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I- No período: “Em 1914, quando tinha apenas 28 anos, o zoólogo alemão Karl Von Frisch colocou sua carreira em jogo: [...]”, oração introduzida por QUANDO vem isolada por vírgulas por se tratar de uma oração adverbial temporal. II- : Em: “o zoólogo alemão Karl Von Frisch colocou sua carreira em jogo ”, questionou, de forma radical, o que a ciência sabia [...]em vez do emprego dos dois-pontos, a segunda oração poderia ter sido introduzida pelo conector “pois”, caracterizando uma oração coordenada explicativa. III- TANTAS Em: “Ele afirmou que não faria sentido existirem tantas flores, com cores tão diferentes, se [...]”, o constituinte TANTAS FLORES tem a função de complemento – objeto direto – do verbo existir. IV- Em: “Von Frisch demonstrou, em um estudo pioneiro, que as abelhas não só enxergavam cores, como aprendiam quais delas identificavam as flores com mais néctar.”, as estruturas introduzidas por NÃO SÓ....COMO são coordenadas aditivas.
É CORRETO o que se afirma apenas em:
Considerando a leitura do texto abaixo, responda à questão.
I- ELE (L.1) – pronome pessoal cujo referente é o termo “alguém”. II- ONDE (L.1) – advérbio relativo cujo referente é o constituinte “no cérebro”. III- SÓ QUE (L.3) – locução conjuntiva com valor de oposição/ressalva. IV- ISSO (L.7) – pronome relativo cujo referente é o termo “sinapses”. V- TESTE (L.6) – substantivo que rotula todo o conteúdo relativo ao experimento com os voluntários.
São CORRETAS as explicações fornecidas apenas em:
Elephant Calf Separated From Herd in India is Reunited With Its Mother
(Available at: – text especially adapted for this test).
Analise o trecho abaixo:
A expressão “Tomou doril a dor sumiu” possui uma relação de ____________ entre as orações. O sentindo interpretativo que a oração ___________ ___________ possui em relação à oração principal é de ______________.
As lacunas podem ser CORRETAMENTE preenchidas pela sequência:
Text 2
Pre-Communicative and Communicative Activities
[…] The development of communicative competence involves the acquisition and use of so-called language skills, which are promoted from the communicative approach in an integrated manner and with real communication purposes. To contribute to the development of these communicative language skills, the English teacher has a continuum of options ranging from so-called pre-communicative activities to proper communication activities. According to Littlewood (1998), the first are based on accuracy and present structures, functions, and vocabulary; the latter focus on fluency and involve information sharing and exchange.
The pre-communicative activities are subdivided into
structural activities and quasi-communicative activities. Structural activities are described as machining
and practical structures. The quasi-communicative ones are based on communication and the structure of the language. […]
English as a second Language teaching has methods ways in which teachers use to teach English.
Study the affirmatives below about Methods and Approaches, and mark the correct option.
Text 2
Pre-Communicative and Communicative Activities
[…] The development of communicative competence involves the acquisition and use of so-called language skills, which are promoted from the communicative approach in an integrated manner and with real communication purposes. To contribute to the development of these communicative language skills, the English teacher has a continuum of options ranging from so-called pre-communicative activities to proper communication activities. According to Littlewood (1998), the first are based on accuracy and present structures, functions, and vocabulary; the latter focus on fluency and involve information sharing and exchange.
The pre-communicative activities are subdivided into
structural activities and quasi-communicative activities. Structural activities are described as machining
and practical structures. The quasi-communicative ones are based on communication and the structure of the language. […]
Study these sentences below and decide if they are true ( T ) or false ( F ), according to the Communicative Language Teaching (CLT).
( ) People learn a language best when using it to do things rather than through studying how language works and practicing rules.
( ) Learners participate in classroom activities that are based on an individualistic approach to learning.
( ) Communicative language teaching methodology makes real communication the focus of language learning.
( ) One of the goals of Communicative Language Teaching is to develop fluency in language use.
Choose the alternative which presents the correct sequence, from top to bottom.
