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Q1640152 Inglês
A “gift” is NOT:
Q1640151 Inglês
The meaning of “lavish” is:
Q1640150 Inglês
The synonym of “whole” is:
Q1640149 Inglês
Far from being selfless gestures, giving gifts creates a personal debt

    It would be nice to believe that gifts are genuine tokens of affection, given without any expectation of recompense. (Indeed, Merriam-Webster dictionary defines “gift” as something “voluntarily transferred” and “without compensation.”) But if you’ve ever had the niggling sense that something other than selflessness drives the presents you dutifully exchange with friends and family, then sociology has your back.
    Dimitri Mortelmans, sociology professor at Antwerp University in Belgium, explains that there is far more to gifting than meets the eye. “Gift-giving is one of the ancient early topics in sociology,” he says. “There’s a whole world behind gift-giving that goes very close to the basics of living together.” Gift giving, after all, is a physical symbol of a personal relationship and an expression of social ties that bring individuals together.
    Far from being voluntary, the 20th century French sociologist Marcel Mauss argues that presents are tied up with strict obligations. “To refuse to give, to fail to invite, just as to refuse to accept, is tantamount to declaring war; it is to reject the bond of ___________ and ___________,” he wrote in his 1925 essay “The Gift.” A present is a token of a relationship and a wish to continue that relationship and so, in rejecting a gift, the offer of extended friendship is also rebuffed.
    This gift exchange can be summarized by the Latin phrase: Do Ut des: “I give because I expect you to give something back.”
    We see such attitudes among families and friends, where each person gives out presents worth roughly the same price. This behavior is particularly obvious in the more pressured stakes of a new romantic relationship, where buying an overly lavish present (or a particularly stingy one) could send the wrong signal and cause upset.
    A gift doesn’t necessarily have to be exchanged for another gift. “You don’t need to repay the things given to you in a material way. You can also be nice or perform some other kind of behavior,” says Mortelmans. So for example, someone who can’t afford to buy a gift in return might be especially affectionate or helpful. - adapted.
What is the best explanation for the text?
Q1640148 Inglês
Far from being selfless gestures, giving gifts creates a personal debt

    It would be nice to believe that gifts are genuine tokens of affection, given without any expectation of recompense. (Indeed, Merriam-Webster dictionary defines “gift” as something “voluntarily transferred” and “without compensation.”) But if you’ve ever had the niggling sense that something other than selflessness drives the presents you dutifully exchange with friends and family, then sociology has your back.
    Dimitri Mortelmans, sociology professor at Antwerp University in Belgium, explains that there is far more to gifting than meets the eye. “Gift-giving is one of the ancient early topics in sociology,” he says. “There’s a whole world behind gift-giving that goes very close to the basics of living together.” Gift giving, after all, is a physical symbol of a personal relationship and an expression of social ties that bring individuals together.
    Far from being voluntary, the 20th century French sociologist Marcel Mauss argues that presents are tied up with strict obligations. “To refuse to give, to fail to invite, just as to refuse to accept, is tantamount to declaring war; it is to reject the bond of ___________ and ___________,” he wrote in his 1925 essay “The Gift.” A present is a token of a relationship and a wish to continue that relationship and so, in rejecting a gift, the offer of extended friendship is also rebuffed.
    This gift exchange can be summarized by the Latin phrase: Do Ut des: “I give because I expect you to give something back.”
    We see such attitudes among families and friends, where each person gives out presents worth roughly the same price. This behavior is particularly obvious in the more pressured stakes of a new romantic relationship, where buying an overly lavish present (or a particularly stingy one) could send the wrong signal and cause upset.
    A gift doesn’t necessarily have to be exchanged for another gift. “You don’t need to repay the things given to you in a material way. You can also be nice or perform some other kind of behavior,” says Mortelmans. So for example, someone who can’t afford to buy a gift in return might be especially affectionate or helpful. - adapted.
The grammatical class of the word “back” in the first paragraph is:
Q1640147 Inglês
Far from being selfless gestures, giving gifts creates a personal debt

