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Q2170192 Inglês
What Is Linguistic Diversity?

     What is language diversity? Language diversity, or linguistic diversity, is a broad term used to describe the differences between different languages and the ways that people communicate with each other. Language is one of the features of humanity that sets the species apart from others on Earth, as far as scientists are aware. Languages are necessarily systematic, meaning that they are bound by rules. This mechanism has been instrumental in allowing humans to communicate with each other and form complex cultures and civilizations. Understanding what linguistic diversity is, how it applies on a worldwide scale, and how it applies in education can help create a more thorough and lasting understanding of the study of culture in general and the place of language in human life. [...] Examples of Linguistic Diversity
        In terms of variety of languages, there are many examples of linguistic diversity around the world. Linguistic diversity is sometimes measured using a language diversity index, of which there are several. These tools examine the likelihood of two given people in a country or region speaking the same native language. If virtually everyone in a country speaks the same language, the diversity index will approach 0. If there is a very high degree of native language diversity, the index will approach 1. Countries with a low diversity index include Britain, Brazil, Australia, and Japan, all of which have an index score of 0.2 or less. Diversity is also quite low in the U.S., hovering somewhere between 0.2 and 0.4. Countries with a very high diversity index include South Africa (which has 11 official languages), India, and Papua New Guinea. All of these countries have an index score of 0.8 or higher.
        High levels of linguistic diversity often indicate that a country has one or more of the following:
• A very large population
• Many ethnic groups
• Many historical and current trade routes
• A history of being colonized
• Many mountains and other isolating geographical features
     Countries deal with high levels of linguistic diversity in different ways. In some places, a single language emerges as the lingua franca or common language. In other places, languages are combined to form pidgins and creoles, usually in places where people had to learn to communicate very quickly.
      One small island called South Goulburn, located off the coast of Australia, has an unusual way of dealing with and maintaining linguistic diversity. On that island, the population of around 500 people keep nine languages alive and thriving. Many of those are indigenous Australian languages with very few speakers. On South Goulburn, it is considered somewhat taboo to speak a second language, as languages are closely bound up with personal and cultural identity. Everyone on the island understands some or all 12 of the nine languages, but speak only their own, expecting others to respond in their own languages. This is a phenomenon called receptive multilingualism.

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Observe as três afirmações abaixo sobre o texto e assinale a alternativa correta:
I – Países com baixa diversidade linguística apresentam índice de diversidade linguística próximo de zero. II – O texto cita uma ilha onde nove línguas são faladas. Neste local, um habitante inicia um diálogo em sua língua e espera-se que o seu interlocutor responda usando seu próprio idioma, que é diferente da língua do habitante que começa a conversa. III – Países que foram colonizados podem apresentar alto grau de diversidade linguística, que é o caso do Brasil.
Q2170191 Inglês
What Is Linguistic Diversity?

     What is language diversity? Language diversity, or linguistic diversity, is a broad term used to describe the differences between different languages and the ways that people communicate with each other. Language is one of the features of humanity that sets the species apart from others on Earth, as far as scientists are aware. Languages are necessarily systematic, meaning that they are bound by rules. This mechanism has been instrumental in allowing humans to communicate with each other and form complex cultures and civilizations. Understanding what linguistic diversity is, how it applies on a worldwide scale, and how it applies in education can help create a more thorough and lasting understanding of the study of culture in general and the place of language in human life. [...] Examples of Linguistic Diversity
        In terms of variety of languages, there are many examples of linguistic diversity around the world. Linguistic diversity is sometimes measured using a language diversity index, of which there are several. These tools examine the likelihood of two given people in a country or region speaking the same native language. If virtually everyone in a country speaks the same language, the diversity index will approach 0. If there is a very high degree of native language diversity, the index will approach 1. Countries with a low diversity index include Britain, Brazil, Australia, and Japan, all of which have an index score of 0.2 or less. Diversity is also quite low in the U.S., hovering somewhere between 0.2 and 0.4. Countries with a very high diversity index include South Africa (which has 11 official languages), India, and Papua New Guinea. All of these countries have an index score of 0.8 or higher.
        High levels of linguistic diversity often indicate that a country has one or more of the following:
• A very large population
• Many ethnic groups
• Many historical and current trade routes
• A history of being colonized
• Many mountains and other isolating geographical features
     Countries deal with high levels of linguistic diversity in different ways. In some places, a single language emerges as the lingua franca or common language. In other places, languages are combined to form pidgins and creoles, usually in places where people had to learn to communicate very quickly.
      One small island called South Goulburn, located off the coast of Australia, has an unusual way of dealing with and maintaining linguistic diversity. On that island, the population of around 500 people keep nine languages alive and thriving. Many of those are indigenous Australian languages with very few speakers. On South Goulburn, it is considered somewhat taboo to speak a second language, as languages are closely bound up with personal and cultural identity. Everyone on the island understands some or all 12 of the nine languages, but speak only their own, expecting others to respond in their own languages. This is a phenomenon called receptive multilingualism.

