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Q2629118 Português

Mesmo que o verbo acreditar esteja por um fio, é o que nos resta

Por Martha Medeiros

  1. Foi em um remoto 24 de dezembro. "Venham, vamos dar uma volta pelo quarteirão para
  2. ver se o Papai Noel está pelas redondezas". Que ideia. Vá que o Papai Noel passe aqui em casa
  3. bem na hora que estivermos na rua, pensei, mas não tive coragem de enfrentar o pai. Era uma
  4. fedelha de seis anos, sem direito a voto: lá fomos eu e meu irmão em busca do velhinho perdido.
  5. Caminhava pela rua aflita, girando a cabeça de um lado para o outro, até que tive certeza
  6. de ter visto, de relan...e, um pedaço de calça vermelha e bota preta dobrando a esquina. Será?
  7. Corremos. Não, não havia ninguém. Está bem, vamos voltar, disse o pai.
  8. Assim que chegamos em casa, adivinhe: "Ele acabou de sair daqui", anunciou a mãe. Era
  9. muito sadismo com dois inocentes. "Perguntou por vocês e até tomou um copo d'água, mas não
  10. ______ esperar". Corri para a cozinha. ______ mesmo um copo com restinho de água dentro
  11. da pia. Segurei-o como se fosse o Santo Graal, mas logo saí do tran...e, lembrei dos presentes
  12. fechados embaixo da árvore.
  13. Prometi para mim mesma que no próximo Natal eu não arredaria pé da sala, mas o ano
  14. sempre custava a passar e, até lá, o pai teria outra ideia fantástica para nos tirar de casa,
  15. enquanto a mãe retiraria os pacotes de dentro do armário e sujaria outro copo, a fim de nos
  16. iludir por mais um tempo.
  17. Eu adorava Natal. A frustração de nunca ter visto Papai Noel não atrapalhou em nada. Me
  18. bastava acreditar.
  19. Hoje em dia, passo os Natais na casa do sogro do meu irmão. Lá se reúnem nossas
  20. famílias, constituídas por idosos, vários maduros entre 40 e 60 anos, dois adolescentes e uma
  21. única criança, o Rodrigo, que ainda acredita em Papai Noel, e é fácil entender porquê: todos os
  22. anos, meu irmão, bem no meio da noite feliz, dá uma saída, com a desculpa de buscar algo na
  23. garagem ou comprar uma bobagem que faltou para a ceia, e retorna caracterizado como o Papai
  24. Noel mais lapônico do planeta, a gente jura que as renas estão estacionadas na praça em frente
  25. (meu irmão não é gordo, nem tem uma longa barba branca, o que ele tem é um figurino de
  26. musical da Broadway e uma performan...e que o teatro está perdendo).
  27. Rodrigo, se você já for um leitor de crônicas, a tia está brincando, viu?
  28. A realidade não se comove com fantasias infantis, mas mesmo que o verbo acreditar esteja
  29. por um fio, é o que nos resta, e agora a tia não está mais brincando. Acreditar que nossa
  30. negligência com florestas, mares e rios poderá ser revertida. Que os insanos que promovem
  31. guerras terão um instante de sensatez e humanidade, cancelando o inferno. E que somos capazes
  32. de abreviar a brutalidade cotidiana, sendo mais gentis e razoáveis uns com os outros, ou adeus,
  33. futuro luminoso. Então, mantenhamos a ilusão piscando.

(Disponível em: – texto adaptado especialmente para esta prova).

Assinale a alternativa que preenche, correta e respectivamente, as duas lacunas tracejadas da linha 10.

