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Q1739958 Inglês
Which alternative presents the sequence in which all words have a silent letter:
Q1739957 Inglês
Which alternative contains the correct use of the modal verb?
I- I don't know why I am so tired these days. I might be working too hard. Or maybe I am not sleeping too well. II- Do you know where Carl is? He should be out - his car keys are on the table. III- Go and look in the kitchen for your gloves. They can’t be in there. IV- Dan has been drinking that whiskey since early this afternoon. He must be totally drunk by now.
The correct alternative is:
Q1739956 Inglês

The correct preposition to complete the sentence below is:

_______ the daytime the streets are crowded, but ______ night they are deserted.

Q1739955 Inglês
The correct preposition to complete the sentence below is:
The picture is familiar ____ me. In other words, I'm familiar ______ the picture.
Q1739954 Inglês

The correct preposition to complete the sentence below is:

Bamboo can be made _____ fishing poles.

Q1739953 Inglês
Which sequence represents the correct use of subject and verb agreement for the sentence below:
I- The United Nations was founded in 1945. II- Politics is a subject taught in all schools. III- A number of teenagers is playing on the playground. IV- The number of people who own cars is increasing. V- Neither his brother nor his sister work in the hospital.
Q1739952 Inglês
Which sequence represents the correct use of passive voice for the sentence below:
The grandmother __________ that her grandson _________ in the school.
I- is told – was taken good care of II- was telled – was taken good care of III- has told – taken good care of IV- was told – had been taken good care of
Check the correct alternative:
Q1739951 Inglês
Which of the sentences below expresses the correct use of past simple form?
I- They understanded what the student said in class yesterday. II- The dog bit his finger. III- He throwed the ball at me. IV- The strong wind blew off her hat.
Check the correct alternative:
Q1739950 Inglês
Match the second column according to the first, which refers to the verb patterns of the underlined sentences:
First column: verb pattern 1- Verb followed by a direct object 2- Verb followed by a direct object and an indirect object 3- Verb with no object
Second column: sentence ( ) I would never have had that coffee if I’d known it would stop me sleeping. ( ) Her eyes shone in the darkness, reflecting the light from the candle. ( ) Ben quietly handed her the letter, looking rather nervous.
Check the correct alternative:
Q1739949 Inglês
What is the alternative that presents the correct auxiliary verb?
I- Tell me, have you coming to the party? II- They will finished the job. III- What do she do every Sunday? IV- I would like to watch TV. There is a good film on. V- She did always wanted to meet him.
The correct alternative is:
Q1739948 Inglês

Look at the extract from a novel and answer the question below:

