Questões de Concurso Comentadas para professor de ensino fundamental

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Q1381936 Noções de Informática
O Professor Manoel precisa elaborar um convite para os pais dos alunos do 6º ano participarem de uma reunião com os professores da turma. O texto do convite será o mesmo para todos, porém, cada carta-convite deve ser personalizada com o nome do pai ou responsável de cada aluno. O recurso do Microsoft Word, versão 2007, configuração padrão, que poderá ser usado para tornar o trabalho de Manoel mais rápido é
Q1381935 Noções de Informática
A Professora Vera trabalha em uma escola há três anos e usa o Microsoft Word, versão 2007, para elaborar documentos. Vera acabou de digitar um texto. Ao finalizar e salvar, observou as informações na barra de status do documento, conforme figura 1.
Imagem associada para resolução da questão

A alternativa que contém as conclusões que Vera pode tirar com base nas informações da barra de status é que o documento possui uma página,
Q1381934 Português
Eu vim ___ Candeias para treinar __ professores no que diz respeito ___ utilização do novo sistema informatizado para registros acadêmicos. O passo ___ passo está na apostila, mas coloco-me ___ disposição para esclarecer dúvidas que surjam a qualquer momento.
A alternativa que preenche, correta e sequencialmente, as lacunas do texto acima é
Q1381930 Português
Na língua portuguesa, há nomes (substantivo, adjetivo ou advérbio) que regem termos ligados a eles por meio de preposições. Considerando a utilização da regência nominal, analise as frases abaixo e identifique com V as verdadeiras e com F as falsas.
( ) “Junto com ela, é você que quer estar, ela pode ser sua cura, mas prefere machucar”. ( ) “É preferível ficar calado e deixar as pessoas pensarem que você é um idiota do que falar e acabar com a dúvida”. ( ) “Salvador registrou um novo caso de feto contaminado com o vírus da Zika, relacionando a infecção viral a um novo problema: a hidropsia fetal”.
A alternativa que contém a sequência correta, de cima para baixo, é
Q1381928 Português
A alternativa que contém o uso da pontuação, de acordo com as regras da norma culta, é
Q1366295 Geografia
Com base na obra de MORAES, o termo de “gênero de vida” está relacionado a qual pensador?
Q1366294 Geografia
De acordo com a obra de SUERTEGARAY, em relação a alguns conceitos geográficos básicos, analisar os itens abaixo:
I. Na visão de Cassetti espaço geográfico pode ser entendido como as relações processuais que explicam a materialidade da paisagem. II. Para Souza, territórios não são relações sociais projetadas no espaço. III. De uma perspectiva clássica, os geógrafos perceberam a paisagem como a expressão materializada das relações do homem com a natureza num espaço circunscrito. Para muitos, o limite da paisagem atrelava-se à possibilidade visual.
Q1366293 Geografia
De acordo com FITZ, em relação à classificação dos sistemas de projeções quanto às deformações apresentadas, assinalar a alternativa que preenche as lacunas abaixo CORRETAMENTE:
Projeções ____________ mantêm a verdadeira forma das áreas a serem representadas, não deformando os ângulos existentes no mapa. Projeções _____________ não conservam áreas, ângulos, distâncias nem os azimutes.
Q1366292 Geografia
Com base na obra de ALMEIDA e RIGOLIN, sobre domínios morfoclimáticos e biomas, analisar os itens abaixo:
I. Os domínios são formados por fatores naturais, portanto, não possuem fronteiras exatas. Entre eles existem áreas de transição, com características comuns aos domínios que separam. II. O bioma Pantanal apresenta espécies de quase todos os biomas brasileiros. Constituindo-se na maior área úmida continental do mundo.
Q1366291 Geografia
De acordo com OLIVEIRA, SILVA e HENRIQUES, sobre algumas camadas da atmosfera, numerar a 2ª coluna de acordo com a 1ª e, após, assinalar a alternativa que apresenta a sequência CORRETA:
(1) Troposfera. (2) Estratosfera. (3) Mesosfera.
( ) É nesta camada que ocorrem essencialmente todos os fenômenos meteorológicos que caracterizam o tempo: nuvens, furacões, tornados, frentes frias, chuvas etc. ( ) É nela que se situa a camada de ozônio. ( ) Nela, a temperatura diminui com a altitude.
Q1366289 Geografia
Com base na obra de ROSS, em relação aos processos endógenos na geração das formas do relevo, analisar a sentença abaixo:
I. As forças endógenas (passivas e ativas) comandam a formação das formas do relevo através do condicionamento estrutural. II. A força endógena ativa corresponde à força comandada pela energia do interior da Terra e se manifesta pela dinâmica da litosfera através da tectônica de placas. III. As forças endógenas passivas são representadas pelos diferentes grupos de rochas e pelo modo como estas se encontram estruturalmente arranjadas.
Q1366288 Pedagogia
Com base nos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais: terceiro e quarto ciclos do Ensino Fundamental: Geografia, analisar a sentença abaixo:
A Geografia é uma área de conhecimento comprometida em tornar o mundo compreensível para os alunos, explicável e passível de transformações. Neste sentido, assume grande relevância dentro do contexto dos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais, em sua meta de buscar um ensino para a conquista da cidadania brasileira (1ª parte). A Geografia tem por objetivo estudar as relações entre o processo histórico na formação das sociedades humanas e o funcionamento da natureza por meio da leitura do lugar, do território, a partir de sua paisagem (2ª parte).
A sentença está:
Q1365693 Inglês

