Questões de Concurso Comentadas para professor - inglês

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Q1719854 Inglês
        Ba-room, ba-room, ba-room, baripity, baripity, baripity, baripity. Good. His dad had the pickup going. He could get up now. Jess slid out of bed and into his overalls. He didn't worry about a shirt because once he began running he would be hot as popping grease even if the morning air was chill, or shoes because the bottoms of his feet were by now as tough as his worn-out sneakers.
        "Where you going, Jess?" May Belle lifted herself up sleepily from the double bed where she and Joyce Ann slept.
        "Sh." He warned. The walls were thin. Momma would he mad as flies in a fruit jar if they woke her up this time of day.
        He patted May Belle's hair and yanked the twisted sheet up to her small chin. "Just over the cow field," he whispered. May Belle smiled and snuggled down under the sheet.
        "Gonna run?"
        Of course he was going to run. He had gotten up early every day all summer to run. He figured if he worked at it – and Lord, had he worked – he could be the fastest runner in the fifth grade when school opened up. He had to be the fastest – not one of the fastest or next to the fastest, but the fastest. The very best.

(Excerpt from Bridge to Terabithia, by Katherine Paterson. Available on _Bridge_to_Terabithia.pdf)
“He figured if he worked at it – and Lord, had he worked.” What is the purpose of the inversion in this case?
Q1719853 Inglês
        Ba-room, ba-room, ba-room, baripity, baripity, baripity, baripity. Good. His dad had the pickup going. He could get up now. Jess slid out of bed and into his overalls. He didn't worry about a shirt because once he began running he would be hot as popping grease even if the morning air was chill, or shoes because the bottoms of his feet were by now as tough as his worn-out sneakers.
        "Where you going, Jess?" May Belle lifted herself up sleepily from the double bed where she and Joyce Ann slept.
        "Sh." He warned. The walls were thin. Momma would he mad as flies in a fruit jar if they woke her up this time of day.
        He patted May Belle's hair and yanked the twisted sheet up to her small chin. "Just over the cow field," he whispered. May Belle smiled and snuggled down under the sheet.
        "Gonna run?"
        Of course he was going to run. He had gotten up early every day all summer to run. He figured if he worked at it – and Lord, had he worked – he could be the fastest runner in the fifth grade when school opened up. He had to be the fastest – not one of the fastest or next to the fastest, but the fastest. The very best.

(Excerpt from Bridge to Terabithia, by Katherine Paterson. Available on _Bridge_to_Terabithia.pdf)
Which figure of speech can be found in the first sentence of the text?
Q1719852 Inglês
        Miss Lucy was the only guardian present. She was leaning over the rail at the front, peering into the rain like she was trying to see right across the playing field. I was watching her as carefully as ever in those days, and even as I was laughing at Laura, I was stealing glances at Miss Lucy’s back. I remember wondering if there wasn’t something a bit odd about her posture, the way her head was bent down just a little too far so she looked like a crouching animal waiting to pounce. And the way she was leaning forward over the rail meant drops from the overhanging gutter were only just missing her – but she seemed to show no sign of caring. I remember actually convincing myself there was nothing unusual in all this – that she was simply anxious for the rain to stop – and turning my attention back to what Laura was saying. Then a few minutes later, when I’d forgotten all about Miss Lucy and was laughing my head off at something, I suddenly realised things had gone quiet around us, and that Miss Lucy was speaking.

