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Q1250588 Inglês
All the sentences have a modal and its correct explanation, EXCEPT one. Choose the INCORRECT answer.
Q1250587 Inglês
All sentences are correct, EXCEPT one. Choose the INCORRECT answer.
Q1250586 Inglês
In which sentences the verbs are used appropriately? Choose the CORRECT answer.

I - Once I had finished work, I went home II - I was cuting up vegetables in the kitchen when I heard it on the TV. III - Ellen has eaten no meat since she was six. IV - He believe in ghosts. V - I regularly play the piano.
Q1250585 Inglês
Complete the sentence below with the correct phrasal verbs. Choose the CORRECT answer.

‘‘When the door is opened, it ______ an alarm.’’
Q1250584 Inglês
What type of conditional is the sentence below? Choose the CORRECT answer.

“If there were more buses, we would leave the car at home.” 
Q1250583 Inglês
Read the fragment below.

“The Referential Function is the one most commonly addressed in ESL/EFL settings because it concerns descriptions or contextual information. According to Holenstein (1974) it “dominates ordinary discourse [because we] designate objects and bestow them with meaning” (p.156). The most common topics addressed in beginning ESL/EFL course materials concern the surrounding environment (e.g., classroom objects and procedures, asking for or giving directions) or describing actions in physical or chronological context (e.g. daily routine, telling time.).” (Tribus, Angela C., 2017)

Analyzing the Referential Function as applied on the context above, it is correct to affirm that:
Q1250582 Inglês
Cocaine and alcohol a 'deadly combination'

“At least 13 "self-inflicted" deaths happened in a year in England among people who took the two substances, the Victoria Derbyshire programme found. _______, including two contestants on Love Island, took their own lives between April 2018 and March 2019. Coroners have reported seeing a rise in such cases”.
(Adapted from:
In the text, the phrase “Coroners have reported seeing a rise in such cases” can be translated to Portuguese as:
Q1250581 Inglês
Cocaine and alcohol a 'deadly combination'

“At least 13 "self-inflicted" deaths happened in a year in England among people who took the two substances, the Victoria Derbyshire programme found. _______, including two contestants on Love Island, took their own lives between April 2018 and March 2019. Coroners have reported seeing a rise in such cases”.
(Adapted from:
The alternative that best completes the empty space found in the text is:
Q1250580 Inglês
The passive voice of the phrase “Mary will have made the cake” is:
Q1250579 Inglês
Consider the quoted speech below:

He said, “Don’t take the bus”.

The reported speech is:
Q1250578 Inglês
What life might be like in alien oceans.

Recent discoveries have led astrobiologists to think that moons are the most promising places for alien life to exist in our Solar System. And now several major space missions are being planned over the next decade to search for hints of life there.

Unlike our neighbouring planets, some of the moons have plenty of liquid water. Jupiter’s moon, Europa, for example, is thought to contain more liquid water than all of Earth's oceans combined. This water – and any life in it – is protected from space radiation and asteroid impacts by a thick layer of kilometersdeep surface ice.

The discovery of plumes of water shooting up from Saturn’s moon Enceladus and Europa have suggested they could have warm interiors that can support liquid oceans, heated not by the Sun, but by an internal dynamo powered by radioactive decay in their cores or by tidal heating generated by the gravitational attraction of the planets that they orbit.

There is now evidence for water oceans on several moons, including Europa, Enceladus, Callisto and Ganymede. One study published this June estimates that the Enceladus ocean is around one billion years old. Others have suggested it may be billions of years old – plenty of time for life to evolve.

Adapted from:
The negative form of the phrase “space missions are being planned over the next decade” is:
Q1250577 Inglês
What life might be like in alien oceans.

Recent discoveries have led astrobiologists to think that moons are the most promising places for alien life to exist in our Solar System. And now several major space missions are being planned over the next decade to search for hints of life there.

Unlike our neighbouring planets, some of the moons have plenty of liquid water. Jupiter’s moon, Europa, for example, is thought to contain more liquid water than all of Earth's oceans combined. This water – and any life in it – is protected from space radiation and asteroid impacts by a thick layer of kilometersdeep surface ice.

The discovery of plumes of water shooting up from Saturn’s moon Enceladus and Europa have suggested they could have warm interiors that can support liquid oceans, heated not by the Sun, but by an internal dynamo powered by radioactive decay in their cores or by tidal heating generated by the gravitational attraction of the planets that they orbit.

There is now evidence for water oceans on several moons, including Europa, Enceladus, Callisto and Ganymede. One study published this June estimates that the Enceladus ocean is around one billion years old. Others have suggested it may be billions of years old – plenty of time for life to evolve.

Adapted from:
The word cores in “radioactive decay in their cores” can be replaced by:
Q1250576 Inglês
What life might be like in alien oceans.

Recent discoveries have led astrobiologists to think that moons are the most promising places for alien life to exist in our Solar System. And now several major space missions are being planned over the next decade to search for hints of life there.