    The Food and Drug Administration warned Wednesday that repeated or lengthy use of general anesthesia or sedation drugs _______ children younger than 3 or pregnant women in their third trimester may affect youngsters' developing brains. The agency, which said its warning is based _________ a comprehensive analysis of the latest research, issued a “drug-safety communication” to inform health-care providers, parents and pregnant women about the risks of using the drugs repeatedly or for more than three hours at a time. It also ordered manufacturers to add warnings to their products labels. “We recognize that in many cases these exposures may be medically necessary,” Janet Woodcock, director of the FDA's Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, said in a statement. The new data on potential harms, she said, “must be carefully weighed against the risk of not performing a specific medical procedure.

    The agency said that laboratory studies show that using the drugs in pregnant or young animals for more than three hours at a time causes widespread loss of nerve cells, which correlated with long-term effects on learning and behavior.

    Some studies have also been conducted in children, with some supporting the findings from the animal research, particularly after repeated or prolonged exposure to the drugs early ____ life. But, all the studies in children had limitations, and the FDA said that “it is unclear whether any negative effects seen in children’s learning or behavior were due to the drugs or to other factors, such as the underlying medical condition that led to the need for the surgery or procedure.” A single, short exposure to the drugs is unlikely to have a negative effect, the agency added. More than 1 million children under age 4 require anesthesia for surgery in the United States each year, for conditions such as congenital heart defects or pyloric stenosis, which is a narrowing of the opening from the stomach into the small intestine.

    The FDA said it has been investigating the effects of anesthesia on brain development since the first animal study on the topic was published in 1999. In 2010, it formed a partnership ________ the International Anesthesia Research Society on a project called SmartTots – Strategies for Mitigating Anesthesia-Related Neurotoxicity in Tots – to fund research on the effect of the drugs on pregnant women and children.

The Washington Post - adapted.

From the text, we can infer that:
Q1365692 Inglês

    The Food and Drug Administration warned Wednesday that repeated or lengthy use of general anesthesia or sedation drugs _______ children younger than 3 or pregnant women in their third trimester may affect youngsters' developing brains. The agency, which said its warning is based _________ a comprehensive analysis of the latest research, issued a “drug-safety communication” to inform health-care providers, parents and pregnant women about the risks of using the drugs repeatedly or for more than three hours at a time. It also ordered manufacturers to add warnings to their products labels. “We recognize that in many cases these exposures may be medically necessary,” Janet Woodcock, director of the FDA's Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, said in a statement. The new data on potential harms, she said, “must be carefully weighed against the risk of not performing a specific medical procedure.

    The agency said that laboratory studies show that using the drugs in pregnant or young animals for more than three hours at a time causes widespread loss of nerve cells, which correlated with long-term effects on learning and behavior.

    Some studies have also been conducted in children, with some supporting the findings from the animal research, particularly after repeated or prolonged exposure to the drugs early ____ life. But, all the studies in children had limitations, and the FDA said that “it is unclear whether any negative effects seen in children’s learning or behavior were due to the drugs or to other factors, such as the underlying medical condition that led to the need for the surgery or procedure.” A single, short exposure to the drugs is unlikely to have a negative effect, the agency added. More than 1 million children under age 4 require anesthesia for surgery in the United States each year, for conditions such as congenital heart defects or pyloric stenosis, which is a narrowing of the opening from the stomach into the small intestine.

    The FDA said it has been investigating the effects of anesthesia on brain development since the first animal study on the topic was published in 1999. In 2010, it formed a partnership ________ the International Anesthesia Research Society on a project called SmartTots – Strategies for Mitigating Anesthesia-Related Neurotoxicity in Tots – to fund research on the effect of the drugs on pregnant women and children.

The Washington Post - adapted.

According to the text, analyze the following items:

I. The expression “which”, in “… agency, which said its warning…” (1st paragraph), refers to “agency”.

II. The word “single”, in “…single, short exposure to the drugs…” (3rd paragraph), has a similar meaning to “alone”.

III. The word “but”, in “… But, all the studies in children…” (3rd paragraph), could be substituted, without any change in meaning, by “also”.

The CORRECT item(s) is(are):

Q1365691 Inglês

    The Food and Drug Administration warned Wednesday that repeated or lengthy use of general anesthesia or sedation drugs _______ children younger than 3 or pregnant women in their third trimester may affect youngsters' developing brains. The agency, which said its warning is based _________ a comprehensive analysis of the latest research, issued a “drug-safety communication” to inform health-care providers, parents and pregnant women about the risks of using the drugs repeatedly or for more than three hours at a time. It also ordered manufacturers to add warnings to their products labels. “We recognize that in many cases these exposures may be medically necessary,” Janet Woodcock, director of the FDA's Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, said in a statement. The new data on potential harms, she said, “must be carefully weighed against the risk of not performing a specific medical procedure.

