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Q3068833 Português

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Disponível em: file:///C:/Users/livia/Downloads/carlarsfigueiredo,+Jaqueline+ZANZI.pdf. Acesso em 20 de set. 2024. 

Os elementos verbais e não verbais constituem o texto por serem
Q3068831 Português

Leia o texto e, a seguir, responda à questão.


    A cachorra Baleia estava para morrer. Tinha emagrecido, o pelo caíra-lhe em vários pontos, as costelas avultavam num fundo róseo, onde manchas escuras supuravam e sangravam, cobertas de moscas. As chagas da boca e a inchação dos beiços dificultavam-lhe a comida e a bebida.  

   Por isso Fabiano imaginara que ela estivesse com um princípio de hidrofobia e amarrara-lhe no pescoço um rosário de sabugos de milho queimados. Mas Baleia, sempre de mal a pior, roçava-se nas estacas do curral ou metia-se no mato, impaciente, enxotava os mosquitos sacudindo as orelhas murchas, agitando a cauda pelada e curta, grossa na base, cheia de roscas, semelhante a uma cauda de cascavel.

   Então Fabiano resolveu matá-la. Foi buscar a espingarda de pederneira, lixou-a, limpou-a com o sacatrapo e fez tenção de carregá-la bem para a cachorra não sofrer muito.


RAMOS, Graciliano. Baleia. In: Vidas Secas. 82ªed. Rio de Janeiro: Record, 2001. P. 85-91.

No trecho, “Então Fabiano resolveu matá-la. Foi buscar a espingarda de pederneira, lixou-a, limpou-a com o saca-trapo e fez tenção de carregá-la bem para a cachorra não sofrer muito.”, os termos sublinhados “la” e “a” atuam como um mecanismo de coesão 
Q3068830 Inglês

Read the text below and answer the question 

Paris 2024 Gymnastics: Rebeca Andrade captures

floor exercise gold ahead of Simone Biles and Jordan Chiles

By Scott Bregman / 05 August 2024

If this was a finale, Rebeca Andrade went out in style.

The most decorated Brazilian athlete at the Olympic Games added a gold medal Monday afternoon (5 August), claiming the women's floor title at the Olympic Games Paris 2024.

It's a second Olympic gold for Andrade, the Tokyo 2020 vaulting champion. She has six total medals in her three Olympic appearances. Andrade told media earlier this week that Paris could be her career floor finale.

"I am very happy and proud about what I did," she said. "We came here every day to compete and perform (well). Gymnastics is not an easy sport, it requires a lot from our body and mind.

"I was confident I was able to manage all of the pressure and I worked with my coach in order to achieve what we've done." Andrade's 14.166 was just ahead of Simone Biles (14.133). 

Biles' American teammate Jordan Chiles was third, scoring a 13.766 after a scoring inquiry lifted her from fifth to the podium.

It's the 11th Olympic medal for Biles, extending her record as the most decorated U.S. Olympic gymnast. The Brazilian star tumbled a front layout full to full-in and a full-twisting double layout to open. She closed with a controlled double pike.

Andrade took her time coming off the podium, savouring the appreciation from the crowd. When the final scores flashed inside Bercy Arena, the 25-year-old artistic gymnastics star seemed stunned during an embrace with coach.

In the warm-up, Biles looked cautious. 

She has been dealing with a strained calf injury throughout the Games and struggled through her signature triple-double (Biles II) in the moments before she competed.

But in competition, that tumbling pass gave her no trouble. Instead, Biles flew out of bounds with both feet on her second and fourth tumbling passes, incurring a .600 total neutral deduction.

"Obviously wasn't my best performances, but at the end of the day, whoever medaled, medaled and that's what's so exciting because you just never know with gymnastics," said Biles afterward. "So I'm not very upset or anything about my performance at the Olympics. I'm actually very happy, proud and even more excited about it." 

Chiles' score was originally 13.666 but coaches Laurent and Cecile Landi filed an inquiry. It was accepting, raising her difficulty score by .1 and giving her the bronze medal.

"I didn't even realize my coaches put in an inquiry, and I was like, 'Okay, yeah. Like, let's see... it can vary,'" explained Chiles. "So when it came through, I was very proud of myself. It was my first event final and my first event medal. This is crazy."

