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Examine the description below.
[…] many dialogues; mimicry; memorization of set phrases; presentation of new structural patterns and vocabulary through oral repetition and memorization of scripted dialogues; reading and written work based on earlier oral work, sometimes given as homework.
The methods above are referring to:
Analyze the fragment.
Sociocultural issues:
I - Offer the opportunity to identify with the foreign and national culture through artistic productions;
II - Explore verbal, non-verbal and visual activities that contextualize a production historically and artistically;
III - Promote extracurricular activities, preventing students to become agents of transformation.
(Perna, C. B. L., Molsing, K. V., & Ramos, Y. S. Teaching and Learning English)
Choose the correct option according to the context.
Reading comprehension is usually taught in schools in one of two ways. One method is to have students read a text, and then read comments or answer questions about the text. ______. This method stresses important components of reading comprehension, but treats them purely as products (i.e., interpretations) rather than as processes (i.e., constructing interpretations). (
Choose the best option that completes the context.
I - Before reading, they: use prior knowledge to think about the topic; make predictions about the probable meaning of the text; preview the text by skimming and scanning to get a sense of the overall meaning; II - During reading, they: monitor understanding by questioning, thinking about, and disregarding the ideas and information in the text; III - Reading, they: reflect upon the ideas and information in the text; relate what they have read to their own experiences and knowledge; clarify their understanding of the text; extend their understanding in critical and creative ways.
Indicate the correct option according to the context.
I. Renovada não diretiva; II. Libertária; III. Renovada progressivista; IV. Crítico-social dos conteúdos.
Sobre os itens acima é correto afirmar que:
I. Se preocupa com o como ensinar, ou seja, com métodos e técnicas, julgamos importante, antes de estudá-los, refletir sobre o seu fundamento, sobre as razões do seu emprego e sobre os fatores que intervêm em sua aplicação; II. Consiste na formação pedagógica do professor na prática reflexiva, tendo como apoio a teoria que informa, conflita e ressignifica a prática, criando novos elementos para aprimorar a teoria; III. É a disciplina que estuda os objetivos, os conteúdos, os meios e as condições do processo de ensino, tendo em vista finalidades educacionais que são sempre sociais; ela se fundamenta na Metodologia, sendo assim uma disciplina metodológica.
Dos itens acima:
Os trechos acima fazem referência a qual cidade de Santa Catarina?
“O Brasil é o ____________ maior emissor de gases estufa do mundo, sendo responsável por aproximadamente 2,7% da liberação de poluentes.” (Fonte adaptada:>acesso em 30 de julho de 2019)
Leia a frase a seguir:
“Gregório XIV escreveu o capítulo XI do livro mais famoso do mundo.”
Os termos destacados representam respectivamente: