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Comentadas para professor - inglês
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Assinale a frase que mostra a inclusão indevida de uma dessas expressões.
Foi no Instituto de Letras da UFF, há alguns anos. Convidado, fez lá conferência um ex-Ministro de Angola. O assunto já não me lembra... Em todo caso, o tema é de somenos. Terminada a fala, com as palmas rituais, pôs-se o orador às ordens, para perguntas. À questão das línguas respondeu que, desgraçadamente, a oficial era a do colonizador, acreditando ele que essa anômala situação ainda duraria um século.
Assinale a opção que apresenta o tipo de preconceito linguístico a que esse fragmento textual se refere.
Nas opções a seguir estão listados eixos organizadores propostos para o componente Língua Inglesa, à exceção de uma. Assinale-a.
De acordo com a Base Nacional Comum Curricular para a Língua Inglesa, a Língua Inglesa é considerada
Square Dance
João loved Teresa who loved Raimundo
who loved Maria who loved Joaquim who loved Lili
who didn’t love anyone.
João went to the United States, Teresa to a convent,
Raimundo died in an accident, Maria became a spinster,
Joaquim committed suicide, and Lili married J. Pinto Fernandes,
who had nothing to do with the story.
(Carlos Drummond de Andrade translated by
Richard Zenith in “Multitudinous Heart”
Choose the best alternative. “João went to the United States, _____?”
Square Dance
João loved Teresa who loved Raimundo
who loved Maria who loved Joaquim who loved Lili
who didn’t love anyone.
João went to the United States, Teresa to a convent,
Raimundo died in an accident, Maria became a spinster,
Joaquim committed suicide, and Lili married J. Pinto Fernandes,
who had nothing to do with the story.
(Carlos Drummond de Andrade translated by
Richard Zenith in “Multitudinous Heart”
Choose the alternative that better substitutes “who had nothing to do with the story”
Square Dance
João loved Teresa who loved Raimundo
who loved Maria who loved Joaquim who loved Lili
who didn’t love anyone.
João went to the United States, Teresa to a convent,
Raimundo died in an accident, Maria became a spinster,
Joaquim committed suicide, and Lili married J. Pinto Fernandes,
who had nothing to do with the story.
(Carlos Drummond de Andrade translated by
Richard Zenith in “Multitudinous Heart”
Square Dance
João loved Teresa who loved Raimundo
who loved Maria who loved Joaquim who loved Lili
who didn’t love anyone.
João went to the United States, Teresa to a convent,
Raimundo died in an accident, Maria became a spinster,
Joaquim committed suicide, and Lili married J. Pinto Fernandes,
who had nothing to do with the story.
(Carlos Drummond de Andrade translated by
Richard Zenith in “Multitudinous Heart”
Square Dance
João loved Teresa who loved Raimundo
who loved Maria who loved Joaquim who loved Lili
who didn’t love anyone.
João went to the United States, Teresa to a convent,
Raimundo died in an accident, Maria became a spinster,
Joaquim committed suicide, and Lili married J. Pinto Fernandes,
who had nothing to do with the story.
(Carlos Drummond de Andrade translated by
Richard Zenith in “Multitudinous Heart”
Choose the alternative that better substitutes the underlined expression in “Maria became a spinster”.
Square Dance
João loved Teresa who loved Raimundo
who loved Maria who loved Joaquim who loved Lili
who didn’t love anyone.
João went to the United States, Teresa to a convent,
Raimundo died in an accident, Maria became a spinster,
Joaquim committed suicide, and Lili married J. Pinto Fernandes,
who had nothing to do with the story.
(Carlos Drummond de Andrade translated by
Richard Zenith in “Multitudinous Heart”
In “João went to the United States, Teresa to a convent”, it is possible to infer that Teresa
Square Dance
João loved Teresa who loved Raimundo
who loved Maria who loved Joaquim who loved Lili
who didn’t love anyone.
João went to the United States, Teresa to a convent,
Raimundo died in an accident, Maria became a spinster,
Joaquim committed suicide, and Lili married J. Pinto Fernandes,
who had nothing to do with the story.
(Carlos Drummond de Andrade translated by
Richard Zenith in “Multitudinous Heart”
Nas bases para educação em Línguas na Rede Municipal de Ensino, busca-se consolidar uma proposta que amplie o olhar de partida dos processos de ensino e aprendizagem com enfoque da educação em linguagem na ........................................... , com destaque nas esferas da atividade humana em que tais interações têm lugar.
Assinale a alternativa que completa corretamente as lacunas do texto.
1. É através da linguagem que os indivíduos se relacionam e criam vínculos significativos entre si.
2. A linguagem é o meio principal e único de que o homem se utiliza para apropriar-se da realidade social.
3. Como constituidora das relações sociais, a linguagem imprime o caráter de dialogicidade, constituída nestas mesmas relações.
4. A concepção de língua e de linguagem não altera o modo de planejar o trabalho do professor com a língua em termos de ensino.
5. A língua como forma de interação social propõe que o sujeito se constitua na trama das relações sociais, a partir de situações significativas.
Assinale a alternativa que indica todas as afirmativas corretas.
These two factors are:
“The communicative language teaching ........................................... which have attracted a great deal of interest in recent decades are the most recent manifestation of ..................................... that have appealed to the ................................of teachers for a very long time.”
Choose the alternative that contains the correct missing words.
1. Carga horária suficiente para a disciplina. 2. Professores com formação insuficiente para lidar com os contextos difíceis em que se encontram. 3. Um grande número de alunos em sala de aula. 4. Recursos didáticos adequados e abundantes.
Assinale a alternativa que indica todas as afirmativas corretas.
Match them to their characteristics.
Column 1 Methods 1. The Audiolingual Method. 2. The Direct Method. 3. The Grammar Translation Method. 4. The Silent Way
Column 2 Characteristics ( ) It’s used to teach a number of different languages not just English, and the main idea of this Method is that it only uses the target language that the students are trying to learn. ( ) It is based on a behaviorist theory that things are able to be learned by constant reinforcement. ( ) The main of this way of teaching is for the teacher to say very little, so students can take control of their learning. ( ) This method of teaching English is grammar heavy and relies a lot on translation.
Choose the alternative which presents the correct sequence from top to botton.
( ) Method is an overall plan for systematic presentation of language based upon a selected approach.
( ) The Method that is focused on grammatical rules is called the Direct Method.
( ) Communicative competence is the approach of Communicative Language Teaching.
( ) Language learning is usually based on learning styles and its focus is on the students’ motivation.
( ) The Audiolingual Method has its emphasis on the oral skills and on the exhaustive repetition of structural exercises.
Choose the alternative which presents the correct sequence from top to botton.