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Q3137308 Inglês
The Anglo-Saxon period in English literature, spanning from the 5th to the 11th centuries, produced foundational works with themes of heroism, fate, and the struggle for survival. Which of the following works is considered a central piece of Anglo-Saxon literature and is known for its portrayal of a hero's battle against monsters?
Q3137307 Inglês
In the field of Pragmatics, which examines how context influences the interpretation of language, "implicature" is an important concept. Which of the following best describes "implicature"?
Q3137306 Inglês
In the study of Syntax, Transformational-Generative Grammar, proposed by Noam Chomsky, differs significantly from traditional grammar approaches. Which of the following best describes a fundamental distinction between these two?
Q3137305 Inglês
O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder à questão.

Fossils show flying reptiles ate squid and fish

Prehistoric flying reptiles lived on a diet of small fish and squid, the latest scientific research has shown.

Researcher Dr Roy Smith said stomach contents discovered in fossils were the "smoking gun" evidence for the diets.

The findings were made by scientists from the University of Portsmouth and the Staatliches Museum fur Naturkunde Stuttgart in Germany and published in the Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology.

Pterosaurs lived 182 million years ago and had wingspans of up to 12m (39ft).

The team analysed the fossilised stomach contents of two pterosaur species, dorygnathus and campylognathoides.

They lived during the early Jurassic period, and were found in modern-day south-west Germany.

They found that dorygnathus ate small fish for its last meal while campylognathoides ate prehistoric squid.

Dr Smith, from Portsmouth University's School of Environment and Life Sciences, said: "It is incredibly rare to find 180 million-year-old pterosaurs preserved with their stomach contents, and provides 'smoking gun' evidence for pterosaur diets.

"The discovery offers a unique and fascinating glimpse into how these ancient creatures lived, what they ate, and the ecosystems they thrived in millions of years ago."  

Dr Samuel Cooper, also from the University of Portsmouth, said the stomach contents told scientists "how the animals interacted with each other".

He added: "For me, this evidence of squid remains in the stomach of campylognathoides is therefore particularly exciting.

"Until now, we tended to assume that it fed on fish, similar to dorygnathus, in which we found small fish bones as stomach contents.

"The fact that these two pterosaur species ate different prey shows that they were likely specialised for different diets.

"This allowed dorygnathus and campylognathoides to coexist in the same habitat without much competition for food between the two species."
Why does Dr. Samuel Cooper find the squid remains in the stomach of campylognathoides "particularly exciting"?
Q3137304 Inglês
O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder à questão.

Fossils show flying reptiles ate squid and fish

Prehistoric flying reptiles lived on a diet of small fish and squid, the latest scientific research has shown.

Researcher Dr Roy Smith said stomach contents discovered in fossils were the "smoking gun" evidence for the diets.

The findings were made by scientists from the University of Portsmouth and the Staatliches Museum fur Naturkunde Stuttgart in Germany and published in the Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology.

Pterosaurs lived 182 million years ago and had wingspans of up to 12m (39ft).

The team analysed the fossilised stomach contents of two pterosaur species, dorygnathus and campylognathoides.

They lived during the early Jurassic period, and were found in modern-day south-west Germany.

They found that dorygnathus ate small fish for its last meal while campylognathoides ate prehistoric squid.

Dr Smith, from Portsmouth University's School of Environment and Life Sciences, said: "It is incredibly rare to find 180 million-year-old pterosaurs preserved with their stomach contents, and provides 'smoking gun' evidence for pterosaur diets.

"The discovery offers a unique and fascinating glimpse into how these ancient creatures lived, what they ate, and the ecosystems they thrived in millions of years ago."  

Dr Samuel Cooper, also from the University of Portsmouth, said the stomach contents told scientists "how the animals interacted with each other".

He added: "For me, this evidence of squid remains in the stomach of campylognathoides is therefore particularly exciting.

"Until now, we tended to assume that it fed on fish, similar to dorygnathus, in which we found small fish bones as stomach contents.

"The fact that these two pterosaur species ate different prey shows that they were likely specialised for different diets.

"This allowed dorygnathus and campylognathoides to coexist in the same habitat without much competition for food between the two species."
In the text, the phrase "smoking gun" evidence is used to describe the fossil findings. Which of the following best explains the meaning of "smoking gun" in this context?
Q3137303 Inglês
O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder à questão.

