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Q3012916 Inglês
Which of the following sentences effectively uses conjunction to contrast ideas?
Q3012915 Inglês
Which sentences correctly use the words “hard” or “hardly”?

I. I am exhausted because I’ve been working hard.
II. She tried hard to remember my name but she couldn’t.
III. Roger Federer is a great tennis player. He hits the ball hardly.
IV. This shirt is practically new. I’ve hardly worn it.
Q3012914 Inglês

Choose the sentence with the correct transformation to passive voice:

"The team won the championship after months of rigorous training and strategizing."

Q3012913 Inglês
A total solar eclipse passed over North America on Monday, putting on a dramatic show that was visible to millions of people.

A total solar eclipse occurs when the moon passes between Earth and the sun, completely blocking the sun's face. Those within the path of totality, including 32 million people in the United States, saw the eclipse in its full splendor. People outside the path were still able to see a partial solar eclipse, where the moon blocks only part of the sun's face.

Many people traveled to the path of totality to attend special viewing parties. Those along the very center line of the path saw an eclipse that lasted between 3 and half and 4 minutes, according to NASA.

For many Americans, this was the last chance to see a total solar eclipse for 20 years. The next one won't be visible across the contiguous United States until August 2044.

The Solar Eclipse. CNN. 08 April 2024. Adapted.
What term serves as a synonym for "contiguous" as employed in the provided text?
Q3012912 Inglês
A total solar eclipse passed over North America on Monday, putting on a dramatic show that was visible to millions of people.

A total solar eclipse occurs when the moon passes between Earth and the sun, completely blocking the sun's face. Those within the path of totality, including 32 million people in the United States, saw the eclipse in its full splendor. People outside the path were still able to see a partial solar eclipse, where the moon blocks only part of the sun's face.

Many people traveled to the path of totality to attend special viewing parties. Those along the very center line of the path saw an eclipse that lasted between 3 and half and 4 minutes, according to NASA.

For many Americans, this was the last chance to see a total solar eclipse for 20 years. The next one won't be visible across the contiguous United States until August 2044.

The Solar Eclipse. CNN. 08 April 2024. Adapted.
What is "the path of totality" in relation to a total solar eclipse?
Q3012911 Inglês
A total solar eclipse passed over North America on Monday, putting on a dramatic show that was visible to millions of people.

A total solar eclipse occurs when the moon passes between Earth and the sun, completely blocking the sun's face. Those within the path of totality, including 32 million people in the United States, saw the eclipse in its full splendor. People outside the path were still able to see a partial solar eclipse, where the moon blocks only part of the sun's face.

Many people traveled to the path of totality to attend special viewing parties. Those along the very center line of the path saw an eclipse that lasted between 3 and half and 4 minutes, according to NASA.

For many Americans, this was the last chance to see a total solar eclipse for 20 years. The next one won't be visible across the contiguous United States until August 2044.

The Solar Eclipse. CNN. 08 April 2024. Adapted.
According to the text, what defines a total solar eclipse?
Q3011484 Literatura
Sobre a literatura de cordel, analise as alternativas e assinale a INCORRETA:
Q3011477 Português
Imprensa internacional repercute morte de Silvio Santos

“A imprensa argentina também homenageou o apresentador. O jornal Clarín disse que Silvio teve uma grande influência na vida social e política do Brasil, enquanto o La Nación relembrou sua trajetória, do camelô da Lapa, no Rio de Janeiro, ao o império na televisão. Em Portugal, o jornal Diário de Notícias lamentou a morte e referiu-se ao apresentador como “ícone” e “referência”. Já o jornal espanhol El País afirmou que Silvio Santos era “tão popular quanto Pelé entre seus compatriotas”.

Disponível em:


“Imprensa internacional repercute morte de Silvio Santos”

O termo em negrito é classificado morfologicamente e sintaticamente como:

Q3011464 Português
A respeito do uso dos artigos em Língua Portuguesa conforme preconizado por Cunha e Cintra (2001), analise as assertivas a seguir, assinalando V, se verdadeiras, ou F, se falsas.

( ) Quando empregado antes do primeiro substantivo de uma série, o artigo definido deve anteceder os substantivos seguintes, ainda que sejam todos do mesmo gênero e do mesmo número.
( ) Não se deve repetir o artigo definido antes de dois adjetivos unidos pelas conjunções “e” ou “ou” quando os adjetivos acentuam qualidades opostas de um mesmo substantivo.
( ) Se um mesmo substantivo vem qualificado por uma série de superlativos relativos, deve-se antepor o artigo definido a cada membro da série.

