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Q622682 Inglês
Read text 2 and answer questions 25-30.

Text 2

The advantage

1 CARE Acquiring a new aircraft is already a complex enough process. Acquiring a pre-owned aircraft can be an even more challenging task. The industry has its fair share of brokers and experts all willing to offer you the best deal in town but, regrettably, once you have signed and the aircraft is delivered, they tend to vanish as they move onto the next deal. Our philosophy is very different. Every Embraer aircraft we lease has passed through our own Embraer facilities. Every aircraft is treated with a level of service and care that can only come from those who built them in the first place. 

2 SUPPORT In choosing one of our pre-owned aircraft, all of our customers share a common goal: to ensure that the aircraft delivered perform seamlessly from day one and continue to perform for many years to come. In response to this, we offer the Lifetime Program by Embraer. This program represents a first in the industry and is the result of a very detailed review between ECC and Embraer on how best to support our customers. The Lifetime Program is unique to preowned Embraer aircraft and offers a wide range of services from startup through operation. 

3 RELIABLE So when an ECC pre-owned aircraft is offered for delivery to its new home you can rest assured that it will provide many years of happy, reliable service. Our focus does not end there since we value the relationships we build with our customers. Our Lifetime Program is testament to this. This is a unique and new service from Embraer to support our used aircraft. We invite you to learn, in greater detail, how it will not only enhance your operation, but also keep your Chief Financial Officer happy. Transparency in costs and flexibility in adapting to your needs. It is our way of showing that every Embraer aircraft we offer has our seal of approval. Coming from the manufacturer, that's no small thing. 

Source: [slightly adapted

The expression " that’s no small thing" in Paragraph 3, last line could be replaced by
Q622680 Inglês
Read text 2 and answer questions 25-30.

Text 2

The advantage

1 CARE Acquiring a new aircraft is already a complex enough process. Acquiring a pre-owned aircraft can be an even more challenging task. The industry has its fair share of brokers and experts all willing to offer you the best deal in town but, regrettably, once you have signed and the aircraft is delivered, they tend to vanish as they move onto the next deal. Our philosophy is very different. Every Embraer aircraft we lease has passed through our own Embraer facilities. Every aircraft is treated with a level of service and care that can only come from those who built them in the first place. 

2 SUPPORT In choosing one of our pre-owned aircraft, all of our customers share a common goal: to ensure that the aircraft delivered perform seamlessly from day one and continue to perform for many years to come. In response to this, we offer the Lifetime Program by Embraer. This program represents a first in the industry and is the result of a very detailed review between ECC and Embraer on how best to support our customers. The Lifetime Program is unique to preowned Embraer aircraft and offers a wide range of services from startup through operation. 

3 RELIABLE So when an ECC pre-owned aircraft is offered for delivery to its new home you can rest assured that it will provide many years of happy, reliable service. Our focus does not end there since we value the relationships we build with our customers. Our Lifetime Program is testament to this. This is a unique and new service from Embraer to support our used aircraft. We invite you to learn, in greater detail, how it will not only enhance your operation, but also keep your Chief Financial Officer happy. Transparency in costs and flexibility in adapting to your needs. It is our way of showing that every Embraer aircraft we offer has our seal of approval. Coming from the manufacturer, that's no small thing. 

Source: [slightly adapted

The word 'seamlessly' in #2 line 3 means
Q622679 Inglês
Read text 2 and answer questions 25-30.

Text 2

The advantage

1 CARE Acquiring a new aircraft is already a complex enough process. Acquiring a pre-owned aircraft can be an even more challenging task. The industry has its fair share of brokers and experts all willing to offer you the best deal in town but, regrettably, once you have signed and the aircraft is delivered, they tend to vanish as they move onto the next deal. Our philosophy is very different. Every Embraer aircraft we lease has passed through our own Embraer facilities. Every aircraft is treated with a level of service and care that can only come from those who built them in the first place. 

2 SUPPORT In choosing one of our pre-owned aircraft, all of our customers share a common goal: to ensure that the aircraft delivered perform seamlessly from day one and continue to perform for many years to come. In response to this, we offer the Lifetime Program by Embraer. This program represents a first in the industry and is the result of a very detailed review between ECC and Embraer on how best to support our customers. The Lifetime Program is unique to preowned Embraer aircraft and offers a wide range of services from startup through operation. 

