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Em sua obra "Os três ensaios sobre a teoria da sexualidade", Freud (1905) diz que nascemos com um corpo erotizado e que, naturalmente, buscamos prazer a partir da estimulação desse corpo, e mais ainda, que durante os primeiros anos de vida, essa satisfação é autoerótica. Considerando esse assunto, analise as afirmações a seguir:
I. A fase oral vai do zero aos dois anos de idade e tem como zona erógena predominante a boca.
II. A fase genital predomina a zona erógena nas regiões genitais do menino e da menina e ocorre por volta dos três aos quatro anos de idade.
III. Quando a criança adentra o período da adolescência, ela chega na fase fálica, mas a busca do prazer é dirigida para o outro, tendo como fim último o ato sexual propriamente dito e a reprodução.
É CORRETO o que se afirma em:
Considerando a Teoria do Apego de Bowlby, analise as informações a seguir:
I. Propõe que a tendência a estabelecer vínculos é inata e que o vínculo primário é o modelo inicial que garante a sobrevivência física e psicológica da criança.
II. Descreve cinco estágios da ansiedade de separação: protesto, desespero, desapego, aceitação e conformidade.
III. Essa teoria é compreendida como uma perspectiva evolucionista do desenvolvimento.
Está CORRETO o que se afirma em:
Considerando as contribuições de Jerome Bruner, para o processo de ensino e aprendizagem, assinale a alternativa CORRETA:
Considerando as medidas socioeducativas em meio aberto e a atuação do profissional de psicologia, analise as afirmações a seguir:
I. Deverá o profissional compreender o adolescente autor de ato infracional como adolescente (uma etapa peculiar da vida, em nossa sociedade) e que, por isso, não caberá responsabilização pela prática do seu ato.
II. O profissional pautará sua atuação pelo projeto técnico do programa, pelo saber específico de cada profissão, superando o senso comum.
III. É importante o profissional compreender que há questões que ultrapassam a abrangência de resolução com o adolescente, pois envolvem outras esferas de intervenções, inclusive, políticas.
Está CORRETO o que afirma em:
Segundo Mutschele (2001), a prontidão para aprender é a soma das características intrapessoais que facilitam ou dificultam a aprendizagem. Para a autora, os fatores intrapessoais envolvidos no processo de aprendizagem são:
Winnicott entende o desenvolvimento humano como um processo contínuo que começa antes do nascimento e prossegue ao longo da vida. Sobre as contribuições deste autor, assinale a alternativa CORRETA:
De acordo com Vigotsky, a distância entre o que a criança é capaz de fazer sozinha e o que pode realizar com auxílio de outro indivíduo é chamada de:
Nas últimas décadas, registraram-se mudanças significativas na dinâmica da vida familiar, devido a rápidas transformações políticas, econômicas e sociais. Considerando essas mudanças, analise as afirmações a seguir:
I - As famílias apresentam-se cada vez maiores e, em sua maioria, chefiadas por homens.
II - Mais mulheres entram no mercado de trabalho e as famílias necessitam de novos arranjos para a criação de seus filhos.
III - Diminuem-se as distâncias entre a casa e o trabalho nas grandes cidades, o que leva a que crianças permaneçam menos tempo sem a presença dos pais.
É CORRETO o que se afirma em:
In spoken English, gap fillers are very common. Choose an alternative that does not have a gap filler.
Consider the words and punctuation below.
Lady Gaga - you - emotionally - ? - like - do - which - best - song - devastating.
Choose the alternative that presents the words and punctuation correctly organized in the sentence.
_____________ plays an increasingly important role in language education, both as a feature of foreign language teaching and learning, and as an element of bilingual and plurilingual education. As learners develop their language competences, they are able to deal with evermore complex topics, so teaching material needs to offer learners interesting and challenging subject matter. One way to do this is through it where language and subject teachers work together; language teachers acquire subject knowledge and subject teachers acquire expertise in combining language development with teaching the content effectively.
Fonte (adaptada):
Assinale a alternativa que preenche a lacuna corretamente:
"Simone likes beer and her mother, wine".
Choose the alternative that presents the ellipsis used in the sentence above.
Acerca das novas tecnologias no ensino de Língua Inglesa, julgue as frases a seguir:
I - Google Workspace é formado por um conjunto de ferramentas e recursos, tais como Gmail, Google Agenda, Google Drive e Google Docs, que podem auxiliar o trabalho pedagógico do docente, bem como a organização discente.
