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Qual das alternativas abaixo cria uma lista com marcadores no Word?
O que significa HTTPS em um endereço de site?
Nesse contexto, qual o procedimento para fixar a primeira linha de uma planilha Excel?
Shonto Begay, artist, writer, poet, and filmmaker, was born into the Navajo nation, USA. “In My Mother’s Kitchen”, introduced for reading and exam below, displays some clues of Native American culture that are especifically connected to word choices represented by:
Fragrance of fresh tortillas and corn stew
Fills my mother’s kitchen
Sparsely furnished
Crowded with
Soot-grayed walls, secretive and blank
She moves gently in and out of light
Like a dream just out of reach
The morning light gives her a
That plays upon her crown of dark hair
Strong brown hands caress soft mounds of
dough She gazes out into the warming day
Past sagebrush hills, out towards the foot of Black
Mesa How far would she let the goats wander today
Before it rains
Childhood dreams and warmth
Tight in my throat, tears in my eyes
The radio softly tuned to a local AM station
News of ceremonies and chapter meetings
And funerals
Flows into the peaceful kitchen
Lines upon her face, features carved of hard
times Lines around her eyes, creases of happy
times Bittersweet tears and ringing silvery
I ache in my heart
My mother’s gentle movements light up dark
corners Her gentle smiles recall childhood dreams still
so alive
My mother moves in and out of
light Like clouds on days of
promising rain
(Available in: Acess in: August 2024.)
The sentence in the image bears:
(Available in: Acess in: August 2024.)
A 9th grade group was given a handout containing a list of sentences to be observed and analysed as a pair work activity, having the lexicon found in the sentences been already studied, and, if necessary, dictionary checking on word meaning allowed. The teacher conducted class discussion based on the perceptions resulting from the list examination performed. Being the handout as follows, consistent data to ground conclusions is introduced in:
• Summer’s arriving will be happily celebrated in the touristic cities and towns this year.
• People are coming to attend the Rock in Rio shows on the multiple stages of Rock City.
• Beating among opponent sports fans has become an issue during championship playoffs.
• For his disregarding teacher’s instructions during tests, Carl got detention on several occasions.
• The candidates are campaigning all around the country for elections are just around the corner.
• Some boys are beating each other in the school yard and there’s not any adult out there.
• Tourists’ coming to spend summer vacations is surely bound to fill in all hotels and inns.
• Since our bus’s arriving, we should get our luggage together and be ready to get it.
• The candidate hasn`t stayed much with her family because campaigning takes her all over.
• The way that man drives tells us he’s totally disregarding both, human life and traffic laws.
Qual das alternativas apresenta o valor par que deve preencher o quadrado da expressão acima para que a igualdade apresentada seja verdadeira?
I. Durante o transporte, a monitorização dos sinais vitais deve ser contínua.
II. O paciente deve ser mantido em decúbito dorsal, independentemente da condição clínica.
III. O oxigênio suplementar deve estar disponível em todo o trajeto.