Fossils show flying reptiles ate squid and fish

Prehistoric flying reptiles lived on a diet of small fish and squid, the latest scientific research has shown.

Researcher Dr Roy Smith said stomach contents discovered in fossils were the "smoking gun" evidence for the diets.

The findings were made by scientists from the University of Portsmouth and the Staatliches Museum fur Naturkunde Stuttgart in Germany and published in the Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology.

Pterosaurs lived 182 million years ago and had wingspans of up to 12m (39ft).

The team analysed the fossilised stomach contents of two pterosaur species, dorygnathus and campylognathoides.

They lived during the early Jurassic period, and were found in modern-day south-west Germany.

They found that dorygnathus ate small fish for its last meal while campylognathoides ate prehistoric squid.

Dr Smith, from Portsmouth University's School of Environment and Life Sciences, said: "It is incredibly rare to find 180 million-year-old pterosaurs preserved with their stomach contents, and provides 'smoking gun' evidence for pterosaur diets.

"The discovery offers a unique and fascinating glimpse into how these ancient creatures lived, what they ate, and the ecosystems they thrived in millions of years ago."  

Dr Samuel Cooper, also from the University of Portsmouth, said the stomach contents told scientists "how the animals interacted with each other".

He added: "For me, this evidence of squid remains in the stomach of campylognathoides is therefore particularly exciting.

"Until now, we tended to assume that it fed on fish, similar to dorygnathus, in which we found small fish bones as stomach contents.

"The fact that these two pterosaur species ate different prey shows that they were likely specialised for different diets.

"This allowed dorygnathus and campylognathoides to coexist in the same habitat without much competition for food between the two species."
In the sentence, "The discovery offers a unique and fascinating glimpse into how these ancient creatures lived, what they ate, and the ecosystems they thrived in millions of years ago," which of the following is the most accurate translation into Portuguese?
Q3137302 Inglês
O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder à questão.

Fossils show flying reptiles ate squid and fish

Prehistoric flying reptiles lived on a diet of small fish and squid, the latest scientific research has shown.

Researcher Dr Roy Smith said stomach contents discovered in fossils were the "smoking gun" evidence for the diets.

The findings were made by scientists from the University of Portsmouth and the Staatliches Museum fur Naturkunde Stuttgart in Germany and published in the Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology.

Pterosaurs lived 182 million years ago and had wingspans of up to 12m (39ft).

The team analysed the fossilised stomach contents of two pterosaur species, dorygnathus and campylognathoides.

They lived during the early Jurassic period, and were found in modern-day south-west Germany.

They found that dorygnathus ate small fish for its last meal while campylognathoides ate prehistoric squid.

Dr Smith, from Portsmouth University's School of Environment and Life Sciences, said: "It is incredibly rare to find 180 million-year-old pterosaurs preserved with their stomach contents, and provides 'smoking gun' evidence for pterosaur diets.

"The discovery offers a unique and fascinating glimpse into how these ancient creatures lived, what they ate, and the ecosystems they thrived in millions of years ago."  

Dr Samuel Cooper, also from the University of Portsmouth, said the stomach contents told scientists "how the animals interacted with each other".

He added: "For me, this evidence of squid remains in the stomach of campylognathoides is therefore particularly exciting.

"Until now, we tended to assume that it fed on fish, similar to dorygnathus, in which we found small fish bones as stomach contents.

"The fact that these two pterosaur species ate different prey shows that they were likely specialised for different diets.

"This allowed dorygnathus and campylognathoides to coexist in the same habitat without much competition for food between the two species."
In the sentence, "They found that dorygnathus ate small fish for its last meal while campylognathoides ate prehistoric squid," what does "they" refer to?
Q3137301 Inglês
O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder à questão.

Fossils show flying reptiles ate squid and fish

Prehistoric flying reptiles lived on a diet of small fish and squid, the latest scientific research has shown.

Researcher Dr Roy Smith said stomach contents discovered in fossils were the "smoking gun" evidence for the diets.

The findings were made by scientists from the University of Portsmouth and the Staatliches Museum fur Naturkunde Stuttgart in Germany and published in the Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology.

Pterosaurs lived 182 million years ago and had wingspans of up to 12m (39ft).

The team analysed the fossilised stomach contents of two pterosaur species, dorygnathus and campylognathoides.

