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O RAID é a tecnologia que monta arranjos de discos com a finalidade de aprimorar a segurança e/ou desempenho. Em relação aos níveis de RAID, analise as afirmativas a seguir.
I. RAID 0 divide os dados em pequenos segmentos e os distribui entre os discos disponíveis.
II. RAID 1 usa espelhamento para armazenar os dados em duas ou mais unidades.
III. RAID 10 exige ao menos 3 discos, pois nesse arranjo um disco é dedicado para armazenar a informação de paridade necessária para detecção de erro.
Está correto o que se afirma em
Pedro é o proprietário do arquivo header.txt em um sistema Linux e gostaria de assegurar que somente ele tivesse permissão de leitura, gravação e execução a este arquivo, enquanto que todos os demais usuários com acesso ao sistema tivessem somente a permissão de leitura.
Assinale a opção que indica o comando que pode ser usado para conseguir esse objetivo.
José e Antônio, estudantes de Direito, considerando a livre iniciativa, travaram intenso debate a respeito da intervenção do Estado na atividade econômica, sendo suas conclusões nitidamente influenciadas pela ideologia político-econômica que cada um deles adotava.
José afirmava que a livre iniciativa exigia que o Estado se distanciasse dessa atividade, não podendo incentivá-la ou planejá-la, mas apenas fiscalizá-la. Antônio, por sua vez, defendia que o Estado deveria não só fiscalizar como incentivar e planejar, sendo o planejamento determinante para o setor público e indicativo para o setor privado.
À luz da sistemática constitucional, assinale a afirmativa correta.
O Tribunal de Contas do Estado Alfa, único ali existente, ao analisar o ato de concessão de pensão por morte a Maria, viúva do servidor público municipal Carlos, identificou ilegalidade na contagem do tempo de contribuição. Em razão disso, determinou o retorno do respectivo processo administrativo ao órgão de origem e fixou prazo para a sua correção.
À luz da sistemática constitucional, a conduta do Tribunal de Contas do Estado Alfa está
O Art. 100 da Constituição do Estado Beta foi emendado há poucos dias e passou a dispor que o subsídio de todos os agentes públicos do Estado e dos Municípios nele localizados observaria, como limite único, o subsídio mensal dos Desembargadores do respectivo Tribunal de Justiça.
À luz da sistemática afeta ao regime de subsídios, tal qual estabelecido na Constituição da República Federativa do Brasil, o Art. 100 da Constituição do Estado Beta é
A Lei X do Estado Delta dispôs sobre os requisitos a serem observados na celebração de contratos de transporte no seu território.
A Associação das Empresas de Transporte, insatisfeita com os efeitos práticos da Lei X, procurou um advogado e solicitou que fosse esclarecido se o Estado teria competência para legislar sobre essa matéria.
À luz da sistemática constitucional, a Lei X
João foi condenado a alguns anos de prisão pela prática de certo crime. A sentença condenatória foi objeto de recurso de apelação, ainda não julgado pelo Tribunal competente. Posteriormente à sua condenação em primeira instância, entrou em vigor a Lei WX, que aumentou a pena mínima cominada ao crime pelo qual João fora condenado. Essa nova pena supera em muito a pena que lhe fora aplicada.
À luz da sistemática constitucional afeta aos direitos e às garantias fundamentais, o Tribunal competente, ao julgar o recurso de apelação, deve considerar a Lei WX
O Estado Sigma e os Municípios Zeta, Teta e Ômega, localizados no território do referido Estado, celebraram consórcio público para a gestão dos resíduos sólidos, constituindo-o como pessoa jurídica de direito privado.
Nesse caso,
A Polícia Civil do estado Ômega vem monitorando uma suposta quadrilha de distribuição de drogas sintéticas para jovens de classe média.
A partir de interceptação telefônica, uma das operações realizadas resultou na prisão de três suspeitos, na apreensão de dois mil comprimidos e de três aparelhos celulares, cujos registros de chamadas, após decisão judicial, foram analisados e levaram à expedição de dois mandados de busca e apreensão e de dois mandados de prisão.
Sobre o caso, assinale a afirmativa correta.