A ordem correta de preenchimento dos parênteses, de cima para baixo, é:
Q3011457 Literatura
Leia o trecho a seguir, adaptado especialmente para esta prova e retirado do texto de Beatriz Hermínio, “A escrevivência carrega a escrita da coletividade”:

“O termo ‘escrevivência’ traz a junção das palavras ‘escrever e vivência’, mas a força de sua ideia não está somente nessa aglutinação; ela está na genealogia da ideia, como e onde ela nasce e a que experiências étnica e de gênero ela está ligada, explicou a escritora e educadora. ‘A escrevivência não é a escrita de si, porque esta se esgota no próprio sujeito. Ela carrega a vivência da coletividade’.”

O termo “escrevivência” foi criado por uma importante autora da literatura afro-brasileira, que traduziu a experiência da mulher negra nas páginas de obras como “Ponciá Vicêncio” e “Olhos d’água”. Assinale a alternativa que apresenta o nome da autora a quem os trechos se referem.
Q3011450 Português
Para responder à questão, leia o trecho a seguir, retirado da crônica “Mundo, eu sou imparável!”, de Sandra Cecília Peradelles. 

(Disponível em: – texto adaptado especialmente para esta prova).
Assinale a alternativa na qual o termo sublinhado seja classificado morfologicamente como um artigo.
Q3010824 Português
Em todas as frases a concordância se fez corretamente, EXCETO em: 
Q3010822 Literatura
O romance histórico faz parte da produção literária brasileira em que temas heroicos embasam suas narrativas e personagens, enfatizando valores éticos e morais.
Dentre as referências dessa produção, temos como exemplo: 
Q3010821 Literatura

Em sonda

Quieta, enrolada a um tronco, ameaçadora e hedionda,

A boa espia... Em cima estende-se a folhagem 

Que um vento manso faz oscilar, de onda em onda,

Com a sua noturna e amorosa bafagem.

Um luar mortiço banha a floresta de Sonda,

Desde a copa da faia à esplêndida pastagem;

O ofidiano escondido, olhos abertos, sonda...

Vai passando, tranquilo, um búfalo selvagem.

Segue o búfalo, só... mas suspende-lhe o passo

O ofidiano cruel que o ataca de repente,

E que o prende, a silvar, com suas roscas de aço.

Tenta o pobre lutar; os chavelhos enresta;

Mas tomba de cansaço e morre... Tristemente

No alto se esconde a lua, e cala-se a floresta... 

O poema acima é uma referência de autoria feminina do Parnasianismo, um momento histórico da produção literária em que o rigor formal, o caráter descritivo e o distanciamento do eu-lírico se fizeram presentes na produção da época e também dessa autora.

Estamos, portanto, tratando de:

Assinale a alternativa CORRETA:

Q3010803 Inglês
Total Physical Response (TPR) is a teaching method that uses physical movement to help students learn language and vocabulary. It is a method of teaching language or vocabulary concepts by using physical movement to react to verbal input. The process mimics the way that infants learn their first language, and it reduces student inhibitions and lowers stress. In TPR, instructors give commands to students in the target language with body movements, and students respond with whole-body actions. Total Physical Response is particularly useful for, but not limited to, teaching beginners and, or younger students and is highly effective for teaching imperative-based languages, where the commands are easily expressed through actions. Having that said, check the alternative, whose statement is not associated with the one of the core principles of TPR.
Q3010802 Inglês
Adverbs have many different meanings and functions. They are especially important for indicating the time, manner, place, degree and frequency of something. An adverb is a word that modifies a verb, adjective, another adverb, or an entire sentence. There are six main types of adverbs: manner, time, place, frequency, degree, and conjunctive. With this in mind, match the second column according to the information provided in the first one, then check the correct answer.

