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Q795884 Pedagogia

Com base no que dispõe o Currículo em Movimento da Educação Básica – Ensino Médio, julgue o item subsequente.

Um dos objetivos da área de linguagens é refletir sobre o caráter heterogêneo das línguas, com prioridade para o estudo da norma culta padrão.

Q795883 Pedagogia

Com base no que dispõe o Currículo em Movimento da Educação Básica – Ensino Médio, julgue o item subsequente.

O multiletramento refere-se ao desenvolvimento de linguagens híbridas e à implementação de todas as mídias, principalmente as digitais, no contexto diário escolar.

Q795882 Pedagogia

Com base no que dispõe o Currículo em Movimento da Educação Básica – Ensino Médio, julgue o item subsequente.

O processo de formação de leitores críticos, capazes de refletir sobre textos de diversos gêneros — artigo de opinião, editorial, reportagem, notícia, entre outros —, é tarefa única de professores da área de linguagens.

Q795881 Pedagogia
As Diretrizes Pedagógicas para a Organização Escolar do 3.º ciclo para as Aprendizagens são um suporte para práticas pedagógicas inovadoras que procuram romper com concepções conservadoras do ensinar, aprender, avaliar e pesquisar. Essas diretrizes embasam-se no entendimento da escola como espaço flexível, democrático e autônomo e propõem um trabalho pedagógico fundado pelos princípios da continuidade, flexibilidade e articulação, que extrapolam a preocupação exclusiva com resultados. Tendo o texto apresentado como referência inicial, julgue o próximo item, relativos às diretrizes nele mencionadas. As classes de correção da distorção idade-série possibilitam agrupar os estudantes de acordo com suas dificuldades e potencialidades com o objetivo de promover o avanço contínuo das aprendizagens.
Q795880 Pedagogia
As Diretrizes Pedagógicas para a Organização Escolar do 3.º ciclo para as Aprendizagens são um suporte para práticas pedagógicas inovadoras que procuram romper com concepções conservadoras do ensinar, aprender, avaliar e pesquisar. Essas diretrizes embasam-se no entendimento da escola como espaço flexível, democrático e autônomo e propõem um trabalho pedagógico fundado pelos princípios da continuidade, flexibilidade e articulação, que extrapolam a preocupação exclusiva com resultados. Tendo o texto apresentado como referência inicial, julgue o próximo item, relativos às diretrizes nele mencionadas. O projeto interventivo, que compõe o projeto político-pedagógico da escola, é considerado uma prática colegiada, na medida em que toda a equipe pedagógica da escola deve estar envolvida em seu planejamento e em sua realização.
Q795879 Pedagogia
As Diretrizes Pedagógicas para a Organização Escolar do 3.º ciclo para as Aprendizagens são um suporte para práticas pedagógicas inovadoras que procuram romper com concepções conservadoras do ensinar, aprender, avaliar e pesquisar. Essas diretrizes embasam-se no entendimento da escola como espaço flexível, democrático e autônomo e propõem um trabalho pedagógico fundado pelos princípios da continuidade, flexibilidade e articulação, que extrapolam a preocupação exclusiva com resultados. Tendo o texto apresentado como referência inicial, julgue o próximo item, relativos às diretrizes nele mencionadas. A técnica de ensino denominada grupo de verbalização e de observação (GV/GO) consiste em organizar a turma em grupos com seis pessoas, para a discussão de determinado tema durante seis minutos.
Q795878 Pedagogia
As Diretrizes Pedagógicas para a Organização Escolar do 3.º ciclo para as Aprendizagens são um suporte para práticas pedagógicas inovadoras que procuram romper com concepções conservadoras do ensinar, aprender, avaliar e pesquisar. Essas diretrizes embasam-se no entendimento da escola como espaço flexível, democrático e autônomo e propõem um trabalho pedagógico fundado pelos princípios da continuidade, flexibilidade e articulação, que extrapolam a preocupação exclusiva com resultados. Tendo o texto apresentado como referência inicial, julgue o próximo item, relativos às diretrizes nele mencionadas. A progressão continuada, também denominada promoção automática, fundamenta-se na ideia de que os estudantes devem progredir sem lacunas em suas aprendizagens.
Q795877 Pedagogia
As Diretrizes Pedagógicas para a Organização Escolar do 3.º ciclo para as Aprendizagens são um suporte para práticas pedagógicas inovadoras que procuram romper com concepções conservadoras do ensinar, aprender, avaliar e pesquisar. Essas diretrizes embasam-se no entendimento da escola como espaço flexível, democrático e autônomo e propõem um trabalho pedagógico fundado pelos princípios da continuidade, flexibilidade e articulação, que extrapolam a preocupação exclusiva com resultados. Tendo o texto apresentado como referência inicial, julgue o próximo item, relativos às diretrizes nele mencionadas. Uma das atribuições do coordenador pedagógico é orientar e acompanhar a análise do desempenho dos estudantes.
Q795876 Inglês