(Excerpt from Never Let Me Go, by Kazuo Ishiguro. Available on 
Mark the option that could replace the idiom in the sentence. “When I’d forgotten all about Miss Lucy and was laughing my head off at something.”
Q1719851 Inglês
        Miss Lucy was the only guardian present. She was leaning over the rail at the front, peering into the rain like she was trying to see right across the playing field. I was watching her as carefully as ever in those days, and even as I was laughing at Laura, I was stealing glances at Miss Lucy’s back. I remember wondering if there wasn’t something a bit odd about her posture, the way her head was bent down just a little too far so she looked like a crouching animal waiting to pounce. And the way she was leaning forward over the rail meant drops from the overhanging gutter were only just missing her – but she seemed to show no sign of caring. I remember actually convincing myself there was nothing unusual in all this – that she was simply anxious for the rain to stop – and turning my attention back to what Laura was saying. Then a few minutes later, when I’d forgotten all about Miss Lucy and was laughing my head off at something, I suddenly realised things had gone quiet around us, and that Miss Lucy was speaking.

(Excerpt from Never Let Me Go, by Kazuo Ishiguro. Available on 
“I was watching her as carefully as ever in those days.” Choose the option that defines the phenomenon that occurred in this sentence.
Q1719850 Inglês
        Miss Lucy was the only guardian present. She was leaning over the rail at the front, peering into the rain like she was trying to see right across the playing field. I was watching her as carefully as ever in those days, and even as I was laughing at Laura, I was stealing glances at Miss Lucy’s back. I remember wondering if there wasn’t something a bit odd about her posture, the way her head was bent down just a little too far so she looked like a crouching animal waiting to pounce. And the way she was leaning forward over the rail meant drops from the overhanging gutter were only just missing her – but she seemed to show no sign of caring. I remember actually convincing myself there was nothing unusual in all this – that she was simply anxious for the rain to stop – and turning my attention back to what Laura was saying. Then a few minutes later, when I’d forgotten all about Miss Lucy and was laughing my head off at something, I suddenly realised things had gone quiet around us, and that Miss Lucy was speaking.

(Excerpt from Never Let Me Go, by Kazuo Ishiguro. Available on 
What can be understood by “I was stealing glances at Miss Lucy’s back”?
Q1719849 Inglês
Choose the best option to complete the sentence: “I’m ____ sorry we couldn’t meet earlier. I’ve been much ____ ill to work lately.”
Q1719848 Inglês
“When old friends are gathered, that’s the best time to take a walk down memory lane.” What can be a synonym for the underlined idiom?
Q1719847 Inglês
“When Andy got home, he found the door ajar.” Choose the option that defines the underlined word.
Q1719846 Pedagogia
Segundo a Lei nº 9.394, de 20 de dezembro de 1996. Assinale a alternativa CORRETA.
Q1719845 Pedagogia
Conforme a Lei nº 13.005, de 25 de junho de 2014 Aprova o Plano Nacional de Educação - PNE e dá outras providências, assinale a alternativa que referese a META 2.
Q1719844 Pedagogia
Conforme a Resolução CNE/CP nº 2, de 22 de dezembro de 2017 art. 10. Considerando o conceito de criança, adotado pelo Conselho Nacional de Educação na Resolução CNE/CEB 5/2009, como “sujeito histórico e de direitos, que interage, brinca, imagina, fantasia, deseja, aprende, observa, experimenta, narra, questiona e constrói sentidos sobre a natureza e a sociedade, produzindo cultura”, a BNCC estabelece os seguintes direitos de aprendizagem e desenvolvimento no âmbito da Educação Infantil:
Assinale a alternativa INCORRETA.
Q1719843 Pedagogia
De acordo com a Resolução CNE/CEB 04/2010, Art. 47. A avaliação da aprendizagem baseia-se na concepção de educação que norteia a relação professor - estudante - conhecimento - vida em movimento, devendo ser um ato reflexo de reconstrução da prática pedagógica avaliativa, premissa básica e fundamental para se questionar o educar, transformando a mudança em ato, acima de tudo, político. Analise as afirmativas abaixo:

I- A validade da avaliação, na sua função diagnóstica, liga-se à aprendizagem, possibilitando o aprendiz a recriar, refazer o que aprendeu, criar, propor e, nesse contexto, aponta para uma avaliação global, que vai além do aspecto quantitativo, porque identifica o desenvolvimento da autonomia do estudante, que é indissociavelmente ético, social, intelectual.