II - O SelfCAD é uma programa capaz de criar um eficiente sistema de gestão de aprendizagem para professores.
III - O Duolingo é um aplicativo que pode se converter em uma ferramenta didática podendo ser usado para a gamificação do ensino de Língua Inglesa.
É correto o que se afirma em:
Choose the alternative that does have words that have the same sound in the pronunciation.
Choose the alternative that presents a sentence with an adverb of manner.
Analise as afirmações a seguir. Marque V, para verdadeiras, e F, para falsas:
(__) A metodologia audiolingual se refere ao ensino da gramática normativa com foco na tradução literal.
(__) A metodologia direta dá enfoque a audição e fala e surgiu a partir da necessidade de comunicação que os soldados norte-americanos tiveram durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial.
(__) A metodologia sociointeracionista busca desenvolver competências linguísticas por meio da comunicação em si a partir das relações sociais estabelecidas entre os indivíduos.
Assinale a alternativa com a sequência correta:
O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder às questões de 28 a 32.
Popular hot drink 'lowers blood glucose levels in weeks - and could help prevent diabetes and silent killers'
(1º§) Drinking more green tea made significant improvements to health - a finding which surprised US researchers. They believe the brew could offset risk factors that are linked to metabolic syndrome.
(2º§) Metabolic syndrome, according to the NHS, is the medical term for a combination of diabetes, high blood pressure (hypertension) and obesity. Therefore, people are more likely to have metabolic syndrome if they are overweight, and have poor or high levels of cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar.
(3º§) However, the new study, by Ohio State University, suggests green tea could improve all these factors. And in turn, it could slash the odds of deadly complications related to metabolic syndrome - coronary heart disease and stroke. A group of 40 people were recruited for the study. For one part of the study, they took green tea supplements for 28 days.
(4º§) The gummy sweets contained the compound catechinsdose and was the equivalent of five cups of green tea. ___ another 28 days, they had dummy pills, according to the findings published in Current Developments in Nutrition. In both parts of the experiments they ate a diet that was low in fruit and veg to make sure any positive results could be attributed to green tea, and not a healthy diet.
(5º§) The results showed that fasting blood glucose levels for all participants were significantly lower during the green-tea phase. Poo samples showed fewer markers of gut inflammation, and "leaky gut" was reduced. Leaky gut, or gut permeability, is when the gut lining has cracks or holes in, allowing bacteria to enter the bloodstream and cause inflammation.
(6º§) This is thought to be an "initiating factor for obesity and insulin resistance, which are central to all cardiometabolic disorders", according to Richard Bruno, senior study author and professor of human nutrition. He said: "If we can improve gut integrity and reduce leaky gut, the thought is we'll be able to not only alleviate low-grade inflammation that initiates cardiometabolic disorders, but potentially reverse them."
(7º§) All the participants - half healthy and half with metabolic syndrome - saw benefits, an unexpected finding for the research team. Prof Bruno said: "What this tells us is that within one month we're able to lower blood glucose ___ both people with metabolic syndrome and healthy people.
(8º§) "The lowering of blood glucose appears to be related to decreasing leaky gut and decreasing gut inflammation - regardless of health status." But Prof Bruno added: "We did not attempt to cure metabolic syndrome with a one-month study. "But based on what we know about the causal factors behind metabolic syndrome, there is potential for green tea to be acting at least in part ___ the gut level to alleviate the risk for either developing it or reversing it if you already have metabolic syndrome."
(9º§) Most often, doctors will tell people at risk of metabolic syndrome to improve their lifestyle habits - eat healthier and exercise more. "Unfortunately, we know most persons can't comply with lifestyle modifications for various reasons," Prof Bruno said. Green tea isn't as popular in the Western world as it is in the East, where it has origins in China.
(10º§) It's touted as a healthy drink because studies have found evidence it helps with weight loss, heart disease risk and even cancer. But the findings aren't very strong and are often observational, have small sample sizes or other limitations.
According to the text, metabolic syndrome is the medical term for a combination of several diseases, EXCEPT:
O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder às questões de 28 a 32.
Popular hot drink 'lowers blood glucose levels in weeks - and could help prevent diabetes and silent killers'
(1º§) Drinking more green tea made significant improvements to health - a finding which surprised US researchers. They believe the brew could offset risk factors that are linked to metabolic syndrome.
