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I. No aprendizado de língua inglesa, a competência comunicativa engloba aspectos como a competência gramatical e a competência discursiva, por exemplo. II. O ensino de língua inglesa deve ser realizado no ambiente escolar, considerando as dificuldades e limitações dos educandos. III. A definição do currículo deve impedir que mudanças ocorram no ambiente escolar.
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I. O pluralismo de ideias e de concepções pedagógicas é um princípio que deve basear a atuação profissional de ensino de língua inglesa na instituição de ensino. II. Para Vygotsky, o planejamento pedagógico é prejudicial para o desenvolvimento das atividades escolares. III. Os objetivos de ensino devem auxiliar o professor de língua inglesa a definir e delimitar com clareza o que se pretende com o processo de ensino. Assim, esse profissional deve evitar escolher técnicas, recursos materiais e formas de avaliação que sejam adequados às características dos educandos.
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I. A pedagogia libertadora é voltada exclusivamente para a preparação do aluno para o mercado de trabalho. II. A língua inglesa é raramente ensinada nas instituições de ensino brasileiras, sendo considerada uma barreira à inserção do indivíduo no mundo globalizado. III. Para Piaget, o processo de assimilação se dá através do afastamento do educando dos desafios e informações do meio em que ele habita.
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I. De acordo com a Lei 9.394/96, o ensino religioso, de matrícula obrigatória, é parte integrante da formação básica do cidadão da região Norte do Brasil, apenas. II. Na frase em inglês “he eats hin aut of house and home”, o verbo “eats” pode ser melhor traduzido como “discutir / debater”. III. No trecho “to be eaten up with”, o vocábulo “eaten” pode ser literalmente traduzido como “vencer”.
Marque a alternativa CORRETA:
I. No trecho em inglês “in full suing” ocorre um verbo cujo significado literal é “calcular”. II. O trecho “to read for”, em inglês, está corretamente grafado e seu significado equivale a “estudar para”. III. Na frase em inglês “i took a suim” ocorre um verbo que pode ser melhor traduzido como “recordar”.
Marque a alternativa CORRETA:
I. Na perspectiva de Vygotsky, a aquisição de conhecimentos não passa pela interação do sujeito com o meio. Assim, o professor de língua inglesa deve evitar utilizar atividades lúdicas em sala de aula. II. A avaliação da aprendizagem impede o professor de desenvolver uma reflexão sobre a sua prática e de retomar aspectos que devem ser revistos em sala de aula. III. O trecho em inglês “I bought hin of” apresenta uma grafia correta e pode ser melhor traduzido como “provocar uma comoção entusiástica”.
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I. Ao longo do Ensino Fundamental, o aprendizado de língua inglesa deve permitir ao educando reconhecer que uma língua estrangeira constitui uma porta de acesso a bens culturais da construídos em outras partes do mundo. II. O aprendizado de uma língua inglesa deve possibilitar que o educando, ao se envolver nos processos de construir significados nessa língua, se constitua em um ser discursivo no uso dessa língua estrangeira. III. No Brasil, é vedado às instituições de ensino ofertar o ensino da língua inglesa no currículo do Ensino Fundamental. Essa medida é ratificada não apenas pela Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional, mas também pelo Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente.
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I - She ________ to her bed because the baby was sleeping. II - He is so drunk tonight! Look the way he is ________ around. III - I’m ________ because I hurt my leg playing football yesterday. IV - Would you like to go for a ________ in the park?
(1) Intercultural Approach. (2) English for Specific Purposes. (3) Communicative Approach. (4) Post method era. (5) English as a lingua franca.
( ) When the language is used for interactions between speakers of different native languages. ( ) A three dimensional system with three pedagogic parameters: particularity, practicality, and possibility. ( ) It recognizes that diversity brings more opportunities and possibilities of learning. ( ) A methodology that takes into account the subjective needs of the students. ( ) It is based on the idea that learning a language successfully emerges from real contexts of speaking.
Breast Milk Is Teeming With Bacteria — That’s Good for the Baby Breast-fed milk may nourish a baby’s microbiome in ways that bottled breast milk can’t.