3 RELIABLE So when an ECC pre-owned aircraft is offered for delivery to its new home you can rest assured that it will provide many years of happy, reliable service. Our focus does not end there since we value the relationships we build with our customers. Our Lifetime Program is testament to this. This is a unique and new service from Embraer to support our used aircraft. We invite you to learn, in greater detail, how it will not only enhance your operation, but also keep your Chief Financial Officer happy. Transparency in costs and flexibility in adapting to your needs. It is our way of showing that every Embraer aircraft we offer has our seal of approval. Coming from the manufacturer, that's no small thing. 

Source: [slightly adapted

The 'unique and new service' referred to in #3 line 6 is
Q622677 Inglês
Read text 2 and answer questions 25-30.

Text 2

The advantage

1 CARE Acquiring a new aircraft is already a complex enough process. Acquiring a pre-owned aircraft can be an even more challenging task. The industry has its fair share of brokers and experts all willing to offer you the best deal in town but, regrettably, once you have signed and the aircraft is delivered, they tend to vanish as they move onto the next deal. Our philosophy is very different. Every Embraer aircraft we lease has passed through our own Embraer facilities. Every aircraft is treated with a level of service and care that can only come from those who built them in the first place. 

2 SUPPORT In choosing one of our pre-owned aircraft, all of our customers share a common goal: to ensure that the aircraft delivered perform seamlessly from day one and continue to perform for many years to come. In response to this, we offer the Lifetime Program by Embraer. This program represents a first in the industry and is the result of a very detailed review between ECC and Embraer on how best to support our customers. The Lifetime Program is unique to preowned Embraer aircraft and offers a wide range of services from startup through operation. 

3 RELIABLE So when an ECC pre-owned aircraft is offered for delivery to its new home you can rest assured that it will provide many years of happy, reliable service. Our focus does not end there since we value the relationships we build with our customers. Our Lifetime Program is testament to this. This is a unique and new service from Embraer to support our used aircraft. We invite you to learn, in greater detail, how it will not only enhance your operation, but also keep your Chief Financial Officer happy. Transparency in costs and flexibility in adapting to your needs. It is our way of showing that every Embraer aircraft we offer has our seal of approval. Coming from the manufacturer, that's no small thing. 

Source: [slightly adapted

The main aim of the text is to convince potential customers that
Q622666 Português
Assinale a opção em que a substituição sugerida provoca erro gramatical e/ou incoerência textual.

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

Q622665 Português
Assinale a opção que preenche as lacunas do texto de forma que o torne coeso, coerente e gramaticalmente correto.

A auditoria presencial da Organização de Aviação Civil Internacional (OACI) informou recentemente que a Agência Nacional de Aviação Civil (ANAC) alcançou 96,49% __1__ conformidade no Universal Safety Oversight Audit Programme – Continuous Monitoring Approach (USOAP CMA), programa lançado __2__ resposta às preocupações __3__ adequação da vigilância da segurança operacional da aviação civil em todo o mundo. O resultado preliminar obtido __4__ Agência coloca o país __5__ quarto lugar no ranking de segurança operacional da aviação no mundo, ficando atrás __6__ Coreia do Sul, de Cingapura e dos Emirados Árabes Unidos. A nota obtida pela ANAC demonstra o desenvolvimento da Agência, a evolução de sua maturidade institucional e o aprimoramento da segurança operacional da aviação civil no país. 

ORIGEM=29>. Acesso em: 13/12/2015 (com adaptações).

Q622659 Português
Assinale a opção que preenche as lacunas do texto de forma que o torne coeso, coerente e gramaticalmente correto.

    O transporte internacional passou _1_ ser utilizado em larga escala depois da II Guerra Mundial, por aviões cada vez maiores e mais velozes. A introdução dos motores _2_ jato, usados pela primeira vez em aviões comerciais (Comet), em 1952, pela BOAC (empresa de aviação comercial inglesa), deu maior impulso _3_ aviação como meio de transporte. No final da década de 1950, começaram _4_ ser usados os Caravelle, de fabricação francesa (Marcel Daussaud/ Sud Aviation). Nos Estados Unidos, entravam em serviço em 1960 os jatos Boeing 720 e 707 e dois anos depois o Douglas DC-8 e o Convair 880. Em seguida apareceram os aviões turbo-hélices, mais econômicos e de grande potência. Soviéticos, ingleses, franceses e norte-americanos passaram _5_ estudar a construção de aviões comerciais cada vez maiores, para centenas de passageiros, e _6_ dos chamados "supersônicos", _7_ velocidades duas ou três vezes maiores que a do som. Nesse item dos supersônicos, _8_ estrelas internacionais foram o Concorde (franco-britânico) e o Tupolev (russo), que transportavam 144 passageiros e voaram até os anos 90, mas, devido aos elevados custos de manutenção, passagens e combustíveis, eles acabaram por ter as suas produções suspensas.

