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Q1998063 Biologia
Durante muito tempo os cientistas ficavam intrigados com o fato de que vinte diferentes aminoácidos compunham as proteínas e o DNA apenas (ATCG) e o RNA quatro diferentes nucleotídeos (AUCG). Se as proteínas derivavam de sequências do DNA copiadas em RNAm, deveria haver informação na forma de código. Vários trabalhos científicos se somaram para a determinação do código genético formado por 64 trincas que devem ser traduzidas sequencialmente. Considerando o código genético degenerado e universal, assinale a afirmação INCORRETA. 
Q1998062 Biologia
A designação de Doença Hemolítica do Recém-Nascido é relativamente fácil de compreender, mas o significado do termo Eritroblastose Fetal não é tão obvio para muitos professores e para a maioria dos alunos secundaristas. A presença de grande quantidade eritroblastos, que são células nucleadas precursoras de eritrócitos no sangue do feto ou do recém-nascido, indica que a sua medula óssea está liberando essas células na corrente sanguínea, antes que ocorram as etapas necessárias à produção de eritrócitos maduros. Essa liberação, para a corrente sanguínea, de células imaturas normalmente ocorre devido à estimulação excessiva da medula óssea vermelha em razão da presença de uma anemia severa ou outro quadro de carência eritrocitária, como ocorre na anemia hemolítica causada por anticorpos anti-Rh maternos que passaram para fetos Rh+.
Sobre este assunto, é INCORRETO afirmar:  
Q1998061 Biologia

 A composição de carboidratos no glicocálice de hemácias, mostrado no esquema abaixo, representam aglutinogênios (antígenos) que determinam os grupos sanguíneos do Sistema ABO. A síntese do antígeno H depende da presença de, pelo menos, um gene autossômico dominante H no genoma do indivíduo e é indispensável para a adição do antígeno A e/ou do antígeno B (como mostrado no esquema), pelos produtos dos genes I A e I B, respectivamente. Os indivíduos com alelo H e os alelos ii, ou os indivíduos desprovidos do gene H são identificados no grupo “O” pelas técnicas tradicionais de determinação de grupos sanguíneos ABO, mas os indivíduos (hh) são ditos Falsos “O”. Os alelos Hh apresentam segregação independente dos alelos I A IB i.                  


Considerando somente os antígenos determinantes do sistema ABO, assinale a afirmação INCORRETA. 
Q1998060 Biologia
O reino Fungi compreende um grupo de organismos eucariotas, que inclui microrganismos tais como as leveduras e bolores que são formados por fungos filamentosos, aqueles que apresentam “corpos carnosos” desenvolvidos são conhecidos como cogumelos. Muitos fungos isolados ou em associação com outros seres vivos são de grande importância ecológica e econômica dos seres humanos.
Sobre os fungos e suas associações, é INCORRETO afirmar:  
Q1998059 Biologia
Surdez hereditária não-sindrômica compreende um conjunto de distúrbios genéticos que podem ter mecanismo de herança autossômica recessiva, autossômica dominante, recessiva ligada ao cromossomo X ou mesmo mitocondrial. Dos casos de surdez hereditária não-sindrômica, 80% apresentam herança autossômica recessiva, sendo afetadas 4 em cada mil crianças.
Com base nas informações acima e em outros conhecimentos sobre o assunto, assinale a afirmação INCORRETA. 
Q1998058 Biologia

O esquema abaixo representa vários processos necessários para a produção do pigmento melanina pelos melanócitos, destacando algumas organelas celulares, moléculas e processos metabólicos.



Com base no esquema, é INCORRETO afirmar: 
Q1998057 Biologia
Os animais atuais são produtos de seu passado evolutivo e não é possível compreender completamente a biologia moderna sem que se investigue esse passado e se estabeleça as aquisições evolutivas e as características compartilhadas por grupos filogenéticos. Sobre este assunto, é INCORRETO afirmar: 
Q1998056 Biologia

A figura abaixo representa uma charge intitulada “Se as organelas pudessem falar”, produzida com base em funções e/ou características próprias de cada uma delas. 

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

NÃO está correto o que se afirma em: 

Q1998046 Direito da Criança e do Adolescente - Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (ECA) - Lei nº 8.069 de 1990

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

Segundo o Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (1990), adolescente é a pessoa que tem  

Q1998041 Matemática

Renato está sempre desenhando e colorindo triângulos na seguinte ordem: 

                 Imagem associada para resolução da questão

Qual o próximo triângulo que ele irá fazer?

Q1998040 Matemática

O Tangram Clássico é um quebra-cabeças chinês formado por 7 peças: 2 triângulos grandes, 2 pequenos, 1 médio, 1 quadrado e 1 paralelogramo. 

