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Q1250580 Inglês
The passive voice of the phrase “Mary will have made the cake” is:
Q1250579 Inglês
Consider the quoted speech below:

He said, “Don’t take the bus”.

The reported speech is:
Q1250578 Inglês
What life might be like in alien oceans.

Recent discoveries have led astrobiologists to think that moons are the most promising places for alien life to exist in our Solar System. And now several major space missions are being planned over the next decade to search for hints of life there.

Unlike our neighbouring planets, some of the moons have plenty of liquid water. Jupiter’s moon, Europa, for example, is thought to contain more liquid water than all of Earth's oceans combined. This water – and any life in it – is protected from space radiation and asteroid impacts by a thick layer of kilometersdeep surface ice.

The discovery of plumes of water shooting up from Saturn’s moon Enceladus and Europa have suggested they could have warm interiors that can support liquid oceans, heated not by the Sun, but by an internal dynamo powered by radioactive decay in their cores or by tidal heating generated by the gravitational attraction of the planets that they orbit.

There is now evidence for water oceans on several moons, including Europa, Enceladus, Callisto and Ganymede. One study published this June estimates that the Enceladus ocean is around one billion years old. Others have suggested it may be billions of years old – plenty of time for life to evolve.

Adapted from:
The negative form of the phrase “space missions are being planned over the next decade” is:
Q1250577 Inglês
What life might be like in alien oceans.

Recent discoveries have led astrobiologists to think that moons are the most promising places for alien life to exist in our Solar System. And now several major space missions are being planned over the next decade to search for hints of life there.

Unlike our neighbouring planets, some of the moons have plenty of liquid water. Jupiter’s moon, Europa, for example, is thought to contain more liquid water than all of Earth's oceans combined. This water – and any life in it – is protected from space radiation and asteroid impacts by a thick layer of kilometersdeep surface ice.

The discovery of plumes of water shooting up from Saturn’s moon Enceladus and Europa have suggested they could have warm interiors that can support liquid oceans, heated not by the Sun, but by an internal dynamo powered by radioactive decay in their cores or by tidal heating generated by the gravitational attraction of the planets that they orbit.

There is now evidence for water oceans on several moons, including Europa, Enceladus, Callisto and Ganymede. One study published this June estimates that the Enceladus ocean is around one billion years old. Others have suggested it may be billions of years old – plenty of time for life to evolve.

Adapted from:
The word cores in “radioactive decay in their cores” can be replaced by:
Q1250576 Inglês
What life might be like in alien oceans.

Recent discoveries have led astrobiologists to think that moons are the most promising places for alien life to exist in our Solar System. And now several major space missions are being planned over the next decade to search for hints of life there.

Unlike our neighbouring planets, some of the moons have plenty of liquid water. Jupiter’s moon, Europa, for example, is thought to contain more liquid water than all of Earth's oceans combined. This water – and any life in it – is protected from space radiation and asteroid impacts by a thick layer of kilometersdeep surface ice.

The discovery of plumes of water shooting up from Saturn’s moon Enceladus and Europa have suggested they could have warm interiors that can support liquid oceans, heated not by the Sun, but by an internal dynamo powered by radioactive decay in their cores or by tidal heating generated by the gravitational attraction of the planets that they orbit.

There is now evidence for water oceans on several moons, including Europa, Enceladus, Callisto and Ganymede. One study published this June estimates that the Enceladus ocean is around one billion years old. Others have suggested it may be billions of years old – plenty of time for life to evolve.

Adapted from:
In that places, the existence of life is possible due to the evidence of:
Q1250575 Inglês
What life might be like in alien oceans.

Recent discoveries have led astrobiologists to think that moons are the most promising places for alien life to exist in our Solar System. And now several major space missions are being planned over the next decade to search for hints of life there.

Unlike our neighbouring planets, some of the moons have plenty of liquid water. Jupiter’s moon, Europa, for example, is thought to contain more liquid water than all of Earth's oceans combined. This water – and any life in it – is protected from space radiation and asteroid impacts by a thick layer of kilometersdeep surface ice.

