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Q3200498 Não definido

O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder à questão. 

'Bolha de calor' pode causar um dos setembros mais quentes da história do Brasil?

Uma forte onda de calor atinge o Brasil na primeira quinzena de setembro, segundo alguns dos principais institutos de meteorologia do Brasil. A previsão é de que os termômetros registrem temperaturas máximas entre 40°C e 45°C em alguns Estados nesse período.

Isso poderia elevar a média da temperatura para a época e pode tornar este um dos meses de setembro mais quentes já registrados no país. Mas por que isso acontece?

A BBC News Brasil ouviu especialistas para entender se isso é algo atípico e quais fenômenos estão causando esse calor fora do comum.

Segundo o MetSul Meteorologia, uma massa de ar quente está cobrindo boa parte do Brasil e vai ganhar ainda mais força nos próximos dias. A previsão é que ela se expanda e leve altas temperaturas inclusive para o sul do país, onde as temperaturas são mais amenas nesta época do ano.

De acordo com o Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia (Inmet), a previsão para os próximos em São Paulo é de temperaturas máximas de 33°C e 34°C até pelo menos a próxima sexta-feira. Cuiabá deve registrar máxima de 42°C na quinta e sexta.

Até mesmo a cidade de Curitiba, no Sul, pode registrar, segundo o Inmet, máximas de 33°C na terça e na quarta.

Guilherme Borges, meteorologista do Climatempo, diz que ele e seus colegas de trabalho avaliam que não é possível fazer projeções de que possamos ter recordes históricos.

"Vai ser forte, mas não é possível dizer que vai bater temperatura. Não temos como afirmar isso com base nos modelos que usamos. O que enxergamos são temperaturas entre 40 e 44°C nos próximos dias. Será uma onda de calor importante", diz.

Guilherme explica que essa onda de calor, chamada pelo MetSul de "bolha de calor", é causada pela estabilização de uma massa de ar quente e alta pressão atmosférica em boa parte do país.

"Ela intensifica a formação do ar quente de cima para baixo dificultando a formação de nuvens de chuva e deixando o tempo mais seco.

Ele explica que é normal esse calor no mês de setembro e que em 2023 também houve uma onda de calor semelhante, mas que ocorreu na segunda quinzena do mês e não na primeira como agora.

"Isso é culpa das mudanças climáticas, que têm um papel significativo nesses extremos de calor e chuva. Isso ocorre porque nosso planeta tem que dimensionalisar energia. Essas ondas de calor e chuva extremos ocorrem para compensar esse aquecimento", diz. acordo%20com%20o%20MetSul,7%C2%B0C%20em%202005