(2º§) Metabolic syndrome, according to the NHS, is the medical term for a combination of diabetes, high blood pressure (hypertension) and obesity. Therefore, people are more likely to have metabolic syndrome if they are overweight, and have poor or high levels of cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar.
(3º§) However, the new study, by Ohio State University, suggests green tea could improve all these factors. And in turn, it could slash the odds of deadly complications related to metabolic syndrome - coronary heart disease and stroke. A group of 40 people were recruited for the study. For one part of the study, they took green tea supplements for 28 days.
(4º§) The gummy sweets contained the compound catechinsdose and was the equivalent of five cups of green tea. ___ another 28 days, they had dummy pills, according to the findings published in Current Developments in Nutrition. In both parts of the experiments they ate a diet that was low in fruit and veg to make sure any positive results could be attributed to green tea, and not a healthy diet.
(5º§) The results showed that fasting blood glucose levels for all participants were significantly lower during the green-tea phase. Poo samples showed fewer markers of gut inflammation, and "leaky gut" was reduced. Leaky gut, or gut permeability, is when the gut lining has cracks or holes in, allowing bacteria to enter the bloodstream and cause inflammation.
(6º§) This is thought to be an "initiating factor for obesity and insulin resistance, which are central to all cardiometabolic disorders", according to Richard Bruno, senior study author and professor of human nutrition. He said: "If we can improve gut integrity and reduce leaky gut, the thought is we'll be able to not only alleviate low-grade inflammation that initiates cardiometabolic disorders, but potentially reverse them."
(7º§) All the participants - half healthy and half with metabolic syndrome - saw benefits, an unexpected finding for the research team. Prof Bruno said: "What this tells us is that within one month we're able to lower blood glucose ___ both people with metabolic syndrome and healthy people.
(8º§) "The lowering of blood glucose appears to be related to decreasing leaky gut and decreasing gut inflammation - regardless of health status." But Prof Bruno added: "We did not attempt to cure metabolic syndrome with a one-month study. "But based on what we know about the causal factors behind metabolic syndrome, there is potential for green tea to be acting at least in part ___ the gut level to alleviate the risk for either developing it or reversing it if you already have metabolic syndrome."
(9º§) Most often, doctors will tell people at risk of metabolic syndrome to improve their lifestyle habits - eat healthier and exercise more. "Unfortunately, we know most persons can't comply with lifestyle modifications for various reasons," Prof Bruno said. Green tea isn't as popular in the Western world as it is in the East, where it has origins in China.
(10º§) It's touted as a healthy drink because studies have found evidence it helps with weight loss, heart disease risk and even cancer. But the findings aren't very strong and are often observational, have small sample sizes or other limitations.
According to the text, the green tea:
O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder às questões de 28 a 32.
Popular hot drink 'lowers blood glucose levels in weeks - and could help prevent diabetes and silent killers'
(1º§) Drinking more green tea made significant improvements to health - a finding which surprised US researchers. They believe the brew could offset risk factors that are linked to metabolic syndrome.
(2º§) Metabolic syndrome, according to the NHS, is the medical term for a combination of diabetes, high blood pressure (hypertension) and obesity. Therefore, people are more likely to have metabolic syndrome if they are overweight, and have poor or high levels of cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar.
(3º§) However, the new study, by Ohio State University, suggests green tea could improve all these factors. And in turn, it could slash the odds of deadly complications related to metabolic syndrome - coronary heart disease and stroke. A group of 40 people were recruited for the study. For one part of the study, they took green tea supplements for 28 days.
(4º§) The gummy sweets contained the compound catechinsdose and was the equivalent of five cups of green tea. ___ another 28 days, they had dummy pills, according to the findings published in Current Developments in Nutrition. In both parts of the experiments they ate a diet that was low in fruit and veg to make sure any positive results could be attributed to green tea, and not a healthy diet.
(5º§) The results showed that fasting blood glucose levels for all participants were significantly lower during the green-tea phase. Poo samples showed fewer markers of gut inflammation, and "leaky gut" was reduced. Leaky gut, or gut permeability, is when the gut lining has cracks or holes in, allowing bacteria to enter the bloodstream and cause inflammation.
(6º§) This is thought to be an "initiating factor for obesity and insulin resistance, which are central to all cardiometabolic disorders", according to Richard Bruno, senior study author and professor of human nutrition. He said: "If we can improve gut integrity and reduce leaky gut, the thought is we'll be able to not only alleviate low-grade inflammation that initiates cardiometabolic disorders, but potentially reverse them."