Disponível em:,far%20as%20scientists%20are%20aw
Assinale a alternativa incorreta sobre o texto:
Q2170190 Inglês
What Is Linguistic Diversity?

     What is language diversity? Language diversity, or linguistic diversity, is a broad term used to describe the differences between different languages and the ways that people communicate with each other. Language is one of the features of humanity that sets the species apart from others on Earth, as far as scientists are aware. Languages are necessarily systematic, meaning that they are bound by rules. This mechanism has been instrumental in allowing humans to communicate with each other and form complex cultures and civilizations. Understanding what linguistic diversity is, how it applies on a worldwide scale, and how it applies in education can help create a more thorough and lasting understanding of the study of culture in general and the place of language in human life. [...] Examples of Linguistic Diversity
        In terms of variety of languages, there are many examples of linguistic diversity around the world. Linguistic diversity is sometimes measured using a language diversity index, of which there are several. These tools examine the likelihood of two given people in a country or region speaking the same native language. If virtually everyone in a country speaks the same language, the diversity index will approach 0. If there is a very high degree of native language diversity, the index will approach 1. Countries with a low diversity index include Britain, Brazil, Australia, and Japan, all of which have an index score of 0.2 or less. Diversity is also quite low in the U.S., hovering somewhere between 0.2 and 0.4. Countries with a very high diversity index include South Africa (which has 11 official languages), India, and Papua New Guinea. All of these countries have an index score of 0.8 or higher.
        High levels of linguistic diversity often indicate that a country has one or more of the following:
• A very large population
• Many ethnic groups
• Many historical and current trade routes
• A history of being colonized
• Many mountains and other isolating geographical features
     Countries deal with high levels of linguistic diversity in different ways. In some places, a single language emerges as the lingua franca or common language. In other places, languages are combined to form pidgins and creoles, usually in places where people had to learn to communicate very quickly.
      One small island called South Goulburn, located off the coast of Australia, has an unusual way of dealing with and maintaining linguistic diversity. On that island, the population of around 500 people keep nine languages alive and thriving. Many of those are indigenous Australian languages with very few speakers. On South Goulburn, it is considered somewhat taboo to speak a second language, as languages are closely bound up with personal and cultural identity. Everyone on the island understands some or all 12 of the nine languages, but speak only their own, expecting others to respond in their own languages. This is a phenomenon called receptive multilingualism.

Disponível em:,far%20as%20scientists%20are%20aw
Assinale a alternativa correta sobre o texto: 
Q2170189 Inglês

Assinale a alternativa que completa a tabela abaixo com a forma verbal correta:

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

Q2170188 Inglês
Assinale a alternativa que completa o período abaixo com coesão e coerência:
The marketing director from our factory in New York has not arrived yet, …
Q2170187 Inglês
Assinale a alternativa incorreta quanto ao uso das “if-clauses”: 
Q2170186 Inglês
Marque a alternativa que estabeleça a correspondência correta entre discurso direto e indireto entre as orações: 
Q2170185 Inglês
Marque a alternativa correta quanto às formas de voz passiva:
Q2170184 Inglês
Observe o período abaixo e assinale a alternativa que corresponde à voz passiva dessa construção:
They should have locked the jewels in a safe.
Q2170183 Inglês
Assinale a alternativa incorreta quanto ao uso de artigos definidos e indefinido: 
Q2170182 Inglês
Assinale a alternativa correta quanto ao uso das preposições:
Q2170181 Inglês

Observe os horários abaixo e assinale a alternativa correta quanto à redação das horas por extenso:

I – 10:20      II – 3:15      III – 7:00      IV – 9:40      V – 1:45

Q2170180 Inglês
Assinale a alternativa em que a escrita por extenso não esteja de acordo com o numeral:
Q2170179 Inglês
Assinale a alternativa correta quanto ao uso dos possessivos:
Q2170178 Inglês
Leia as orações abaixo e depois assinale a alternativa incorreta:
I – Julia goes to the gym three times a week, but she hates it. II – The baby slept very well last night, after he was breastfed. III – I am going to move to another town after I retire. IV – I have already seen this movie. Let’s choose another one.
Q2170177 Inglês
Assinale a alternativa correta: 
Q2170176 Inglês
I have always quite irrationally prided myself on my good health, for I have only occasionally had to take a day off work when I have had a cold.
     So I was quite offended by my doctor who, when we ran into each other in the street one day, took one look at me and told me that I was definitely overweight and that if I did not make an effort to lose some weight, I could expect to have a heart attack before very long. He added that, like many middle-aged men, I led a completely sedentary life: I sat behind my office desk during the day and relaxed in my armchair in the evening with my eyes firmly fixed on the television set.
      It was true that I had been getting fatter, but this had not worried me much, for I simply attributed it to the fact that I was getting older.
     My doctor advised me to go on a diet immediately, so I tried cutting down on fattening foods, such  as potatoes and butter, but without any visible signs of success, for my trouble is that I am very fond of my food and besides, my wife is an excellent cook. I then decided that it was all a question of exercise, and for this year’s holiday, I was determined to go somewhere which was conducive to taking exercise and not to our usual seaside resort, where one is tempted to simply go down to the beach and lie in the sun. (In other words – L.G. Alexander and Catherine Wilson).
Ainda sobre o texto, assinale a alternativa incorreta
Q2170175 Inglês
I have always quite irrationally prided myself on my good health, for I have only occasionally had to take a day off work when I have had a cold.
     So I was quite offended by my doctor who, when we ran into each other in the street one day, took one look at me and told me that I was definitely overweight and that if I did not make an effort to lose some weight, I could expect to have a heart attack before very long. He added that, like many middle-aged men, I led a completely sedentary life: I sat behind my office desk during the day and relaxed in my armchair in the evening with my eyes firmly fixed on the television set.
      It was true that I had been getting fatter, but this had not worried me much, for I simply attributed it to the fact that I was getting older.
     My doctor advised me to go on a diet immediately, so I tried cutting down on fattening foods, such  as potatoes and butter, but without any visible signs of success, for my trouble is that I am very fond of my food and besides, my wife is an excellent cook. I then decided that it was all a question of exercise, and for this year’s holiday, I was determined to go somewhere which was conducive to taking exercise and not to our usual seaside resort, where one is tempted to simply go down to the beach and lie in the sun. (In other words – L.G. Alexander and Catherine Wilson).
Observe o trecho abaixo retirado do texto e assinale a alternativa incorreta:
“So I was quite offended by my doctor who, when we ran into each other in the street one day, took one look at me and told me that I was definitely overweight”.
Q2170174 Inglês
I have always quite irrationally prided myself on my good health, for I have only occasionally had to take a day off work when I have had a cold.
     So I was quite offended by my doctor who, when we ran into each other in the street one day, took one look at me and told me that I was definitely overweight and that if I did not make an effort to lose some weight, I could expect to have a heart attack before very long. He added that, like many middle-aged men, I led a completely sedentary life: I sat behind my office desk during the day and relaxed in my armchair in the evening with my eyes firmly fixed on the television set.
      It was true that I had been getting fatter, but this had not worried me much, for I simply attributed it to the fact that I was getting older.
     My doctor advised me to go on a diet immediately, so I tried cutting down on fattening foods, such  as potatoes and butter, but without any visible signs of success, for my trouble is that I am very fond of my food and besides, my wife is an excellent cook. I then decided that it was all a question of exercise, and for this year’s holiday, I was determined to go somewhere which was conducive to taking exercise and not to our usual seaside resort, where one is tempted to simply go down to the beach and lie in the sun. (In other words – L.G. Alexander and Catherine Wilson).
Leia as afirmações sobre o texto e depois assinale a alternativa correta:
I – The doctor said the narrator might have a heart attack. II – The narrator became worried because he was getting older. III – Following doctor’s orders, he started a diet, but it didn’t work out. IV – He decided to go to the seaside on his next holiday in order to walk on the beach.
Q2170173 Inglês
I have always quite irrationally prided myself on my good health, for I have only occasionally had to take a day off work when I have had a cold.
     So I was quite offended by my doctor who, when we ran into each other in the street one day, took one look at me and told me that I was definitely overweight and that if I did not make an effort to lose some weight, I could expect to have a heart attack before very long. He added that, like many middle-aged men, I led a completely sedentary life: I sat behind my office desk during the day and relaxed in my armchair in the evening with my eyes firmly fixed on the television set.
      It was true that I had been getting fatter, but this had not worried me much, for I simply attributed it to the fact that I was getting older.
     My doctor advised me to go on a diet immediately, so I tried cutting down on fattening foods, such  as potatoes and butter, but without any visible signs of success, for my trouble is that I am very fond of my food and besides, my wife is an excellent cook. I then decided that it was all a question of exercise, and for this year’s holiday, I was determined to go somewhere which was conducive to taking exercise and not to our usual seaside resort, where one is tempted to simply go down to the beach and lie in the sun. (In other words – L.G. Alexander and Catherine Wilson).
Marque a alternativa verdadeira sobre o texto: 
1261: C
1262: B
1263: A
1264: A
1265: B
1266: D
1267: C
1268: A
1269: B
1270: D
1271: C
1272: C
1273: C
1274: A
1275: D
1276: B
1277: D
1278: B
1279: C
1280: A