Questões de Concurso Comentadas para oficial bombeiro militar

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Ano: 2023 Banca: NC-UFPR Órgão: CBM-PR Prova: NC-UFPR - 2023 - CBM-PR - Cadete |
Q2284134 Inglês
The following text is reference to question.

The Strange Saga of Jack Teixeira Reveals New Security Challenges

Moments before his arrest by armed FBI agents on Thursday, a helicopter from a local news station caught footage of 21-year-old Jack Teixeira reading a book on the sun-splashed back porch of his house in North Dighton, Mass. In his front yard, meanwhile, FBI agents in camouflage tactical gear were climbing out of an armored vehicle, tightening the straps of their bullet-proof vests and gripping long guns. The dramatic scene playing out in a sleepy, riverside exurb underscored the peculiarity of a case that exposed military documents, complicated relations with U.S. allies, and triggered national embarrassment. Intelligence leaks of this magnitude in the past have been the result of an alienated whistle-blower, double agent or successful spy operation. Now arguably the most damaging disclosure of U.S. government documents in a decade may have stemmed from the hubris of a junior enlisted member in the Massachusetts Air National Guard who shared them in a small online chat group called Thug Shaker Central.

Available in:
One of the reasons the FBI agents arrested Jack Teixeira was that he: 
Ano: 2023 Banca: NC-UFPR Órgão: CBM-PR Prova: NC-UFPR - 2023 - CBM-PR - Cadete |
Q2284133 Inglês
The following text is reference to question.

The Strange Saga of Jack Teixeira Reveals New Security Challenges

Moments before his arrest by armed FBI agents on Thursday, a helicopter from a local news station caught footage of 21-year-old Jack Teixeira reading a book on the sun-splashed back porch of his house in North Dighton, Mass. In his front yard, meanwhile, FBI agents in camouflage tactical gear were climbing out of an armored vehicle, tightening the straps of their bullet-proof vests and gripping long guns. The dramatic scene playing out in a sleepy, riverside exurb underscored the peculiarity of a case that exposed military documents, complicated relations with U.S. allies, and triggered national embarrassment. Intelligence leaks of this magnitude in the past have been the result of an alienated whistle-blower, double agent or successful spy operation. Now arguably the most damaging disclosure of U.S. government documents in a decade may have stemmed from the hubris of a junior enlisted member in the Massachusetts Air National Guard who shared them in a small online chat group called Thug Shaker Central.

Available in:
According to the text, it is correct to say that Jack Teixeira lives:
Ano: 2023 Banca: NC-UFPR Órgão: CBM-PR Prova: NC-UFPR - 2023 - CBM-PR - Cadete |
Q2284132 Inglês
The following text is reference to question.

The Strange Saga of Jack Teixeira Reveals New Security Challenges

Moments before his arrest by armed FBI agents on Thursday, a helicopter from a local news station caught footage of 21-year-old Jack Teixeira reading a book on the sun-splashed back porch of his house in North Dighton, Mass. In his front yard, meanwhile, FBI agents in camouflage tactical gear were climbing out of an armored vehicle, tightening the straps of their bullet-proof vests and gripping long guns. The dramatic scene playing out in a sleepy, riverside exurb underscored the peculiarity of a case that exposed military documents, complicated relations with U.S. allies, and triggered national embarrassment. Intelligence leaks of this magnitude in the past have been the result of an alienated whistle-blower, double agent or successful spy operation. Now arguably the most damaging disclosure of U.S. government documents in a decade may have stemmed from the hubris of a junior enlisted member in the Massachusetts Air National Guard who shared them in a small online chat group called Thug Shaker Central.

Available in:
According to the text, it is correct to say that while Teixeira was at home, a local news station was:
Ano: 2023 Banca: NC-UFPR Órgão: CBM-PR Prova: NC-UFPR - 2023 - CBM-PR - Cadete |
Q2284128 Filosofia do Direito
No artigo Da redistribuição ao reconhecimento? Dilemas da justiça numa era pós-socialista, Nancy Fraser trata do dilema entre duas demandas de justiça, típicas de nossa era: demandas por redistribuição e demandas por reconhecimento. De acordo com a autora, esse dilema reside no fato de que: 
Ano: 2023 Banca: NC-UFPR Órgão: CBM-PR Prova: NC-UFPR - 2023 - CBM-PR - Cadete |
Q2284126 Sociologia
“Na passagem do idealismo para o materialismo dialético, Ludwig Feuerbach (1804-1872), hegeliano de esquerda, foi uma figura-chave. Feuerbach sustentava que a alienação fundamental tem suas raízes no fenômeno religioso, que cinde a natureza humana, fazendo com que os homens se submetam a forças divinas, as quais, embora criadas por eles próprios, são percebidas como autônomas e superiores. O mundo religioso é concebido por Feuerbach como uma projeção fantástica da mente humana, por isso mesmo alienada. A supressão desse mundo, por meio da crítica religiosa, faria desaparecer a própria alienação, promovendo a liberdade de consciência. Embora inicialmente seduzidos pelas teses de Feuerbach, logo Karl Marx (1818-1883) e Friedrich Engels (1820-1895) rebateram-nas vigorosamente por considerarem tal crítica religiosa uma simples ‘luta contra frases’. É nesse ponto que a teoria marxista articula a dialética e o materialismo sob uma perspectiva histórica, negando, assim, tanto o idealismo hegeliano quanto o materialismo dos neo-hegelianos”.
QUINTANEIRO, Tania; BARBOSA, Maria Ligia de Oliveira; OLIVEIRA, Marcia Gardênia Monteiro de. Um toque de clássicos: Marx, Durkheim e Weber. Belo Horizonte: Editora UFMG, 2003. p. 27-28.
Considerando o trecho acima sobre a relação de Karl Marx e Friedrich Engels com a obra de Ludwig Feuerbach, é correto afirmar:
6: E
7: C
8: A
9: E
10: B