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Q2372851 Inglês

Read the text to answer question.

The nature of “Language Input” for Language Acquisition

   “INPUT” is a vital concept within language acquisition, especially within second language acquisition. Theoretical models in research on language acquisition typically require the explanation of how INPUT is treated by the learners and the impact on language acquisition.The presence of INPUT, however, does not guarantee acquisition. This is generally understood. Watching 20 hours of Korean drama does not necessarily lead to acquisition of Korean – if that worked, we would have loads of proficient Korean speakers around the world now. Notwithstanding that, we also understand that the absence of target language INPUT also implies no language acquisition will take place for the target language. This should also be easily understood. It cannot be the case that a person who has never listened to a word of Yiddish, to be able to speak Yiddish suddenly.

   There are various theories on the psycholinguistic processes of how INPUT generates acquisition. Nevertheless, most scholars agree that INPUT needs to be converted to “INTAKE” before acquisition can take place. Using the analogy of the Korean drama earlier, we may also have heard of examples of learners who seemed to have acquire new understanding and able to use Korean at a slightly different level after watching numerous Korean dramas. Yet, the same experience does not always hold for all others. In that sense, for those who have improved or level up, INPUT has become INTAKE in their minds.

   Technically speaking, INPUT is akin to data (in fact, some scholars define input as primary linguistic data) available in the environment that the learner has opportunity of access, and intake refers to the data that the learner actually takes in and process. Just as in data science where processed raw data then becomes useful information, LANGUAGE INPUT that is processed can then become information for acquisition – the psychological region where “new information is matched against prior knowledge” (Gass, 1997:5), enabling the learner to confirm/reject any previous hypothesis or form new hypothesis about the target language. Note that this can be implicit and is unknown to the learner.

   The key question then is: What types of LANGUAGE INPUT can then have a higher opportunity of becoming INTAKE? This is one question of inquiry that research has yet to provide very conclusive answers, although there are many influencing factors. As such, the various types of LANGUAGE INPUT to be discussed contribute in different manners to acquisition. We should take note of these types to construct relevant languaging experiences for our learners.

(Disponible in: Adapted.)

Having text content as foundation, analyse the assertives to mark the chosen item.

I. INPUT is basic linguistic information affordable in the ambience that the learner has the chance of accessing.
II. Several instances of INTAKE are instrumental in different ways to foster language acquisition.
III. INPUT may come through languaging in the daily lives of the learners, where the target language is used for all sort of purposes beyond education. 

Q2372850 Inglês
Read the text carefully to answer:

Imagem associada para resolução da questão
                        (Disponible in:

When Rupi Kaur emigrated to Canada from Punjab, India, she was four. On Instagram, 2009, she started writing and performing poetry and became a worldwide success. Regarding text content, her poem’s core idea is:
Q2372849 Inglês
Examine the image to answer:

Imagem associada para resolução da questão
                                                                         (Disponible in:

Having the image’s clues as references, apostrophe use meets a compatible description in:

Q2372848 Inglês
As to what the Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (PCNs) put forward in terms of abilities to be developed in modern foreign language instruction, knowing how to make out linguistic variations must be placed within the sphere of:
Q2372847 Inglês

Read and analyse this set of procedural phases of instruction.

1. Presentation of a brief dialogue or several mini-dialogues.

2. Oral practice of each utterance in the dialogue.

3. Questions and answers based on the topic and situation in the dialogue.

4. Questions and answers related to the student's personal experience but centered on the theme of the dialogue.

5. Study of the basic communicative expressions used in the dialogue or one of the structures that exemplify the function.

6. Learner discovery of generalizations or rules underlying the functional ex pression of structure.

7. Oral recognition, interpretative procedures.

8. Oral production activities, proceeding from guided to freer communication. 
According to the procedural phases/steps of instruction introduced and handled above, it is illustrated what we call:
1061: C
1062: C
1063: B
1064: B
1065: C