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Tecnologias Digitais da Informação e Comunicação no contexto escolar: possibilidades
01 ____ Ao longo das últimas décadas, as tecnologias
02 digitais da informação e comunicação, também
03 conhecidas por TDICs, têm alterado nossas formas
04 de trabalhar, de se comunicar, de se relacionar e de
05 aprender. Na educação, as TDICs têm sido
06 incorporadas às práticas docentes como meio para
07 promover aprendizagens mais significativas, com o
08 objetivo de apoiar os professores na
09 implementação de metodologias de ensino ativas,
10 alinhando o processo de ensino-aprendizagem à
11 realidade dos estudantes e despertando maior
12 interesse e engajamento dos alunos em todas as
13 etapas da Educação Básica.
14 ____ As razões pelas quais as tecnologias e
15 recursos digitais devem, cada vez mais, estar
16 presentes no cotidiano das escolas, no entanto, não
17 se esgotam aí. É necessário promover a
18 alfabetização e o letramento digital, tornando
19 acessíveis as tecnologias e as informações que
20 circulam nos meios digitais e oportunizando a
21 inclusão digital.
22 ____ Nesse sentido, a Base Nacional Comum
23 Curricular contempla o desenvolvimento de
24 competências e habilidades relacionadas ao uso
25 crítico e responsável das tecnologias digitais tanto
26 de forma transversal – presentes em todas as áreas
27 do conhecimento e destacadas em diversas
28 competências e habilidades com objetos de
29 aprendizagem variados – quanto de forma
30 direcionada – tendo como fim o desenvolvimento
31 de competências relacionadas ao próprio uso das
32 tecnologias, recursos e linguagens digitais –, ou
33 seja, para o desenvolvimento de competências de
34 compreensão, uso e criação de TDICs em diversas
35 práticas sociais.
36 ____ Nesse contexto, é preciso lembrar que
37 incorporar as tecnologias digitais na educação não
38 se trata de utilizá-las somente como meio ou
39 suporte para promover aprendizagens ou despertar
40 o interesse dos alunos, mas sim de utilizá-las com os
41 alunos para que construam conhecimentos com e
42 sobre o uso dessas TDICs.
43 ____ Em resumo, incorporar as TDICs nas práticas
44 pedagógicas e no currículo como objeto de
45 aprendizagem requer atenção especial e não pode
46 mais ser um fator negligenciado pelas escolas. É
47 preciso repensar os projetos pedagógicos com o
48 olhar de utilização das tecnologias e recursos
49 digitais tanto como meio, ou seja, como apoio e
50 suporte à implementação de metodologias ativas e
51 à promoção de aprendizagens significativas, quanto
52 como um fim, promovendo a democratização ao
53 acesso e incluindo os estudantes no mundo digital.
54 Para isso, é preciso fundamentalmente revisitar a
55 proposta pedagógica da escola e investir na
56 formação continuada de professores.
57 ____ Além do uso das tecnologias para apoio à
58 prática do ensino, como apresentações digitais,
59 mostras de vídeos etc., e para o desenvolvimento
60 de pesquisas, alguns relatos propõem o uso das
61 TDICs para promover a criação de conteúdos
62 digitais. Uma possibilidade para isso é o uso de
63 softwares para a elaboração de histórias em
64 quadrinhos (HQs). Outra possibilidade está na
65 criação de conteúdos midiáticos ou multimidiáticos.
66 Com o uso de ferramentas simples e acessíveis, os
67 alunos podem criar áudios e vídeos para
68 compartilhar as aprendizagens de uma aula ou
69 sequência didática. Que tal conhecer algumas
70 dessas possibilidades?
MINISTÉRIO da Educação. Tecnologias digitais da informação e comunicação no contexto escolar: possibilidades. Disponível em: Acesso em: 14 fev. 2023.
A relação entre o uso da vírgula e sua justificativa está correta em
INSTRUCTIONS: Read the text carefully and then answer the questions from 33 to 38 by choosing the correct alternative.
Brazil corruption scandals: All you need to know
For the past three years, Brazil has been gripped by a scandal which started with a state-owned oil company and grew to encapsulate people at the very top of business - and even presidents.
On the face of it, it is a straightforward corruption scandal - albeit one involving millions of dollars in kickbacks and more than 80 politicians and members of the business elite.
But as the tentacles of the investigation dubbed Operation Car Wash fanned out, other scandals emerged.
It has led to some of those who have found themselves accused claiming they are the victims of political plots, designed to bar them from office.
What is Operation Car Wash?
Operation Car Wash began in March 2014 as an investigation into allegations that Brazil's biggest construction firms overcharged state-oil company Petrobras for building contracts.
Investigators accused directors at the firm - named the world's most ethical oil and gas company in 2008 - of skimming the extra money off the top as a bribe for awarding the contract.
Which is bad enough - but then the Workers' Party found itself dragged into the corruption scandal amid allegations of having funneled some of these funds to pay off politicians and buy their votes and help with political campaigns.
Among those accused in the scandal were dozens of politicians, and Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva - the country's extremely popular former president, known affectionately as "Lula".