                                                                    Imagem associada para resolução da questão

Com essas peças, podemos formar várias figuras, utilizando todas elas, sem sobrepô-las. Estima-se que é possível montar mais de 1700 figuras. Dentre as figuras abaixo, qual NÃO pode ser formada utilizando-se as peças do Tangram Clássico? 

Q1998036 Matemática

Sabe-se que a massa do Sol é de 1,989.1027t, Sabe-se que a massa do Sol é de 5,972.1021t  e a massa da Lua é de 7,348.1019 t.

Aproximadamente, quantas vezes a massa da Terra é maior que a massa da Lua?  

Q1998025 Inglês

Read the following text and answer question.

Importance of Aquaculture 

Aquaculture involves the art, science and business of breeding aquatic animals and plants in fresh or marine waters for human use. It also extends to the marketing of such organisms in a controlled environment. It is a kind of agriculture, and therefore, it requires inputs such as clean water and nutrients. It also requires storage for harvested produce, transportation and marketing facilities.

Inputs often depend on the species that are farmed. Species lower on the aquatic food chain usually require less input, as they feed on microorganisms and are fine in just clean water. More inputs like fish or fishmeal, cereals, or grains are required, as we get higher on the food chain with species like salmon or tuna.

All over the world, the demand for seafood has increased because people have learned that seafood as part of regular diets are healthier and help fight cardiovascular disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s and many other major illnesses.

Aquaculture will add to wild seafood, and make it _______ and accessible to all.

Aquaculture business provides tax and royalty revenue to local governments. Besides, there is also potential revenue from exports. 

(Adapted from: Access: 01/25/2018)

The best negative form of the sentence “Aquaculture business provides tax and royalty revenue to local governments” is 
Q1998024 Inglês

Read the following text and answer question.

Importance of Aquaculture 

Aquaculture involves the art, science and business of breeding aquatic animals and plants in fresh or marine waters for human use. It also extends to the marketing of such organisms in a controlled environment. It is a kind of agriculture, and therefore, it requires inputs such as clean water and nutrients. It also requires storage for harvested produce, transportation and marketing facilities.

Inputs often depend on the species that are farmed. Species lower on the aquatic food chain usually require less input, as they feed on microorganisms and are fine in just clean water. More inputs like fish or fishmeal, cereals, or grains are required, as we get higher on the food chain with species like salmon or tuna.

All over the world, the demand for seafood has increased because people have learned that seafood as part of regular diets are healthier and help fight cardiovascular disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s and many other major illnesses.

Aquaculture will add to wild seafood, and make it _______ and accessible to all.

Aquaculture business provides tax and royalty revenue to local governments. Besides, there is also potential revenue from exports. 

(Adapted from: Access: 01/25/2018)

The best way to complete the sentence “Aquaculture will add to wild seafood, and make it _______ and accessible to all” is 
Q1998023 Inglês

Read the following text and answer question.

Importance of Aquaculture 

Aquaculture involves the art, science and business of breeding aquatic animals and plants in fresh or marine waters for human use. It also extends to the marketing of such organisms in a controlled environment. It is a kind of agriculture, and therefore, it requires inputs such as clean water and nutrients. It also requires storage for harvested produce, transportation and marketing facilities.

Inputs often depend on the species that are farmed. Species lower on the aquatic food chain usually require less input, as they feed on microorganisms and are fine in just clean water. More inputs like fish or fishmeal, cereals, or grains are required, as we get higher on the food chain with species like salmon or tuna.

All over the world, the demand for seafood has increased because people have learned that seafood as part of regular diets are healthier and help fight cardiovascular disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s and many other major illnesses.

Aquaculture will add to wild seafood, and make it _______ and accessible to all.

Aquaculture business provides tax and royalty revenue to local governments. Besides, there is also potential revenue from exports. 

(Adapted from: Access: 01/25/2018)

The word as in “as they feed on microorganisms” can be substituted by 
Q1998022 Inglês

Read the following text and answer question.

Importance of Aquaculture 

Aquaculture involves the art, science and business of breeding aquatic animals and plants in fresh or marine waters for human use. It also extends to the marketing of such organisms in a controlled environment. It is a kind of agriculture, and therefore, it requires inputs such as clean water and nutrients. It also requires storage for harvested produce, transportation and marketing facilities.

Inputs often depend on the species that are farmed. Species lower on the aquatic food chain usually require less input, as they feed on microorganisms and are fine in just clean water. More inputs like fish or fishmeal, cereals, or grains are required, as we get higher on the food chain with species like salmon or tuna.

