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Q3111382 Pedagogia
De acordo com os preceitos legais, a área de Linguagens no ensino fundamental é composta pelos seguintes componentes curriculares: Língua Portuguesa, Arte, Educação Física e, no ensino fundamental – anos finais, Língua Inglesa. Essa área de Linguagens deve garantir aos alunos o desenvolvimento de competências específicas, dentre elas:
Q3111381 Pedagogia
A Lei Brasileira de Inclusão da Pessoa com Deficiência (nº 13.146/2015) estabelece que a educação constitui direito da pessoa com deficiência. Por isso, é incumbência do poder público assegurar, criar, desenvolver, implementar, incentivar, acompanhar e avaliar:
Q3111380 Pedagogia
A transição entre a educação infantil e o ensino fundamental requer muita atenção, para que haja equilíbrio entre as mudanças introduzidas, garantindo integração e continuidade dos processos de aprendizagens das crianças. Por isso, a Base Nacional Comum Curricular apresenta a síntese das aprendizagens esperadas em cada campo de experiências. Essa síntese deve ser compreendida como:
Q3111379 Pedagogia
Na Base Nacional Comum Curricular, os campos de experiências constituem um arranjo curricular que acolhe as situações e as experiências concretas da vida cotidiana das crianças e seus saberes, entrelaçando-os aos conhecimentos que fazem parte do patrimônio cultural. Assim, podemos afirmar que o objetivo de aprendizagem e desenvolvimento identificado pela sigla EI02ET02 - Observar, relatar e descrever incidentes do cotidiano e fenômenos naturais (luz solar, vento, chuva etc.) - integra o campo de experiências denominado de:
Q3111378 Pedagogia
Na perspectiva construtivista, o conhecimento é construído na interação da criança com o mundo em que vive, porque:
Q3111377 Pedagogia
O ato pedagógico é o encontro do aluno com a cultura socialmente construída, pela mediação do professor e das situações didáticas. O conceito apresentado encontra embasamento na pedagogia:
Q3111376 Pedagogia

Observe a ilustração abaixo, que compõe o livro A vida na escola e a escola da vida (1998).

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

Fonte: ECCON, OLIVEIRA e OLIVEIRA, 1998, p. 30 e 31

A concepção de escola presente na ilustração é aquela em que:

Q3111375 Pedagogia
Analisando a história da educação, Luckesi afirma que "a atual prática da avaliação escolar, classificatória e seletiva, não viabiliza um processo de democratização do ensino". Como possibilidade de mudança, o autor propõe a:
Q3111374 Pedagogia
São muitas as metodologias criadas com o objetivo de potencializar a aprendizagem dos estudantes. Dentre elas, destaca-se o conjunto sequencial de atividades que trabalham com conhecimentos específicos construídos a partir de um dos eixos de trabalho que se organizam ao redor de um problema para resolver ou um produto final que se quer obter. A metodologia que possui tais características recebe o nome de:
Q3111373 Pedagogia
Apontado por muitos pesquisadores como adequado ao século XXI, o currículo por competências, considerado como um currículo integrado, pois as competências por si expressam uma integração de conteúdos, conceitos e processos metodológicos, propõe que o ensino se: 
Q3111232 Pedagogia
“Produzir roteiros para elaboração de vídeos de diferentes tipos (vlog científico, vídeo-minuto, programa de rádio, podcasts) para divulgação de conhecimentos científicos e resultados de pesquisa, tendo em vista seu contexto de produção, os elementos e a construção composicional dos roteiros”. Na Base Nacional Comum Curricular, essa habilidade (EF69LP37) é relacionada a uma determinada prática de linguagem, que é a: 
Q3111231 Pedagogia
De acordo com a Base Nacional Comum Curricular, “compreender e utilizar tecnologias digitais de informação e comunicação de forma crítica, significativa, reflexiva e ética nas diversas práticas sociais (incluindo as escolares), para se comunicar por meio das diferentes linguagens e mídias, produzir conhecimentos, resolver problemas e desenvolver projetos autorais e coletivos” é um(a):
Q3111230 Linguística
Trata-se de uma área da gramática que se ocupa da pronúncia correta das palavras. Envolve emissão de vogais e articulação de consoantes em conformidade com o padrão normativo. Essa área é denominada:
Q3111229 Literatura
 Leia o poema a seguir:

"Abre os olhos à Vida e fica mudo! Oh! Basta crer indefinidamente Para ficar iluminado tudo De uma luz imortal e transcendente.

Crer é sentir, como secreto escudo, A alma risonha, lúcida, vidente... E abandonar o sujo deus cornudo, O sátiro da Carne impenitente.

Abandonar os lânguidos rugidos, O infinito gemido dos gemidos Que vai no lodo a carne chafurdando.

Erguer os olhos, levantar os braços Para o eterno Silêncio dos Espaços e no Silêncio emudecer olhando..."

Esse poema intitula-se “Imortal atitude”. Foi produzido por Cruz e Sousa. Pelas suas características, trata-se de uma produção literária integrada à estética do:
Q3111152 Inglês

Four Key Language Skills: Speaking, Listening, Reading, and Writing

Discover how these skills interconnect and contribute to language proficiency, communication, and personal development

Language is a multifaceted tool that serves as a means of communication, expression, and understanding. Within the realm of language acquisition, four primary skills play a central role: speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Each of these skills contributes uniquely to one's language proficiency and plays a vital role in different aspects of life. In this post, we will delve into the relative importance of these four key language skills and how they complement each other.

Speaking is often considered the most critical language skill, as it directly enables human communication. It facilitates interaction with others, both socially and professionally, allowing individuals to express their thoughts, ideas, and emotions effectively. The ability to speak fluently is especially crucial in situations like business negotiations, job interviews, and everyday conversations. Effective speaking enhances one's confidence, builds relationships, and fosters cultural understanding.

Listening is the counterpart to speaking, and it is equally essential in effective communication. Without strong listening skills, misunderstandings can arise, leading to breakdowns in communication. Active listening involves not only hearing words but also comprehending their meaning, tone, and context. Proficient listening enhances language learners' ability to engage in meaningful conversations, understand cultural nuances, and respond appropriately. In educational settings, strong listening skills are crucial for learning and comprehension.

Reading expands one's knowledge and understanding of language. It allows individuals to access a vast wealth of information, literature, and culture. Through reading, individuals can explore diverse perspectives, historical accounts, and contemporary issues. Reading also plays a significant role in academic and professional contexts, where individuals are required to process, analyze, and synthesize written information. Strong reading skills lead to improved vocabulary, comprehension, and critical thinking.

Writing is the skill that allows individuals to express their thoughts and ideas in a structured and organized manner. It serves as a means of documentation, creativity, and self-expression. In academic and professional settings, effective writing is essential for creating reports, essays, emails, and other forms of communication. It also plays a crucial role in preserving knowledge, culture, and history through the written word. Strong writing skills enable individuals to convey their thoughts with clarity and precision.

While each of these four language skills holds significance on its own, their importance is interconnected. They complement and reinforce each other, creating a holistic language proficiency. For instance, strong listening skills aid in developing accurate pronunciation when speaking. Reading enhances vocabulary, which in turn improves writing. Writing practice can lead to a deeper understanding of grammatical structures, benefiting both speaking and listening.

Moreover, in the modern world, technology has blurred the lines between these skills. Communication platforms, such as social media and instant messaging, require a combination of speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Multimedia content, including videos and podcasts, encourages learners to engage in both listening and speaking activities.

In conclusion, the four key language skills - speaking, listening, reading, and writing - each hold a unique and essential place in language acquisition and proficiency. Their relative importance depends on the context, goals, and individual preferences. However, it is the interplay of these skills that results in a wellrounded and effective communicator. Language learners benefit most when they strive for balance and competence in all four skills, enabling them to navigate the complexities of language in diverse personal, educational, and professional settings.

