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Q1718404 Inglês
The author said to me: Did you buy my book? The previous sentence in the Reported Speech is:
Q1718403 Inglês
Read the text below and answer the question:

China has unveiled ambitious plans to drastically reduce single-use plastics by 2025. China's National Development and Reform Commission is fast-tracking a number of measures designed to slash the production and use of plastics over the next five years. It announced that by the end of 2020, non-biodegradable plastic bags will be banned in supermarkets and shopping malls in major cities. The ban will also apply to food delivery services, which use vast amounts of the plastics. Single-use plastic straws and cutlery used by food takeaway services will be banned nationwide by the end of this year. China will encourage the use of alternative materials such as non-plastic products and biodegradable shopping bags.
Single-use plastics are one of the world's biggest sources of plastic pollution. They have become a ubiquitous part of daily life and a part of our throwaway culture. The Chinese authorities set a goal of reducing the "intensity of consumption" in order to reverse our reliance on single-use plastics. Previous regulations to curb plastic use, in 2008, led to an estimated cut in plastic bag production of 67 billion bags. The United Nations said it is urgent that all countries adopt policies similar to those China is introducing. It said: "We are already unable to cope with the amount of plastic waste we generate, unless we rethink the way we manufacture, use and manage plastics."
 Available on: Accessed on January, 22nd 2020.
Identify the idea expressed by the verb in bold in: “...plastic bags will be banned...”
Q1718402 Inglês
Read the text below and answer the question:

China has unveiled ambitious plans to drastically reduce single-use plastics by 2025. China's National Development and Reform Commission is fast-tracking a number of measures designed to slash the production and use of plastics over the next five years. It announced that by the end of 2020, non-biodegradable plastic bags will be banned in supermarkets and shopping malls in major cities. The ban will also apply to food delivery services, which use vast amounts of the plastics. Single-use plastic straws and cutlery used by food takeaway services will be banned nationwide by the end of this year. China will encourage the use of alternative materials such as non-plastic products and biodegradable shopping bags.
Single-use plastics are one of the world's biggest sources of plastic pollution. They have become a ubiquitous part of daily life and a part of our throwaway culture. The Chinese authorities set a goal of reducing the "intensity of consumption" in order to reverse our reliance on single-use plastics. Previous regulations to curb plastic use, in 2008, led to an estimated cut in plastic bag production of 67 billion bags. The United Nations said it is urgent that all countries adopt policies similar to those China is introducing. It said: "We are already unable to cope with the amount of plastic waste we generate, unless we rethink the way we manufacture, use and manage plastics."
 Available on: Accessed on January, 22nd 2020.
“...non-biodegradable plastic bags will be banned in supermarkets...” The previous sentence is an example of:
Q1718401 Inglês
Read the text below and answer the question:

China has unveiled ambitious plans to drastically reduce single-use plastics by 2025. China's National Development and Reform Commission is fast-tracking a number of measures designed to slash the production and use of plastics over the next five years. It announced that by the end of 2020, non-biodegradable plastic bags will be banned in supermarkets and shopping malls in major cities. The ban will also apply to food delivery services, which use vast amounts of the plastics. Single-use plastic straws and cutlery used by food takeaway services will be banned nationwide by the end of this year. China will encourage the use of alternative materials such as non-plastic products and biodegradable shopping bags.
Single-use plastics are one of the world's biggest sources of plastic pollution. They have become a ubiquitous part of daily life and a part of our throwaway culture. The Chinese authorities set a goal of reducing the "intensity of consumption" in order to reverse our reliance on single-use plastics. Previous regulations to curb plastic use, in 2008, led to an estimated cut in plastic bag production of 67 billion bags. The United Nations said it is urgent that all countries adopt policies similar to those China is introducing. It said: "We are already unable to cope with the amount of plastic waste we generate, unless we rethink the way we manufacture, use and manage plastics."
 Available on: Accessed on January, 22nd 2020.
They have become a ubiquitous part of daily life...” The underlined word can be translated as:
Q1718400 Inglês
Read the text below and answer the question:

China has unveiled ambitious plans to drastically reduce single-use plastics by 2025. China's National Development and Reform Commission is fast-tracking a number of measures designed to slash the production and use of plastics over the next five years. It announced that by the end of 2020, non-biodegradable plastic bags will be banned in supermarkets and shopping malls in major cities. The ban will also apply to food delivery services, which use vast amounts of the plastics. Single-use plastic straws and cutlery used by food takeaway services will be banned nationwide by the end of this year. China will encourage the use of alternative materials such as non-plastic products and biodegradable shopping bags.
Single-use plastics are one of the world's biggest sources of plastic pollution. They have become a ubiquitous part of daily life and a part of our throwaway culture. The Chinese authorities set a goal of reducing the "intensity of consumption" in order to reverse our reliance on single-use plastics. Previous regulations to curb plastic use, in 2008, led to an estimated cut in plastic bag production of 67 billion bags. The United Nations said it is urgent that all countries adopt policies similar to those China is introducing. It said: "We are already unable to cope with the amount of plastic waste we generate, unless we rethink the way we manufacture, use and manage plastics."
 Available on: Accessed on January, 22nd 2020.
“...a part of our throwaway culture.” The underlined word has as a synonym:
Q1718399 Inglês
Read the text below and answer the question:

China has unveiled ambitious plans to drastically reduce single-use plastics by 2025. China's National Development and Reform Commission is fast-tracking a number of measures designed to slash the production and use of plastics over the next five years. It announced that by the end of 2020, non-biodegradable plastic bags will be banned in supermarkets and shopping malls in major cities. The ban will also apply to food delivery services, which use vast amounts of the plastics. Single-use plastic straws and cutlery used by food takeaway services will be banned nationwide by the end of this year. China will encourage the use of alternative materials such as non-plastic products and biodegradable shopping bags.
Single-use plastics are one of the world's biggest sources of plastic pollution. They have become a ubiquitous part of daily life and a part of our throwaway culture. The Chinese authorities set a goal of reducing the "intensity of consumption" in order to reverse our reliance on single-use plastics. Previous regulations to curb plastic use, in 2008, led to an estimated cut in plastic bag production of 67 billion bags. The United Nations said it is urgent that all countries adopt policies similar to those China is introducing. It said: "We are already unable to cope with the amount of plastic waste we generate, unless we rethink the way we manufacture, use and manage plastics."
 Available on: Accessed on January, 22nd 2020.
About the text is incorrect:
Q1718398 Inglês
Read the text below and answer the question:

China has unveiled ambitious plans to drastically reduce single-use plastics by 2025. China's National Development and Reform Commission is fast-tracking a number of measures designed to slash the production and use of plastics over the next five years. It announced that by the end of 2020, non-biodegradable plastic bags will be banned in supermarkets and shopping malls in major cities. The ban will also apply to food delivery services, which use vast amounts of the plastics. Single-use plastic straws and cutlery used by food takeaway services will be banned nationwide by the end of this year. China will encourage the use of alternative materials such as non-plastic products and biodegradable shopping bags.
Single-use plastics are one of the world's biggest sources of plastic pollution. They have become a ubiquitous part of daily life and a part of our throwaway culture. The Chinese authorities set a goal of reducing the "intensity of consumption" in order to reverse our reliance on single-use plastics. Previous regulations to curb plastic use, in 2008, led to an estimated cut in plastic bag production of 67 billion bags. The United Nations said it is urgent that all countries adopt policies similar to those China is introducing. It said: "We are already unable to cope with the amount of plastic waste we generate, unless we rethink the way we manufacture, use and manage plastics."
 Available on: Accessed on January, 22nd 2020.
According to the text mark TRUE or FALSE:
(________)China is reducing measures aimed at the production and use of plastics in the next years. (________)Food delivery services will be banned across all China by the end of 2020. (________)A 2008 regulation to reduce the use of plastic saw a decrease of more than 67 billion bags. (________)The United Nations has said that China is unable to cope with the amount of plastic waste it generates.
Respectively, the correct order is:
Q1700468 Enfermagem
Analise as afirmativas abaixo sobre o indicador “Taxa de mortalidade neonatal tardia” e marque Verdadeiro V ou Falso F :
( ) Representa o número de óbitos de 0 a 6 dias de vida completos, por mil nascidos vivos, na população residente em determinado espaço geográfico, no ano considerado. ( ) Reflete, de maneira geral, as condições socioeconômicas e de saúde da mãe, bem como a inadequada assistência pré-natal, ao parto e ao recém-nascido. ( ) É utilizado para subsidiar processos de planejamento, gestão e avaliação de políticas e ações de saúde direcionadas para a atenção pré-natal, ao parto e ao recém-nascido.
A sequência correta é:
Q1700467 Enfermagem
Sobre o processamento de produtos para saúde, é incorreto afirmar que:
Q1700466 Enfermagem
A Meningite é um processo inflamatório das meninges, membranas que envolvem o cérebro e a medula espinhal, causado por bactérias. (Ministério da Saúde, 2017)
No quadro de Meningite, a flexão involuntária da perna sobre a coxa e desta sobre a bacia, ao se tentar fletir a cabeça do paciente caracteriza o sinal de:
Q1700465 Enfermagem
Em abril de 2015, a Organização Pan-Americana da Saúde declarou a Região das Américas livre da rubéola e da síndrome da rubéola congênita. (Ministério da Saúde, 2017)
Analise os itens abaixo relacionados à Rubéola:
I- Doença exantemática aguda, de etiologia bacteriana, que apresenta alta contagiosidade e acomete principalmente mulheres jovens. II- O quadro clínico é caracterizado por exantema máculo-papular e puntiforme difuso, com início na face, couro cabeludo e pescoço, espalhando-se posteriormente para o tronco e membros. III- Não há tratamento específico para a rubéola. Apenas os sinais e sintomas são tratados. IV- Não existem indicações para solicitar e realizar o exame de rotina para rubéola no pré-natal, em gestantes.
São corretos os itens:
Q1700464 Enfermagem
Como política, a Política Nacional de Humanização (PNH) se apresenta como um conjunto de diretrizes transversais que norteiam toda atividade institucional que envolva usuários ou profissionais da Saúde, em qualquer instância de efetuação. (Rios, 2009)
Caracteriza um dos princípios da Política Nacional de Humanização (PNH):
Q1700463 Enfermagem
As precauções para gotículas devem ser utilizadas na prestação de assistência aos pacientes portadores das seguintes doenças, exceto:
Q1700462 Enfermagem
O Técnico em Enfermagem aferiu os sinais vitais de um paciente e encontrou os seguintes dados: pressão arterial 160 x 90 mm Hg e temperatura de 37,9º C.
Diante do quadro apresentado, é correto afirmar que este paciente se encontra:
Q1700461 Enfermagem
Através da visita domiciliar o Agente Comunitário de Saúde (ACS) pode identificar o desejo do indivíduo ou do casal em querer ou não querer filhos, bem como suas necessidades de informação sobre os meios de planejamento familiar.
Caracteriza um exemplo de método de planejamento familiar classificado como “natural”:
Q1700460 Enfermagem
A febre amarela reveste-se da maior importância epidemiológica, por sua gravidade clínica e elevado potencial de disseminação em áreas urbanas.
O mosquito transmissor da febre amarela urbana também pode transmitir a seguinte doença:
Q1700459 Enfermagem
O uso regular de preservativos enseja o aperfeiçoamento da técnica de utilização, reduzindo a frequência de ruptura e escape e aumentando sua eficácia. Esses insumos devem ser promovidos e disponibilizados como parte da rotina de atendimento. (Ministério da Saúde, 2018)
São cuidados com o preservativo masculino, exceto:
Q1700458 Enfermagem
A comunicação de doença, agravo ou evento de saúde pública de notificação compulsória pode ser realizada à autoridade de saúde por qualquer cidadão que deles tenha conhecimento, não ficando portanto restrita a notificação aos profissionais de saúde.
Sobre a periodicidade de notificação destes eventos de saúde pública, doenças e agravos, é correto afirmar que:
Q1700457 Enfermagem
O médico prescreveu para uma criança a administração de 6 ml de Amoxicilina por via oral.
Para cumprimento desta prescrição, o profissional de enfermagem deverá administrar a seguinte quantidade de Amoxicilina:
Q1700456 Enfermagem
Ao administrar qualquer medicamento para um paciente, o profissional da área da saúde, incluindo-se o de enfermagem, tem como objetivo primordial alcançar os efeitos terapêuticos desejados provocando o mínimo de efeitos colaterais. (Cheregatti e Jerônimo, 2010)
Sobre a administração de medicamentos, é incorreto afirmar que:
61: D
62: E
63: C
64: E
65: D
66: B
67: A
68: D
69: B
70: A
71: E
72: E
73: E
74: D
75: B
76: C
77: C
78: E
79: C
80: A