Q2629116 Inglês

The Reasons Why We Dance

  1. As a choreographer, I get asked to share my opinion about a myriad of dance-related
  2. topics, from the practical, like “How can dance help you get in shape?” to the existential, like “Is
  3. my dancing a projection of my self-image?”. But the question I think matters most is: why do
  4. people dance? What is about moving our bodies to a song we love that is so joyfully Pavlovian?
  5. Why do we watch videos and take lessons on something that could be labeled as trivial? Why do
  6. we love it so?
  7. There are the obvious answers. We dance for physical fitness, mental clarity, emotional
  8. stability, and other such pluses. However, all these benefits could be attained by other means –
  9. though I confess I have yet to find a better alternative than a great “cha cha”* to lift both one’s
  10. heart rate and spirits. There must be something glorious about dancing that is more than just
  11. intangible. We cannot seem to explain it, yet we all know it so well that we do not hesitate to
  12. tap our feet to a Gershwin melody or pulse with the percussion of a samba rhythm.
  13. Perhaps dance is the way we express ourselves when words are insufficient. The joy we
  14. feel over newfound love, the determination we have in the face of great sorrow or adversity, the
  15. passionate fire of our youth, and the peacefulness of our softer and more graceful years – maybe
  16. they are never expressed more fully than through a waltz, or a tango, or a jive. We all want to
  17. be understood, and if we could truly speak the words that describe our feelings, how deep and
  18. powerful they would surely be. But alas, those words never seem to come to us just right. Maybe
  19. dance is simply a translator for the human heart.
  20. Perhaps dance is the medium through which we show the world who we truly are and who
  21. we can be. All of us, if we are honest, believe deep down that we are not ordinary. We know
  22. ourselves to be wonderfully unique, with many layers of personality and talent woven in such a
  23. way that no one on earth could possibly have our same make-up. We know it. We just do not
  24. always know how to prove it. Maybe dance gives us the opportunity. And perhaps dance is how
  25. we choose to remember, how we hold on to the past. It is how we relive __ fun-filled days of
  26. our youth or __ time we looked into their eyes and knew they were the one. It is our tribute to
  27. the heroes of yesterday who jitterbugged like carefree boys and girls, when tomorrow they would
  28. march as men and women to defend freedom’s cause. It is the chance to be __ princess again,
  29. waiting for __ outstretched hand and the call to __ romance that is graceful, true, and not as
  30. forgotten as the cynics say. When we dance, we can remember them all a little better, feel the
  31. butterflies once again, and if only for a moment, return to the purest part of our lives when time
  32. was of no matter…for we were dancing.
  33. Why do we dance? Every answer will be different, and that is as it should be. Perhaps the
  34. better question is, “Why would we not?”

*Cha Cha: an energetic modern dance.

(Available in: – text especially adapted for this test).

In the image below we see a man who is taking dancing lessons and a woman who is saying “There are only two things stopping you from being a good dancer, Mr. Jones. Your feet!”

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

The word “dancer” is formed by adding a suffix to the verb “dance.” Which of the words below does NOT take the suffix -er when used as a noun describing professions?

