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Q2393387 Artes Visuais
Analise as afirmativas abaixo:

I. um tipo de obra que utiliza o espaço como elemento fundamental.
II. é uma tendência artística contemporânea que surgiu na década de 60, nos Estados Unidos e na Europa. Sua principal caraterística é o uso do corpo como suporte e intervenção para a realização do trabalho artístico.
III. é um movimento artístico que se caracteriza pela reprodução de temas relacionados ao consumo, à publicidade e ao estilo de vida americano (american way of life).

As afirmações se referem, respectivamente, a
Q2393386 Artes Visuais
Foi introduzida no Brasil no final da década de 1970, em São Paulo. Uma forma de expressar toda a opressão que a humanidade vive, principalmente os menos favorecidos, ou seja, reflete a realidade das ruas. Os brasileiros começaram a incrementar a arte com um toque nosso e, então, passou a ser reconhecido entre os melhores de todo o mundo. Essa estética denomina-se
Q2393385 Artes Cênicas
O Teatro Popular de Bonecos recebe várias designações em todo o Nordeste. Em Recife, por exemplo, chama-se Mamulengo, enquanto no Rio Grande do Norte e na Paraíba é denominado João Redondo. Sobre o teatro de bonecos potiguar, considera-se
Q2393384 Pedagogia
Os Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (PCN’s) fazem um breve histórico sobre o Ensino da Arte no Brasil (BRASIL, p. 25). Sobre esse histórico, é importante considerar: 
Q2393383 Pedagogia
Segundo a Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC), no contexto do Ensino Fundamental – Anos Finais, uma das habilidades a serem desenvolvidas nas aulas de música é 
Q2393382 Conhecimentos Gerais
Sobre a encenação do espetáculo “Chuva de Bala no País de Mossoró”, é correto afirmar que teve sua primeira encenação no ano de
Q2392991 Inglês
Check the alternative that contain one of the main aims of CLIL. 
Q2392990 Inglês
Check the alternative which refers to the main aim of a lesson.
Q2392989 Inglês
Match the types of task presented in the box to the activities listed below. Check the alternative that labels the tasks from 1 to 5 in respective order.

Choral drill – brainstorming – role play – rank ordering – jumbled sentence

Task 1: Students are asked to put words in the right order as to form an interrogative sentence.
Task 2: Students are asked to listen to a list of words and repeat after the presentation of the audio.
Task 3: Students are asked to make a list of as many fun places to go on the weekend as they can.
Task 4: Students are asked to act as travel agents and clients in a situation of planning a trip.
Task 5: Students are asked to order a list of frequency adverbs from least frequent to most frequent.
Q2392988 Inglês
Match the teacher’s actions in the box below to their respective techniques for presenting new language. 

Action 1: Teacher has students repeat pronunciation of specific words in a text. Action 2: Teacher asks students about their favorite sports after reading a text on rugby. Action 3: Teacher uses a well-known short story to present the simple past. Action 4: Teacher plays the corresponding audio to a text presented in class.
Q2392987 Inglês
Check the alternative that corresponds to the following order of types of errors: (1) Prepositions – (2) pronouns – (3) articles
Q2392986 Inglês
Read the teacher’s comments in the box below and check the alternative that corresponds to the sequence of jargons that adequately represent them.

Comment 1: It is expected that beginners mistake certain prepositions such as to and for.
Comment 2: This student usually does not make such mistake. Maybe he was nervous during the presentation.
Comment 3: This mistake refers to a grammatical structure that makes perfect sense in Brazilian Portuguese. 

Q2392985 Inglês
Correction of students’ work constitutes a relevant part of teaching-learning process. Given that, understanding the nature of students’ incorrect language productions is key to effective correction. Assuming the sentences in the box below are productions from Brazilian students, check the alternative which labels the presented language problems accordingly.

I have 12 years old. - I goed to school yesterday. - I am with a headache. - She work in the morning.
Q2392984 Inglês
Check the alternative that corresponds to the correct phonemic transcription of the final –ed sounds of the sequence of regular verbs presented below:

Corrected – worked – seemed – studied
Q2392983 Inglês
Check the alternative that corresponds to the phonemic transcription of the words below.

Sheep –ship – Cheap – Chip
Q2392982 Inglês

The vowel sounds present in the words below correspond to the minimal pair:

Heat – hit 

Q2392981 Inglês
Check the alternative that represents the right context for the use of the phrasal verb CALL OFF.
Q2392980 Inglês
Check the alternative that represents a correct statement about PHRASAL VERBS. 
Q2392979 Inglês
Read the three idioms below and check the alternative which represents their correct usage.

Idiom 1: Better late than never Idiom 2: go back to the drawing board Idiom 3: make a long story short
Q2392978 Inglês
Check the alternative that corresponds to the respective meanings of the idiomatic expressions in the box below: 

A blessing in disguise – to cut corners – to get out of hand 
501: A
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504: C
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509: D
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520: D