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Q503732 Inglês
Consider the following noun phrase: ‘the only navigable river’. Suppose a student asks you if there is a difference in meaning if ‘navigable’ is placed after ‘river’. The alternative with the correct answer and comment is:
Q503731 Inglês
Suppose you are correcting some literary essays. In one essay, you find the following extract.

“It begins with the Giant coming back to his garden after a seven-year trip. When arriving they see that children play in his garden." (source: a real student's essay)

The mistake that directly affects the cohesion of the extract is the/a:
Q503730 Inglês
Suppose a student asks you if 'whose' in the following academic passage is wrong.

“There is a way of proceeding in conceptual matters whose method is to define away any inconvenient difficulty." (Biber et al, 1999, p. 617)

The alternative with the correct answer and comment is:
Q503729 Inglês
Modal verbs can be classified into two major categories of me- aning: epistemic and deontic. Epistemic modals refer to the logical status of events or states. The following alternatives are examples of epistemic modals. The only exception is:
Q503728 Inglês
One mechanism of grammatical cohesion is the use of substituting pro-forms. The only example of a pro-form is:
121: A
122: C
123: D
124: B
125: E