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I – A paisagem decorre das manifestações e fenômenos espaciais que podem ser apreendidos pelo ser humano através de seus sentidos. II – Lugar é denominado por espaços não definidos onde o ser humano consegue autonomia em suas relações sociais passando a ter maiores chances de subir nas classes sociais econômicas e atingir a felicidade. III – O território é um espaço definido, marcado por fronteiras, visíveis ou não, em conformação de poder. IV – Região é divisão racional humana que tem por princípio dividir ou separar uma determinada área, em razão de critérios, para melhor compreensão de um aspecto
Indique a resposta correta:
( ) Atualmente, mais de 80% dos brasileiros encontram-se áreas urbanas. Essa é uma característica marcante em países subdesenvolvidos. ( ) O processo de urbanização se intensificou por volta dos anos 1.950 quando houve instalação e aquecimento da industrialização brasileira. ( ) A urbanização brasileira ocorreu de diferentes formas e intensidades em cada uma das regiões brasileiras ( ) A construção de Brasília, possibilitou um rápido avanço populacional, na Região Centro-Oeste. ( ) A região Sudeste apresentou as maiores taxas de urbanização nas últimas décadas. Isso se ocorre, principalmente, pelos altos números de indústrias instaladas na região.
A ordem correta do preenchimento das afirmações acima é:
I – Corrida espacial II – Capitalismo versus Socialismo III – Blocos econômicos e benefícios comerciais IV – Bipolarização do poder Global ( EUA e URSS) V- Multipolarização VI – Corrida armamentista VII – Globalização
Sobre as opções acima é correto afirmar que:
I – Minas Gerais, Quadrilátero Ferrífero II – Grande São Paulo, Capital III – Pará, Província Mineral de Carajás IV – Estado do Mato Grosso V – Rio de Janeiro, Corcovado
Este domínio acompanha a faixa litorânea do Brasil, desde o Nordeste até o Sul do país. Caracterizase pelo relevo com topografia em “meia laranja”, que é formado pela intensa ação erosiva na estrutura cristalina das Serras do Mar, da Mantiqueira e do Espinhaço. Possui área de relevo planáltico com morros arredondados, sob influência do clima tropical quente e úmido, onde havia originalmente a mata atlântica. Esse domínio sofreu grande degradação pela ação do homem, em consequência da grande ocupação populacional na região, além dos desmatamentos e dos intensos processos erosivos que esse domínio sofre em decorrência de seu relevo acidentado e clima úmido.
Trecho extraído de – Os domínios morfoclimáticos do Brasil
Com base no trecho, acima, assinale a alternativa que corresponde ao domínio morfoclimático descrito:
I – Não faz fronteira com a Coreia do Norte. II – É um país considerado megadiverso, haja vista a grande diversidade na flora e fauna. III – O relevo chinês é muito pouco diversificado.
I: A geomorfologia e área que se empenha em estudar e classificar a dinâmica das formas de relevo. II: Considerando o tempo geológico, as estruturas e as formações litológica brasileiras são consideradas antigas enquanto que o relevo é recente. III: A principal montanha brasileira, denominada Pico da Neblina, está localizada, no norte do Amazonas. IV: O relevo é o produto da ação de agentes internos (endógenos) e externos (exógenos) na crosta terrestre.
Social media influencers
It is estimated that about 40 per cent of the world’s population use social media, and many of these billions of social media users look up to influencers to help them decide what to buy and what trends to follow.
So what is an influencer and how do we become one?
An influencer is a person who can influence the decisions of their followers because of their relationship with their audience and their knowledge and expertise in a particular area, e.g. fashion, travel or technology.
Influencers often have a large following of people who pay close attention to their views. They have the power to persuade people to buy things, and influencers are now seen by many companies as a direct way to customers’ hearts. Brands are now asking powerful influencers to market their products. With some influencers charging up to $25,000 for one social media post, it is no surprise that more and more people are keen to become influencers too. If you are one of them, then here are five tips on how to do it.
1. Choose your niche
What is the area that you know most about? What do you feel most excited talking about? Find the specific area that you’re most interested in and develop it.
2. Choose your medium and write an interesting bio
Most influencers these days are bloggers and micro-bloggers. Decide which medium – such as your own online blog, Instagram or Snapchat – is the best way to connect with your followers and chat about your niche area. When you have done that, write an attention-grabbing bio that describes you and your speciality area in an interesting and unique way. Make sure that people who read your bio will want to follow you.
3. Post regularly and consistently
Many influencers post daily on their social media accounts. The more you post, the more likely people will follow you. Also, ensure that your posts are consistent and possibly follow a theme.
4. Tell an interesting story
Whether it is a photo or a comment that you are posting, use it to tell a story that will catch the attention of your followers and help them connect with you.
5. Make sure people can easily find your content
Publicise your posts on a variety of social media, use hashtags and catchy titles and make sure that they can be easily found. There is no point writing the most exciting blogposts or posting the most attractive photographs if no one is going to see them.
Most importantly, if you want to become a social media influencer, you need to have patience. Keep posting and your following will gradually increase. Good luck!
Fonte: (Acesso em 17/10/2022
às 13h20)
Social media influencers
It is estimated that about 40 per cent of the world’s population use social media, and many of these billions of social media users look up to influencers to help them decide what to buy and what trends to follow.
So what is an influencer and how do we become one?
An influencer is a person who can influence the decisions of their followers because of their relationship with their audience and their knowledge and expertise in a particular area, e.g. fashion, travel or technology.
Influencers often have a large following of people who pay close attention to their views. They have the power to persuade people to buy things, and influencers are now seen by many companies as a direct way to customers’ hearts. Brands are now asking powerful influencers to market their products. With some influencers charging up to $25,000 for one social media post, it is no surprise that more and more people are keen to become influencers too. If you are one of them, then here are five tips on how to do it.
1. Choose your niche
What is the area that you know most about? What do you feel most excited talking about? Find the specific area that you’re most interested in and develop it.
2. Choose your medium and write an interesting bio
Most influencers these days are bloggers and micro-bloggers. Decide which medium – such as your own online blog, Instagram or Snapchat – is the best way to connect with your followers and chat about your niche area. When you have done that, write an attention-grabbing bio that describes you and your speciality area in an interesting and unique way. Make sure that people who read your bio will want to follow you.
3. Post regularly and consistently
Many influencers post daily on their social media accounts. The more you post, the more likely people will follow you. Also, ensure that your posts are consistent and possibly follow a theme.
4. Tell an interesting story
Whether it is a photo or a comment that you are posting, use it to tell a story that will catch the attention of your followers and help them connect with you.
5. Make sure people can easily find your content
Publicise your posts on a variety of social media, use hashtags and catchy titles and make sure that they can be easily found. There is no point writing the most exciting blogposts or posting the most attractive photographs if no one is going to see them.
Most importantly, if you want to become a social media influencer, you need to have patience. Keep posting and your following will gradually increase. Good luck!
Fonte: (Acesso em 17/10/2022
às 13h20)
1. An influencer has to know about a specific topic. 2. Influencers pay up to $25.000,00 to post about a company’s product. 3. An influencer should have a random bio.