Available in: Acesso em 21/10/2024

A BNCC propõe que o trabalho com a língua inglesa vá além das habilidades comunicativas, abordando a dimensão cultural da língua inglesa no mundo, o que pode ser feito ensinando expressões idiomáticas. Para se referir a uma pessoa que não ouve o que a outra está dizendo, usamos a expressão idiomática:
Q3111151 Inglês

Four Key Language Skills: Speaking, Listening, Reading, and Writing
Discover how these skills interconnect and contribute to language proficiency, communication, and personal development

Language is a multifaceted tool that serves as a means of communication, expression, and understanding. Within the realm of language acquisition, four primary skills play a central role: speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Each of these skills contributes uniquely to one's language proficiency and plays a vital role in different aspects of life. In this post, we will delve into the relative importance of these four key language skills and how they complement each other.
Speaking is often considered the most critical language skill, as it directly enables human communication. It facilitates interaction with others, both socially and professionally, allowing individuals to express their thoughts, ideas, and emotions effectively. The ability to speak fluently is especially crucial in situations like business negotiations, job interviews, and everyday conversations. Effective speaking enhances one's confidence, builds relationships, and fosters cultural understanding. 
Listening is the counterpart to speaking, and it is equally essential in effective communication. Without strong listening skills, misunderstandings can arise, leading to breakdowns in communication. Active listening involves not only hearing words but also comprehending their meaning, tone, and context. Proficient listening enhances language learners' ability to engage in meaningful conversations, understand cultural nuances, and respond appropriately. In educational settings, strong listening skills are crucial for learning and comprehension.
Reading expands one's knowledge and understanding of language. It allows individuals to access a vast wealth of information, literature, and culture. Through reading, individuals can explore diverse perspectives, historical accounts, and contemporary issues. Reading also plays a significant role in academic and professional contexts, where individuals are required to process, analyze, and synthesize written information. Strong reading skills lead to improved vocabulary, comprehension, and critical thinking. 
Writing is the skill that allows individuals to express their thoughts and ideas in a structured and organized manner. It serves as a means of documentation, creativity, and self-expression. In academic and professional settings, effective writing is essential for creating reports, essays, emails, and other forms of communication. It also plays a crucial role in preserving knowledge, culture, and history through the written word. Strong writing skills enable individuals to convey their thoughts with clarity and precision.
While each of these four language skills holds significance on its own, their importance is interconnected. They complement and reinforce each other, creating a holistic language proficiency. For instance, strong listening skills aid in developing accurate pronunciation when speaking. Reading enhances vocabulary, which in turn improves writing. Writing practice can lead to a deeper understanding of grammatical structures, benefiting both speaking and listening.
Moreover, in the modern world, technology has blurred the lines between these skills. Communication platforms, such as social media and instant messaging, require a combination of speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Multimedia content, including videos and podcasts, encourages learners to engage in both listening and speaking activities.
In conclusion, the four key language skills - speaking, listening, reading, and writing - each hold a unique and essential place in language acquisition and proficiency. Their relative importance depends on the context, goals, and individual preferences. However, it is the interplay of these skills that results in a well-rounded and effective communicator. Language learners benefit most when they strive for balance and competence in all four skills, enabling them to navigate the complexities of language in diverse personal, educational, and professional settings.

Available in: Acesso em 21/10/2024

O termo “well-rounded”, usado no último parágrafo do texto, classifica-se como: 
Q3111150 Inglês

Four Key Language Skills: Speaking, Listening, Reading, and Writing
Discover how these skills interconnect and contribute to language proficiency, communication, and personal development