    It would be nice to believe that gifts are genuine tokens of affection, given without any expectation of recompense. (Indeed, Merriam-Webster dictionary defines “gift” as something “voluntarily transferred” and “without compensation.”) But if you’ve ever had the niggling sense that something other than selflessness drives the presents you dutifully exchange with friends and family, then sociology has your back.
    Dimitri Mortelmans, sociology professor at Antwerp University in Belgium, explains that there is far more to gifting than meets the eye. “Gift-giving is one of the ancient early topics in sociology,” he says. “There’s a whole world behind gift-giving that goes very close to the basics of living together.” Gift giving, after all, is a physical symbol of a personal relationship and an expression of social ties that bring individuals together.
    Far from being voluntary, the 20th century French sociologist Marcel Mauss argues that presents are tied up with strict obligations. “To refuse to give, to fail to invite, just as to refuse to accept, is tantamount to declaring war; it is to reject the bond of ___________ and ___________,” he wrote in his 1925 essay “The Gift.” A present is a token of a relationship and a wish to continue that relationship and so, in rejecting a gift, the offer of extended friendship is also rebuffed.
    This gift exchange can be summarized by the Latin phrase: Do Ut des: “I give because I expect you to give something back.”
    We see such attitudes among families and friends, where each person gives out presents worth roughly the same price. This behavior is particularly obvious in the more pressured stakes of a new romantic relationship, where buying an overly lavish present (or a particularly stingy one) could send the wrong signal and cause upset.
    A gift doesn’t necessarily have to be exchanged for another gift. “You don’t need to repay the things given to you in a material way. You can also be nice or perform some other kind of behavior,” says Mortelmans. So for example, someone who can’t afford to buy a gift in return might be especially affectionate or helpful. - adapted.
About the text, consider the affirmatives below:
I. The text defines “gift” as something “voluntarily transferred” and “without compensation”. II. Better to buy gifts by debit card always. III. Gifts would be genuine tokens of affection, given without any expectation of recompense.
The CORRECT item(s) is(are):
Q1640146 Inglês
Far from being selfless gestures, giving gifts creates a personal debt

    It would be nice to believe that gifts are genuine tokens of affection, given without any expectation of recompense. (Indeed, Merriam-Webster dictionary defines “gift” as something “voluntarily transferred” and “without compensation.”) But if you’ve ever had the niggling sense that something other than selflessness drives the presents you dutifully exchange with friends and family, then sociology has your back.
    Dimitri Mortelmans, sociology professor at Antwerp University in Belgium, explains that there is far more to gifting than meets the eye. “Gift-giving is one of the ancient early topics in sociology,” he says. “There’s a whole world behind gift-giving that goes very close to the basics of living together.” Gift giving, after all, is a physical symbol of a personal relationship and an expression of social ties that bring individuals together.
    Far from being voluntary, the 20th century French sociologist Marcel Mauss argues that presents are tied up with strict obligations. “To refuse to give, to fail to invite, just as to refuse to accept, is tantamount to declaring war; it is to reject the bond of ___________ and ___________,” he wrote in his 1925 essay “The Gift.” A present is a token of a relationship and a wish to continue that relationship and so, in rejecting a gift, the offer of extended friendship is also rebuffed.
    This gift exchange can be summarized by the Latin phrase: Do Ut des: “I give because I expect you to give something back.”
    We see such attitudes among families and friends, where each person gives out presents worth roughly the same price. This behavior is particularly obvious in the more pressured stakes of a new romantic relationship, where buying an overly lavish present (or a particularly stingy one) could send the wrong signal and cause upset.
    A gift doesn’t necessarily have to be exchanged for another gift. “You don’t need to repay the things given to you in a material way. You can also be nice or perform some other kind of behavior,” says Mortelmans. So for example, someone who can’t afford to buy a gift in return might be especially affectionate or helpful. - adapted.
Mark the alternative that fills the text gaps CORRECTLY:
Q1640145 Pedagogia
Em conformidade com a obra de VENTURI, assinalar a alternativa que preenche a lacuna abaixo CORRETAMENTE:
Na perspectiva _______________ de aquisição da linguagem, destaca-se a importância do fato de que a aquisição da língua realiza-se através da negociação na busca do significado.
Q1640144 Pedagogia
Com base na obra de VENTURI e considerando-se algumas teorias de aquisição da linguagem, analisar a sentença abaixo:
As teorias de Chomsky têm sido consideradas importantes instrumentos de análise linguística por trabalharem com a estrutura formal da linguagem (1ª parte). As teorias ambientalistas de aquisição de línguas estão relacionadas a Skinner (2ª parte).
A sentença está
Q1640143 Pedagogia

Com base na obra de VENTURI, assinalar a alternativa que preenche a lacuna abaixo CORRETAMENTE:

A corrente _______________ defendia a aprendizagem da linguagem como sendo fator de exposição ao meio e decorrente de mecanismos comportamentais.