Judge the following item according to text 19A3BBB.

In the first paragraph, both “innovative” (l.1) and “characteristics” (l.5) are pronounced with the primary stress on the first syllable

Q795875 Inglês

Judge the following item according to text 19A3BBB.

In the first paragraph, “As” is a conjunction used to convey time.

Q795874 Inglês

Judge the following item according to text 19A3BBB.

In the second paragraph, the word “subsumed” (.20) means included.

Q795873 Inglês

Judge the following item according to text 19A3BBB.

It is correct to replace “calling” with call in the phrase “used to calling” (l.17).

Q795872 Inglês

Judge the following item according to text 19A3BBB.

In the first paragraph, the word “touted” (l.2) means questioned.

Q795871 Inglês
Text 19A3AAA
The transfer of patterns from the native language is undoubtedly one of the major sources of errors in learner language. However, there are other causes for errors too, one of which is overgeneralization of target-language rules. For example, research has shown that second-language learners from different first-language backgrounds often make the same kinds of errors when learning a particular second language. In such cases, second-language errors are evidence of the learners’ efforts to discover the structure of the target language itself rather than attempts to transfer patterns from their first language. Interestingly, some of these errors are remarkably similar to the kinds of errors made by first language learners.
These observations are a strong indication that second language learning is not simply a process of putting second-language words into first-language sentences. Research has also shown that aspects of the second language which are different from the first language will not necessarily be acquired later or with more difficulty than those aspects which are similar.
On the other hand, when errors are caused by the overextension of some partial similarity between the first and second languages, these errors may be difficult to overcome. This may be particularly problematic if learners are frequently in contact with other learners who make the same errors.
Lightbown, P. & Spada, N. How languages are learned. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999, p. 165 (adapted).

Judge the following item according to text 19A3AAA.

The sentence “However, there are other causes for errors too, one of which is overgeneralization of target-language rules” would remain correct if “which” were replaced with them in the clause “one of which is overgeneralization”.

Q795870 Inglês
Text 19A3AAA
The transfer of patterns from the native language is undoubtedly one of the major sources of errors in learner language. However, there are other causes for errors too, one of which is overgeneralization of target-language rules. For example, research has shown that second-language learners from different first-language backgrounds often make the same kinds of errors when learning a particular second language. In such cases, second-language errors are evidence of the learners’ efforts to discover the structure of the target language itself rather than attempts to transfer patterns from their first language. Interestingly, some of these errors are remarkably similar to the kinds of errors made by first language learners.
These observations are a strong indication that second language learning is not simply a process of putting second-language words into first-language sentences. Research has also shown that aspects of the second language which are different from the first language will not necessarily be acquired later or with more difficulty than those aspects which are similar.
On the other hand, when errors are caused by the overextension of some partial similarity between the first and second languages, these errors may be difficult to overcome. This may be particularly problematic if learners are frequently in contact with other learners who make the same errors.
Lightbown, P. & Spada, N. How languages are learned. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999, p. 165 (adapted).