Entre os amigos Alberto, Rodrigo e Marcelo, um deles é flamenguista, outro é tricolor e, outro, vascaíno.
Entre as afirmações a seguir, somente uma é verdadeira:
- Alberto é tricolor.
- Rodrigo não é vascaíno.
- O tricolor não é Marcelo.
É correto afirmar que
Considere todas as senhas formadas por três vogais maiúsculas. São exemplos dessas senhas: EEE, OIA e UAU.
Dentre todas as senhas desse tipo, escolhendo ao acaso uma delas, a probabilidade de que ela tenha duas letras iguais e uma diferente é de
Milton coordena a equipe de analistas formada por Sérgio, Elisa, Lúcia e Valdo. Para a reunião do fim da tarde de sexta-feira, cada uma dessas cinco pessoas chegou num horário diferente. Sabe-se que:
• Milton não foi o último a chegar e Sérgio não foi o primeiro. • Quando Lúcia chegou, Sérgio e Elisa já estavam, mas Milton não tinha chegado.Considere as afirmações:
I. Sérgio foi o segundo a chegar.
II. Valdo chegou antes de Milton.
III. Lúcia foi a quarta pessoa a chegar.
São verdadeiras:
Uma fatura de cartão de crédito foi paga com dois meses de atraso, e o valor pago, incluindo os 25% de juros correspondentes ao bimestre, foi de R$ 1100,00.
O valor da fatura sem os juros era de
Pedro e João estão em uma fila que tem, ao todo, 55 pessoas. Pedro tem 11 pessoas à sua frente e João está no centro da fila, ou seja, ele tem tantas pessoas à frente dele quanto atrás.
Nessa fila, o número de pessoas entre Pedro e João é
(Source: Retrieved on January 26th, 2018)
Governance Challenges for the Internet of Things
Virgilio A.F. Almeida -Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil
Danilo Doneda - Rio de Janeiro State University
Marília Monteiro - Public Law Institute of Brasília
Published by the IEEE Computer Society
© 2015
The future will be rich with sensors capable of collecting vast amounts of information. The Internet will be almost fused with the physical world as the Internet of Things (IoT) becomes a reality. Although it’s just beginning, experts estimate that by the end of 2015 there will be around 25 billion “things” connected to the global Internet. By 2025, the estimated number of connected devices should reach 100 billion. These estimates include smartphones, vehicles, appliances, and industrial equipment. Privacy, security, and safety fears grow as the IoT creates conditions for increasing surveillance by governments and corporations. So the question is: Will the IoT be good for the many, or the mighty few?
While technological aspects of the IoT have been extensively published in the technical literature, few studies have addressed the IoT’s social and political impacts. Two studies have shed light on challenges for the future with the IoT. In 2013, the European Commission (EC) published a study focusing on relevant aspects for possible IoT governance regimes. The EC report identified many challenges for IoT governance — namely privacy, security, ethics, and competition. In 2015, the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) published the FTC Staff Report The Internet of Things: Privacy and Security in a Connected World. Although the report emphasizes the various benefits that the IoT will bring to consumers and citizens, it acknowledges that there are many risks associated with deploying IoT-based applications, especially in the realm of privacy and security.
The nature of privacy and security problems frequently
associated with the IoT indicates that further research, analysis,
and discussion are needed to identify possible solutions. First, the
introduction of security and privacy elements in the very design
of sensors, implementing Privacy by Design, must be taken into
account for outcomes such as the homologation process of
sensors by competent authorities. Even if the privacy governance
of IoT can oversee the control centers for collected data, we must
develop concrete means to set limits on the amount or nature of
the personal data collected.
Other critical issues regard notification and consent. If, from one side, it’s true that several sensors are already collecting as much personal data as possible, something must be done to increase citizens’ awareness of these data collection processes. Citizens must have means to take measures to protect their rights whenever necessary. If future scenarios indicate the inadequacy of a mere notice-and-consent approach, alternatives must be presented so that the individual’s autonomy isn’t eroded.
As with other technologies that aim to change human life, the IoT must be in all respects designed with people as its central focus. Privacy and ethics aren’t natural aspects to be considered in technology’s agenda. However, these features are essential to build the necessary trust in an IoT ecosystem, making it compatible with human rights and ensuring that it’s drafted at the measure, and not at the expense, of people.
