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Q2239137 Inglês
Brazil becomes the eight Lead Country of the Youth Employment Network

            At the start of the new century, youth employment problems continue to pervade both developed and developing countries, with a disproportionately large number of young women and men exposed to long-term unemployment or else limited to precarious or short-term work. To seek solutions, the International Labor Organization has set up the Youth Employment Network (YEN).
               Against this background, at a seminar held in Salvador in September 2003, the Brazilian Minister of Labor, Mr. Jaques Wagner, announced Brazil’s decision to volunteer as a Lead Country of the YEN. Brazil now joins Senegal, Namibia, Egypt, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Hungary and Azerbaijan in championing the preparation of National Action Plans on youth unemployment. This policy was called for urgently by the United Nations (UN) in 2002, and endorsed by the YEN’s High Level Panel at its meeting in July 2003. Brazil’s decision was communicated through a letter from President Lula to Juan Somovia, Director General of the International Labor Organization. 
The aim of the Youth Employment Network is to  
Q2239136 Inglês
Globalization, work and changes

        Globalization is among the most hotly debated issues on political agendas today. The discussion, however, tends to be fragmented, with views often polarized along political or geographic lines. Some blame globalization for exacerbating unemployment and poverty, others see it as a way of solving such problems. Attention and research concentrate on markets and perceived economic gains or losses rather than on the impact of globalization on the life and work of people, their families and their societies.
         This lack of consensus makes it harder to develop policies at national and international levels. The inadequate focus on the human side of globalization creates a gap in understanding the forces of change and how people react to them. Such knowledge is necessary if appropriate policy responses are to be developed. 
In relation to unemployment and poverty, globalization
Q2239135 Inglês
Globalization, work and changes

        Globalization is among the most hotly debated issues on political agendas today. The discussion, however, tends to be fragmented, with views often polarized along political or geographic lines. Some blame globalization for exacerbating unemployment and poverty, others see it as a way of solving such problems. Attention and research concentrate on markets and perceived economic gains or losses rather than on the impact of globalization on the life and work of people, their families and their societies.
         This lack of consensus makes it harder to develop policies at national and international levels. The inadequate focus on the human side of globalization creates a gap in understanding the forces of change and how people react to them. Such knowledge is necessary if appropriate policy responses are to be developed. 
According to the text, the effects of globalization in its various aspects  
Ano: 2009 Banca: ESAF Órgão: MTE
Q1229510 Administração Pública
Sobre o tema ‘governo eletrônico e transparência’, é correto afirmar: 
Ano: 2009 Banca: ESAF Órgão: MTE
Q1228598 Sociologia
Com relação às instituições e o mercado de trabalho, assinale a opção correta. 
56: D
57: B
58: A
59: A
60: C