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Q503728 Inglês
One mechanism of grammatical cohesion is the use of substituting pro-forms. The only example of a pro-form is:
Q503727 Inglês
According to the Longman Grammar (Biber et al., 1999, p. 988), “collocations are associations between lexical words, so that the words co-occur more frequently than expected by chance”. This text presents several examples of collocations. The only exception is:
Q503726 Inglês
Adverbs present a range of semantic categories. In this text, we can ?nd some of them: time, manner, degree etc. The only pair that includes adverbs of different semantic categories is:
Q503725 Inglês
This text shows several examples of multiple parallel clausal structures. One example particularly shows the repetition of subordinate clauses to describe the preceding noun phrase, producing a certain dramatic effect. The example is:
Q503724 Inglês
According to the Longman Grammar (Biber et al., 1999), it is dificult to identify the intended time reference for the past perfect, because the reference depends on the context. In “All of them were loved, but most had missed many of the experiences we expect children to have in their first five years." (l. 12), the time reference for the past perfect verb phrase is:
Q503723 Inglês
Lexical choices vary according to the different types of language: written or spoken. An example of a word in the text that is typical of American conversational English is:
Q503722 Inglês
In the sentence “It would be nice if teachers who work in the most challenging schools could be paid more." (l. 43), the personal pronoun 'it' functions as an:
Q503721 Inglês
This editorial is a critical response to the article “Poor schools, rookie teachers” (l. 3). The critique is built against the logical relation established between the two noun phrases of this title. This logical relation is one of:
Q503720 Inglês
According to the text, the only reason that fails to justify teachers leaving the toughest schools is that they:
Q503719 Inglês
Questions 21 through 35 address existing theories of English teaching. Read them and mark the correct alternative.
In “Teaching Reading Skills in a Foreign Language”, Nuttall (1996, p. 39) presents some reading strategies. According to the author, some of them are obvious and some are more complex. The correct correspondence between the strategy and the type is:
Q503718 Inglês
Questions 21 through 35 address existing theories of English teaching. Read them and mark the correct alternative.
“Scaffolding” (Nuttall, 1996, p.36) is a process that “focus on enabling students to develop”. In “Teaching Reading Skills in a Foreign Language”, Nuttall suggests some steps to promote this process. The alternative that presents one of these steps is:
Q503717 Inglês
Questions 21 through 35 address existing theories of English teaching. Read them and mark the correct alternative.
Assuming that current language teaching tends to be eclectic in terms of approaches and that this might result in inconsistent and unfounded practice, Harmer (2007) recommends three essential elements for any teaching sequence: engage, study and activate. The alternative with a correct example of one of these elements is:
Q503716 Inglês
Questions 21 through 35 address existing theories of English teaching. Read them and mark the correct alternative.
When teaching vocabulary, teachers should be aware of the purpose of the activities they propose. Harmer (2007) presents some examples of vocabulary activities associated with a specific purpose. One example of correct association between the activity and its purpose is:
Q503715 Inglês
Questions 21 through 35 address existing theories of English teaching. Read them and mark the correct alternative.
According to Harmer (2007) in “How to teach English”, the discovery approach is a possible way of teaching grammar. In this approach, teachers lead learners to build the target knowledge. One example of a discovery activity is:
Q503714 Inglês
Questions 21 through 35 address existing theories of English teaching. Read them and mark the correct alternative.
According to the “Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais”, communicative competence is composed of the following three types of knowledge:
Q503713 Inglês
Questions 21 through 35 address existing theories of English teaching. Read them and mark the correct alternative.
In language teaching studies, some attempts of modeling the reading process have been made. The approach to reading that is generally accepted today is:
Q503712 Inglês
Questions 21 through 35 address existing theories of English teaching. Read them and mark the correct alternative.
In “Oficina de Linguística Aplicada”, Moita Lopes (1996) discusses the concept of “self-ful?lling prophecy”, presented by Rosenthal and Jacobson in 1973. The author particularly uses this concept to tackle the belief of failure, which:
Q503711 Inglês
Questions 21 through 35 address existing theories of English teaching. Read them and mark the correct alternative.
The “Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais" claim that learning a foreign language contributes to the learning of the first language. According to this document, that can be explained by the fact that learning a foreign language:
Q503710 Inglês
Questions 21 through 35 address existing theories of English teaching. Read them and mark the correct alternative.
The “Currículo Mínimo – Língua Estrangeira” (2012) has the purpose of developing the following competence in basic school education:
Q503709 Inglês
Questions 21 through 35 address existing theories of English teaching. Read them and mark the correct alternative.
The “Currículo Mínimo – Língua Estrangeira” (2012) aims at promoting interdisciplinarity, majorly with the discipline of Portuguese language. The document suggests that this promotion be achieved by means of:
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