(7º§) All the participants - half healthy and half with metabolic syndrome - saw benefits, an unexpected finding for the research team. Prof Bruno said: "What this tells us is that within one month we're able to lower blood glucose ___ both people with metabolic syndrome and healthy people.
(8º§) "The lowering of blood glucose appears to be related to decreasing leaky gut and decreasing gut inflammation - regardless of health status." But Prof Bruno added: "We did not attempt to cure metabolic syndrome with a one-month study. "But based on what we know about the causal factors behind metabolic syndrome, there is potential for green tea to be acting at least in part ___ the gut level to alleviate the risk for either developing it or reversing it if you already have metabolic syndrome."
(9º§) Most often, doctors will tell people at risk of metabolic syndrome to improve their lifestyle habits - eat healthier and exercise more. "Unfortunately, we know most persons can't comply with lifestyle modifications for various reasons," Prof Bruno said. Green tea isn't as popular in the Western world as it is in the East, where it has origins in China.
(10º§) It's touted as a healthy drink because studies have found evidence it helps with weight loss, heart disease risk and even cancer. But the findings aren't very strong and are often observational, have small sample sizes or other limitations.
Choose the alternative that correctly fills in the blanks of paragraphs 04, 07 and 08.
O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder às questões de 28 a 32.
Popular hot drink 'lowers blood glucose levels in weeks - and could help prevent diabetes and silent killers'
(1º§) Drinking more green tea made significant improvements to health - a finding which surprised US researchers. They believe the brew could offset risk factors that are linked to metabolic syndrome.
(2º§) Metabolic syndrome, according to the NHS, is the medical term for a combination of diabetes, high blood pressure (hypertension) and obesity. Therefore, people are more likely to have metabolic syndrome if they are overweight, and have poor or high levels of cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar.
(3º§) However, the new study, by Ohio State University, suggests green tea could improve all these factors. And in turn, it could slash the odds of deadly complications related to metabolic syndrome - coronary heart disease and stroke. A group of 40 people were recruited for the study. For one part of the study, they took green tea supplements for 28 days.
(4º§) The gummy sweets contained the compound catechinsdose and was the equivalent of five cups of green tea. ___ another 28 days, they had dummy pills, according to the findings published in Current Developments in Nutrition. In both parts of the experiments they ate a diet that was low in fruit and veg to make sure any positive results could be attributed to green tea, and not a healthy diet.
(5º§) The results showed that fasting blood glucose levels for all participants were significantly lower during the green-tea phase. Poo samples showed fewer markers of gut inflammation, and "leaky gut" was reduced. Leaky gut, or gut permeability, is when the gut lining has cracks or holes in, allowing bacteria to enter the bloodstream and cause inflammation.
(6º§) This is thought to be an "initiating factor for obesity and insulin resistance, which are central to all cardiometabolic disorders", according to Richard Bruno, senior study author and professor of human nutrition. He said: "If we can improve gut integrity and reduce leaky gut, the thought is we'll be able to not only alleviate low-grade inflammation that initiates cardiometabolic disorders, but potentially reverse them."
(7º§) All the participants - half healthy and half with metabolic syndrome - saw benefits, an unexpected finding for the research team. Prof Bruno said: "What this tells us is that within one month we're able to lower blood glucose ___ both people with metabolic syndrome and healthy people.
(8º§) "The lowering of blood glucose appears to be related to decreasing leaky gut and decreasing gut inflammation - regardless of health status." But Prof Bruno added: "We did not attempt to cure metabolic syndrome with a one-month study. "But based on what we know about the causal factors behind metabolic syndrome, there is potential for green tea to be acting at least in part ___ the gut level to alleviate the risk for either developing it or reversing it if you already have metabolic syndrome."
(9º§) Most often, doctors will tell people at risk of metabolic syndrome to improve their lifestyle habits - eat healthier and exercise more. "Unfortunately, we know most persons can't comply with lifestyle modifications for various reasons," Prof Bruno said. Green tea isn't as popular in the Western world as it is in the East, where it has origins in China.
(10º§) It's touted as a healthy drink because studies have found evidence it helps with weight loss, heart disease risk and even cancer. But the findings aren't very strong and are often observational, have small sample sizes or other limitations.
(4º§) "In both parts of the experiments they ate a diet [...]."
Which verb tense the sentence above is?