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Comentadas para professor - inglês
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Com base no que dispõe o Currículo em Movimento da Educação Básica – Ensino Médio, julgue o item subsequente.
Um dos objetivos da área de linguagens é refletir sobre o
caráter heterogêneo das línguas, com prioridade para o estudo
da norma culta padrão.
Com base no que dispõe o Currículo em Movimento da Educação Básica – Ensino Médio, julgue o item subsequente.
O multiletramento refere-se ao desenvolvimento de linguagens
híbridas e à implementação de todas as mídias, principalmente
as digitais, no contexto diário escolar.
Com base no que dispõe o Currículo em Movimento da Educação Básica – Ensino Médio, julgue o item subsequente.
O processo de formação de leitores críticos, capazes de refletir
sobre textos de diversos gêneros — artigo de opinião, editorial,
reportagem, notícia, entre outros —, é tarefa única de
professores da área de linguagens.
Judge the following item according to text 19A3BBB.
In the first paragraph, both “innovative” (l.1) and
“characteristics” (l.5) are pronounced with the primary stress
on the first syllable
Judge the following item according to text 19A3BBB.
In the first paragraph, “As” is a conjunction used to convey
Judge the following item according to text 19A3BBB.
In the second paragraph, the word “subsumed” (.20) means
Judge the following item according to text 19A3BBB.
It is correct to replace “calling” with call in the phrase “used to
calling” (l.17).
Judge the following item according to text 19A3BBB.
In the first paragraph, the word “touted” (l.2) means
Judge the following item according to text 19A3AAA.
The sentence “However, there are other causes for errors too,
one of which is overgeneralization of target-language rules”
would remain correct if “which” were replaced with them in
the clause “one of which is overgeneralization”.
Judge the following item according to text 19A3AAA.
Students learn errors from other students.
Judge the following item according to text 19A3AAA.
Overextension is one type of overgeneralization error.
Judge the following item according to text 19A3AAA.
The text defends that the more different a grammar structure
in the second language is, the longer a learner will take to
acquire it.
Judge the following item according to text 19A3AAA.
First language learners’ errors are similar to second language
learners’ errors despite the latter’s first language.
Based on the text 19A1BBB, judge the following item.
It can be concluded from the text that current times call for
action, change and diversity in language teaching.
Based on the text 19A1BBB, judge the following item.
The word “Instead” (l.14) can be correctly replaced by