All over the world, the demand for seafood has increased because people have learned that seafood as part of regular diets are healthier and help fight cardiovascular disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s and many other major illnesses.

Aquaculture will add to wild seafood, and make it _______ and accessible to all.

Aquaculture business provides tax and royalty revenue to local governments. Besides, there is also potential revenue from exports. 

(Adapted from: Access: 01/25/2018)

The adverb often in “Inputs often depend on the species that are farmed” can be replaced by the adverb
Q1998021 Inglês

Read the following text and answer question.

Importance of Aquaculture 

Aquaculture involves the art, science and business of breeding aquatic animals and plants in fresh or marine waters for human use. It also extends to the marketing of such organisms in a controlled environment. It is a kind of agriculture, and therefore, it requires inputs such as clean water and nutrients. It also requires storage for harvested produce, transportation and marketing facilities.

Inputs often depend on the species that are farmed. Species lower on the aquatic food chain usually require less input, as they feed on microorganisms and are fine in just clean water. More inputs like fish or fishmeal, cereals, or grains are required, as we get higher on the food chain with species like salmon or tuna.

All over the world, the demand for seafood has increased because people have learned that seafood as part of regular diets are healthier and help fight cardiovascular disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s and many other major illnesses.

Aquaculture will add to wild seafood, and make it _______ and accessible to all.

Aquaculture business provides tax and royalty revenue to local governments. Besides, there is also potential revenue from exports. 

(Adapted from: Access: 01/25/2018)

The conjunction therefore in “and therefore it requires inputs” conveys an idea of 
Q1998020 Inglês

Read the following text and answer question.

Importance of Aquaculture 

Aquaculture involves the art, science and business of breeding aquatic animals and plants in fresh or marine waters for human use. It also extends to the marketing of such organisms in a controlled environment. It is a kind of agriculture, and therefore, it requires inputs such as clean water and nutrients. It also requires storage for harvested produce, transportation and marketing facilities.

Inputs often depend on the species that are farmed. Species lower on the aquatic food chain usually require less input, as they feed on microorganisms and are fine in just clean water. More inputs like fish or fishmeal, cereals, or grains are required, as we get higher on the food chain with species like salmon or tuna.

All over the world, the demand for seafood has increased because people have learned that seafood as part of regular diets are healthier and help fight cardiovascular disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s and many other major illnesses.

Aquaculture will add to wild seafood, and make it _______ and accessible to all.

Aquaculture business provides tax and royalty revenue to local governments. Besides, there is also potential revenue from exports. 

(Adapted from: Access: 01/25/2018)

The word marketing in “It also extends to the marketing of such organisms in a controlled environment” functions as 
Q1998019 Inglês

Read the following text and answer question.

Introduction to global food loss and food waste

Food losses and food waste are quickly becoming a top global issue, because while there are millions of families with children starving, others are living in abundance, with many others carelessly throwing food away. Many of us have wasted food in one way or the other, but the real food losses and waste matter is ______ than just consumer food waste.

From farming fields and storage places, through transportation, processing, market places, down to consumption places such as homes, schools, restaurants and workplaces, more than half of all food produced globally go to waste. This is a tragedy!

In developing countries, it takes a lot of man-power to produce food. In more advanced countries, machines and technology are used, but the drain on energy, destruction of vegetative lands, the use of chemicals and ______ impact on the environment are phenomenal. Putting all that together, it is clear that a major problem has emerged and we are all in a position to help in one way or the other.

(Adapted from: Access: 01/23/2018) 

The best possessive adjective to complete this sentence “the use of chemicals and ______ impact on the environment are phenomenal” is 
Q1998017 Inglês

Read the following text and answer question.

Introduction to global food loss and food waste

Food losses and food waste are quickly becoming a top global issue, because while there are millions of families with children starving, others are living in abundance, with many others carelessly throwing food away. Many of us have wasted food in one way or the other, but the real food losses and waste matter is ______ than just consumer food waste.

From farming fields and storage places, through transportation, processing, market places, down to consumption places such as homes, schools, restaurants and workplaces, more than half of all food produced globally go to waste. This is a tragedy!

In developing countries, it takes a lot of man-power to produce food. In more advanced countries, machines and technology are used, but the drain on energy, destruction of vegetative lands, the use of chemicals and ______ impact on the environment are phenomenal. Putting all that together, it is clear that a major problem has emerged and we are all in a position to help in one way or the other.

(Adapted from: Access: 01/23/2018) 

The best way to use reported speech in the sentence “This is a tragedy.” is:

The author of the text said 

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