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Q2698515 História

Foram fatores importantes para a crise do sistema colonial:

Q2698513 História

No contexto da 1º Guerra Mundial, faziam parte da tríplice entente:

Q2698512 Matemática

Utilizando um Baralho normal de 52 cartas, retirando 1 carta, qual a probabilidade de a carta ser um Rei ou do Naipe de Ouros.

Q2698511 História

Foram características importantes da economia açucareira no período colonial:

Q2698510 Matemática

Dada a função f(x)=x2+7x-9, Determine f(3) e f(7).

Q2698509 História

Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a revolta popular ocorrida no período regencial na província do Grão-Pará:

Q2698508 História

Leia as afirmativas a seguir:

I. A instituição de um governo geral representou um esforço de centralização administrativa, mas isso não significa que o governador geral detivesse todos os poderes, nem que em seus primeiros tempos pudesse exercer uma atividade muito abrangente. A ligação entre as capitanias era bastante precária, limitando o raio de ação dos governadores.

II. Junto com a empresa comercial e o regime de monopólios e latifúndios, o trabalho compulsório também existiu enquanto regra em toda América Latina, ainda com variações. Enquanto na América espanhola predominavam os trabalhos compulsórios, no Brasil, a dominante foi a escravidão.

III. A igreja e a Coroa portuguesa se opuseram à escravização do negro no Brasil Colonial, justificando que estariam mais propensos a rebeliões.

Estão corretas, EXCETO:

Q2698507 História

O termo “Nova História” foi utilizado pela primeira vez em 1978 por membros do chamado grupo dos Annales. Dali ela nasce então enquanto proposta teórica. A respeito da fundação da Escola dos Annales e da “história-problema”, é possível afirmar que:

Q2698505 Matemática

Dado a progressão aritmética (t0; t1; 18; t3; t4; t5; t6; 93). Qual a Razão da PA e o valor do termo t4 ?

Q2698500 Matemática

Dado o polígono regular, Eneágono, determine o número de diagonais.

Q2698499 Matemática

O fabricante XYZ aumentou o valor do produto em 60%, após um mês, como as vendas diminuíram muito, o departamento comercial resolveu voltar ao valor do mês anterior. Qual o desconto percentual deve ser aplicado ao valor atual ?

Q2698498 Matemática

João comprou um carro de R$85.000,00, sabendo da desvalorização de 20% ao ano, qual o valor do carro após 3 anos ?

Q2698469 Inglês

Brit dad is the first person to take

a holiday in the ruins of failed state ISIS

in Northern Iraq

Dad-of-four Andy Drury, 53, had no visas and was in danger of kidnapping from militia d uring his £4,000 three-day break in Mosul, Northern Iraq. But he has _______ back stunning photos of t he former IS stronghold.

Building firm owner Andy, of Guildford, Surrey, has spent the last 20 years touring areas of the planet most people do not dare to go and first visited this a rea in 2016.

He said of one visit to a dangerous area near Mosul : “I was nervous, my heart was in my mouth for 20 minutes.

“We had been turned away by Iraqi forces. If caught , we could have been jailed for spying.”

Andy added: “I must be the first person to be have been a tourist in the ruins of Islamic State.

“My fixer Ammar (not his real name) was right on th e front line for the taking back of Mosul, taking repor ters in there.

“But he said he is more scared with me, with the ne ws reporters he was in an armoured car, but with m e on the front line a couple of years ago, he said I di dn’t wear a vest or helmet or nothing, he said that w as scarier.”

Andy said he doesn’t wear protective clothing beca use he tries to stumble on as little front line fighting as possible.

The businessman is meticulous in the planning of hi s trips and so far has holidayed in no-goareas like Somalia, North Korea and Afghanistan, as well as spending time with the Klu Klux Klan.

Andy said:

“Driving in from Iraq and Kurdistan, all the buildings were beautiful, and then it changes, and I’ve never seen nothing like it, it was like an apocalyptic film.

Fonte: it-dad-holiday-isis-iraq/ Acesso em: 09/Out/2019

The following is an example of word formation b y suffixation:

Q2698467 Inglês

Brit dad is the first person to take

a holiday in the ruins of failed state ISIS

in Northern Iraq

Dad-of-four Andy Drury, 53, had no visas and was in danger of kidnapping from militia d uring his £4,000 three-day break in Mosul, Northern Iraq. But he has _______ back stunning photos of t he former IS stronghold.

Building firm owner Andy, of Guildford, Surrey, has spent the last 20 years touring areas of the planet most people do not dare to go and first visited this a rea in 2016.

He said of one visit to a dangerous area near Mosul : “I was nervous, my heart was in my mouth for 20 minutes.

“We had been turned away by Iraqi forces. If caught , we could have been jailed for spying.”

Andy added: “I must be the first person to be have been a tourist in the ruins of Islamic State.

“My fixer Ammar (not his real name) was right on th e front line for the taking back of Mosul, taking repor ters in there.