Unlike our neighbouring planets, some of the moons have plenty of liquid water. Jupiter’s moon, Europa, for example, is thought to contain more liquid water than all of Earth's oceans combined. This water – and any life in it – is protected from space radiation and asteroid impacts by a thick layer of kilometersdeep surface ice.

The discovery of plumes of water shooting up from Saturn’s moon Enceladus and Europa have suggested they could have warm interiors that can support liquid oceans, heated not by the Sun, but by an internal dynamo powered by radioactive decay in their cores or by tidal heating generated by the gravitational attraction of the planets that they orbit.

There is now evidence for water oceans on several moons, including Europa, Enceladus, Callisto and Ganymede. One study published this June estimates that the Enceladus ocean is around one billion years old. Others have suggested it may be billions of years old – plenty of time for life to evolve.

Adapted from:
In that places, the existence of life is possible due to the evidence of:
Q1250575 Inglês
What life might be like in alien oceans.

Recent discoveries have led astrobiologists to think that moons are the most promising places for alien life to exist in our Solar System. And now several major space missions are being planned over the next decade to search for hints of life there.

Unlike our neighbouring planets, some of the moons have plenty of liquid water. Jupiter’s moon, Europa, for example, is thought to contain more liquid water than all of Earth's oceans combined. This water – and any life in it – is protected from space radiation and asteroid impacts by a thick layer of kilometersdeep surface ice.

The discovery of plumes of water shooting up from Saturn’s moon Enceladus and Europa have suggested they could have warm interiors that can support liquid oceans, heated not by the Sun, but by an internal dynamo powered by radioactive decay in their cores or by tidal heating generated by the gravitational attraction of the planets that they orbit.

There is now evidence for water oceans on several moons, including Europa, Enceladus, Callisto and Ganymede. One study published this June estimates that the Enceladus ocean is around one billion years old. Others have suggested it may be billions of years old – plenty of time for life to evolve.

Adapted from:
According to the text, the existence of alien life is more likely in places such as:
Q1250574 Pedagogia
Com relação ao modelo interacional de leitura, assinale alternativa CORRETA.
Q1250573 Pedagogia
A Base Nacional Comum Curricular, com relação à língua inglesa, traz o seguinte:

“Alguns conceitos parecem já não atender as perspectivas de compreensão de uma língua que “viralizou” e se tornou “miscigenada”, como é o caso do conceito de língua estrangeira, fortemente criticado por seu viés eurocêntrico. Outras terminologias, mais recentemente propostas, também provocam um intenso debate no campo, tais como inglês como língua internacional, como língua global, como língua adicional, como língua franca, dentre outras. Em que pese as diferenças entre uma terminologia e outra, suas ênfases, pontos de contato e eventuais sobreposições, o tratamento dado ao componente na BNCC prioriza o foco da função social e política do inglês e, nesse sentido, passa a tratá-la em seu status de língua ___________.”

Fonte: Base Nacional Comum Curricular/BNCC, página 241.

Assinale a alternativa que corretamente completa a lacuna ao final do texto.
Q1250561 Pedagogia
Leia o trecho e responda:

Construir no aluno a capacidade de enfrentar determinadas situações, sem limitar-se somente no conhecimento adquirido, mas utilizando-se da consciência de múltiplos recursos cognitivos, tais como saberes, capacidades, micro - competências, informações, valores, atitudes, esquemas de percepção, de avaliação e de raciocínio. Como essas capacidades não são inatas cabe à escola desenvolvê-las nos estudantes. É exatamente esta mudança de paradigma que tem norteado reformas educacionais e currículos.

Na perspectiva apresentada baseia-se a construção de um currículo:
Q1250559 Pedagogia
“O projeto político-pedagógico é um instrumento teórico-metodológico que visa ajudar a enfrentar os desafios do cotidiano da escola, de uma forma refletida, consciente, sistematizada, orgânica e, o que é essencial, participativa.”
Dentre as funções descritas abaixo, aquela que está em consonância com os objetivos do referido projeto é:
Q1250558 Pedagogia
Leia a o trecho e responda:

“Este se refere à atividade que envolve o processo de reflexão, de decisões sobre a organização, funcionamento e a proposta pedagógica da instituição. É um processo de racionalização, organização e coordenação da ação docente, articulando a atividade escolar e a problemática do contexto social.”

A descrição se refere a que tipo de planejamento:
Q1250552 Pedagogia
Partindo da leitura das Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais da Educação Básica, destacam-se os princípios fundamentais que norteiam a educação. Considerando-se o ensino infantil, o princípio que procura desenvolver a valorização da autonomia, da responsabilidade, da solidariedade e do respeito ao bem comum, ao meio ambiente e às diferentes culturas, identidades e singularidades se refere:
801: D
802: A
803: B
804: D
805: C
806: B
807: C
808: B
809: D
810: C
811: A
812: B
813: D
814: B
815: D
816: C
817: C
818: C
819: A
820: B