    The agency said that laboratory studies show that using the drugs in pregnant or young animals for more than three hours at a time causes widespread loss of nerve cells, which correlated with long-term effects on learning and behavior.

    Some studies have also been conducted in children, with some supporting the findings from the animal research, particularly after repeated or prolonged exposure to the drugs early ____ life. But, all the studies in children had limitations, and the FDA said that “it is unclear whether any negative effects seen in children’s learning or behavior were due to the drugs or to other factors, such as the underlying medical condition that led to the need for the surgery or procedure.” A single, short exposure to the drugs is unlikely to have a negative effect, the agency added. More than 1 million children under age 4 require anesthesia for surgery in the United States each year, for conditions such as congenital heart defects or pyloric stenosis, which is a narrowing of the opening from the stomach into the small intestine.

    The FDA said it has been investigating the effects of anesthesia on brain development since the first animal study on the topic was published in 1999. In 2010, it formed a partnership ________ the International Anesthesia Research Society on a project called SmartTots – Strategies for Mitigating Anesthesia-Related Neurotoxicity in Tots – to fund research on the effect of the drugs on pregnant women and children.

The Washington Post - adapted.

Which sentence about the text is INCORRECT?
Q1365690 Inglês

    The Food and Drug Administration warned Wednesday that repeated or lengthy use of general anesthesia or sedation drugs _______ children younger than 3 or pregnant women in their third trimester may affect youngsters' developing brains. The agency, which said its warning is based _________ a comprehensive analysis of the latest research, issued a “drug-safety communication” to inform health-care providers, parents and pregnant women about the risks of using the drugs repeatedly or for more than three hours at a time. It also ordered manufacturers to add warnings to their products labels. “We recognize that in many cases these exposures may be medically necessary,” Janet Woodcock, director of the FDA's Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, said in a statement. The new data on potential harms, she said, “must be carefully weighed against the risk of not performing a specific medical procedure.

    The agency said that laboratory studies show that using the drugs in pregnant or young animals for more than three hours at a time causes widespread loss of nerve cells, which correlated with long-term effects on learning and behavior.

    Some studies have also been conducted in children, with some supporting the findings from the animal research, particularly after repeated or prolonged exposure to the drugs early ____ life. But, all the studies in children had limitations, and the FDA said that “it is unclear whether any negative effects seen in children’s learning or behavior were due to the drugs or to other factors, such as the underlying medical condition that led to the need for the surgery or procedure.” A single, short exposure to the drugs is unlikely to have a negative effect, the agency added. More than 1 million children under age 4 require anesthesia for surgery in the United States each year, for conditions such as congenital heart defects or pyloric stenosis, which is a narrowing of the opening from the stomach into the small intestine.

    The FDA said it has been investigating the effects of anesthesia on brain development since the first animal study on the topic was published in 1999. In 2010, it formed a partnership ________ the International Anesthesia Research Society on a project called SmartTots – Strategies for Mitigating Anesthesia-Related Neurotoxicity in Tots – to fund research on the effect of the drugs on pregnant women and children.

The Washington Post - adapted.

Choose the alternative that completes the blank spaces in the text CORRECTLY:
Q1365689 Pedagogia

Segundo VENTURI, assinalar a alternativa que preenche a lacuna abaixo CORRETAMENTE:

Na perspectiva ___________ de aquisição da linguagem, destaca-se a importância do fato de que a aquisição da língua realiza-se através da negociação na busca do significado.

Q1365688 Literatura

Em concordância com GONZAGA, sobre os períodos literários, marcar C para as afirmativas Certas, E para as Erradas e, após, assinalar a alternativa que apresenta a sequência CORRETA:

( ) A Literatura Informativa se caracteriza pela expressão ideológica da Contra-Reforma e o conflito entre corpo e alma.

( ) O Naturalismo se caracteriza pela subjetividade e pela falta de cientificismo.

Q1365687 Pedagogia

Conforme Leite in GERALDI, assinalar a alternativa INCORRETA:

Q1365477 História
Em conformidade com LE GOFF, no que se refere ao feudalismo, sabe-se que a terceira camada da sociedade era formada pelos servos e pequenos artesãos. Os servos eram obrigados a pagar várias taxas e tributos aos senhores feudais, tais como:
I. Corveia: trabalho nas terras do senhor feudal. II. Talha: metade da produção e a banalidade, taxa paga pela utilização do moinho e forno do senhor feudal.
1081: D
1082: C
1083: A
1084: D
1085: A
1086: B
1087: B
1088: D
1089: A
1090: C
1091: D
1092: A
1093: D
1094: A
1095: C
1096: A
1097: B
1098: B
1099: C
1100: A