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Q3063016 Pedagogia
Os conhecimentos selecionados para comporem a parte diversificada do Currículo Escolar, de acordo com o Documento Curricular do Estado do Pará, precisam ser formalizados no(na) 
Q3063015 Pedagogia
O Documento Curricular do Estado do Pará assume o brincar, na etapa da educação infantil, como
Q3063014 Pedagogia
Constitui um princípio do Documento Curricular do Estado do Pará o (a)
Q3063013 Pedagogia
Constituindo um imprescindível instrumento executor dos princípios da gestão democrática na escola, o Conselho Escolar, de acordo com a Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação, é um órgão 
Q3062902 Inglês
Learning colors can be more engaging than simply showing color cards and naming the colors. To make it more interesting, give children paints or crayons and ask them to color using specific colors. As they start to comprehend, you can level up by asking them to name the colors they use. Once they are familiar with colors, introduce new vocabulary related to fruits and vegetables. Instruct children to sort plastic or puffy fruit and vegetable toys or use picture cards or real fruits and vegetables according to their color. Alternatively, give each child an individual task to draw a specific fruit or vegetable using the proper color and use these pictures for sorting games. When children have successfully sorted, ask them to create basic sentences like "An apple is red. A cucumber is green. An eggplant is purple." This way, you can cover two topics - colors and plant food - and maintain consistency by enriching their vocabulary while using what they already know.

(Source: Accessed on August 13, 2024)
Choose the alternative that reflects the teaching methodology of this lesson.
Q3062901 Inglês

“The professional of Teaching English as a Foreign Language”

Author: Anderson Francisco Guimarães Maia

Teaching English to young learners is a challenge in terms of motivation. Choose the alternative that depicts best practices in motivation-fostering of kindergarteners within the communicative approach. 
Q3062900 Inglês

“The professional of Teaching English as a Foreign Language”

Author: Anderson Francisco Guimarães Maia

Choose the alternative that reflects how poetry can be used to teach writing skills to young learners.
Q3062899 Inglês

“The professional of Teaching English as a Foreign Language”

Author: Anderson Francisco Guimarães Maia

Choose the alternative that best compares summative and formative assessment.
Q3062898 Inglês

“The professional of Teaching English as a Foreign Language”

Author: Anderson Francisco Guimarães Maia

Choose the alternative that demonstrates how Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) may be used to foster communicative skills at a high school.
Q3062897 Inglês

“The professional of Teaching English as a Foreign Language”

Author: Anderson Francisco Guimarães Maia

Having students orally share their thoughts about a particular English novel in a WhatsApp group is an example of
Q3062896 Inglês

“The professional of Teaching English as a Foreign Language”

Author: Anderson Francisco Guimarães Maia

According to Base Nacional Curricular Comum, the segments of the English Language component are 
Q3062895 Inglês

“The professional of Teaching English as a Foreign Language”

Author: Anderson Francisco Guimarães Maia

The teaching technique mentioned in lines 48 and 49 is frequently observed in 
Q3062894 Inglês

“The professional of Teaching English as a Foreign Language”

Author: Anderson Francisco Guimarães Maia

 According to the article,
Q3062893 Inglês

“The professional of Teaching English as a Foreign Language”

Author: Anderson Francisco Guimarães Maia

The sentence “The lay population of EFL workers includes individuals who do not have the specific skills, knowledge, and conventions that professionals do.” (lines 23 and 24) has 
Q3062892 Inglês

“The professional of Teaching English as a Foreign Language”

Author: Anderson Francisco Guimarães Maia

The word “professionalism” (line 7)

I. has one bound and two free morphemes. II. has one free and two bound morphemes. III. is a countable concrete noun.

The following statement(s) is/are true
Q3062891 Inglês

“The professional of Teaching English as a Foreign Language”

Author: Anderson Francisco Guimarães Maia

The item that contains one bound and two free morphemes is
Q3062890 Inglês

“The professional of Teaching English as a Foreign Language”

Author: Anderson Francisco Guimarães Maia

Brazilian speakers often have difficulty pronouncing the interdental voiced fricative as well as high front short vowels. As a consequence, the word “This” (line 6) is frequently pronounced
Q3062889 Inglês

“The professional of Teaching English as a Foreign Language”

Author: Anderson Francisco Guimarães Maia

The following alternative represents the correct pronunciation of the word “According” (line 1)
Q3062888 Inglês

“The professional of Teaching English as a Foreign Language”

Author: Anderson Francisco Guimarães Maia

Consider the statements below

I. The article is about different ways to perform as a professional EFL teacher.
II. The word “whose” in line 10 refers to “worker” in the same sentence.
III. The words “requirements” (line 12) and “standards” (line 13) are synonyms.
IV. The article is predominantly denotative.

The following statement(s) is/are true
Q3062792 Educação Física
É necessário que os docentes da Educação Física escolar dominem as principais características da Educação Física inclusiva, diferenciando-a da Educação Física adaptada. Neste sentido, podemos afirmar que a principal diferença entre a Educação Física inclusiva e a Educação Física adaptada é que
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