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Q1943784 Inglês
Read and answer.

Text 01 (For question) 

  Films are a great medium to use not only to practice English, but also to facilitate intercultural learning. Today English is a global language spoken by people from many countries and cultural backgrounds. Since culture greatly impacts communication, it is helpful for teachers to introduce lessons and activities that reveal how different dialects, forms of address, customs, taboos, and other cultural elements influence interaction among different groups. (...)
  Culture, according to one definition, is the values, traditions, customs, art, and institutions shared by a group of people who are unified by nationality, ethnicity, religion, or language. The language teaching profession‟s interest in cross-cultural communication has increased during the past few decades. According to Kramsch (1995), the development is due to political, educational, and ideological factors; even though politicians might feel that learning a foreign language will solve socioeconomic problems, educators think that for that to happen a language course must contain legitimate cultural content. (...)
   Intercultural topics that show how people from different backgrounds communicate and interact are becoming more prominent in language teaching. Teachers can benefit from the treasure trove of films that deal with subjects like immigration, xenophobia, adjusting to a new culture, or dilemmas faced when one belongs to two cultures. Although films cannot substitute for actual interaction with numbers of other cultures, they can provide useful preparation for those encounters by fostering understanding and developing sensitivity. “Learning about stereotypes, ethnocentrism, discrimination, and acculturation in the abstract can be flat and uninspiring. But if we experience intercultural contact with our eyes and years, we begin to understand it” (Summerfield 1993, 1). Intercultural contact through films enables students to understand other people‟s actions and to have empathy with members of minority groups. Films also vividly represent intercultural misunderstandings and the roots of racism.
   There is a wide variety of films with intercultural themes, and the teacher must consult reviews or see the movie firsthand to determine if it is appropriate for the desired lesson.

(Source: ROEL, Christine. Intellectual Training with Films. Forum English Teaching, vol. 48, number 2, Washington DC, 2010.) 
Read and answer. “Although films cannot substitute for actual interaction with numbers of other cultures, they can provide useful preparation for those encounters”.
The word Although highlighted in the excerpt could be best replaced by
Q1943783 Inglês
Read and answer.

Text 01 (For question) 

  Films are a great medium to use not only to practice English, but also to facilitate intercultural learning. Today English is a global language spoken by people from many countries and cultural backgrounds. Since culture greatly impacts communication, it is helpful for teachers to introduce lessons and activities that reveal how different dialects, forms of address, customs, taboos, and other cultural elements influence interaction among different groups. (...)
  Culture, according to one definition, is the values, traditions, customs, art, and institutions shared by a group of people who are unified by nationality, ethnicity, religion, or language. The language teaching profession‟s interest in cross-cultural communication has increased during the past few decades. According to Kramsch (1995), the development is due to political, educational, and ideological factors; even though politicians might feel that learning a foreign language will solve socioeconomic problems, educators think that for that to happen a language course must contain legitimate cultural content. (...)
   Intercultural topics that show how people from different backgrounds communicate and interact are becoming more prominent in language teaching. Teachers can benefit from the treasure trove of films that deal with subjects like immigration, xenophobia, adjusting to a new culture, or dilemmas faced when one belongs to two cultures. Although films cannot substitute for actual interaction with numbers of other cultures, they can provide useful preparation for those encounters by fostering understanding and developing sensitivity. “Learning about stereotypes, ethnocentrism, discrimination, and acculturation in the abstract can be flat and uninspiring. But if we experience intercultural contact with our eyes and years, we begin to understand it” (Summerfield 1993, 1). Intercultural contact through films enables students to understand other people‟s actions and to have empathy with members of minority groups. Films also vividly represent intercultural misunderstandings and the roots of racism.
   There is a wide variety of films with intercultural themes, and the teacher must consult reviews or see the movie firsthand to determine if it is appropriate for the desired lesson.

(Source: ROEL, Christine. Intellectual Training with Films. Forum English Teaching, vol. 48, number 2, Washington DC, 2010.) 
In the passage: the teacher must consult reviews or see the movie firsthand to determine if it is appropriate for the desired lesson. (paragraph 3), the author is
Q1943782 Inglês
Read and answer.

Text 01 (For question) 