“But he said he is more scared with me, with the ne ws reporters he was in an armoured car, but with m e on the front line a couple of years ago, he said I di dn’t wear a vest or helmet or nothing, he said that w as scarier.”

Andy said he doesn’t wear protective clothing beca use he tries to stumble on as little front line fighting as possible.

The businessman is meticulous in the planning of hi s trips and so far has holidayed in no-goareas like Somalia, North Korea and Afghanistan, as well as spending time with the Klu Klux Klan.

Andy said:

“Driving in from Iraq and Kurdistan, all the buildings were beautiful, and then it changes, and I’ve never seen nothing like it, it was like an apocalyptic film.

Fonte: it-dad-holiday-isis-iraq/ Acesso em: 09/Out/2019

De acordo com o PCN, é INCORRETO afirmar que:

Q2698466 Inglês

Brit dad is the first person to take

a holiday in the ruins of failed state ISIS

in Northern Iraq

Dad-of-four Andy Drury, 53, had no visas and was in danger of kidnapping from militia d uring his £4,000 three-day break in Mosul, Northern Iraq. But he has _______ back stunning photos of t he former IS stronghold.

Building firm owner Andy, of Guildford, Surrey, has spent the last 20 years touring areas of the planet most people do not dare to go and first visited this a rea in 2016.

He said of one visit to a dangerous area near Mosul : “I was nervous, my heart was in my mouth for 20 minutes.

“We had been turned away by Iraqi forces. If caught , we could have been jailed for spying.”

Andy added: “I must be the first person to be have been a tourist in the ruins of Islamic State.

“My fixer Ammar (not his real name) was right on th e front line for the taking back of Mosul, taking repor ters in there.

“But he said he is more scared with me, with the ne ws reporters he was in an armoured car, but with m e on the front line a couple of years ago, he said I di dn’t wear a vest or helmet or nothing, he said that w as scarier.”

Andy said he doesn’t wear protective clothing beca use he tries to stumble on as little front line fighting as possible.

The businessman is meticulous in the planning of hi s trips and so far has holidayed in no-goareas like Somalia, North Korea and Afghanistan, as well as spending time with the Klu Klux Klan.

Andy said:

“Driving in from Iraq and Kurdistan, all the buildings were beautiful, and then it changes, and I’ve never seen nothing like it, it was like an apocalyptic film.

Fonte: it-dad-holiday-isis-iraq/ Acesso em: 09/Out/2019

A respeito do PCN, analise as afirmativas abaixo:

I. Como critério de avaliação, o aluno deverá demonstrar compreensão geral de tipos de textos variados, apoiado em elementos icônicos (gravuras, tabelas, fotografias, desenhos) e/ou em palavras cognatas;

II. O PCN de língua estrangeira apresenta um modelo curricular impositivo onde não devem ser modificadas nem adaptadas as temáticas apresentadas no documento.

Q2698464 Inglês

Brit dad is the first person to take

a holiday in the ruins of failed state ISIS

in Northern Iraq

Dad-of-four Andy Drury, 53, had no visas and was in danger of kidnapping from militia d uring his £4,000 three-day break in Mosul, Northern Iraq. But he has _______ back stunning photos of t he former IS stronghold.

Building firm owner Andy, of Guildford, Surrey, has spent the last 20 years touring areas of the planet most people do not dare to go and first visited this a rea in 2016.

He said of one visit to a dangerous area near Mosul : “I was nervous, my heart was in my mouth for 20 minutes.

“We had been turned away by Iraqi forces. If caught , we could have been jailed for spying.”

Andy added: “I must be the first person to be have been a tourist in the ruins of Islamic State.

“My fixer Ammar (not his real name) was right on th e front line for the taking back of Mosul, taking repor ters in there.

“But he said he is more scared with me, with the ne ws reporters he was in an armoured car, but with m e on the front line a couple of years ago, he said I di dn’t wear a vest or helmet or nothing, he said that w as scarier.”

Andy said he doesn’t wear protective clothing beca use he tries to stumble on as little front line fighting as possible.

The businessman is meticulous in the planning of hi s trips and so far has holidayed in no-goareas like Somalia, North Korea and Afghanistan, as well as spending time with the Klu Klux Klan.

Andy said:

“Driving in from Iraq and Kurdistan, all the buildings were beautiful, and then it changes, and I’ve never seen nothing like it, it was like an apocalyptic film.

Fonte: it-dad-holiday-isis-iraq/ Acesso em: 09/Out/2019

Relacione a coluna abaixo com seus significados e assinale a alternativa correta:

1. Cabbage

2. Steal

3. Iron

4. Niece

( ) Sobrinha

( ) Roubar

( ) Ferro

( ) Repolho

Q2698463 Inglês

Brit dad is the first person to take

a holiday in the ruins of failed state ISIS

in Northern Iraq

Dad-of-four Andy Drury, 53, had no visas and was in danger of kidnapping from militia d uring his £4,000 three-day break in Mosul, Northern Iraq. But he has _______ back stunning photos of t he former IS stronghold.