The discovery of plumes of water shooting up from Saturn’s moon Enceladus and Europa have suggested they could have warm interiors that can support liquid oceans, heated not by the Sun, but by an internal dynamo powered by radioactive decay in their cores or by tidal heating generated by the gravitational attraction of the planets that they orbit.

There is now evidence for water oceans on several moons, including Europa, Enceladus, Callisto and Ganymede. One study published this June estimates that the Enceladus ocean is around one billion years old. Others have suggested it may be billions of years old – plenty of time for life to evolve.

Adapted from:
According to the text, the existence of alien life is more likely in places such as:
Q1250574 Pedagogia
Com relação ao modelo interacional de leitura, assinale alternativa CORRETA.
Q1250573 Pedagogia
A Base Nacional Comum Curricular, com relação à língua inglesa, traz o seguinte:

“Alguns conceitos parecem já não atender as perspectivas de compreensão de uma língua que “viralizou” e se tornou “miscigenada”, como é o caso do conceito de língua estrangeira, fortemente criticado por seu viés eurocêntrico. Outras terminologias, mais recentemente propostas, também provocam um intenso debate no campo, tais como inglês como língua internacional, como língua global, como língua adicional, como língua franca, dentre outras. Em que pese as diferenças entre uma terminologia e outra, suas ênfases, pontos de contato e eventuais sobreposições, o tratamento dado ao componente na BNCC prioriza o foco da função social e política do inglês e, nesse sentido, passa a tratá-la em seu status de língua ___________.”

Fonte: Base Nacional Comum Curricular/BNCC, página 241.

Assinale a alternativa que corretamente completa a lacuna ao final do texto.
Q1250561 Pedagogia
Leia o trecho e responda:

Construir no aluno a capacidade de enfrentar determinadas situações, sem limitar-se somente no conhecimento adquirido, mas utilizando-se da consciência de múltiplos recursos cognitivos, tais como saberes, capacidades, micro - competências, informações, valores, atitudes, esquemas de percepção, de avaliação e de raciocínio. Como essas capacidades não são inatas cabe à escola desenvolvê-las nos estudantes. É exatamente esta mudança de paradigma que tem norteado reformas educacionais e currículos.

Na perspectiva apresentada baseia-se a construção de um currículo:
Q1250559 Pedagogia
“O projeto político-pedagógico é um instrumento teórico-metodológico que visa ajudar a enfrentar os desafios do cotidiano da escola, de uma forma refletida, consciente, sistematizada, orgânica e, o que é essencial, participativa.”
Dentre as funções descritas abaixo, aquela que está em consonância com os objetivos do referido projeto é:
Q1250558 Pedagogia
Leia a o trecho e responda:

“Este se refere à atividade que envolve o processo de reflexão, de decisões sobre a organização, funcionamento e a proposta pedagógica da instituição. É um processo de racionalização, organização e coordenação da ação docente, articulando a atividade escolar e a problemática do contexto social.”

A descrição se refere a que tipo de planejamento:
Q1250552 Pedagogia
Partindo da leitura das Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais da Educação Básica, destacam-se os princípios fundamentais que norteiam a educação. Considerando-se o ensino infantil, o princípio que procura desenvolver a valorização da autonomia, da responsabilidade, da solidariedade e do respeito ao bem comum, ao meio ambiente e às diferentes culturas, identidades e singularidades se refere:
Q1250478 Direito Constitucional
Sobre o regime constitucional dos servidores públicos, assinale a alternativa incorreta.
Q1250472 Conhecimentos Gerais
Leia o fragmento a seguir.
“Segundo a Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria (SBP), crianças (com 9 anos) não devem usar as telas (de celular) por mais de duas horas diárias. Já para as de 2 a 5 anos o rigor é maior: até uma hora. E bebês com menos de 2 anos não deveriam ter contato.” Muito tempo de tela diminui memória e atenção da criança.
Jornal O Tempo, 7 de out de 2018, p 29.

