Questões de Concurso Comentadas para professor - inglês

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Q2516897 Pedagogia
A respeito da transversalidade, segundo as Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais Gerais para a Educação Básica, analise as seguintes assertivas:
I. É entendida como uma forma de organizar o trabalho didático-pedagógico em que temas e eixos temáticos são integrados às disciplinas, às áreas ditas convencionais, de forma a estarem presentes em todas elas.
II. Rejeita a concepção de conhecimento que toma a realidade como algo estável, pronto e acabado.
III. Orienta para a necessidade de se instituir, na prática educativa, uma analogia entre aprender conhecimentos teoricamente sistematizados (aprender sobre a realidade) e as questões da vida real (aprender na realidade e da realidade).
Quais estão corretas?
Q2516895 Pedagogia
Na Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC), nos quadros que apresentam as unidades temáticas, os objetos de conhecimento e as habilidades definidas para cada ano (ou bloco de anos), cada habilidade é identificada por um código alfanumérico. Nesse código, qual é o significado do segundo par de letras?
Q2516894 Pedagogia
De acordo com a Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional (LDB), sobre as finalidades da Educação Básica, assinale C, se corretas, ou I, se incorretas.
( ) Desenvolver o educando.
( ) Acirrar a capacidade competitiva do educando.
( ) Intensificar no educando a formação técnica e conceitual.
( ) Fornecer meios para o educando progredir em estudos posteriores.
A ordem correta de preenchimento dos parênteses, de cima para baixo, é:
Q2516893 Pedagogia
Conforme as Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais Gerais para a Educação Básica, os conteúdos curriculares da Educação Básica deverão observar as seguintes diretrizes:
I. Ensino dos valores fundamentais ao interesse econômico e aos deveres da população, de respeito à ordem e ao progresso.
II. Encaminhamento dos adolescentes ao mercado de trabalho.
III. Consideração das condições de escolaridade dos estudantes em cada estabelecimento.
IV. Promoção do desporto educacional e apoio às práticas desportivas não formais.
Quais estão corretas?
Q2516887 Conhecimentos Gerais
No dia 30 de maio de 2024, pela primeira vez na história dos Estados Unidos da América, um ex-presidente foi considerado culpado por fraude contábil em um processo criminal, após comprar o silêncio de uma atriz. A pena à qual ele será submetido será divulgada em julho de 2024. A qual ex-presidente dos Estados Unidos o trecho se refere?
Q2516880 Português
Analise as assertivas abaixo sobre pontuação:
I. A frase “Chegou em casa pegou as chaves e saiu novamente.” não requer o uso de vírgula.
II. Em “Meu irmão mais novo, finalmente passou no vestibular.” há um uso inadequado da vírgula.
III. A frase “Vamos aos fatos: o projeto precisa ser finalizado até sexta-feira.” está corretamente pontuada.
Quais estão corretas?
Q2508888 Inglês
Read Text II for question.


This study intended to investigate the language learning strategies used by learners of English as a foreign language, aiming to find the amount of strategies and the domain differences of the strategies used; to reveal the link between strategy use and success levels; and to find out the difference in strategy use between genders and its influence on their achievement in English. 257 (153 male, 104 female) students from Atılım University English Preparatory School participated in the study. At the time of the study all the participants were in the same proficiency level, and were distributed to different classes of the same level. The data were gathered through strategy inventory for language learning (SILL) of Oxford (1990), which was translated to Turkish by Cesur and Fer (2007). The instrument, based on Oxford’s (1990) classification of the language learning strategies, is composed of 50 items in six subscales. The participants responded to the inventory before the end of the level they were in. The data were analyzed through SPSS (15.0) to find the relationship of language learning strategies, gender and achievement in learning the target language. To reveal the interconnections between these factors, independent t-tests and an ANOVA test, along with post hoc procedures were performed on the gathered data. The findings of the study revealed that use of language learning strategies are positively effective in success in English, that females were significantly more successful than males in terms of achievement tests, and that they used more language learning strategies in learning English. Depending on the statistical results, it is discovered that there is a significant connection between gender, language learning strategies and achievement in English.

Available at: (adapted)

What was the study’s conclusion regarding the use of language learning strategies and success in English?
Q2508887 Inglês
Read Text II for question.


This study intended to investigate the language learning strategies used by learners of English as a foreign language, aiming to find the amount of strategies and the domain differences of the strategies used; to reveal the link between strategy use and success levels; and to find out the difference in strategy use between genders and its influence on their achievement in English. 257 (153 male, 104 female) students from Atılım University English Preparatory School participated in the study. At the time of the study all the participants were in the same proficiency level, and were distributed to different classes of the same level. The data were gathered through strategy inventory for language learning (SILL) of Oxford (1990), which was translated to Turkish by Cesur and Fer (2007). The instrument, based on Oxford’s (1990) classification of the language learning strategies, is composed of 50 items in six subscales. The participants responded to the inventory before the end of the level they were in. The data were analyzed through SPSS (15.0) to find the relationship of language learning strategies, gender and achievement in learning the target language. To reveal the interconnections between these factors, independent t-tests and an ANOVA test, along with post hoc procedures were performed on the gathered data. The findings of the study revealed that use of language learning strategies are positively effective in success in English, that females were significantly more successful than males in terms of achievement tests, and that they used more language learning strategies in learning English. Depending on the statistical results, it is discovered that there is a significant connection between gender, language learning strategies and achievement in English.

Available at: (adapted)

How was the relationship between gender and the use of language learning strategies described in the study?
Q2508886 Inglês
Read Text II for question.


This study intended to investigate the language learning strategies used by learners of English as a foreign language, aiming to find the amount of strategies and the domain differences of the strategies used; to reveal the link between strategy use and success levels; and to find out the difference in strategy use between genders and its influence on their achievement in English. 257 (153 male, 104 female) students from Atılım University English Preparatory School participated in the study. At the time of the study all the participants were in the same proficiency level, and were distributed to different classes of the same level. The data were gathered through strategy inventory for language learning (SILL) of Oxford (1990), which was translated to Turkish by Cesur and Fer (2007). The instrument, based on Oxford’s (1990) classification of the language learning strategies, is composed of 50 items in six subscales. The participants responded to the inventory before the end of the level they were in. The data were analyzed through SPSS (15.0) to find the relationship of language learning strategies, gender and achievement in learning the target language. To reveal the interconnections between these factors, independent t-tests and an ANOVA test, along with post hoc procedures were performed on the gathered data. The findings of the study revealed that use of language learning strategies are positively effective in success in English, that females were significantly more successful than males in terms of achievement tests, and that they used more language learning strategies in learning English. Depending on the statistical results, it is discovered that there is a significant connection between gender, language learning strategies and achievement in English.

Available at: (adapted)

What is the main topic of this passage? 
Q2508885 Inglês

Considering the following sentences, which one of the alternatives presents only the adequate choices of comparison for each sentence?

I- The Beatles are definitely the best British band of all time.

II- I disagree, because I believe Queen was better.

III- There is no point in arguing about that when we all know Led Zepellin was the least appreciated.

Q2508884 Inglês

Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence:

The classes allow language students from many different countries to communicate ______________.

Q2508883 Inglês

Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence:

___________ people trying to get into the stores at Black Friday last year.

1941: C
1942: E
1943: A
1944: D
1945: E
1946: A
1947: D
1948: E
1949: D
1950: E
1951: A
1952: B
1953: B
1954: D
1955: A
1956: C
1957: A
1958: B
1959: D
1960: E