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Q1083149 Estatuto da Pessoa com Deficiência - Lei nº 13.146 de 2015
No início do ano, a Escola B contratou um profissional cuidador de aluno com deficiência. Dentre suas atribuições, ele exerce atividades de alimentação, higiene e locomoção do estudante com deficiência, atuando em todas as atividades escolares que se fizerem necessárias. De acordo com a Lei nº 13.146, de 2015, essas características se referem a:
Q1083148 Estatuto da Pessoa com Deficiência - Lei nº 13.146 de 2015
“[...] qualquer diferenciação, exclusão ou restrição baseada em deficiência, com o propósito ou efeito de impedir ou impossibilitar o reconhecimento, o desfrute ou o exercício, em igualdade de oportunidades com as demais pessoas, de todos os direitos humanos e liberdades fundamentais nos âmbitos político, econômico, social, cultural, civil ou qualquer outro. Abrange todas as formas de discriminação, inclusive a recusa de adaptação razoável.” Este significado é encontrado no Decreto nº 6949, de 25 de agosto de 2009, e se refere a:
Q1083147 Estatuto da Pessoa com Deficiência - Lei nº 13.146 de 2015
“[..] aquela que tenha, por qualquer motivo, dificuldade de movimentação, permanente ou temporária, gerando redução efetiva da mobilidade, da flexibilidade, da coordenação motora ou da percepção, incluindo idoso, gestante, lactante, pessoa com criança de colo e obeso.” De acordo com a Lei nº 13.146, de 2015, que institui a Lei Brasileira de Inclusão da Pessoa com Deficiência (Estatuto da Pessoa com Deficiência), esta definição corresponde a pessoa com:
Q1083146 Pedagogia
Os educandos com necessidades especiais são os que, durante o processo educacional, apresentam:
Q1083144 Estatuto da Pessoa com Deficiência - Lei nº 13.146 de 2015
O Estatuto da Pessoa com Deficiência (Lei nº 13.146, de 2015) descreve o significado de barreira. No que diz respeito aos comportamentos que impeçam ou prejudiquem a participação social da pessoa com deficiência em igualdade de condições e oportunidades com as demais pessoas, é correto classificar essas barreiras como:
Q1083143 Estatuto da Pessoa com Deficiência - Lei nº 13.146 de 2015
Dentre as diretrizes da Política Nacional de Proteção dos Direitos da Pessoa com Transtorno do Espectro Autista (Lei nº 12.764, de 2012), encontrase a:
Q1083142 Estatuto da Pessoa com Deficiência - Lei nº 13.146 de 2015
“Possibilidade e condição de alcance para utilização, com segurança e autonomia, de espaços, mobiliários, equipamentos urbanos, edificações, transportes, informação e comunicação, inclusive seus sistemas e tecnologias, bem como de outros serviços e instalações abertos ao público, de uso público ou privados de uso coletivo, tanto na zona urbana como na rural, por pessoa com deficiência ou com mobilidade reduzida”. De acordo com a Lei nº 13.146, de 2015, que institui a Lei Brasileira de Inclusão da Pessoa com Deficiência (Estatuto da Pessoa com Deficiência), esta definição corresponde à:
Q1083141 Inglês
Texto III

    Warnock (2009) stated that the first reason to teach writing online is that the environment can be purely textual. Students are in a rich, guided learning environment in which they express themselves to a varied audience with their written words. The electronic communication tools allow students to write to the teacher and to each other in ways that will open up teaching and learning opportunities for everyone involved. Besides, writing teachers have a unique opportunity because writing-centered online courses allow instructors and students to interact in ways beyond content delivery. They allow students to build a community through electronic means. For students whose options are limited, these electronic communities can build the social and professional connections that constitute some of education's real value (Warnock, 2009).
    Moreover, Melor (2007) pointed out that social interaction technologies have great benefits for lifelong education environments. The social interaction can help enhancing the skills such as the ability to search, to evaluate, to interact meaningfully with tools, and so on. Education activities can usually take place in the classroom which teacher and students will face to face, but now, it can be carried out through the social network technologies including discussion and assessment. According to Kamarul Kabilan, Norlida Ahmad and Zainol Abidin (2010), using Facebook affects learner motivation and strengthens students' social networking practices. What is more, according to Munoz and Towner (2009), Facebook also increases the level of web-based interaction among both teacher-student and student-student. Facebook assists the teachers to connect with their students outside of the classroom and discuss about the assignments, classroom events and useful links.
    Hence, social networking services like Facebook can be chosen as the platform to teach ESL writing. Social networking services can contribute to strengthen relationships among teachers as well as between teachers and students. Besides, they can be used for teachers and students to share the ideas, to find the solutions and to hold an online forum when necessary. Using social networking services have more options than when using communication tools which only have single function, such as instant messaging or e-mail. The people can share interests, post, upload variety kinds of media to social networking services so that their friends could find useful information (Wikipedia, 2010).