In the sentence, “I'm actually very happy, proud and even more excited about it,” which of the following correctly identifies the use of comparative and superlative adjectives, and which of the provided options correctly forms a comparative and superlative version of the adjective “excited”?
Q3068829 Inglês

Read the text below and answer the question 

Paris 2024 Gymnastics: Rebeca Andrade captures

floor exercise gold ahead of Simone Biles and Jordan Chiles

By Scott Bregman / 05 August 2024

If this was a finale, Rebeca Andrade went out in style.

The most decorated Brazilian athlete at the Olympic Games added a gold medal Monday afternoon (5 August), claiming the women's floor title at the Olympic Games Paris 2024.

It's a second Olympic gold for Andrade, the Tokyo 2020 vaulting champion. She has six total medals in her three Olympic appearances. Andrade told media earlier this week that Paris could be her career floor finale.

"I am very happy and proud about what I did," she said. "We came here every day to compete and perform (well). Gymnastics is not an easy sport, it requires a lot from our body and mind.

"I was confident I was able to manage all of the pressure and I worked with my coach in order to achieve what we've done." Andrade's 14.166 was just ahead of Simone Biles (14.133). 

Biles' American teammate Jordan Chiles was third, scoring a 13.766 after a scoring inquiry lifted her from fifth to the podium.

It's the 11th Olympic medal for Biles, extending her record as the most decorated U.S. Olympic gymnast. The Brazilian star tumbled a front layout full to full-in and a full-twisting double layout to open. She closed with a controlled double pike.

Andrade took her time coming off the podium, savouring the appreciation from the crowd. When the final scores flashed inside Bercy Arena, the 25-year-old artistic gymnastics star seemed stunned during an embrace with coach.

In the warm-up, Biles looked cautious. 

She has been dealing with a strained calf injury throughout the Games and struggled through her signature triple-double (Biles II) in the moments before she competed.

But in competition, that tumbling pass gave her no trouble. Instead, Biles flew out of bounds with both feet on her second and fourth tumbling passes, incurring a .600 total neutral deduction.

"Obviously wasn't my best performances, but at the end of the day, whoever medaled, medaled and that's what's so exciting because you just never know with gymnastics," said Biles afterward. "So I'm not very upset or anything about my performance at the Olympics. I'm actually very happy, proud and even more excited about it." 

Chiles' score was originally 13.666 but coaches Laurent and Cecile Landi filed an inquiry. It was accepting, raising her difficulty score by .1 and giving her the bronze medal.

"I didn't even realize my coaches put in an inquiry, and I was like, 'Okay, yeah. Like, let's see... it can vary,'" explained Chiles. "So when it came through, I was very proud of myself. It was my first event final and my first event medal. This is crazy."

After winning the floor exercise gold at Paris 2024, Rebeca Andrade mentioned that gymnastics is not an easy sport. Based on the article, what reasons does Andrade give to explain the challenges of gymnastics, and how do her statements reflect her journey to winning the gold?
Q3068828 Inglês
The image shows a person imagining a scenario using an "if clause." Which grammatical structure is being used to express a hypothetical situation?
Q3067230 Legislação dos Municípios do Estado de Goiás

Conforme o Código de Posturas, responda a questão.

Os estábulos, as estribarias, as pocilgas, os galinheiros e currais, bem como as estrumeiras, deverão estar localizados a uma distância mínima de ___________________ das habitações.

Completa corretamente o excerto acima:

Q3067229 Legislação dos Municípios do Estado de Goiás

Conforme o Código de Posturas, responda a questão.

No intuito de assegurar as indispensáveis condições de sanidade, o Poder Executivo Municipal fiscalizará a higiene:

I. Dos estabelecimentos comerciais industriais e prestadores de serviços.

II. Dos poços de abastecimento de água domiciliar e dos sanitários de uso coletivo.

III. Das edificações localizadas na zona rural e dos logradouros públicos.

IV. Dos edifícios de habitação individual e higiene. 

Marque a alternativa correta: 

Q3067033 Redação Oficial
Qual das alternativas apresenta o vocativo correto? 
209: C
210: B
211: A
212: B
213: B
214: A
215: D
216: D