Language is a multifaceted tool that serves as a means of communication, expression, and understanding. Within the realm of language acquisition, four primary skills play a central role: speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Each of these skills contributes uniquely to one's language proficiency and plays a vital role in different aspects of life. In this post, we will delve into the relative importance of these four key language skills and how they complement each other.
Speaking is often considered the most critical language skill, as it directly enables human communication. It facilitates interaction with others, both socially and professionally, allowing individuals to express their thoughts, ideas, and emotions effectively. The ability to speak fluently is especially crucial in situations like business negotiations, job interviews, and everyday conversations. Effective speaking enhances one's confidence, builds relationships, and fosters cultural understanding. 
Listening is the counterpart to speaking, and it is equally essential in effective communication. Without strong listening skills, misunderstandings can arise, leading to breakdowns in communication. Active listening involves not only hearing words but also comprehending their meaning, tone, and context. Proficient listening enhances language learners' ability to engage in meaningful conversations, understand cultural nuances, and respond appropriately. In educational settings, strong listening skills are crucial for learning and comprehension.
Reading expands one's knowledge and understanding of language. It allows individuals to access a vast wealth of information, literature, and culture. Through reading, individuals can explore diverse perspectives, historical accounts, and contemporary issues. Reading also plays a significant role in academic and professional contexts, where individuals are required to process, analyze, and synthesize written information. Strong reading skills lead to improved vocabulary, comprehension, and critical thinking. 
Writing is the skill that allows individuals to express their thoughts and ideas in a structured and organized manner. It serves as a means of documentation, creativity, and self-expression. In academic and professional settings, effective writing is essential for creating reports, essays, emails, and other forms of communication. It also plays a crucial role in preserving knowledge, culture, and history through the written word. Strong writing skills enable individuals to convey their thoughts with clarity and precision.
While each of these four language skills holds significance on its own, their importance is interconnected. They complement and reinforce each other, creating a holistic language proficiency. For instance, strong listening skills aid in developing accurate pronunciation when speaking. Reading enhances vocabulary, which in turn improves writing. Writing practice can lead to a deeper understanding of grammatical structures, benefiting both speaking and listening.
Moreover, in the modern world, technology has blurred the lines between these skills. Communication platforms, such as social media and instant messaging, require a combination of speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Multimedia content, including videos and podcasts, encourages learners to engage in both listening and speaking activities.
In conclusion, the four key language skills - speaking, listening, reading, and writing - each hold a unique and essential place in language acquisition and proficiency. Their relative importance depends on the context, goals, and individual preferences. However, it is the interplay of these skills that results in a well-rounded and effective communicator. Language learners benefit most when they strive for balance and competence in all four skills, enabling them to navigate the complexities of language in diverse personal, educational, and professional settings.

Available in: Acesso em 21/10/2024

No trecho: “For instance, strong listening skills aid in developing accurate pronunciation”, a expressão em destaque expressa a ideia de: 
Q3111149 Inglês

Four Key Language Skills: Speaking, Listening, Reading, and Writing
Discover how these skills interconnect and contribute to language proficiency, communication, and personal development

Language is a multifaceted tool that serves as a means of communication, expression, and understanding. Within the realm of language acquisition, four primary skills play a central role: speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Each of these skills contributes uniquely to one's language proficiency and plays a vital role in different aspects of life. In this post, we will delve into the relative importance of these four key language skills and how they complement each other.
Speaking is often considered the most critical language skill, as it directly enables human communication. It facilitates interaction with others, both socially and professionally, allowing individuals to express their thoughts, ideas, and emotions effectively. The ability to speak fluently is especially crucial in situations like business negotiations, job interviews, and everyday conversations. Effective speaking enhances one's confidence, builds relationships, and fosters cultural understanding. 
Listening is the counterpart to speaking, and it is equally essential in effective communication. Without strong listening skills, misunderstandings can arise, leading to breakdowns in communication. Active listening involves not only hearing words but also comprehending their meaning, tone, and context. Proficient listening enhances language learners' ability to engage in meaningful conversations, understand cultural nuances, and respond appropriately. In educational settings, strong listening skills are crucial for learning and comprehension.
Reading expands one's knowledge and understanding of language. It allows individuals to access a vast wealth of information, literature, and culture. Through reading, individuals can explore diverse perspectives, historical accounts, and contemporary issues. Reading also plays a significant role in academic and professional contexts, where individuals are required to process, analyze, and synthesize written information. Strong reading skills lead to improved vocabulary, comprehension, and critical thinking. 
Writing is the skill that allows individuals to express their thoughts and ideas in a structured and organized manner. It serves as a means of documentation, creativity, and self-expression. In academic and professional settings, effective writing is essential for creating reports, essays, emails, and other forms of communication. It also plays a crucial role in preserving knowledge, culture, and history through the written word. Strong writing skills enable individuals to convey their thoughts with clarity and precision.
While each of these four language skills holds significance on its own, their importance is interconnected. They complement and reinforce each other, creating a holistic language proficiency. For instance, strong listening skills aid in developing accurate pronunciation when speaking. Reading enhances vocabulary, which in turn improves writing. Writing practice can lead to a deeper understanding of grammatical structures, benefiting both speaking and listening.
Moreover, in the modern world, technology has blurred the lines between these skills. Communication platforms, such as social media and instant messaging, require a combination of speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Multimedia content, including videos and podcasts, encourages learners to engage in both listening and speaking activities.
In conclusion, the four key language skills - speaking, listening, reading, and writing - each hold a unique and essential place in language acquisition and proficiency. Their relative importance depends on the context, goals, and individual preferences. However, it is the interplay of these skills that results in a well-rounded and effective communicator. Language learners benefit most when they strive for balance and competence in all four skills, enabling them to navigate the complexities of language in diverse personal, educational, and professional settings.