<>. Acesso em:13/12/2015 (com adaptações).

Q622656 Português

Assinale a opção que preenche as lacunas do texto de forma que o torne coeso, coerente e gramaticalmente correto.

No período de 1907 a 1910, Santos Dumont realizou inúmeros voos com o monoplano Demoiselle. Patrono da Aeronáutica e da Força Aérea Brasileira __1__ recebeu a patente de Marechal do Ar, __2__ considerado, até hoje, o brasileiro que mais se destacou na história da aviação mundial.

Ao voo de Santos Dumont __3__ um período de competição entre países da Europa e os Estados Unidos na conquista de recordes de velocidade e distância. Com a I Guerra Mundial, a aviação tomaria considerável impulso, em virtude do uso dos aviões __4__ arma de grande poder ofensivo, mas seria na década de 1920/1930 que esse avanço se consolidaria.

Desde antes da I Guerra Mundial, atravessar o Atlântico sem escalas era a meta dos aeronautas e projetistas de aviões. Em 1919, Raymond Orteig, de Nova Iorque, ofereceu um prêmio de US$ 25.000,00 __5__ quem voasse de Nova Iorque a Paris, sem escalas.

<>. Acesso em:13/12/2015 (com adaptações)

Q289222 Economia
Com relação ao papel do Estado regulador, julgue os itens
Entre as atuações do Estado na atividade econômica, está a tutela da liberdade de concorrência, que objetiva a liberdade de ajustes dos mercados.
Q289221 Economia
Julgue os itens a seguir, relativos à concorrência de mercados.
Empresas monopolistas escolhem o nível de preço e o nível de produção que maximizam seu lucro total.
Q289220 Economia
Julgue os itens a seguir, relativos à concorrência de mercados.
A regulação é utilizada para aumentar a eficiência econômica do mercado.
Q289218 Direito Constitucional
Acerca da ordem econômica, julgue os itens subsecutivos.
A função social da propriedade e a defesa do consumidor são princípios constitucionais da ordem econômica.
Q289217 Direito Constitucional
Acerca da ordem econômica, julgue os itens subsecutivos.
O livre exercício de qualquer atividade econômica, direito a todos assegurado, independe de autorização da administração pública, ressalvados os casos previstos em lei.
Q289216 Direito Constitucional
Com base no que dispõe a CF acerca da administração pública,
julgue os itens que se seguem.
O servidor público estável não poderá perder seu cargo mediante processo administrativo, mas apenas em virtude de sentença judicial transitada em julgado.
Q289215 Direito Constitucional
Com base no que dispõe a CF acerca da administração pública,
julgue os itens que se seguem.
Admite-se a acumulação por servidor público de proventos de aposentadoria em cargo público com a remuneração percebida pelo exercício de cargo em comissão.
Q289214 Direito Constitucional
Com base no que dispõe a CF acerca da administração pública,
julgue os itens que se seguem.
Dado o princípio da separação de poderes, os vencimentos dos cargos do Poder Legislativo podem ser superiores aos pagos pelo Poder Executivo.
Q289213 Direito Constitucional
No que se refere a direitos e garantias fundamentais estabelecidos
pela Constituição Federal de 1988 (CF), julgue os itens a seguir.
Apesar de a propriedade ser protegida pela CF, admite-se o uso pela administração pública de propriedade particular em caso de iminente perigo público.
Q289212 Direito Constitucional
No que se refere a direitos e garantias fundamentais estabelecidos
pela Constituição Federal de 1988 (CF), julgue os itens a seguir.
Consoante o princípio da responsabilidade pessoal, nenhuma pena pode passar da pessoa do condenado, no entanto a obrigação de reparar o dano pode ser estendida a seus sucessores, até o limite do valor do patrimônio transferido.
Q289211 Direito Constitucional
No que se refere a direitos e garantias fundamentais estabelecidos
pela Constituição Federal de 1988 (CF), julgue os itens a seguir.
Os direitos sociais são assegurados constitucionalmente, de modo que sua concretização independe da existência de recursos financeiros.
21: D
22: A
23: B
24: D
25: C
26: C
27: E
28: B
29: C
30: E
31: C
32: C
33: C
34: C
35: E
36: C
37: E
38: C
39: C
40: E