Retrieved on January 23rd, 2018)
(Source: Retrieved on January 26th, 2018)
Governance Challenges for the Internet of Things
Virgilio A.F. Almeida -Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil
Danilo Doneda - Rio de Janeiro State University
Marília Monteiro - Public Law Institute of Brasília
Published by the IEEE Computer Society
© 2015
The future will be rich with sensors capable of collecting vast amounts of information. The Internet will be almost fused with the physical world as the Internet of Things (IoT) becomes a reality. Although it’s just beginning, experts estimate that by the end of 2015 there will be around 25 billion “things” connected to the global Internet. By 2025, the estimated number of connected devices should reach 100 billion. These estimates include smartphones, vehicles, appliances, and industrial equipment. Privacy, security, and safety fears grow as the IoT creates conditions for increasing surveillance by governments and corporations. So the question is: Will the IoT be good for the many, or the mighty few?
While technological aspects of the IoT have been extensively published in the technical literature, few studies have addressed the IoT’s social and political impacts. Two studies have shed light on challenges for the future with the IoT. In 2013, the European Commission (EC) published a study focusing on relevant aspects for possible IoT governance regimes. The EC report identified many challenges for IoT governance — namely privacy, security, ethics, and competition. In 2015, the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) published the FTC Staff Report The Internet of Things: Privacy and Security in a Connected World. Although the report emphasizes the various benefits that the IoT will bring to consumers and citizens, it acknowledges that there are many risks associated with deploying IoT-based applications, especially in the realm of privacy and security.
The nature of privacy and security problems frequently
associated with the IoT indicates that further research, analysis,
and discussion are needed to identify possible solutions. First, the
introduction of security and privacy elements in the very design
of sensors, implementing Privacy by Design, must be taken into
account for outcomes such as the homologation process of
sensors by competent authorities. Even if the privacy governance
of IoT can oversee the control centers for collected data, we must
develop concrete means to set limits on the amount or nature of
the personal data collected.
Other critical issues regard notification and consent. If, from one side, it’s true that several sensors are already collecting as much personal data as possible, something must be done to increase citizens’ awareness of these data collection processes. Citizens must have means to take measures to protect their rights whenever necessary. If future scenarios indicate the inadequacy of a mere notice-and-consent approach, alternatives must be presented so that the individual’s autonomy isn’t eroded.
As with other technologies that aim to change human life, the IoT must be in all respects designed with people as its central focus. Privacy and ethics aren’t natural aspects to be considered in technology’s agenda. However, these features are essential to build the necessary trust in an IoT ecosystem, making it compatible with human rights and ensuring that it’s drafted at the measure, and not at the expense, of people.
Retrieved on January 23rd, 2018)
(Source: Retrieved on January 26th, 2018)
Governance Challenges for the Internet of Things
Virgilio A.F. Almeida -Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil
Danilo Doneda - Rio de Janeiro State University
Marília Monteiro - Public Law Institute of Brasília
Published by the IEEE Computer Society
© 2015
The future will be rich with sensors capable of collecting vast amounts of information. The Internet will be almost fused with the physical world as the Internet of Things (IoT) becomes a reality. Although it’s just beginning, experts estimate that by the end of 2015 there will be around 25 billion “things” connected to the global Internet. By 2025, the estimated number of connected devices should reach 100 billion. These estimates include smartphones, vehicles, appliances, and industrial equipment. Privacy, security, and safety fears grow as the IoT creates conditions for increasing surveillance by governments and corporations. So the question is: Will the IoT be good for the many, or the mighty few?
While technological aspects of the IoT have been extensively published in the technical literature, few studies have addressed the IoT’s social and political impacts. Two studies have shed light on challenges for the future with the IoT. In 2013, the European Commission (EC) published a study focusing on relevant aspects for possible IoT governance regimes. The EC report identified many challenges for IoT governance — namely privacy, security, ethics, and competition. In 2015, the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) published the FTC Staff Report The Internet of Things: Privacy and Security in a Connected World. Although the report emphasizes the various benefits that the IoT will bring to consumers and citizens, it acknowledges that there are many risks associated with deploying IoT-based applications, especially in the realm of privacy and security.