The pronouns IT (line 07), THEY (line 07) and ITSELF (line 14), refer respectively to:
INSTRUCTIONS: Read the text carefully and then answer the questions from 33 to 38 by choosing the correct alternative.
Brazil corruption scandals: All you need to know
For the past three years, Brazil has been gripped by a scandal which started with a state-owned oil company and grew to encapsulate people at the very top of business - and even presidents.
On the face of it, it is a straightforward corruption scandal - albeit one involving millions of dollars in kickbacks and more than 80 politicians and members of the business elite.
But as the tentacles of the investigation dubbed Operation Car Wash fanned out, other scandals emerged.
It has led to some of those who have found themselves accused claiming they are the victims of political plots, designed to bar them from office.
What is Operation Car Wash?
Operation Car Wash began in March 2014 as an investigation into allegations that Brazil's biggest construction firms overcharged state-oil company Petrobras for building contracts.
Investigators accused directors at the firm - named the world's most ethical oil and gas company in 2008 - of skimming the extra money off the top as a bribe for awarding the contract.
Which is bad enough - but then the Workers' Party found itself dragged into the corruption scandal amid allegations of having funneled some of these funds to pay off politicians and buy their votes and help with political campaigns.
Among those accused in the scandal were dozens of politicians, and Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva - the country's extremely popular former president, known affectionately as "Lula".
In the sentence: ''For the past three years, Brazil has been gripped by a scandal…'' the underlined expression is:
INSTRUCTIONS: Read the text carefully and then answer the questions from 33 to 38 by choosing the correct alternative.
Brazil corruption scandals: All you need to know
For the past three years, Brazil has been gripped by a scandal which started with a state-owned oil company and grew to encapsulate people at the very top of business - and even presidents.
On the face of it, it is a straightforward corruption scandal - albeit one involving millions of dollars in kickbacks and more than 80 politicians and members of the business elite.
But as the tentacles of the investigation dubbed Operation Car Wash fanned out, other scandals emerged.
It has led to some of those who have found themselves accused claiming they are the victims of political plots, designed to bar them from office.
What is Operation Car Wash?
Operation Car Wash began in March 2014 as an investigation into allegations that Brazil's biggest construction firms overcharged state-oil company Petrobras for building contracts.
Investigators accused directors at the firm - named the world's most ethical oil and gas company in 2008 - of skimming the extra money off the top as a bribe for awarding the contract.
Which is bad enough - but then the Workers' Party found itself dragged into the corruption scandal amid allegations of having funneled some of these funds to pay off politicians and buy their votes and help with political campaigns.
Among those accused in the scandal were dozens of politicians, and Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva - the country's extremely popular former president, known affectionately as "Lula".
The words kickbacks (line 04), fanned out (line 06) and bribe (line 13) mean, respectively:
INSTRUCTIONS: Read the text carefully and then answer the questions from 33 to 38 by choosing the correct alternative.
Brazil corruption scandals: All you need to know
For the past three years, Brazil has been gripped by a scandal which started with a state-owned oil company and grew to encapsulate people at the very top of business - and even presidents.
On the face of it, it is a straightforward corruption scandal - albeit one involving millions of dollars in kickbacks and more than 80 politicians and members of the business elite.
But as the tentacles of the investigation dubbed Operation Car Wash fanned out, other scandals emerged.
It has led to some of those who have found themselves accused claiming they are the victims of political plots, designed to bar them from office.
What is Operation Car Wash?
Operation Car Wash began in March 2014 as an investigation into allegations that Brazil's biggest construction firms overcharged state-oil company Petrobras for building contracts.
Investigators accused directors at the firm - named the world's most ethical oil and gas company in 2008 - of skimming the extra money off the top as a bribe for awarding the contract.
Which is bad enough - but then the Workers' Party found itself dragged into the corruption scandal amid allegations of having funneled some of these funds to pay off politicians and buy their votes and help with political campaigns.
Among those accused in the scandal were dozens of politicians, and Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva - the country's extremely popular former president, known affectionately as "Lula".
The alternatives are correct, EXCEPT:
INSTRUCTIONS: Read the text carefully and then answer the questions from 33 to 38 by choosing the correct alternative.
Brazil corruption scandals: All you need to know
For the past three years, Brazil has been gripped by a scandal which started with a state-owned oil company and grew to encapsulate people at the very top of business - and even presidents.
On the face of it, it is a straightforward corruption scandal - albeit one involving millions of dollars in kickbacks and more than 80 politicians and members of the business elite.
But as the tentacles of the investigation dubbed Operation Car Wash fanned out, other scandals emerged.
It has led to some of those who have found themselves accused claiming they are the victims of political plots, designed to bar them from office.
What is Operation Car Wash?
Operation Car Wash began in March 2014 as an investigation into allegations that Brazil's biggest construction firms overcharged state-oil company Petrobras for building contracts.
Investigators accused directors at the firm - named the world's most ethical oil and gas company in 2008 - of skimming the extra money off the top as a bribe for awarding the contract.
Which is bad enough - but then the Workers' Party found itself dragged into the corruption scandal amid allegations of having funneled some of these funds to pay off politicians and buy their votes and help with political campaigns.