Available in: Acesso em 21/10/2024

Na frase: “While each of these four language skills holds significance on its own, their importance is interconnected”, o conectivo while pode ser substituído, sem prejuízo the significado, por:
Q3111148 Inglês

Four Key Language Skills: Speaking, Listening, Reading, and Writing
Discover how these skills interconnect and contribute to language proficiency, communication, and personal development

Language is a multifaceted tool that serves as a means of communication, expression, and understanding. Within the realm of language acquisition, four primary skills play a central role: speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Each of these skills contributes uniquely to one's language proficiency and plays a vital role in different aspects of life. In this post, we will delve into the relative importance of these four key language skills and how they complement each other.
Speaking is often considered the most critical language skill, as it directly enables human communication. It facilitates interaction with others, both socially and professionally, allowing individuals to express their thoughts, ideas, and emotions effectively. The ability to speak fluently is especially crucial in situations like business negotiations, job interviews, and everyday conversations. Effective speaking enhances one's confidence, builds relationships, and fosters cultural understanding. 
Listening is the counterpart to speaking, and it is equally essential in effective communication. Without strong listening skills, misunderstandings can arise, leading to breakdowns in communication. Active listening involves not only hearing words but also comprehending their meaning, tone, and context. Proficient listening enhances language learners' ability to engage in meaningful conversations, understand cultural nuances, and respond appropriately. In educational settings, strong listening skills are crucial for learning and comprehension.
Reading expands one's knowledge and understanding of language. It allows individuals to access a vast wealth of information, literature, and culture. Through reading, individuals can explore diverse perspectives, historical accounts, and contemporary issues. Reading also plays a significant role in academic and professional contexts, where individuals are required to process, analyze, and synthesize written information. Strong reading skills lead to improved vocabulary, comprehension, and critical thinking. 
Writing is the skill that allows individuals to express their thoughts and ideas in a structured and organized manner. It serves as a means of documentation, creativity, and self-expression. In academic and professional settings, effective writing is essential for creating reports, essays, emails, and other forms of communication. It also plays a crucial role in preserving knowledge, culture, and history through the written word. Strong writing skills enable individuals to convey their thoughts with clarity and precision.
While each of these four language skills holds significance on its own, their importance is interconnected. They complement and reinforce each other, creating a holistic language proficiency. For instance, strong listening skills aid in developing accurate pronunciation when speaking. Reading enhances vocabulary, which in turn improves writing. Writing practice can lead to a deeper understanding of grammatical structures, benefiting both speaking and listening.
Moreover, in the modern world, technology has blurred the lines between these skills. Communication platforms, such as social media and instant messaging, require a combination of speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Multimedia content, including videos and podcasts, encourages learners to engage in both listening and speaking activities.
In conclusion, the four key language skills - speaking, listening, reading, and writing - each hold a unique and essential place in language acquisition and proficiency. Their relative importance depends on the context, goals, and individual preferences. However, it is the interplay of these skills that results in a well-rounded and effective communicator. Language learners benefit most when they strive for balance and competence in all four skills, enabling them to navigate the complexities of language in diverse personal, educational, and professional settings.