Q2629115 Inglês

The Reasons Why We Dance

  1. As a choreographer, I get asked to share my opinion about a myriad of dance-related
  2. topics, from the practical, like “How can dance help you get in shape?” to the existential, like “Is
  3. my dancing a projection of my self-image?”. But the question I think matters most is: why do
  4. people dance? What is about moving our bodies to a song we love that is so joyfully Pavlovian?
  5. Why do we watch videos and take lessons on something that could be labeled as trivial? Why do
  6. we love it so?
  7. There are the obvious answers. We dance for physical fitness, mental clarity, emotional
  8. stability, and other such pluses. However, all these benefits could be attained by other means –
  9. though I confess I have yet to find a better alternative than a great “cha cha”* to lift both one’s
  10. heart rate and spirits. There must be something glorious about dancing that is more than just
  11. intangible. We cannot seem to explain it, yet we all know it so well that we do not hesitate to
  12. tap our feet to a Gershwin melody or pulse with the percussion of a samba rhythm.
  13. Perhaps dance is the way we express ourselves when words are insufficient. The joy we
  14. feel over newfound love, the determination we have in the face of great sorrow or adversity, the
  15. passionate fire of our youth, and the peacefulness of our softer and more graceful years – maybe
  16. they are never expressed more fully than through a waltz, or a tango, or a jive. We all want to
  17. be understood, and if we could truly speak the words that describe our feelings, how deep and
  18. powerful they would surely be. But alas, those words never seem to come to us just right. Maybe
  19. dance is simply a translator for the human heart.
  20. Perhaps dance is the medium through which we show the world who we truly are and who
  21. we can be. All of us, if we are honest, believe deep down that we are not ordinary. We know
  22. ourselves to be wonderfully unique, with many layers of personality and talent woven in such a
  23. way that no one on earth could possibly have our same make-up. We know it. We just do not
  24. always know how to prove it. Maybe dance gives us the opportunity. And perhaps dance is how
  25. we choose to remember, how we hold on to the past. It is how we relive __ fun-filled days of
  26. our youth or __ time we looked into their eyes and knew they were the one. It is our tribute to
  27. the heroes of yesterday who jitterbugged like carefree boys and girls, when tomorrow they would
  28. march as men and women to defend freedom’s cause. It is the chance to be __ princess again,
  29. waiting for __ outstretched hand and the call to __ romance that is graceful, true, and not as
  30. forgotten as the cynics say. When we dance, we can remember them all a little better, feel the
  31. butterflies once again, and if only for a moment, return to the purest part of our lives when time
  32. was of no matter…for we were dancing.
  33. Why do we dance? Every answer will be different, and that is as it should be. Perhaps the
  34. better question is, “Why would we not?”

*Cha Cha: an energetic modern dance.

(Available in: – text especially adapted for this test).

In the adapted excerpt “If we could truly speak the words that describe our feelings, they would surely be deep and powerful”, we have an example of:

Q2629114 Inglês

The Reasons Why We Dance

  1. As a choreographer, I get asked to share my opinion about a myriad of dance-related
  2. topics, from the practical, like “How can dance help you get in shape?” to the existential, like “Is
  3. my dancing a projection of my self-image?”. But the question I think matters most is: why do
  4. people dance? What is about moving our bodies to a song we love that is so joyfully Pavlovian?
  5. Why do we watch videos and take lessons on something that could be labeled as trivial? Why do
  6. we love it so?
  7. There are the obvious answers. We dance for physical fitness, mental clarity, emotional
  8. stability, and other such pluses. However, all these benefits could be attained by other means –
  9. though I confess I have yet to find a better alternative than a great “cha cha”* to lift both one’s
  10. heart rate and spirits. There must be something glorious about dancing that is more than just
  11. intangible. We cannot seem to explain it, yet we all know it so well that we do not hesitate to
  12. tap our feet to a Gershwin melody or pulse with the percussion of a samba rhythm.
  13. Perhaps dance is the way we express ourselves when words are insufficient. The joy we
  14. feel over newfound love, the determination we have in the face of great sorrow or adversity, the
  15. passionate fire of our youth, and the peacefulness of our softer and more graceful years – maybe
  16. they are never expressed more fully than through a waltz, or a tango, or a jive. We all want to
  17. be understood, and if we could truly speak the words that describe our feelings, how deep and
  18. powerful they would surely be. But alas, those words never seem to come to us just right. Maybe
  19. dance is simply a translator for the human heart.
  20. Perhaps dance is the medium through which we show the world who we truly are and who
  21. we can be. All of us, if we are honest, believe deep down that we are not ordinary. We know
  22. ourselves to be wonderfully unique, with many layers of personality and talent woven in such a
  23. way that no one on earth could possibly have our same make-up. We know it. We just do not
  24. always know how to prove it. Maybe dance gives us the opportunity. And perhaps dance is how
  25. we choose to remember, how we hold on to the past. It is how we relive __ fun-filled days of
  26. our youth or __ time we looked into their eyes and knew they were the one. It is our tribute to
  27. the heroes of yesterday who jitterbugged like carefree boys and girls, when tomorrow they would
  28. march as men and women to defend freedom’s cause. It is the chance to be __ princess again,
  29. waiting for __ outstretched hand and the call to __ romance that is graceful, true, and not as
  30. forgotten as the cynics say. When we dance, we can remember them all a little better, feel the
  31. butterflies once again, and if only for a moment, return to the purest part of our lives when time
  32. was of no matter…for we were dancing.
  33. Why do we dance? Every answer will be different, and that is as it should be. Perhaps the
  34. better question is, “Why would we not?”