Afinal, de acordo com o texto, setembro será mais quente da história do Brasil?
Q3200497 Não definido
Which language teaching technique involves learners listening to a short text read aloud, taking notes, and then working together to reconstruct the text in their own words while focusing on both meaning and grammatical accuracy?
Q3200496 Não definido
Why is the English language considered essential for global participation, especially in the Brazilian context?
Q3200495 Não definido
Pedagogical resources should encourage analysis, experimentation and problem-solving. In this sense, we can state that pedagogical resources promote:
Q3200494 Não definido
Audiovisual teaching resources are widely used in the teaching-learning process to make content more attractive and facilitate students' understanding of concepts. Which of the following statements correctly describes the main advantage of using audiovisual resources in education?
Q3200493 Não definido
The contemporary cross-cutting themes of the Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC) are areas of knowledge that permeate all subjects and curricular components, promoting an integrated and contextualized approach to learning. Which of the following is NOT a cross-cutting theme of the BNCC?
Q3200492 Não definido
What was one of the main factors that contributed to the growing importance of the English language in Brazil during the post-World War II period?
Q3200491 Não definido
According to Lev Vygotsky, how is language related to cognitive development?
Q3200490 Não definido
In an English language class, the teacher gives students a paragraph containing several intentional grammatical errors. The students are asked to work in pairs to identify and correct these errors, then explain the reasoning behind their corrections. This activity aims to develop the students' ability to think about and analyze the language. What type of activity is this?
Q3200489 Não definido
In an English language classroom, the teacher plans a unit that integrates language learning with environmental science. Students are required to read articles about climate change, engage in discussions, and create presentations in English about the impact of pollution on local ecosystems. The unit also includes a project where students research a specific environmental issue and write a report in English, proposing solutions based on scientific data. What teaching approach does this best exemplify, which combines learning from multiple disciplines to enhance language acquisition and critical thinking?
Q3200488 Não definido
During the imperial period in Brazil, the French language dominated the educational and cultural scene, being considered the language of diplomacy and European culture. The teaching of English, although still in its infancy, began to expand as a practical necessity, due to:
Q3200487 Não definido
A teacher introduces a sentence that can be interpreted in multiple ways depending on the placement of a comma. Students are asked to rewrite the sentence in two different ways to show how punctuation affects meaning, and then explain their choices. What is the purpose of this activity?
Q3200486 Não definido
Considering language as a form of interaction, which classroom practices best facilitate interactive language use among students, particularly in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) contexts?
Q3200485 Não definido
What term is used to describe a language that is adopted as a common means of communication between speakers of different native languages, especially for international diplomacy, business, science, and cultural exchange?
Q3200484 Não definido
According to Pierre Bourdieu, what term refers to the value attributed to a person's linguistic skills, which can influence their social mobility and access to resources within a particular social field?
Q3200483 Não definido
In the context of teaching grammar in a second language classroom, which of the following approaches most effectively balances explicit and implicit learning, according to current SLA (Second Language Acquisition) research?
Q3200482 Não definido
With the redemocratization of Brazil and the enactment of the new Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação (LDB) in 1996, the teaching of foreign languages underwent a significant reformulation. Which of the alternatives below correctly describes a change that occurred in the teaching of English in Brazilian schools after the LDB of 1996?
Q3200481 Não definido
Which method of grammar instruction emphasizes the natural acquisition of language structures through context and communicative practice, rather than through the direct teaching of grammatical rules? It encourages learners to deduce patterns from authentic language use and is closely related to Communicative Language Teaching (CLT).
Q3200480 Não definido

O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder à questão.

The Future of Global Economy and Society


Emma: A professor of International Relations.

John: A journalist specializing in global economics.

Sophia: An environmental activist and policy advisor.

Emma: Good afternoon, everyone. Today, I'd like to delve into the intricacies of the global economy and its impact on society. As we navigate through these unprecedented times, what do you think are the key drivers reshaping our world?

John: From my perspective, the most significant factor is the acceleration of technological innovation. The digital economy is not just expanding; it's revolutionizing traditional sectors. Artificial Intelligence, blockchain technology, and the Internet of Things are all converging, creating a paradigm shift in how we understand and conduct business.

Sophia: I agree, John. However, I would argue that while technological advancement is transformative, it also presents ethical dilemmas. The digital divide is growing, and the disparity between those who have access to these technologies and those who don't is becoming a critical issue. Moreover, the implications for data privacy and surveillance are profound and cannot be overlooked.

Emma: That's an excellent point, Sophia. The ethical implications are vast. But moving beyond technology, how do you see geopolitical tensions influencing global economic stability?

John: Geopolitical tensions have always played a pivotal role. However, with the recent rise of protectionist policies and trade wars, we are witnessing a fragmentation of the global economic order. Countries are increasingly prioritizing national interests, which could lead to a significant realignment of global alliances and trade networks.

Sophia: And this realignment is not without consequences. We must consider the environmental impact as well. The current economic model, heavily reliant on fossil fuels, is unsustainable. We need a radical transition towards a green economy, and that requires international cooperation—something that's hard to achieve amid rising nationalism.

Emma: Absolutely. The concept of a green economy is gaining traction, but there's a lot of skepticism about its feasibility, especially in developing countries where economic growth is still heavily dependent on traditional industries. What are your thoughts on this?

