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Law n. 10,639/03 establishes that the teaching of AfroBrazilian history and culture must be conducted separately, without integration into other subjects of the school curriculum.
The learning objectives established by the teacher do not influence the assessment criteria proposed for the students.
The assessment of the student is exclusively carried out through instruments such as written tests, excluding other forms of assessment.
Reading activities should have specific learning objectives, determining what students should develop as a result of the activity, and these objectives should be specified in the teacher's lesson plan.
According to the National Common Curricular Base, elementary education should prioritize the development of listening comprehension skills in English over reading and writing skills.
In order to properly value interdisciplinary approach, the traditional classroom method will enhance the integration of content through the various areas of knowledge within a single subject.
The National Education Plan (NEP) establishes as a goal the universalization of access to early childhood education for children aged 0 to 3 years old by the end of the plan's validity period.
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The National Education Plan foresees a progressive increase in public investment in education until reaching the level of 15% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by the end of the plan's validity period.
Educational Psychology is one of the possible applications of psychology to educational issues, with significant contributions to the development of its own body of knowledge.
In the psycholinguistic approach to reading, texts are typically authentic and chosen with the purpose of informing, and pre-reading activities aim to arouse students' interest in reading and anticipate the subject to be addressed in the text.
Interdisciplinarity significantly contributes to the development of students by integrating content from various areas of knowledge, stimulating critical understanding of everyday events.
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The National Common Curricular Base recommends that English language activities in elementary education exclusively focus on grammar and language structure, neglecting the practice of conversation and oral interaction.
In coordination, two or more independent clauses are combined to form a single sentence.
In the communicative approach, decontextualized teaching is widely used to facilitate the understanding of grammatical structures.
Adjectives are words that modify nouns and usually describe qualities or characteristics.
Há certos aspectos do serviço público que não se medem pelo simples cumprimento exterior das normas (como o atendimento ao público ou os serviços de saúde), mas pela qualidade com que as regras são observadas e desta forma contribuem para o melhor desenvolvimento da função pública a qual se relaciona.
O vírus é um programa ou parte de um programa de computador, normalmente malicioso, que se propaga inserindo cópias de si mesmo e se tornando parte de outros programas e arquivos.
Em uma progressão aritmética, a razão é a soma do primeiro termo com um valor r, e cada termo subsequente é a soma do termo anterior com a razão. Se o primeiro termo é a e a razão é r, então o segundo termo é a + r, o terceiro é a + 2r, e assim por diante. Essa propriedade mostra como cada termo é gerado a partir do anterior, seguindo um padrão constante de incremento determinado pela razão.
Um espaço amostral é considerado equiprovável quando todos os resultados possuem a mesma chance de ocorrer. Isso significa que, em um espaço amostral equiprovável, a probabilidade de cada evento individual ocorrer é a mesma.
De acordo com a Lei Municipal nº 5.156, de 18 de dezembro de 2023, município de Garanhuns, a estrutura organizacional das Escolas Fundamental Inova em Tempo Integral (EFITI) é constituída apenas pelo Gestor Escolar e Coordenador Pedagógico.