(Adapted from: YUNUS, M. D.; SALEHI, H.; CHENZI, C. English Language Teaching; Vol. 5, No. 8; 2012.)
No enunciado "Moreover, Melor (2007) pointed out that social interaction technologies have great benefits for lifelong education environments", o termo "Moreover" funciona como uma conjunção:
Q1083140 Inglês
Texto III

    Warnock (2009) stated that the first reason to teach writing online is that the environment can be purely textual. Students are in a rich, guided learning environment in which they express themselves to a varied audience with their written words. The electronic communication tools allow students to write to the teacher and to each other in ways that will open up teaching and learning opportunities for everyone involved. Besides, writing teachers have a unique opportunity because writing-centered online courses allow instructors and students to interact in ways beyond content delivery. They allow students to build a community through electronic means. For students whose options are limited, these electronic communities can build the social and professional connections that constitute some of education's real value (Warnock, 2009).
    Moreover, Melor (2007) pointed out that social interaction technologies have great benefits for lifelong education environments. The social interaction can help enhancing the skills such as the ability to search, to evaluate, to interact meaningfully with tools, and so on. Education activities can usually take place in the classroom which teacher and students will face to face, but now, it can be carried out through the social network technologies including discussion and assessment. According to Kamarul Kabilan, Norlida Ahmad and Zainol Abidin (2010), using Facebook affects learner motivation and strengthens students' social networking practices. What is more, according to Munoz and Towner (2009), Facebook also increases the level of web-based interaction among both teacher-student and student-student. Facebook assists the teachers to connect with their students outside of the classroom and discuss about the assignments, classroom events and useful links.
    Hence, social networking services like Facebook can be chosen as the platform to teach ESL writing. Social networking services can contribute to strengthen relationships among teachers as well as between teachers and students. Besides, they can be used for teachers and students to share the ideas, to find the solutions and to hold an online forum when necessary. Using social networking services have more options than when using communication tools which only have single function, such as instant messaging or e-mail. The people can share interests, post, upload variety kinds of media to social networking services so that their friends could find useful information (Wikipedia, 2010).

(Adapted from: YUNUS, M. D.; SALEHI, H.; CHENZI, C. English Language Teaching; Vol. 5, No. 8; 2012.)
Na sentença "The social interaction can help enhancing the skills such as the ability to search, to evaluate, to interact meaningfully with tools, and so on", o termo "enhancing" tem o mesmo significado que:
Q1083139 Inglês
Texto III

    Warnock (2009) stated that the first reason to teach writing online is that the environment can be purely textual. Students are in a rich, guided learning environment in which they express themselves to a varied audience with their written words. The electronic communication tools allow students to write to the teacher and to each other in ways that will open up teaching and learning opportunities for everyone involved. Besides, writing teachers have a unique opportunity because writing-centered online courses allow instructors and students to interact in ways beyond content delivery. They allow students to build a community through electronic means. For students whose options are limited, these electronic communities can build the social and professional connections that constitute some of education's real value (Warnock, 2009).
    Moreover, Melor (2007) pointed out that social interaction technologies have great benefits for lifelong education environments. The social interaction can help enhancing the skills such as the ability to search, to evaluate, to interact meaningfully with tools, and so on. Education activities can usually take place in the classroom which teacher and students will face to face, but now, it can be carried out through the social network technologies including discussion and assessment. According to Kamarul Kabilan, Norlida Ahmad and Zainol Abidin (2010), using Facebook affects learner motivation and strengthens students' social networking practices. What is more, according to Munoz and Towner (2009), Facebook also increases the level of web-based interaction among both teacher-student and student-student. Facebook assists the teachers to connect with their students outside of the classroom and discuss about the assignments, classroom events and useful links.
    Hence, social networking services like Facebook can be chosen as the platform to teach ESL writing. Social networking services can contribute to strengthen relationships among teachers as well as between teachers and students. Besides, they can be used for teachers and students to share the ideas, to find the solutions and to hold an online forum when necessary. Using social networking services have more options than when using communication tools which only have single function, such as instant messaging or e-mail. The people can share interests, post, upload variety kinds of media to social networking services so that their friends could find useful information (Wikipedia, 2010).