  Films are a great medium to use not only to practice English, but also to facilitate intercultural learning. Today English is a global language spoken by people from many countries and cultural backgrounds. Since culture greatly impacts communication, it is helpful for teachers to introduce lessons and activities that reveal how different dialects, forms of address, customs, taboos, and other cultural elements influence interaction among different groups. (...)
  Culture, according to one definition, is the values, traditions, customs, art, and institutions shared by a group of people who are unified by nationality, ethnicity, religion, or language. The language teaching profession‟s interest in cross-cultural communication has increased during the past few decades. According to Kramsch (1995), the development is due to political, educational, and ideological factors; even though politicians might feel that learning a foreign language will solve socioeconomic problems, educators think that for that to happen a language course must contain legitimate cultural content. (...)
   Intercultural topics that show how people from different backgrounds communicate and interact are becoming more prominent in language teaching. Teachers can benefit from the treasure trove of films that deal with subjects like immigration, xenophobia, adjusting to a new culture, or dilemmas faced when one belongs to two cultures. Although films cannot substitute for actual interaction with numbers of other cultures, they can provide useful preparation for those encounters by fostering understanding and developing sensitivity. “Learning about stereotypes, ethnocentrism, discrimination, and acculturation in the abstract can be flat and uninspiring. But if we experience intercultural contact with our eyes and years, we begin to understand it” (Summerfield 1993, 1). Intercultural contact through films enables students to understand other people‟s actions and to have empathy with members of minority groups. Films also vividly represent intercultural misunderstandings and the roots of racism.
   There is a wide variety of films with intercultural themes, and the teacher must consult reviews or see the movie firsthand to determine if it is appropriate for the desired lesson.

(Source: ROEL, Christine. Intellectual Training with Films. Forum English Teaching, vol. 48, number 2, Washington DC, 2010.) 
What can be stated about the text?
Q1943541 Engenharia Civil
O levantamento de quantitativo do serviço de alvenaria de tijolos cerâmicos tem como unidade o(a)
Q1943540 Engenharia Civil
A principal forma da partícula que possui duas dimensões predominantes, típicas de solos argilosos, é
Q1943539 Engenharia Mecânica
O instrumento que efetua medições de ângulos horizontais e verticais e distâncias horizontais, verticais e inclinadas, é denominado de 
Q1943538 Engenharia Civil
Após a aplicação de uma manta asfáltica em uma impermeabilização, deve-se realizar o teste de
Q1943537 Engenharia Civil
A aresta inclinada, formada por duas águas de telhado que formam um ângulo voltado para baixo, é denominada de
Q1943536 Engenharia Civil
O conjunto de tubulações nas instalações hidráulicas prediais, que se originam nos reservatórios e se derivam para as colunas de distribuição, é denominado de
Q1943535 Engenharia Civil
Analise as afirmativas abaixo quanto às instalação de esgoto doméstico.
I. A instalação primária de esgoto é o conjunto de tubulações e dispositivos onde têm acesso gases provenientes do coletor público ou dos dispositivos de tratamento.
II. A instalação secundária de esgoto é o conjunto de tubulações e dispositivos onde não têm acesso os gases provenientes do coletor público ou outros dispositivos de tratamento.
III. Ventilação é o tubo ventilador que interliga o ramal de esgoto de um ou mais aparelho sanitários a uma coluna, a fim de aprisionar os gases provenientes da rede interna do edifício ou pública.
Está CORRETO o que se afirma em
Q1943534 Engenharia Civil
Assinale a alternativa que indica uma fundação direta.
Q1943533 Engenharia Civil
A relação, expressa na forma percentual, entre o peso da água contida num certo volume de solo e o peso da parte sólida existente nesse mesmo volume, é denominada de
Q1943532 Engenharia Civil
Analise as afirmativas abaixo quanto a etapas de tratamento de esgotos na ETE:
I. O esgoto chega à lagoa de estabilização onde há uma grande quantidade de micro-organismos anaeróbios.
II. Um dos tipos de tratamento biológico é Lodo Ativado, no qual o esgoto ao chegar à estação é encaminhado para um tanque onde é submetido à aeração. A atuação de micro-organismos específicos forma flocos denominados lodo ativado.
III. Na desinfecção do efluente, para atender a Legislação Ambiental, o efluente é submetido ao processo de desinfecção através de lâmpadas ultravioleta (UV).
Está CORRETO o que se afirma em 
Q1943531 Engenharia Civil
A etapa do tratamento de água, em uma ETA, no qual não é adicionado produto químico, sendo importante para remover a turbidez da água e iniciar também a remoção de microrganismos patogênicos, é denominada de
Q1943530 Engenharia Civil
A tubulação de grande diâmetro, usada para a condução da água do ponto de captação no manancial até a Estação de Tratamento de Água, é denominada de
Q1943529 Engenharia Civil
O instrumento, utilizado para medir a altura de chuva em milímetros ou em polegadas, caída em um determinado lugar da Terra, é denominado de
Q1943528 Engenharia Civil
O tipo de barragem, em que são utilizados blocos e rocha de tamanho variável e uma membrana impermeável na face de montante, é denominado barragem de
Q1943527 Engenharia Civil
Quando o trajeto do fluxo é conhecido, a velocidade de percolação da água subterrânea pode ser medida com o uso de corantes inofensivos à saúde e ao ambiente, denominados de
Q1943526 Pedagogia
De acordo com a Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional, Lei 9.394/96, os sistemas de ensino devem promover estratégias para a valorização dos seus profissionais.
Dentre as estratégias citadas abaixo que têm a finalidade de valorizar os profissionais de Educação, assinale a INCORRETA.
Q1943525 Pedagogia
Sobre a Política Nacional de Alfabetização, assinale a alternativa INCORRETA.
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