A fim de orientar pais e responsáveis por criança no uso de telas (celular, computadores, TVs, etc.), a SBP recomenda que os adultos também se desconectem quando em contato com crianças, ou que façam uso solidário do aparelho, discutindo e orientando o que se apresenta na tela, bem como limitem o acesso antes do sono e durante as refeições das crianças.
Em se tratando das refeições, o uso do celular deve ser evitado porque:
Q1250471 Conhecimentos Gerais
“Posso dizer que 100% das minhas vendas são concluídas pelo WhatsApp. Faço a divulgação no Facebook e no Instagram, mas negocio com o cliente via WhatsApp afirma a microempresária [...] (que) vende bolos e doces há três anos na internet. [...]” O TEMPO. “WhatsApp é a ferramenta de venda para
70% dos negócios”, 14 out. 2018. p. 12.

De acordo com a reportagem, as redes sociais têm potencializado muitos negócios.
Considerando os fatores que explicam esse tipo de negócio, é correto afirmar:
Q1250464 Português
Leia o texto a seguir para responder à questão.

Às vezes, as pessoas contam histórias bonitas sem ter a noção do que elas [as histórias] sejam. Nem mesmo de que sejam crônicas de um dia comum, da vida mais amena de que se tem notícia. Fomos adestrados para acompanhar a macro-história, os grandes eventos, as vidas das celebridades. Para que se tome consciência de que os episódios prosaicos merecem registro, é preciso que alguém use lentes de enxergá-los. E as lentes, muitas vezes, ficam guardadas. À maneira da dança ou dos esportes, ficamos inábeis se ficamos tanto tempo sem usar esses filtros. Fazer crônica é enxergar o avesso dos eventos. Os deseventos, desinventar o notável, inventar o quase invisível, observar as coisas quando elas são despistadas, discretas, aliviadas do peso de serem epopeias. [...]
(Crônicas do Ordinário – Ana Elisa Ribeiro).
Disponível em: 
Acesso em: 29 jan. 2019 (Adaptação)
Em “Para que se tome consciência de que os episódios prosaicos merecem registro, é preciso que alguém use lentes de enxergá-los”, o pronome oblíquo –los retoma o termo:
Q1250279 Pedagogia
O currículo deriva do verbo latino currere (correr), curriculum que por ser neutro, tem plural currículo, significa “carreira”, em forma figurada. Analise as opções a seguir:
I- O currículo é sempre o resultado de uma seleção de um universo mais amplo de conhecimentos e saberes. II- O currículo está repleto de código cultural. III- O currículo modela-se dentro de um sistema escolar concreto, dirige-se a determinado professor e aluno. IV- O currículo expõe o pensamento de um autor e não da cultura, portanto não se deve analisar o currículo pelo contexto que o compõe. V-O currículo é uma forma de ter acesso ao conhecimento e para cada nível uma perspectiva diferente. VI- Não se pode modificar o currículo, mesmo quando se tratar dos alunos com necessidades educacionais especiais.

Marque a opção INCORRETA:
Q1250274 Pedagogia
De acordo com a lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional, Lei nº 9.394/96 (LDB), que, no capítulo V, Art. 58º da Educação Especial, afirma:
Q1249971 Inglês
The teaching of English as a foreign language in the context of Brazilian regular schools: a retrospective and prospective view of policies and practices. (Ricardo Luiz Teixeira de Almeida).