Among those accused in the scandal were dozens of politicians, and Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva - the country's extremely popular former president, known affectionately as "Lula".
Choose the correct alternative.
I. Car Wash Operation is just one of the scandals among eighty other scandals that appeared in the last three years in Brazil.
II. President, former presidents, great businessmen and renowned politicians are involved in scandals and other investigations arising from Car Wash Operation.
III. The workers' Party was dragged into the corruption scandal accused of receiving bribes to fund political campaigns and vote buying.
IV. Car Wash Operation began under former President Lula when it was discovered that the oil company Petrobras and large Brazilian construction companies were oversupplying their contracts.
In the sentence: ''I think every week should have a day in it when boys give presents to girls'', the auxiliary modal verb SHOULD means:
INSTRUCTIONS: Read the text carefully and then answer the questions from 28 to 30 by choosing the correct alternative.
People seeking to escape poverty and dangerous conditions in their homelands are increasingly hiring human smugglers to help usher them across the U.S. border and evade capture by the Trump administration‘s immigration agents amid the president's immigration crackdown. It's common to see a rise in this alarming practice when a country enacts more aggressive immigration policies or threatens mass deportations.
The words: poverty (line 01); them (line 02); amid (line 03) and aggressive (line 04) are, respectively:
INSTRUCTIONS: Read the text carefully and then answer the questions from 28 to 30 by choosing the correct alternative.
People seeking to escape poverty and dangerous conditions in their homelands are increasingly hiring human smugglers to help usher them across the U.S. border and evade capture by the Trump administration‘s immigration agents amid the president's immigration crackdown. It's common to see a rise in this alarming practice when a country enacts more aggressive immigration policies or threatens mass deportations.
The words: their (line 01) and them (line 02) refer, respectively, to:
INSTRUCTIONS: Read the text carefully and then answer the questions from 28 to 30 by choosing the correct alternative.
People seeking to escape poverty and dangerous conditions in their homelands are increasingly hiring human smugglers to help usher them across the U.S. border and evade capture by the Trump administration‘s immigration agents amid the president's immigration crackdown. It's common to see a rise in this alarming practice when a country enacts more aggressive immigration policies or threatens mass deportations.
The text is about:
Considerando-se as preposições sublinhadas, assinalar a alternativa CORRETA:
Quanto aos uso de artigos indefinidos, assinalar a alternativa que preenche as lacunas abaixo CORRETAMENTE:
We leave in __ week for vacation, and we still need to rent __ car and __ apartment!
Considerando-se palavras que expressam intensidade, numerar a 2ª coluna de acordo com a 1ª e, após, assinalar a alternativa que apresenta a sequência CORRETA:
(1) It was freezing cold.
(2) It was a bit cold.
(3) It was fairly cold.
(---) I wore a sweater, because it was windy.
(---) I wore snow boots, two pairs of pants and a winter coat, because there was a snowstorm.
(---) I wore a jacket and a scarf, because it started to snow.
Alguns plurais em inglês não seguem a regra geral de se acrescentar o -s, e são considerados irregulares. Entre os plurais irregulares abaixo, assinalar a alternativa INCORRETA:
Segundo os Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais: Língua Estrangeira, analisar a sentença abaixo:
No Brasil, o uso de uma língua estrangeira parece estar mais vinculado ao desenvolvimento das habilidades orais do que à leitura ou escrita (1ª parte). O foco na leitura, no entanto, é interpretado aqui como alternativa mais fácil, e deveria ser mais promovido, mesmo que em detrimento de outras habilidades comunicativas (2ª parte).
A sentença está:
Conforme SPADA e LIGHTBOWN, são características do aprendizado de um segundo idioma em um contexto de aquisição natural (fora da sala de aula):
I - O aluno está cercado pelo idioma por muitas horas por dia.
II - Os erros são corrigidos com frequência. Tende-se a dar maior prioridade à gramática do que a interações significativas.
III - O idioma não é apresentado de forma estruturada, passo a passo; o aluno é exposto a uma grande variedade de estruturas e vocabulário.
Está(ão) CORRETO(S):
Atenção! Para responder às questões de Informática, a menos que seja explicitamente informado o contrário, considerar que os programas mencionados encontram-se na versão Português-BR e, em sua configuração padrão de instalação, possuem licença de uso, o mouse está configurado para destros, um clique ou duplo clique correspondem ao botão esquerdo do mouse e teclar corresponde à operação de pressionar uma tecla e, rapidamente, liberá-la, acionando-a apenas uma vez. Dessa forma, as teclas de atalho, os menus, os submenus, as barras, os ícones e os demais itens que compõem os programas abordados nesta prova encontram-se na configuração padrão.
No Word 2010 é possível formatar o alinhamento de textos, através de botões disponibilizados no grupo Parágrafo, conforme apresentado na imagem abaixo:
O alinhamento que está destacado nessa imagem, é o:
Study the sentence ‘We asked Mrs. Cooper for her advise’. What type of mistake does it contain?
Choose the word that rhymes with NOW.
The terms aims, materials and class profile are traditionally used to refer to