(Adapted from: YUNUS, M. D.; SALEHI, H.; CHENZI, C. English Language Teaching; Vol. 5, No. 8; 2012.)
Das opções a seguir, aquela que se configura como o melhor título para o Texto III é:
Q1083138 Inglês
Texto II

(Adapted from: Accessed Oct 19 2019.)
Na sentença "If it's not a TV show, why do they call it a summer reading program?", pode-se afirmar que o termo "it" constrói, com a expressão “summer reading program”, uma relação de coesão:
Q1083137 Inglês
Texto II

(Adapted from: Accessed Oct 19 2019.)
No Texto II, o efeito de humor é construído a partir:
Q1083136 Inglês
Texto I


    As a result of the communicative revolution in language teaching, it has become increasingly clear that grammar is a tool or resource to be used in the comprehension and creation of oral and written discourse rather than something to be learned as an end in itself. When learned as a decontextualized sentence-level system, grammar is not very useful to learners as they listen, read, speak, and write in their second or foreign language. Indeed, as Canale and Swain (1980) have posited, communicative competence consists of four components, only one of which – Item 3 below – involves grammar:

1. Sociolinguistic competence (i.e., appropriacy): The speaker/ writer knows how to express the message in terms of the person being addressed and the overall circumstances and purpose of the communication.

2. Discourse competence: The selection, sequence, and arrangement of words and structures are clear and effective means of expressing the speaker/writer's intended message.

3. Linguistic competence (i.e., accuracy): The forms, inflections, and sequences used to express the message are grammatically correct.

4. Strategic competence: The speaker/writer has effective and unobtrusive strategies to compensate for any weaknesses s/he has in the above three areas.

    Certainly, in many person-to-person communications, sociolinguistic appropriacy and discourse competence are more important than grammatical accuracy, provided that the grammar used is not inaccurate to the point of miscommunicating the intended message; communication is the overriding concern. However, there are situations where a reasonable degree of accuracy is also critical, and this is our current focus.

    In order for ESL/EFL teachers to consistently present grammar as serving some higher-order objective, Celce-Murcia and Hilles (1988) suggest that grammar should never be taught as an end in itself but always with reference to meaning, social factors, or discourse – or a combination of these factors. Larsen-Freeman's (1991) position is similar: She sees form, meaning, and function as three interacting dimensions of language; the classroom teacher must decide in which dimension the students  are experiencing the greatest learning challenge at any given moment and respond with appropriate instruction.

(Adapted from: CELCE-MURCIA, M. Grammar Pedagogy in Second and Foreign Language Teaching. TESOL Quarterly, 25(3), 459, 1991.)
No enunciado "The speaker/writer has effective and unobtrusive strategies to compensate for any weaknesses s/he has in the above three areas", o termo em destaque pode ser compreendido como:
Q1083135 Inglês
Texto I


    As a result of the communicative revolution in language teaching, it has become increasingly clear that grammar is a tool or resource to be used in the comprehension and creation of oral and written discourse rather than something to be learned as an end in itself. When learned as a decontextualized sentence-level system, grammar is not very useful to learners as they listen, read, speak, and write in their second or foreign language. Indeed, as Canale and Swain (1980) have posited, communicative competence consists of four components, only one of which – Item 3 below – involves grammar:

1. Sociolinguistic competence (i.e., appropriacy): The speaker/ writer knows how to express the message in terms of the person being addressed and the overall circumstances and purpose of the communication.

2. Discourse competence: The selection, sequence, and arrangement of words and structures are clear and effective means of expressing the speaker/writer's intended message.

3. Linguistic competence (i.e., accuracy): The forms, inflections, and sequences used to express the message are grammatically correct.

4. Strategic competence: The speaker/writer has effective and unobtrusive strategies to compensate for any weaknesses s/he has in the above three areas.

    Certainly, in many person-to-person communications, sociolinguistic appropriacy and discourse competence are more important than grammatical accuracy, provided that the grammar used is not inaccurate to the point of miscommunicating the intended message; communication is the overriding concern. However, there are situations where a reasonable degree of accuracy is also critical, and this is our current focus.

    In order for ESL/EFL teachers to consistently present grammar as serving some higher-order objective, Celce-Murcia and Hilles (1988) suggest that grammar should never be taught as an end in itself but always with reference to meaning, social factors, or discourse – or a combination of these factors. Larsen-Freeman's (1991) position is similar: She sees form, meaning, and function as three interacting dimensions of language; the classroom teacher must decide in which dimension the students  are experiencing the greatest learning challenge at any given moment and respond with appropriate instruction.