The nature of privacy and security problems frequently
associated with the IoT indicates that further research, analysis,
and discussion are needed to identify possible solutions. First, the
introduction of security and privacy elements in the very design
of sensors, implementing Privacy by Design, must be taken into
account for outcomes such as the homologation process of
sensors by competent authorities. Even if the privacy governance
of IoT can oversee the control centers for collected data, we must
develop concrete means to set limits on the amount or nature of
the personal data collected.
Other critical issues regard notification and consent. If, from one side, it’s true that several sensors are already collecting as much personal data as possible, something must be done to increase citizens’ awareness of these data collection processes. Citizens must have means to take measures to protect their rights whenever necessary. If future scenarios indicate the inadequacy of a mere notice-and-consent approach, alternatives must be presented so that the individual’s autonomy isn’t eroded.
As with other technologies that aim to change human life, the IoT must be in all respects designed with people as its central focus. Privacy and ethics aren’t natural aspects to be considered in technology’s agenda. However, these features are essential to build the necessary trust in an IoT ecosystem, making it compatible with human rights and ensuring that it’s drafted at the measure, and not at the expense, of people.
Retrieved on January 23rd, 2018)
(Source: Retrieved on January 26th, 2018)
Governance Challenges for the Internet of Things
Virgilio A.F. Almeida -Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil
Danilo Doneda - Rio de Janeiro State University
Marília Monteiro - Public Law Institute of Brasília
Published by the IEEE Computer Society
© 2015
The future will be rich with sensors capable of collecting vast amounts of information. The Internet will be almost fused with the physical world as the Internet of Things (IoT) becomes a reality. Although it’s just beginning, experts estimate that by the end of 2015 there will be around 25 billion “things” connected to the global Internet. By 2025, the estimated number of connected devices should reach 100 billion. These estimates include smartphones, vehicles, appliances, and industrial equipment. Privacy, security, and safety fears grow as the IoT creates conditions for increasing surveillance by governments and corporations. So the question is: Will the IoT be good for the many, or the mighty few?
While technological aspects of the IoT have been extensively published in the technical literature, few studies have addressed the IoT’s social and political impacts. Two studies have shed light on challenges for the future with the IoT. In 2013, the European Commission (EC) published a study focusing on relevant aspects for possible IoT governance regimes. The EC report identified many challenges for IoT governance — namely privacy, security, ethics, and competition. In 2015, the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) published the FTC Staff Report The Internet of Things: Privacy and Security in a Connected World. Although the report emphasizes the various benefits that the IoT will bring to consumers and citizens, it acknowledges that there are many risks associated with deploying IoT-based applications, especially in the realm of privacy and security.
The nature of privacy and security problems frequently
associated with the IoT indicates that further research, analysis,
and discussion are needed to identify possible solutions. First, the
introduction of security and privacy elements in the very design
of sensors, implementing Privacy by Design, must be taken into
account for outcomes such as the homologation process of
sensors by competent authorities. Even if the privacy governance
of IoT can oversee the control centers for collected data, we must
develop concrete means to set limits on the amount or nature of
the personal data collected.
Other critical issues regard notification and consent. If, from one side, it’s true that several sensors are already collecting as much personal data as possible, something must be done to increase citizens’ awareness of these data collection processes. Citizens must have means to take measures to protect their rights whenever necessary. If future scenarios indicate the inadequacy of a mere notice-and-consent approach, alternatives must be presented so that the individual’s autonomy isn’t eroded.
As with other technologies that aim to change human life, the IoT must be in all respects designed with people as its central focus. Privacy and ethics aren’t natural aspects to be considered in technology’s agenda. However, these features are essential to build the necessary trust in an IoT ecosystem, making it compatible with human rights and ensuring that it’s drafted at the measure, and not at the expense, of people.
Retrieved on January 23rd, 2018)
Mark the statements below as true (T) or false (F) according to Text II:
( ) There are already many studies on the social and political effects of the IoT.
( ) Research studies on security and privacy still need to be carried out.
( ) The report from the US Federal Trade Commission supported the unrestricted use of the IoT.