(…) A brief overview of the recent history of ELT in Brazilian regular schools During the 1970s, the so-called audiolingual method, based on behaviorist and structuralist assumptions, was still considered the only scientific way of teaching a foreign language. Its emphasis on the oral skills and on the exhaustive repetition of structural exercises seemed to work well in the contexts of private language institutes. Those contexts were characterized by the gathering of small numbers of highly motivated students per class, a weekly time-table superior in the number of hours to the one adopted in regular schools, and plenty of audiovisual resources. Questionable in itself, both because of its results (which in time were revealed to be less efficient than believed, especially in terms of fluency) and its theoretical assumptions, the method ended up being adopted by regular schools due to its positive reputation at the time. The failure of the methodology in this context would soon become evident, generating extreme frustration both amongst teachers and students.
From the 1980s on, with the spread of ideas connected to the so-called communicative approach and the growth of English for Specific Purposes (ESP), the community of researchers and teachers interested in the context of regular schools started reviewing the assumptions and logic of English Language Teaching (ELT). Recognizing that each and every school discipline needs to justify its presence in the curriculum socially and educationally, this movement identified the skill of reading as the most relevant one for the students attending the majority of Brazilian regular schools. This understanding was achieved by considering not only the possibility of real use outside school, but also the role this approach could play in the achievement of other educational goals, such as the improvement of student's reading abilities in Portuguese as a mother tongue (MOITA LOPES, 1996)*. This movement reached its climax with the publication of the Brazilian National Curricular Parameters (PCN) for the teaching of foreign languages at basic education level by the end of the 1990s. The document recommended the focus on the teaching of reading within a view of language as discourse. However, it did not close the door on the teaching of any other skill, as long as the context made it possible and relevant.
It is important at this point to clarify a few things about the emergence of this educational policy. First of all, it was not formulated apart from the community of teachers and researchers and then imposed upon them. On the contrary, great names in Brazilian Applied Linguistics, such as Luiz Paulo da Moita Lopes and Maria Antonieta Celani among others, were involved in the formulation of the Parameters. Even more important than that, a lot of teachers, individually or collectively, with or without supervision, were already trying the focus on reading as an alternative to the failure of previous practices before the Parameters were elaborated. Two well-known examples are those from Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo during the late 1980s and early 1990s. In São Paulo, The Catholic University (PUCSP) became a national center for foreign language teacher education, through the development of a Brazilian ESP project focusing on reading (CELANI, 2005)**. In Rio de Janeiro, a discussion conducted by the city educational authorities and the teachers in public schools (concerning the contents and methodology of each school discipline), during the administrations of Saturnino Braga and Marcelo Alencar, led to the proposition that the focus on reading for foreign language teaching reflected the will of most teachers who participated in the discussion.
Another important characteristic of the Parameters that should not be overlooked is their emphasis on teacher's autonomy. This emphasis can be seen clearly in the fact that no content or method is imposed upon the teachers. What one can find are suggestions and relevant information for teachers to make their own decisions, taking into consideration the context within which they work. In other words, the Parameters do not force any teacher to limit their focus on the teaching of reading, if they believe they can go further than that.
In spite of all these positive points, since their publication, it is possible to identify a strong resistance to the focus on reading on the part of many teachers. The reasons for this resistance will be discussed in the following sections of this paper. […] (p.333-334) 

*MOITA LOPES, Luiz Paulo da. Oficina de Lingüística Aplicada: a natureza social e educacional dos processos de ensino / aprendizagem de línguas. Campinas: Mercado de Letras, 1996.
**CELANI, M. A. Introduction. In: CELANI, M. A. et al. ESPin Brazil: 25 years of evolution and reflection. Campinas-SP: Mercado de Letras, São Paulo: Educ, 2005. p. 13-26.
(Adapted from: Revista Brasileira de Linguística Aplicada. vol.12. nº.2. Belo Horizonte. Apr./June 2012, p. 331-348. Available at: Accessed on April 15 , 2019) 
Answer question according to TEXTI.

In spite of all these positive points, since their publication, it is possible to identify a strong resistance to the focus on reading on the part of many teachers.” The expression in spite of can be substituted by
Q1249970 Inglês
The teaching of English as a foreign language in the context of Brazilian regular schools: a retrospective and prospective view of policies and practices. (Ricardo Luiz Teixeira de Almeida).

