamentos têm íntima ligação com fatores genéticos, de modo que o meio em que se vive pouco interfere no comportamento individual.
III. A inteligência do indivíduo, como adaptação a situações novas, está relacionada com a complexidade dessa interação do indivíduo com o meio. Assim, quanto mais complexa for a interação, mais “inteligente” será o indivíduo.

Está(ão) CORRETO(S):
Q2248467 Pedagogia

Em relação ao conceito de competência, assinalar a alternativa que preenche a lacuna abaixo CORRETAMENTE:

A noção de competência no contexto educacional é muito fecunda e abrangente, mantendo com a ideia de disciplina importantes vínculos, como, por exemplo, o caráter de mediação. A ____________________ é, pois, a primeira característica absolutamente fundamental da ideia de competência.

3381: B
3382: C
3383: B
3384: C
3385: A
3386: E
3387: A
3388: B
3389: C
3390: D
3391: B
3392: D
3393: B
3394: C
3395: C
3396: A
3397: B
3398: A
3399: C
3400: A