Q1640142 Pedagogia
De acordo com VENTURI, sobre a Teoria Sociocultural para o processo de aquisição de língua estrangeira, marcar C para as afirmativas Certas, E para as Erradas e, após, assinalar a alternativa que apresenta a sequência CORRETA:
(---) Essa teoria procura compreender os processos de construção social das estruturas de cognição, pressupondo o fato de que toda aprendizagem envolve inicialmente negociação interpessoal, para, em momento posterior, envolver negociação intrapessoal. (---) Nesta teoria uma perspectiva dialógica da comunicação torna-se fundamental para a construção conjunta de conhecimentos no processo de aquisição de língua estrangeira.
Q1640141 Pedagogia
Segundo NICHOLLS, como resultado da corrente psicológica cognitivista, o ensino de língua estrangeira passou a se basear em alguns procedimentos, EXCETO:
Q1640140 Pedagogia
De acordo com a obra de NICHOLLS, os princípios cognitivos dizem respeito aos processos mentais envolvidos na aprendizagem. Com base nisso e considerando-se alguns princípios, analisar os itens abaixo:
I. Princípio da automaticidade: a aprendizagem eficiente de uma língua estrangeira envolve inicialmente o domínio de algumas poucas formas linguísticas que vão se transformando gradualmente numa quantidade relativamente ilimitada de expressões comunicativas. II. Princípio da responsabilidade do aprendiz: o aluno constrói o seu próprio conhecimento e é responsável pela sua aprendizagem.
Q1640139 Pedagogia
Segundo NICHOLLS, um dos princípios básicos da teoria cognitivista é o da aprendizagem significativa, consistindo de três fatores influentes na aprendizagem da língua estrangeira:
I. A organização do conhecimento prévio do aprendiz, de seus esquemas mentais (schemata). II. A extensão em que o input (a nova informação a ser aprendida) é passível de ser associado a esquemas mentais. III. O papel ativo do aprendiz em relacionar e integrar a nova aprendizagem ao conhecimento prévio, aos esquemas mentais preexistentes.
Q1640138 Pedagogia
Com base em NICHOLLS, analisar a sentença abaixo:
O papel do Professor de línguas estrangeiras não está em reconhecer a importância da capacidade mental do aluno e ser capaz de ativá-la (1ª parte). O ensino de línguas estrangeiras deve seguir normas semelhantes à aquisição da língua materna. Na aprendizagem, o indivíduo ativa o seu dispositivo inato de aquisição verbal para testar as suas hipóteses acerca do funcionamento da língua e assim proceder ao seu desempenho verbal em situações e contextos comunicativos reais (2ª parte).
A sentença está:
Q1640137 Psicologia
Segundo WHITBOURNE e HALGIN, sobre as causas do comportamento anormal, marcar C para as afirmativas Certas, E para as Erradas e, após, assinalar a alternativa que apresenta a sequência CORRETA:
( ) Biológicas – herança genética, mudanças fisiológicas, exposição a substâncias tóxicas. ( ) Socioculturais – experiências de aprendizagem passada, padrões de pensamentos mal-adaptativos, dificuldades de enfrentar estresse. ( ) Psicológicas – políticas sociais, discriminação, estigma.
Q1640136 Psicologia
De acordo com NASCIMENTO et al., sobre a psicologia como prática política social, assinalar a alternativa que preenche a lacuna abaixo CORRETAMENTE:
Produzir sentidos passa pela configuração de uma _____________________, um lugar-acontecimento; um corpo que acolha a experiência em questão e as questões que premem por experiências.
Q1640135 Psicologia
Segundo MCSHANE e VON GLINOW, sobre o comportamento organizacional, analisar os itens abaixo:
I. É o estudo a respeito do que as pessoas pensam, sentem e fazem dentro e ao redor das organizações. II. Os especialistas em comportamento organizacional englobam o estudo de como as organizações interagem com seus ambientes externos, particularmente no contexto do comportamento e das decisões dos funcionários. III. As pesquisas de comportamento organizacional examinam o comportamento, as decisões, as percepções e as respostas emocionais dos funcionários. IV. Os especialistas em comportamento organizacional estudam a maneira pela qual os indivíduos e as equipes nas organizações se relacionam uns com os outros e com seus homólogos em outras organizações.
Q1640134 Psicologia
Em conformidade com FEIST, FEIST e ROBERTS, assinalar a alternativa que preenche a lacuna abaixo CORRETAMENTE:
Os conteúdos físicos do _______________ são herdados e transmitidos de uma geração para a seguinte como potencial psíquico.
Q1640133 Psicologia
Segundo CUNHA, sobre o exame de estado mental, marcar C para as afirmativas Certas, E para as Erradas e, após, assinalar a alternativa que apresenta a sequência CORRETA:
( ) A atenção é um processo psíquico que não permite concentrar a atividade mental sobre um fato determinado. ( ) A sensopercepção é a capacidade de captar as sensações, através dos receptores sensoriais, e transformá-las em imagens ou sensações no sistema nervoso central. ( ) A orientação é uma das expressões da lucidez psíquica, que depende, fundamentalmente, da integridade do estado de consciência, por meio da qual se identifica a capacidade de consciência temporo-espacial.
41: B
42: B
43: A
44: A
45: D
46: B
47: A
48: C
49: A
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51: B
52: B
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54: D
55: C
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58: D
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60: B