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(1) Realismo. (2) Naturalismo.
( ) Arte vinculada à Segunda Revolução Industrial e às suas novas teorias científicas. ( ) Personagens patológicos. ( ) Objetivismo e impessoalidade. ( ) Pessimismo.
I. A primeira geração, denominada nacionalista, tem o amor impossível e a religiosidade como alguns de seus temas. II. A dúvida e a infância são algumas temáticas da geração denominada “mal do século”. III. A terceira geração, denominada condoreira, pautou-se tão somente na denúncia da escravidão.
Está(ão) CORRETO(S):
(1) Farsa. (2) Pantomima. (3) Auto.
( ) Representação sem diálogo que expõe a trama tão somente por meio de gestos. ( ) Espécie de comédia exagerada e agressiva na crítica social e na própria encenação do texto. ( ) Peça do teatro medieval, de assuntos religiosos e linguagem popular.
The intrigue behind the Bermuda Triangle
On a sunny day nearly 80 years ago, five Navy
planes took off from their base in Florida on a _________
training mission, known as Flight 19. Neither the planes nor
the crew were ever seen again. Thus was a legend born. The
Bermuda Triangle is an area roughly bounded by Miami,
Bermuda, and Puerto Rico. No one keeps statistics, but in
the last century, numerous ships and planes have simply
vanished without a trace within the imaginary triangle.
The disappearances have been attributed to the machinations of enormous sea monsters, giant squid, or extra-terrestrials. Alien abductions, the existence of a mysterious third dimension created by unknown beings, and ocean flatulence—the ocean suddenly spewing great quantities of trapped methane—have all been suggested as culprits.
The reality, say many, is far more prosaic. They argue that a sometimes treacherous Mother Nature, human error, shoddy __________________ or design, and just plain bad luck can explain the many disappearances.
"The region is highly traveled and has been a busy crossroads since the early days of European exploration," said John Reilly, a historian with the U.S. Naval Historical Foundation. "To say quite a few ships and airplanes have gone down there is like saying there are an ________ lot of car accidents on the New Jersey Turnpike—surprise, surprise."
(Fonte: National Geographic. — adaptado.)
The intrigue behind the Bermuda Triangle
On a sunny day nearly 80 years ago, five Navy
planes took off from their base in Florida on a _________
training mission, known as Flight 19. Neither the planes nor
the crew were ever seen again. Thus was a legend born. The
Bermuda Triangle is an area roughly bounded by Miami,
Bermuda, and Puerto Rico. No one keeps statistics, but in
the last century, numerous ships and planes have simply
vanished without a trace within the imaginary triangle.
The disappearances have been attributed to the machinations of enormous sea monsters, giant squid, or extra-terrestrials. Alien abductions, the existence of a mysterious third dimension created by unknown beings, and ocean flatulence—the ocean suddenly spewing great quantities of trapped methane—have all been suggested as culprits.
The reality, say many, is far more prosaic. They argue that a sometimes treacherous Mother Nature, human error, shoddy __________________ or design, and just plain bad luck can explain the many disappearances.
"The region is highly traveled and has been a busy crossroads since the early days of European exploration," said John Reilly, a historian with the U.S. Naval Historical Foundation. "To say quite a few ships and airplanes have gone down there is like saying there are an ________ lot of car accidents on the New Jersey Turnpike—surprise, surprise."
(Fonte: National Geographic. — adaptado.)
The intrigue behind the Bermuda Triangle
On a sunny day nearly 80 years ago, five Navy
planes took off from their base in Florida on a _________
training mission, known as Flight 19. Neither the planes nor
the crew were ever seen again. Thus was a legend born. The
Bermuda Triangle is an area roughly bounded by Miami,
Bermuda, and Puerto Rico. No one keeps statistics, but in
the last century, numerous ships and planes have simply
vanished without a trace within the imaginary triangle.
The disappearances have been attributed to the machinations of enormous sea monsters, giant squid, or extra-terrestrials. Alien abductions, the existence of a mysterious third dimension created by unknown beings, and ocean flatulence—the ocean suddenly spewing great quantities of trapped methane—have all been suggested as culprits.
The reality, say many, is far more prosaic. They argue that a sometimes treacherous Mother Nature, human error, shoddy __________________ or design, and just plain bad luck can explain the many disappearances.
"The region is highly traveled and has been a busy crossroads since the early days of European exploration," said John Reilly, a historian with the U.S. Naval Historical Foundation. "To say quite a few ships and airplanes have gone down there is like saying there are an ________ lot of car accidents on the New Jersey Turnpike—surprise, surprise."
(Fonte: National Geographic. — adaptado.)
The intrigue behind the Bermuda Triangle
On a sunny day nearly 80 years ago, five Navy
planes took off from their base in Florida on a _________
training mission, known as Flight 19. Neither the planes nor
the crew were ever seen again. Thus was a legend born. The
Bermuda Triangle is an area roughly bounded by Miami,
Bermuda, and Puerto Rico. No one keeps statistics, but in
the last century, numerous ships and planes have simply
vanished without a trace within the imaginary triangle.
The disappearances have been attributed to the machinations of enormous sea monsters, giant squid, or extra-terrestrials. Alien abductions, the existence of a mysterious third dimension created by unknown beings, and ocean flatulence—the ocean suddenly spewing great quantities of trapped methane—have all been suggested as culprits.
The reality, say many, is far more prosaic. They argue that a sometimes treacherous Mother Nature, human error, shoddy __________________ or design, and just plain bad luck can explain the many disappearances.
"The region is highly traveled and has been a busy crossroads since the early days of European exploration," said John Reilly, a historian with the U.S. Naval Historical Foundation. "To say quite a few ships and airplanes have gone down there is like saying there are an ________ lot of car accidents on the New Jersey Turnpike—surprise, surprise."
(Fonte: National Geographic. — adaptado.)
O inquérito civil para apuração do ato de improbidade será concluído no prazo de _________ dias corridos, prorrogável uma única vez por igual período, mediante ato fundamentado submetido à revisão da instância competente do órgão ministerial, conforme dispuser a respectiva lei orgânica.
I. Para utilizar o e-mail, podemos optar por no mínimo duas formas: ou usando um software conhecido como cliente de e-mail ou utilizando um site que contém o serviço de e-mail. II. O programa Outlook é um exemplo de software cliente de e-mail utilizado por profissionais. III. O programa Outlook, além de ser usado para enviar e receber e-mails, permite que o cliente crie pastas para organizar as mensagens.
Está(ão) CORRETO(S):
(1) Finalidade. (2) Meio. (3) Direção.
(_) Diz que era uma velhinha que andava de lambreta. (_) Achou que não era e mandou a velhinha saltar da lambreta para verificar o saco. (_) Muito encabulado, ordenou à velhinha que fosse em frente.