Text 2
Pre-Communicative and Communicative Activities
[…] The development of communicative competence involves the acquisition and use of so-called language skills, which are promoted from the communicative approach in an integrated manner and with real communication purposes. To contribute to the development of these communicative language skills, the English teacher has a continuum of options ranging from so-called pre-communicative activities to proper communication activities. According to Littlewood (1998), the first are based on accuracy and present structures, functions, and vocabulary; the latter focus on fluency and involve information sharing and exchange.
The pre-communicative activities are subdivided into
structural activities and quasi-communicative activities. Structural activities are described as machining
and practical structures. The quasi-communicative ones are based on communication and the structure of the language. […]
Study the sentences bellow from text 2.
1. Languages skills are used to develop communicative competence as well as their acquisition.
2. Pre-communicative activities are based on information sharing and exchange.
3. Structural activities are related to the structure of the language, machining and practical structures.
4. The language skill based on accuracy and proper communication activities is called Pre-Communicative.
Choose the alternative which contains the correct sentences.
Text 1
Youth and Adult Literacy in Brazil:
learning from practice
The Concept of functional ILLITERACY
[…] A person is considered functionally literate ..................... he or she is capable ................. using reading and writing skills ........................ meet the demands of his or her social context, using them to continue learning and developing over their lifetimes. With the expansion of the access to schooling beyond literacy, the focus was shifted to the quality of the educational process offered to all. The issue here is not simply whether people know how to read or write, but what they are capable of doing with those skills. This means that, besides the issue of illiteracy, a social problem that still persists in Brazil, there is also the issue of functional illiteracy; in other words, the inability to effectively use reading and writing skills in the various areas of social life after a certain number of years of schooling. According to census criteria, individuals with less than 4 years of schooling are considered functionally illiterate. […]
Study these sentences below and decide if they are true ( T ) or false ( F ), according to structure and use of grammar and lexical aspects of language use.
( ) The words in bold, them and their in text 1, are respectively an object pronoun and a possessive adjective.
( ) In the sentence: The issue here is not simply whether people know how to read or write… the underlined word whether can be replaced by if without changing its meaning.
( ) The noun criteria in: According to census criteria, individuals with less than 4 years of schooling are considered functionally illiterate; is the singular form of criterium.
( ) In the following sentence from text 1: … the inability to effectively use reading and writing skills in the various areas of social life after a certain number of years of schooling; the underlined words reading, writing and schooling are examples of present participle.
Choose the alternative which presents the correct sequence, from top to bottom.
Urubus urbanos
Por mais curioso que pareça, é cada vez mais comum olhar para o alto de casas e prédios em ambientes urbanos e deparar-se com urubus acomodados nos telhados. Essas aves, frequentemente interpretadas como sinal de mau agouro, desempenham uma função ecológica nesse contexto urbano.
A primeira questão que deve ficar clara é que se deve evitar pensamentos supersticiosos em relação aos urubus. Ter um urubu sobre o telhado de sua casa não significa mau agouro, mas sim que provavelmente há algum tipo de carcaça nas proximidades.
Devido à sua natureza necrófaga, alimentando-se de materiais em decomposição, os urubus exercem uma função específica no ecossistema urbano. O aumento na produção de lixo nas grandes cidades se torna um dos principais atrativos para essas aves.
A partir da observação do crescimento da quantidade de urubus presentes nas grandes cidades, constata-se que essas aves se adaptaram ao ambiente urbano. O fenômeno começou há pouco mais de uma década, com o número de urubus nas cidades aumentando progressivamente. Até certo momento, os moradores mal percebiam esse aumento; as pessoas achavam curioso quando viam um urubu pousado no telhado do vizinho.
À medida que essas aves foram se tornando mais à vontade, os moradores passaram a se assustar. Trata-se de um animal com um bico curvo e afiado, pronto para o ataque. Contudo, a questão é que devemos entender que o planeta pertence a todas as espécies vivas que o habitam. Dessa forma, não temos o direito de questionar a presença dos urubus, apenas pensar em soluções que tornem a convivência mais tranquila.
Cultura Mix - “Significado de Urubu no Telhado”. Com
• Pai. • Casinha. • Sábado. • Vidro.
Ao realizar a separação silábica dessas palavras, quantas delas são classificadas como trissílabas, ou seja, que possuem 3 sílabas?