(Adapted from: CELCE-MURCIA, M. Grammar Pedagogy in Second and Foreign Language Teaching. TESOL Quarterly, 25(3), 459, 1991.)
Das sentenças a seguir, a que melhor resume o papel da gramática no ensino-aprendizagem de uma língua, de acordo com o Texto I, é:
Q1083134 Inglês
Texto I


    As a result of the communicative revolution in language teaching, it has become increasingly clear that grammar is a tool or resource to be used in the comprehension and creation of oral and written discourse rather than something to be learned as an end in itself. When learned as a decontextualized sentence-level system, grammar is not very useful to learners as they listen, read, speak, and write in their second or foreign language. Indeed, as Canale and Swain (1980) have posited, communicative competence consists of four components, only one of which – Item 3 below – involves grammar:

1. Sociolinguistic competence (i.e., appropriacy): The speaker/ writer knows how to express the message in terms of the person being addressed and the overall circumstances and purpose of the communication.

2. Discourse competence: The selection, sequence, and arrangement of words and structures are clear and effective means of expressing the speaker/writer's intended message.

3. Linguistic competence (i.e., accuracy): The forms, inflections, and sequences used to express the message are grammatically correct.

4. Strategic competence: The speaker/writer has effective and unobtrusive strategies to compensate for any weaknesses s/he has in the above three areas.

    Certainly, in many person-to-person communications, sociolinguistic appropriacy and discourse competence are more important than grammatical accuracy, provided that the grammar used is not inaccurate to the point of miscommunicating the intended message; communication is the overriding concern. However, there are situations where a reasonable degree of accuracy is also critical, and this is our current focus.

    In order for ESL/EFL teachers to consistently present grammar as serving some higher-order objective, Celce-Murcia and Hilles (1988) suggest that grammar should never be taught as an end in itself but always with reference to meaning, social factors, or discourse – or a combination of these factors. Larsen-Freeman's (1991) position is similar: She sees form, meaning, and function as three interacting dimensions of language; the classroom teacher must decide in which dimension the students  are experiencing the greatest learning challenge at any given moment and respond with appropriate instruction.

(Adapted from: CELCE-MURCIA, M. Grammar Pedagogy in Second and Foreign Language Teaching. TESOL Quarterly, 25(3), 459, 1991.)
O principal objetivo do Texto I é:
Q1083133 Educação Artística
No Brasil, o início do século XIX é marcado pela vinda da família real portuguesa. Oito anos depois, trazida por Dom João VI, chega a Missão Artística Francesa com seus artistas e organiza a Escola Real das Ciências, Artes e Ofícios. Um dos artistas mais importantes da Missão documentou o cotidiano do povo brasileiro em sua obra Viagem pitoresca e histórica ao Brasil. O nome desse artista é:
Q1083132 Artes Visuais
“A técnica não existe para ser experimentada apenas, mas para que sustente e dê corpo às ideias que se desvelam pelas linguagens das Artes Visuais, Dança, Teatro, Música e outras tantas.”
Mirian Celeste Martins (In: Barbosa, Ana Mae (org.) Inquietações e mudanças no ensino da arte. São Paulo: Cortez, 2002)
Segundo a linha de pensamento da autora, as atividades artísticas devem priorizar:
Q1083131 Educação Artística
Diferentes componentes curriculares articulam-se nas aulas de arte. Assim, os caminhos educativos a serem percorridos, durante o curso, com os alunos são denominados:
Q1083130 Artes Plásticas
“Acor do meu batuque tem o toque Tem o som da minha voz Vermelho, vermelhaço, vermelhusco Vermelhante, vermelhão. .........................................................
Meu coração é vermelho De vermelho vive o coração.”
Vermelho/ Chico da Silva
Vermelho é um pigmento classificado como cor primária. Além do vermelho, também são cores primárias:
Q1083129 Educação Artística
“Convictos de que o ser humano ocupava um lugar especial no Universo, eles não se submeteram a imposições de reis ou sacerdotes. Para eles, o conhecimento, expressado pela razão, estava acima da crença em qualquer divindade.”
Graça Proença
O texto acima descreve uma produção cultural livre que caracteriza a arte:
2881: B
2882: D
2883: A
2884: D
2885: C
2886: B
2887: C
2888: C
2889: C
2890: A
2891: B
2892: D
2893: A
2894: A
2895: B
2896: C
2897: C
2898: D
2899: B
2900: A