*Cha Cha: an energetic modern dance.

(Available in: – text especially adapted for this test).

Local accents aside, in standard English the final -ed in regular simple past verbs can be pronounced /d/, as in “labeled”, /t/, as in “asked”, and /Id/, as in “related”. Which alternative below shows verbs that follow the same pronunciation rules, in the same order as “labeled”, “asked”, and “related”?

Q2629113 Inglês

The Reasons Why We Dance

  1. As a choreographer, I get asked to share my opinion about a myriad of dance-related
  2. topics, from the practical, like “How can dance help you get in shape?” to the existential, like “Is
  3. my dancing a projection of my self-image?”. But the question I think matters most is: why do
  4. people dance? What is about moving our bodies to a song we love that is so joyfully Pavlovian?
  5. Why do we watch videos and take lessons on something that could be labeled as trivial? Why do
  6. we love it so?
  7. There are the obvious answers. We dance for physical fitness, mental clarity, emotional
  8. stability, and other such pluses. However, all these benefits could be attained by other means –
  9. though I confess I have yet to find a better alternative than a great “cha cha”* to lift both one’s
  10. heart rate and spirits. There must be something glorious about dancing that is more than just
  11. intangible. We cannot seem to explain it, yet we all know it so well that we do not hesitate to
  12. tap our feet to a Gershwin melody or pulse with the percussion of a samba rhythm.
  13. Perhaps dance is the way we express ourselves when words are insufficient. The joy we
  14. feel over newfound love, the determination we have in the face of great sorrow or adversity, the
  15. passionate fire of our youth, and the peacefulness of our softer and more graceful years – maybe
  16. they are never expressed more fully than through a waltz, or a tango, or a jive. We all want to
  17. be understood, and if we could truly speak the words that describe our feelings, how deep and
  18. powerful they would surely be. But alas, those words never seem to come to us just right. Maybe
  19. dance is simply a translator for the human heart.
  20. Perhaps dance is the medium through which we show the world who we truly are and who
  21. we can be. All of us, if we are honest, believe deep down that we are not ordinary. We know
  22. ourselves to be wonderfully unique, with many layers of personality and talent woven in such a
  23. way that no one on earth could possibly have our same make-up. We know it. We just do not
  24. always know how to prove it. Maybe dance gives us the opportunity. And perhaps dance is how
  25. we choose to remember, how we hold on to the past. It is how we relive __ fun-filled days of
  26. our youth or __ time we looked into their eyes and knew they were the one. It is our tribute to
  27. the heroes of yesterday who jitterbugged like carefree boys and girls, when tomorrow they would
  28. march as men and women to defend freedom’s cause. It is the chance to be __ princess again,
  29. waiting for __ outstretched hand and the call to __ romance that is graceful, true, and not as
  30. forgotten as the cynics say. When we dance, we can remember them all a little better, feel the
  31. butterflies once again, and if only for a moment, return to the purest part of our lives when time
  32. was of no matter…for we were dancing.
  33. Why do we dance? Every answer will be different, and that is as it should be. Perhaps the
  34. better question is, “Why would we not?”

*Cha Cha: an energetic modern dance.

(Available in: – text especially adapted for this test).

Mark the INCORRECT statement about the word “must” in the sentence “There must be something glorious about dancing” (l. 10).

21: D
22: E
23: C
24: A
25: E