Available in: Acesso em 21/10/2024

No trecho: “In this post, we will delve into the relative importance of these four key language skills and how they complement each other”, o termo em destaque tem como definição: 
Q3111147 Inglês

Four Key Language Skills: Speaking, Listening, Reading, and Writing
Discover how these skills interconnect and contribute to language proficiency, communication, and personal development

Language is a multifaceted tool that serves as a means of communication, expression, and understanding. Within the realm of language acquisition, four primary skills play a central role: speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Each of these skills contributes uniquely to one's language proficiency and plays a vital role in different aspects of life. In this post, we will delve into the relative importance of these four key language skills and how they complement each other.
Speaking is often considered the most critical language skill, as it directly enables human communication. It facilitates interaction with others, both socially and professionally, allowing individuals to express their thoughts, ideas, and emotions effectively. The ability to speak fluently is especially crucial in situations like business negotiations, job interviews, and everyday conversations. Effective speaking enhances one's confidence, builds relationships, and fosters cultural understanding. 
Listening is the counterpart to speaking, and it is equally essential in effective communication. Without strong listening skills, misunderstandings can arise, leading to breakdowns in communication. Active listening involves not only hearing words but also comprehending their meaning, tone, and context. Proficient listening enhances language learners' ability to engage in meaningful conversations, understand cultural nuances, and respond appropriately. In educational settings, strong listening skills are crucial for learning and comprehension.
Reading expands one's knowledge and understanding of language. It allows individuals to access a vast wealth of information, literature, and culture. Through reading, individuals can explore diverse perspectives, historical accounts, and contemporary issues. Reading also plays a significant role in academic and professional contexts, where individuals are required to process, analyze, and synthesize written information. Strong reading skills lead to improved vocabulary, comprehension, and critical thinking. 
Writing is the skill that allows individuals to express their thoughts and ideas in a structured and organized manner. It serves as a means of documentation, creativity, and self-expression. In academic and professional settings, effective writing is essential for creating reports, essays, emails, and other forms of communication. It also plays a crucial role in preserving knowledge, culture, and history through the written word. Strong writing skills enable individuals to convey their thoughts with clarity and precision.
While each of these four language skills holds significance on its own, their importance is interconnected. They complement and reinforce each other, creating a holistic language proficiency. For instance, strong listening skills aid in developing accurate pronunciation when speaking. Reading enhances vocabulary, which in turn improves writing. Writing practice can lead to a deeper understanding of grammatical structures, benefiting both speaking and listening.
Moreover, in the modern world, technology has blurred the lines between these skills. Communication platforms, such as social media and instant messaging, require a combination of speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Multimedia content, including videos and podcasts, encourages learners to engage in both listening and speaking activities.
In conclusion, the four key language skills - speaking, listening, reading, and writing - each hold a unique and essential place in language acquisition and proficiency. Their relative importance depends on the context, goals, and individual preferences. However, it is the interplay of these skills that results in a well-rounded and effective communicator. Language learners benefit most when they strive for balance and competence in all four skills, enabling them to navigate the complexities of language in diverse personal, educational, and professional settings.

Available in: Acesso em 21/10/2024

De acordo com o texto, a habilidade que permite aos indivíduos expressar seus pensamentos e ideias de forma estruturada e organizada, com clareza e precisão, preservando o conhecimento e a cultura é a habilidade representada pelo ato de:
21: C
22: B
23: C
24: D
25: A
26: C
27: D
28: A
29: D
30: B
31: D
32: C
33: B
34: B
35: A
36: D
37: C
38: B
39: A
40: D