In the earliest days after birth, millions of bacteria make their home in a baby’s body — in the skin, mouth and especially the gut. These immigrants come from the birth canal and the mother’s feces (during a vaginal birth), the mother’s skin and mouth as she holds and nuzzles the baby and perhaps even from the placenta, although that source is still debated. The colonizing microbiome can have a farreaching impact on the baby’s health. Studies have suggested, for instance, that the populace of a baby’s microbiome in the first two years of life may predict later risk of obesity. Children born by cesarean section are also more likely to become obese, or to develop autoimmune diseases such as type 1 diabetes and asthma. Lately, scientists have identified another major contributor to the infant microbiome. Breast milk, it turns out, is teeming with bacteria that colonize the infant’s gut, and could help set the course for the baby’s growing immune system and metabolism. eastmilk-microbiome-parenting.html
According to text, it is right to affirm that:
I - What Beatles’ song do you like more: “Imagine” or “Yesterday”? II - My house, which was built by my husband, is now for sale. III - What is your favourite book? IV - Which shirt do you think I should by: the pink or the black one?
About the use of “what” and “which”, it is right to affirm that:
“Three nights later old Major died peacefully in his sleep. His body was buried at the foot of the orchard. This was early in March. During the next three months there was much secret activity. Major's speech had given to the more intelligent animals on the farm a completely new outlook on life. They did not know when the Rebellion predicted by Major would take place, they had no reason for thinking that it would be within their own lifetime, but they saw clearly that it was their duty to prepare for it. The work of teaching and organising the others fell naturally upon the pigs, who were generally recognised as being the cleverest of the animals. Pre−eminent among the pigs were two young boars named Snowball and Napoleon, whom Mr. Jones was breeding up for sale. Napoleon was a large, rather fierce−looking Berkshire boar, the only Berkshire on the farm, not much of a talker, but with a reputation for getting his own way. Snowball was a more vivacious pig than Napoleon, quicker in speech and more inventive, but was not considered to have the same depth of character. All the other male pigs on the farm were porkers. The best known among them was a small fat pig named Squealer, with very round cheeks, twinkling eyes, nimble movements, and a shrill voice. He was a brilliant talker, and when he was arguing some difficult point he had a way of skipping from side to side and whisking his tail which was somehow very persuasive”.
ORWELL, George. Animal farm. 21 ed. London: Penguin books, 2008.
It is CORRECT to affirm that:
I - Sociolinguistics focuses on the patterns of linguistic behaviour observable within a community of speech, recognizing language as a social reality. II - Addressing English linguistic variations is essential for it sheds a light on peripheral cultures and peoples who are generally set aside during English teaching and learning. III - Sociolinguistics has to do with the relationship established between languages and societies and, therefore, it is right to say that it is more relevant for Brazilians to learn the American variation, given the economic and politic relationship that Brazil established with the U.S.A. IV - Only standard English should be studied, as knowing other linguistic variants of the language represents no benefit to the learner during communication.
I - The use of the internet, forums, and conversation apps is useful for it brings the student closer to real and tangible contexts of communication. II - The internet provides us with interesting tools for grammar contents to be assessed in less formal contexts of communication. III - Because of security issues, it is most advisable to keep technologies out of English classes. Anyways, if the teacher chooses to use them, it is indispensable for him/her to keep constant attention and vigilance to what is being explored. IV - As the importance of internationalisation processes of educational institutions have already been recognized, technology now plays a fundamental role for the contact between professionals and for the sharing of information.
The INCORRECT statements are:
I - Literature may be an interesting resource in English classes, as long as the teacher applies it to discuss topics familiar to the students. II - Coherent with the intercultural perspective for foreign languages teaching, literature may be considered a useful tool for giving students an opportunity to interact with different cultures and linguistic manifestations. III - Symbolic competence, as proposed by Kramsch, has to do with a sort of critical awareness that the literary text may be of great aid to develop. IV - Symbolic competence refers to the ability to decode linguistic signs.