II- A avaliação na Educação Infantil é realizada mediante acompanhamento e registro do desenvolvimento da criança, com o objetivo de promoção, mesmo em se tratando de acesso ao Ensino Fundamental.

III- A avaliação da aprendizagem no Ensino Fundamental e no Ensino Médio, de caráter formativo predominando sobre o quantitativo e classificatório, adota uma estratégia de progresso individual e contínuo que favorece o crescimento do educando, preservando a qualidade necessária para a sua formação escolar, sendo organizada de acordo com regras comuns a essas duas etapas.

Assinale a alternativa CORRETA.
Q1719842 Pedagogia
Conforme a Lei nº 13.005, de 25 de junho de 2014, Art. 2º São diretrizes do PNE: Assinale a alternativa INCORRETA.
Q1719834 Português
Marque a opção em que a função da vírgula é separar o complemento verbal deslocado.
Q1719610 Conhecimentos Gerais
O Instituto do Meio Ambiente de Santa Cataria (IMA) administra as Unidades de Conservação Estaduais. Por exemplo, a Reserva Biológica Estadual do Sassafrás, criada em 04 de fevereiro de 1977 com uma área de aproximadamente 5.229 hectares. Esta é classificada como uma Reserva Ambiental, o que significa:
Q1719606 Inglês
Complete a lacuna corretamente:
“She will leave promptly ______ two o’clock.”
Q1719605 Inglês
O tempo verbal da frase “The band will start their tour later this year” é:
Q1719604 Inglês
Um estudante, ao tentar ler um texto em inglês, teve dificuldades para entender o seguinte trecho:
It's unclear what actually happened that day”. Por isso, utilizou um aplicativo de traduções, obtendo o seguinte resultado: Não está claro atualmente o que aconteceu naquele dia. O resultado apresentado pelo aplicativo está:
Q1719603 Inglês

Leia o texto abaixo para responder a questão

Arecibo Observatory will be demolished

      Arecibo’s days are done. After two support cables failed in recent months, the radio observatory’s 305-meter-wide dish is damaged beyond repair, the National Science Foundation announced on November 19. It will be decommissioned and dismantled.

     The telescope, famous for appearances in movies like GoldenEye and Contact, consists of a wide dish to collect radio waves from space and focus them into detectors housed in a dome suspended above the dish.

     In August, one of the cables that holds up the dome slipped out of a socket and punched a hole in the dish. Then a second cable unexpectedly broke on November 6. If a third cable were to break, it could send the platform holding up the dome swinging, or the whole structure could collapse. 

     The NSF determined that there was no safe way to repair the telescope. 

Adaptado de 

No texto, o negativo da frase “It will be decommissioned and dismantled” é:
Q1719602 Inglês

Leia o texto abaixo para responder a questão

Arecibo Observatory will be demolished

      Arecibo’s days are done. After two support cables failed in recent months, the radio observatory’s 305-meter-wide dish is damaged beyond repair, the National Science Foundation announced on November 19. It will be decommissioned and dismantled.

     The telescope, famous for appearances in movies like GoldenEye and Contact, consists of a wide dish to collect radio waves from space and focus them into detectors housed in a dome suspended above the dish.

     In August, one of the cables that holds up the dome slipped out of a socket and punched a hole in the dish. Then a second cable unexpectedly broke on November 6. If a third cable were to break, it could send the platform holding up the dome swinging, or the whole structure could collapse. 

     The NSF determined that there was no safe way to repair the telescope. 

Adaptado de 

No texto, o trecho “the whole structure could collapse” significa que:
7341: B
7342: B
7343: D
7344: C
7345: D
7346: A
7347: B
7348: A
7349: A
7350: B
7351: D
7352: B
7353: C
7354: C
7355: A
7356: B
7357: A
7358: C
7359: C
7360: D