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Q2166640 Pedagogia
Os estudos que se dedicam à Filosofia da Educação distinguem o senso comum da ciência. Nessa direção, indique se as afirmativas abaixo são verdadeiras (V) ou falsas (F) a partir das construções teóricas da Filosofia e assinale a alternativa com a sequência correta de cima para baixo.
( ) Podemos chamar de senso comum o conhecimento herdado por um grupo social, cujas experiências proveitosas passam a ser repetidas e/ou consideradas pelos indivíduos da comunidade. Portanto, não se trata de um conhecimento inferior, desde que as pessoas saibam reelaborar a herança recebida, transformando o senso comum em “bom senso”.
( ) Em alguns casos, aquilo que se entende como senso comum pode não passar de ideologia, de imposição de ideias e valores que garantem interesses de classe, pois nem sempre é possível refletir e criticar o saber comum, sobretudo nas sociedades em que persiste a dominação ou a exploração de um grupo sobre o outro.
( ) O senso comum traduz-se em algo fragmentário, difuso, ametódico e assistemático e, num primeiro momento, o que é herdado não é questionado. É o bom senso que permite retomar, de maneira crítica, os saberes e os valores recebidos para adequá-los ou transformá-los a partir da análise das novas situações vividas.
( ) O bom senso depende de erudição e “estudo”, visto que é uma conquista relativamente recente da humanidade, a partir da qual, por meio de um saber rigoroso e elaborado, utilizam-se recursos da experimentação e da matematização para encontrar regularidades nos fenômenos observados a fim de assegurar o estabelecimento de leis e teorias.
Q2166639 Inglês

Based on information from text 2, it is correct to affirm that the illustration:

Text 2 

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Q2166638 Inglês
Text 1
Which is better: virtual office or physical office?

    The decision to use a physical office vs a virtual office depends on your business goals and needs. Typically, the first question a company’s leadership asks is what kind of organizational strategy we want to employ: 100% in-office, fully remote, hybrid, or remote-first. If the organization chooses in-office or hybrid, then a physical office will be required.
    Physical office spaces allow all your employees to be in one central location. They offer an environment that provides face-to-face communication, and they can also be a great way to show off your brand with a custom address or building sign.
      If your organization chooses to adopt a hybrid, 100% remote, or remote-first workplace strategy, then the company should invest in a virtual office. These organizational structures allow employees to work from home offices, coffee shops, parks, airplanes, hotels, and anywhere else with Internet access. It’s a great option if you have employees who work from home or are located in different parts of the world. It’s also a good choice if you want to avoid the high costs of owning or renting office space.
     Overall, both virtual offices and physical offices have their benefits. It all depends on what you need from your business space. Virtual offices are often cheaper than physical offices. They don’t require a longterm commitment and they offer more flexibility. Physical offices are great for companies with employees in the same geography. They provide a professional work environment and offer the convenience of being able to work in the same space.

Source: Accessed on: January 30th, 2023. [Adapted].
Examine the statements below and, considering the information in text 1, select the correct proposition.
I. Virtual offices are an option for companies that adopt a 100% remote strategy only. II. Virtual offices cost as much as renting office space. III. Employees working in a virtual office can work from home or other places. IV. Physical offices offer more opportunities for face-to-face communication.
Q2166637 Inglês
Text 1
Which is better: virtual office or physical office?

    The decision to use a physical office vs a virtual office depends on your business goals and needs. Typically, the first question a company’s leadership asks is what kind of organizational strategy we want to employ: 100% in-office, fully remote, hybrid, or remote-first. If the organization chooses in-office or hybrid, then a physical office will be required.
    Physical office spaces allow all your employees to be in one central location. They offer an environment that provides face-to-face communication, and they can also be a great way to show off your brand with a custom address or building sign.
      If your organization chooses to adopt a hybrid, 100% remote, or remote-first workplace strategy, then the company should invest in a virtual office. These organizational structures allow employees to work from home offices, coffee shops, parks, airplanes, hotels, and anywhere else with Internet access. It’s a great option if you have employees who work from home or are located in different parts of the world. It’s also a good choice if you want to avoid the high costs of owning or renting office space.
     Overall, both virtual offices and physical offices have their benefits. It all depends on what you need from your business space. Virtual offices are often cheaper than physical offices. They don’t require a longterm commitment and they offer more flexibility. Physical offices are great for companies with employees in the same geography. They provide a professional work environment and offer the convenience of being able to work in the same space.

Source: Accessed on: January 30th, 2023. [Adapted].
According to text 1, it is correct to say that:
Q2166635 Direito Administrativo
Nos termos da Constituição da República Federativa do Brasil de 1988, é vedada a acumulação remunerada de cargos públicos, podendo-se, entretanto, haver acumulação nos seguintes casos, desde que haja compatibilidade de horários: 
801: A
802: A
803: D
804: E
805: B