( 1 ) MANNER ( 2 ) TIME ( 3 ) PLACE ( 4 ) FREQUENCY ( 5 ) DEGREE ( 6 ) CONJUNCTIVE

( ) Very, absolutely, totally, rather, quite, really, completely, extremely, fairly
( ) There, here, somewhere, everywhere, nowhere, anywhere, abroad, northwards.
( ) Also, however, otherwise, indeed, finally, furthermore, nonetheless, in fact.
( ) Usually, sometimes, never, often, always, rarely, occasionally, seldom.
( ) Soon, early, now, today, tomorrow, yesterday, then, now, lately, next.
( ) Quickly, slowly, easily, fast, well, carefully, correctly, noisily, silently. 
Q3010801 Inglês
The way we use language depends on factors such as the situation we are in (at a friend’s house, in a job interview, in a tutorial); who we are talking to (friends, potential employer, tutor); and our means of communication (conversation face to face, telephone, email, report). Our decisions about the way we use language are to a great extent unconscious ones: we instinctively know how to adapt our language to the situation. For example, there are a number of differences between spoken and written language. This being so, we can characterize spoken language as quite informal, colloquial and presumably unstructured (since it is often spontaneous). Furthermore, spoken language mostly takes place in the form of a dialogue with another speaker. Written language, on the other hand, is generally more structured, formal, impersonal and wordy. Also, written language is considered more formal and should follow the rules of the English language. Spoken language is generally less formal, and the rules are less important. Slang, an informal language understood only by certain groups, is acceptable in spoken language but not in written language. That said, read the statements that follow, then check ( T ) for TRUE and ( F ) for FALSE while indicating the correct answer (by also checking it).

( )Written English is more complex grammatically than spoken English, with longer and more complex sentences, fewer contractions, and more subordinate clauses.

( ) Spoken English is more likely to be face-to-face communication, while written English is more likely to be communication through the written word.

( ) Spoken English is more fixed and stable than written English, which is more fleeting.

( ) Spoken English is usually more organized and carefully formulated than written English.

( ) Written English is typically more structured and forms a monologue rather than a dialogue, while spoken English is more likely to be a dialogue.

( ) Written English communicates across time and space for as long as the medium exists and the language is understood. Spoken English is more immediate.

( ) Spoken English normally uses a generally acceptable standard variety of the language, whereas written English may sometimes be in a regional or other limited-context dialect.

( ) In Spoken English, the content is presented much more densely. In written English, the information is “diluted” and conveyed through many more words: there are a lot of repetitions, glosses, “fillers”, producing a text is noticeably longer and with more redundant passages. 
Q3010800 Inglês
Active methodologies are teaching methods that place students as the main characters in their learning process. The main aim of active methodologies is to train students and teachers with the competencies and skills of the future, which are: argumentation, digital culture, good communication, critical thinking, responsibility, cooperation, and much more. Active methodologies are the basis for creating more open learning environments, with interactivity and cooperation between students. It is the transformation of education, which motivates and engages students, reduces dropout rates and failures, and improves the experience as a whole. Also, studies have shown that these methodologies improve grades and help students develop emotional intelligence beyond the basic curriculum. That being said, having in mind the fundamentals and principles of the most known active methodologies, match the second column according to the information provided in the first one, then check the correct answer. 
( A ) Flipped classroom. ( B ) Project-based learning. ( C ) Case studies. ( D ) Peer teaching. ( E ) Gamification. ( F ) Inquiry-based learning.

( ) Students learn from each other through pairing and sharing learning objectives. It is an effective way to encourage collaboration and communication, and can help students retain information.

( ) It involves the use of game elements in non-game situations to increase motivation and learning. It can also be used in the classroom to increase student engagement, motivation, and knowledge retention while helping them to develop a positive attitude towards learning.

( )Students find solutions to problems mainly by themselves, and then present their findings to the class. It is an active approach that encourages students to become self-directed learners. It also emphasizes contextual and experiential approaches to learning.

( ) Students apply their knowledge to real-world problems, often open-ended. They also work on projects over an extended period of time – from a week up to a semester – that engage them in answering a complex question.

( ) Students are placed in an active learning role, promoting research, problem-solving, and highlevel cognitive skills. It challenges students to think critically and creatively to develop solutions.

( ) It focuses on problem solving and learning activities in the classroom, while content transmission happens outside of the classroom. Students learn content at home through readings, videos, or other activities before class. In class, students participate in activities like practice, application exercises, discussions, and team-based learning.

Q3010799 Inglês
Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) or Communicative Approach (CA) is a language teaching method that focuses on helping students communicate in real-world situations. The goal of CLT is to develop communicative competence, rather than linguistic competence, through learner interaction. That being so, check the answer whose characteristic is not associated with the Communicative Language Teaching.
341: B
342: D
343: C
344: B
345: C
346: B
347: D
348: D
349: A
350: A
351: A
352: E
353: B
354: D
355: C
356: C
357: B
358: E
359: C
360: A