(…) A brief overview of the recent history of ELT in Brazilian regular schools During the 1970s, the so-called audiolingual method, based on behaviorist and structuralist assumptions, was still considered the only scientific way of teaching a foreign language. Its emphasis on the oral skills and on the exhaustive repetition of structural exercises seemed to work well in the contexts of private language institutes. Those contexts were characterized by the gathering of small numbers of highly motivated students per class, a weekly time-table superior in the number of hours to the one adopted in regular schools, and plenty of audiovisual resources. Questionable in itself, both because of its results (which in time were revealed to be less efficient than believed, especially in terms of fluency) and its theoretical assumptions, the method ended up being adopted by regular schools due to its positive reputation at the time. The failure of the methodology in this context would soon become evident, generating extreme frustration both amongst teachers and students.
From the 1980s on, with the spread of ideas connected to the so-called communicative approach and the growth of English for Specific Purposes (ESP), the community of researchers and teachers interested in the context of regular schools started reviewing the assumptions and logic of English Language Teaching (ELT). Recognizing that each and every school discipline needs to justify its presence in the curriculum socially and educationally, this movement identified the skill of reading as the most relevant one for the students attending the majority of Brazilian regular schools. This understanding was achieved by considering not only the possibility of real use outside school, but also the role this approach could play in the achievement of other educational goals, such as the improvement of student's reading abilities in Portuguese as a mother tongue (MOITA LOPES, 1996)*. This movement reached its climax with the publication of the Brazilian National Curricular Parameters (PCN) for the teaching of foreign languages at basic education level by the end of the 1990s. The document recommended the focus on the teaching of reading within a view of language as discourse. However, it did not close the door on the teaching of any other skill, as long as the context made it possible and relevant.
It is important at this point to clarify a few things about the emergence of this educational policy. First of all, it was not formulated apart from the community of teachers and researchers and then imposed upon them. On the contrary, great names in Brazilian Applied Linguistics, such as Luiz Paulo da Moita Lopes and Maria Antonieta Celani among others, were involved in the formulation of the Parameters. Even more important than that, a lot of teachers, individually or collectively, with or without supervision, were already trying the focus on reading as an alternative to the failure of previous practices before the Parameters were elaborated. Two well-known examples are those from Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo during the late 1980s and early 1990s. In São Paulo, The Catholic University (PUCSP) became a national center for foreign language teacher education, through the development of a Brazilian ESP project focusing on reading (CELANI, 2005)**. In Rio de Janeiro, a discussion conducted by the city educational authorities and the teachers in public schools (concerning the contents and methodology of each school discipline), during the administrations of Saturnino Braga and Marcelo Alencar, led to the proposition that the focus on reading for foreign language teaching reflected the will of most teachers who participated in the discussion.
Another important characteristic of the Parameters that should not be overlooked is their emphasis on teacher's autonomy. This emphasis can be seen clearly in the fact that no content or method is imposed upon the teachers. What one can find are suggestions and relevant information for teachers to make their own decisions, taking into consideration the context within which they work. In other words, the Parameters do not force any teacher to limit their focus on the teaching of reading, if they believe they can go further than that.
In spite of all these positive points, since their publication, it is possible to identify a strong resistance to the focus on reading on the part of many teachers. The reasons for this resistance will be discussed in the following sections of this paper. […] (p.333-334) 

*MOITA LOPES, Luiz Paulo da. Oficina de Lingüística Aplicada: a natureza social e educacional dos processos de ensino / aprendizagem de línguas. Campinas: Mercado de Letras, 1996.
**CELANI, M. A. Introduction. In: CELANI, M. A. et al. ESPin Brazil: 25 years of evolution and reflection. Campinas-SP: Mercado de Letras, São Paulo: Educ, 2005. p. 13-26.
(Adapted from: Revista Brasileira de Linguística Aplicada. vol.12. nº.2. Belo Horizonte. Apr./June 2012, p. 331-348. Available at: Accessed on April 15 , 2019) 
Answer question according to TEXTI.

“[...] both because of its results (which in time were revealed to be less efficient than believed, especially in terms of fluency) and its theoretical assumptions [...]”. The word which 
9441: D
9442: C
9443: A
9444: B
9445: D
9446: B
9447: D
9448: C
9449: C
9450: C
9451: A
9452: B
9453: A
9454: A
9455: D
9456: C
9457: D
9458: B
9459: A
9460: B