Judge the following item according to text 19A3AAA.

Students learn errors from other students.

Q795869 Inglês
Text 19A3AAA
The transfer of patterns from the native language is undoubtedly one of the major sources of errors in learner language. However, there are other causes for errors too, one of which is overgeneralization of target-language rules. For example, research has shown that second-language learners from different first-language backgrounds often make the same kinds of errors when learning a particular second language. In such cases, second-language errors are evidence of the learners’ efforts to discover the structure of the target language itself rather than attempts to transfer patterns from their first language. Interestingly, some of these errors are remarkably similar to the kinds of errors made by first language learners.
These observations are a strong indication that second language learning is not simply a process of putting second-language words into first-language sentences. Research has also shown that aspects of the second language which are different from the first language will not necessarily be acquired later or with more difficulty than those aspects which are similar.
On the other hand, when errors are caused by the overextension of some partial similarity between the first and second languages, these errors may be difficult to overcome. This may be particularly problematic if learners are frequently in contact with other learners who make the same errors.
Lightbown, P. & Spada, N. How languages are learned. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999, p. 165 (adapted).

Judge the following item according to text 19A3AAA.

Overextension is one type of overgeneralization error.

Q795868 Inglês
Text 19A3AAA
The transfer of patterns from the native language is undoubtedly one of the major sources of errors in learner language. However, there are other causes for errors too, one of which is overgeneralization of target-language rules. For example, research has shown that second-language learners from different first-language backgrounds often make the same kinds of errors when learning a particular second language. In such cases, second-language errors are evidence of the learners’ efforts to discover the structure of the target language itself rather than attempts to transfer patterns from their first language. Interestingly, some of these errors are remarkably similar to the kinds of errors made by first language learners.
These observations are a strong indication that second language learning is not simply a process of putting second-language words into first-language sentences. Research has also shown that aspects of the second language which are different from the first language will not necessarily be acquired later or with more difficulty than those aspects which are similar.
On the other hand, when errors are caused by the overextension of some partial similarity between the first and second languages, these errors may be difficult to overcome. This may be particularly problematic if learners are frequently in contact with other learners who make the same errors.
Lightbown, P. & Spada, N. How languages are learned. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999, p. 165 (adapted).

Judge the following item according to text 19A3AAA.

The text defends that the more different a grammar structure in the second language is, the longer a learner will take to acquire it.

Q795867 Inglês
Text 19A3AAA
The transfer of patterns from the native language is undoubtedly one of the major sources of errors in learner language. However, there are other causes for errors too, one of which is overgeneralization of target-language rules. For example, research has shown that second-language learners from different first-language backgrounds often make the same kinds of errors when learning a particular second language. In such cases, second-language errors are evidence of the learners’ efforts to discover the structure of the target language itself rather than attempts to transfer patterns from their first language. Interestingly, some of these errors are remarkably similar to the kinds of errors made by first language learners.
These observations are a strong indication that second language learning is not simply a process of putting second-language words into first-language sentences. Research has also shown that aspects of the second language which are different from the first language will not necessarily be acquired later or with more difficulty than those aspects which are similar.
On the other hand, when errors are caused by the overextension of some partial similarity between the first and second languages, these errors may be difficult to overcome. This may be particularly problematic if learners are frequently in contact with other learners who make the same errors.
Lightbown, P. & Spada, N. How languages are learned. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999, p. 165 (adapted).

Judge the following item according to text 19A3AAA.

First language learners’ errors are similar to second language learners’ errors despite the latter’s first language.

Q795866 Inglês

Based on the text 19A1BBB, judge the following item.

It can be concluded from the text that current times call for action, change and diversity in language teaching.

Q795865 Inglês

Based on the text 19A1BBB, judge the following item.

The word “Instead” (l.14) can be correctly replaced by Moreover.

12201: E
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