Building firm owner Andy, of Guildford, Surrey, has spent the last 20 years touring areas of the planet most people do not dare to go and first visited this a rea in 2016.

He said of one visit to a dangerous area near Mosul : “I was nervous, my heart was in my mouth for 20 minutes.

“We had been turned away by Iraqi forces. If caught , we could have been jailed for spying.”

Andy added: “I must be the first person to be have been a tourist in the ruins of Islamic State.

“My fixer Ammar (not his real name) was right on th e front line for the taking back of Mosul, taking repor ters in there.

“But he said he is more scared with me, with the ne ws reporters he was in an armoured car, but with m e on the front line a couple of years ago, he said I di dn’t wear a vest or helmet or nothing, he said that w as scarier.”

Andy said he doesn’t wear protective clothing beca use he tries to stumble on as little front line fighting as possible.

The businessman is meticulous in the planning of hi s trips and so far has holidayed in no-goareas like Somalia, North Korea and Afghanistan, as well as spending time with the Klu Klux Klan.

Andy said:

“Driving in from Iraq and Kurdistan, all the buildings were beautiful, and then it changes, and I’ve never seen nothing like it, it was like an apocalyptic film.

Fonte: it-dad-holiday-isis-iraq/ Acesso em: 09/Out/2019

Which of the following alternatives has the sam e verb tense as the sentence:

“He was bitten by a dog”

Q2698462 Inglês

Brit dad is the first person to take

a holiday in the ruins of failed state ISIS

in Northern Iraq

Dad-of-four Andy Drury, 53, had no visas and was in danger of kidnapping from militia d uring his £4,000 three-day break in Mosul, Northern Iraq. But he has _______ back stunning photos of t he former IS stronghold.

Building firm owner Andy, of Guildford, Surrey, has spent the last 20 years touring areas of the planet most people do not dare to go and first visited this a rea in 2016.

He said of one visit to a dangerous area near Mosul : “I was nervous, my heart was in my mouth for 20 minutes.

“We had been turned away by Iraqi forces. If caught , we could have been jailed for spying.”

Andy added: “I must be the first person to be have been a tourist in the ruins of Islamic State.

“My fixer Ammar (not his real name) was right on th e front line for the taking back of Mosul, taking repor ters in there.

“But he said he is more scared with me, with the ne ws reporters he was in an armoured car, but with m e on the front line a couple of years ago, he said I di dn’t wear a vest or helmet or nothing, he said that w as scarier.”

Andy said he doesn’t wear protective clothing beca use he tries to stumble on as little front line fighting as possible.

The businessman is meticulous in the planning of hi s trips and so far has holidayed in no-goareas like Somalia, North Korea and Afghanistan, as well as spending time with the Klu Klux Klan.

Andy said:

“Driving in from Iraq and Kurdistan, all the buildings were beautiful, and then it changes, and I’ve never seen nothing like it, it was like an apocalyptic film.

Fonte: it-dad-holiday-isis-iraq/ Acesso em: 09/Out/2019

O termo available pode ser traduzido como:

Q2698461 Inglês

Brit dad is the first person to take

a holiday in the ruins of failed state ISIS

in Northern Iraq

Dad-of-four Andy Drury, 53, had no visas and was in danger of kidnapping from militia d uring his £4,000 three-day break in Mosul, Northern Iraq. But he has _______ back stunning photos of t he former IS stronghold.

Building firm owner Andy, of Guildford, Surrey, has spent the last 20 years touring areas of the planet most people do not dare to go and first visited this a rea in 2016.

He said of one visit to a dangerous area near Mosul : “I was nervous, my heart was in my mouth for 20 minutes.

“We had been turned away by Iraqi forces. If caught , we could have been jailed for spying.”

Andy added: “I must be the first person to be have been a tourist in the ruins of Islamic State.

“My fixer Ammar (not his real name) was right on th e front line for the taking back of Mosul, taking repor ters in there.

“But he said he is more scared with me, with the ne ws reporters he was in an armoured car, but with m e on the front line a couple of years ago, he said I di dn’t wear a vest or helmet or nothing, he said that w as scarier.”

Andy said he doesn’t wear protective clothing beca use he tries to stumble on as little front line fighting as possible.

The businessman is meticulous in the planning of hi s trips and so far has holidayed in no-goareas like Somalia, North Korea and Afghanistan, as well as spending time with the Klu Klux Klan.

Andy said:

“Driving in from Iraq and Kurdistan, all the buildings were beautiful, and then it changes, and I’ve never seen nothing like it, it was like an apocalyptic film.

Fonte: it-dad-holiday-isis-iraq/ Acesso em: 09/Out/2019

Choose the correct translation of the sentence below:

The students can’t stay at school today.

101: D
102: B
103: C
104: B
105: A
106: B
107: C
108: A
109: C
110: A
111: A
112: A
113: C
114: A
115: C
116: A
117: B
118: B
119: C
120: A