Check the correct alternative:
I- there is a compound noun in line 6. II- There is a noun suffix in line 12. III- in line 11 there is a word containing 3 morphemes. IV- in line 7 there is a word containing the genitive case.
Q1739947 Inglês
What is the correct sequence for the stress patterns below:
I- Imagem associada para resolução da questão international – vegetarian II- Imagem associada para resolução da questão extravagante – presentation III- Imagem associada para resolução da questão apartamento block – public transportation IV- Imagem associada para resolução da questão calculator – supermarket
Check the correct alternative:
Q1739946 Inglês
Match the second column according to the first, which refers to the function of the underlined sentences:
First column: function 1- Give a reason 2- Express condition 3- Show a result
Second column: sentence ( ) It was such an enjoyable party that I stayed longer than I’d planned. ( ) As it might rain at the weekend, I’ve rented a couple of DVDs. ( ) Provided you pay me back next week, I’ll lend you the money.
Check the correct alternative:
Q1739945 Inglês
Which of the sentences below express the correct use of “could”:
I- That could be Judith on the phone = to express present possibility II- I could hear a funny noise coming from somewhere in the engine = to express past ability III- It could snow! Look at the sky! = to express future possibility IV- you could try asking me before you use my comb, you know. = to give permission
Check the correct alternative:
Q1739944 Inglês
The group of words rare and hair, meat and street, money and sunny are examples of:
Q1739943 Inglês
What is the alternative that presents the correct text about technologies for English language teaching?
( ) Benefiting thousands of students in classrooms around the world. For many students and teachers, this solution is not new, but its use has become increasingly creative and relevant in the school context. It allows us to explore additional resources within the courseware, as well as being another tool in the teacher's service to capture attention and promote student engagement. ( ) While teachers have to battle for the attention of students in the classroom, it is also well known that the long, expository lecture model is dated. The way we consume content has undergone a major transformation over the last few decades. For new generations, bombarded by different content and information all the time - and in different media - it has become challenging to focus on one task for long periods of time. The social networks themselves offer evidence of this change: Twitter, with its posts up to 280 characters; or Snapchat, with its short images and videos that expire in 24 hours. In this context came the expression microlearning. This technology is the fragmentation of educational content so that it is more easily assimilated by the student. It’s is ideal for digital format, whether it is for content exposure or for reviewing concepts explored during class, through videos, games, animations, etc. ( ) It is already possible to glimpse this technology, especially among children and adolescents. Whenever they are connected, young people are receiving or streaming this technology: Evidence of this reality is the phenomenon of YouTubers. In the educational context, it is possible to follow this trend seeking to offer hangouts (debates and live broadcasts), video lessons, animations and video calls that enable contact with people from different places, realities, etc. Also, encouraging students to produce content in this technological tool format can be a way to generate greater engagement. ( ) Many schools and many teachers find it difficult to handle with this technology in the classroom. When rules of use are not established early in the year, or when they are not clear to students, it is very easy for it to become a discipline issue. There are many applications for educational purposes, many offered by schools themselves and education systems. Digital books, augmented reality, educational games, animations, video lessons and problem solving are just some of the features that can be accessed through that. Generation Z students are immersed in technology 24 hours a day. Going forward, the trend is to find more teachers and students using this technology in the classroom, with educational goals.
Q1739942 Inglês
The group of words “rock hard”, “soft boiled”, “melting point” are examples of:
Q1739941 Inglês
The group of words “See and Sea”, “Tale and Tail”, “Where and Wear” are examples of:
Q1739940 Inglês
Which alternative presents the correct option to complete the blanks in the text below, according to cohesion and coherence:
Born in poverty, he moved with his family to Indiana and Illinois. Largely self-taught, he became a lawyer. He served in the state legislature (1834-41), moving to Springfield, during his tenure, and in the U.S House of Representatives (1847-49). A supporter of the new Republican Party in its antislavery stand in 1858 he ____ for U.S. Senate against the incumbent, Stephen A. Douglas though he was unsuccessful, their eloquent debates _______ Lincoln to national attention. In 1860 he won the Republican presidential nomination and was elected president. Though Lincoln ____ expressed a moderate view on slavery during the campaign, opposing only its extension into new states, the South seceded and the Civil War began in 1861. The war dominated Lincoln’s administration. To unite the North and influence foreign opinion, he issued the landmark Emancipation Proclamation in 1863. His extraordinary Gettysburg Address later that year further ennobled the war's purpose; it contains the most celebrated language ____ spoken by an American politician. He was re-elected in 1864, and in his eloquent Second Inaugural Address he ______ for moderation in reconstructing the South and in building a harmonious Union. Five days after the war's end, he was shot by the fanatic John Wilkes Booth. His reputation among U.S. presidents remains unsurpassed.
Check the alternative with the correct sequence:
Q1739939 Pedagogia
À luz do Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente, analise os casos abaixo que os dirigentes de estabelecimentos de ensino fundamental devem comunicar ao Conselho Tutelar e identifique o(s) correto(s):
I- Casos de maus-tratos envolvendo seus alunos. II- Casos de reiteração de faltas injustificadas, esgotados os recursos escolares. III- Evasão escolar, desde que esgotados os recursos escolares.
Assinale a alternativa correta que indica os casos que deverão ser comunicados ao Conselho Tutelar:
461: A
462: A
463: B
464: C
465: A
466: C
467: B
468: E
469: E
470: D
471: E
472: B
473: E
474: B
475: C
476: A
477: A
478: D
479: D
480: E