They lived during the early Jurassic period, and were found in modern-day south-west Germany.

They found that dorygnathus ate small fish for its last meal while campylognathoides ate prehistoric squid.

Dr Smith, from Portsmouth University's School of Environment and Life Sciences, said: "It is incredibly rare to find 180 million-year-old pterosaurs preserved with their stomach contents, and provides 'smoking gun' evidence for pterosaur diets.

"The discovery offers a unique and fascinating glimpse into how these ancient creatures lived, what they ate, and the ecosystems they thrived in millions of years ago."  

Dr Samuel Cooper, also from the University of Portsmouth, said the stomach contents told scientists "how the animals interacted with each other".

He added: "For me, this evidence of squid remains in the stomach of campylognathoides is therefore particularly exciting.

"Until now, we tended to assume that it fed on fish, similar to dorygnathus, in which we found small fish bones as stomach contents.

"The fact that these two pterosaur species ate different prey shows that they were likely specialised for different diets.

"This allowed dorygnathus and campylognathoides to coexist in the same habitat without much competition for food between the two species."
Based on the scientists' findings about dorygnathus and campylognathoides, what can be inferred about the ecosystem in which they lived?
Q3137255 Biologia
A Biogeografia estuda a distribuição das espécies e os fatores que influenciam essa distribuição no espaço e no tempo. Qual das alternativas abaixo explica corretamente um conceito fundamental da Biogeografia e seu impacto na diversidade biológica?
Q3137254 Geografia
Os processos de formação do relevo terrestre são influenciados por fatores endógenos e exógenos. Qual das alternativas a seguir descreve corretamente um exemplo de processo endógeno e seu impacto no relevo?
Q3137253 Geografia
A hidrografia estuda a distribuição, movimento e propriedades das águas em diferentes ambientes. Qual das alternativas abaixo descreve corretamente um conceito importante na hidrografia e seu impacto nos ecossistemas aquáticos?
Q3137252 Geografia
O conceito de escalas cartográficas é crucial para a interpretação de mapas. Qual das alternativas abaixo apresenta corretamente as implicações do uso de diferentes escalas na cartografia?
Q3137251 Geografia
A Geografia Urbana estuda as dinâmicas e as interações das áreas urbanas. Qual das alternativas abaixo reflete corretamente um conceito ou fenômeno relevante na Geografia Urbana e suas implicações para a gestão das cidades?
Q3137250 Geografia
A Geografia Cultural estuda as interações entre cultura e espaço, abordando como as práticas culturais moldam e são moldadas pelo ambiente. Qual das alternativas abaixo descreve corretamente um conceito relevante da Geografia Cultural e suas implicações para a diversidade cultural?
Q3137249 Geografia
A Geografia Agrária analisa as relações entre a agricultura, o espaço rural e as práticas sociais. Qual das alternativas abaixo reflete corretamente um conceito ou fenômeno importante na Geografia Agrária e suas implicações para a produção agrícola?
Q3137248 Pedagogia
A Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC) propõe uma abordagem de ensino que valoriza a formação de competências no ensino de Geografia. Qual das alternativas abaixo melhor descreve uma competência que deve ser desenvolvida de acordo com a BNCC?
Q3137247 Geografia
A Geopolítica analisa as relações de poder no espaço global e as influências territoriais sobre a política internacional. Qual das alternativas abaixo descreve corretamente um conceito ou fenômeno relevante na Geopolítica contemporânea?
Q3137246 Geografia
O pensamento geográfico passou por diversas transformações ao longo do tempo. A transição entre a Geografia Tradicional e a Geografia Crítica marcou uma nova etapa no campo. Qual das alternativas a seguir melhor expressa a principal crítica que a Geografia Crítica faz à Geografia Tradicional?
Q3137245 Geografia
A geomorfologia estuda as formas da superfície terrestre e os processos que as moldam. Qual dos processos geomorfológicos abaixo é especificamente associado à formação de relevo em áreas áridas e semiáridas, e qual é o principal resultado desse processo?
Q3137244 Geografia
Os fenômenos El Niño e La Niña estão associados a variações na temperatura da superfície do Oceano Pacífico, afetando padrões climáticos globais. Qual das alternativas a seguir descreve corretamente as principais características do fenômeno La Niña e seus impactos nas condições atmosféricas?
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400: B