John: It's indeed a delicate balancing act. Developing nations argue that stringent environmental regulations could stifle their economic growth and exacerbate poverty. On the other hand, the consequences of inaction could be catastrophic, not just for these countries, but globally. Perhaps the solution lies in creating financial incentives for sustainable development.

Sophia: That's where policy-making becomes crucial. We need to implement more robust frameworks for international cooperation that include financial support, technology transfer, and capacity building. The global north has a historical responsibility to assist the global south in this transition.

Emma: These are compelling insights. It's clear that the path forward is complex and requires a multifaceted approach. Balancing technological, economic, environmental, and ethical considerations is a formidable challenge. However, it's also an opportunity for us to redefine the future of global society.

John: I couldn't agree more, Emma. The question is not whether we will face these challenges, but how we will respond to them collectively.

Sophia: Exactly. It's not just about adapting to change but about proactively shaping it. We must engage in more dialogue, foster innovation, and, above all, uphold our shared values of equity, justice, and sustainability.

Emma: Well said, Sophia. I believe our discussion today has highlighted the interconnectedness of these issues and the importance of global solidarity. Thank you both for this enlightening conversation.

John and Sophia: Thank you, Emma.

Which statement best describes the cohesion and main argument presented by Sophia throughout the dialogue?
Q3200479 Não definido

O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder à questão.

The Future of Global Economy and Society


Emma: A professor of International Relations.

John: A journalist specializing in global economics.

Sophia: An environmental activist and policy advisor.

Emma: Good afternoon, everyone. Today, I'd like to delve into the intricacies of the global economy and its impact on society. As we navigate through these unprecedented times, what do you think are the key drivers reshaping our world?

John: From my perspective, the most significant factor is the acceleration of technological innovation. The digital economy is not just expanding; it's revolutionizing traditional sectors. Artificial Intelligence, blockchain technology, and the Internet of Things are all converging, creating a paradigm shift in how we understand and conduct business.

Sophia: I agree, John. However, I would argue that while technological advancement is transformative, it also presents ethical dilemmas. The digital divide is growing, and the disparity between those who have access to these technologies and those who don't is becoming a critical issue. Moreover, the implications for data privacy and surveillance are profound and cannot be overlooked.

Emma: That's an excellent point, Sophia. The ethical implications are vast. But moving beyond technology, how do you see geopolitical tensions influencing global economic stability?

John: Geopolitical tensions have always played a pivotal role. However, with the recent rise of protectionist policies and trade wars, we are witnessing a fragmentation of the global economic order. Countries are increasingly prioritizing national interests, which could lead to a significant realignment of global alliances and trade networks.

Sophia: And this realignment is not without consequences. We must consider the environmental impact as well. The current economic model, heavily reliant on fossil fuels, is unsustainable. We need a radical transition towards a green economy, and that requires international cooperation—something that's hard to achieve amid rising nationalism.

Emma: Absolutely. The concept of a green economy is gaining traction, but there's a lot of skepticism about its feasibility, especially in developing countries where economic growth is still heavily dependent on traditional industries. What are your thoughts on this?

John: It's indeed a delicate balancing act. Developing nations argue that stringent environmental regulations could stifle their economic growth and exacerbate poverty. On the other hand, the consequences of inaction could be catastrophic, not just for these countries, but globally. Perhaps the solution lies in creating financial incentives for sustainable development.

Sophia: That's where policy-making becomes crucial. We need to implement more robust frameworks for international cooperation that include financial support, technology transfer, and capacity building. The global north has a historical responsibility to assist the global south in this transition.

Emma: These are compelling insights. It's clear that the path forward is complex and requires a multifaceted approach. Balancing technological, economic, environmental, and ethical considerations is a formidable challenge. However, it's also an opportunity for us to redefine the future of global society.

John: I couldn't agree more, Emma. The question is not whether we will face these challenges, but how we will respond to them collectively.

Sophia: Exactly. It's not just about adapting to change but about proactively shaping it. We must engage in more dialogue, foster innovation, and, above all, uphold our shared values of equity, justice, and sustainability.

Emma: Well said, Sophia. I believe our discussion today has highlighted the interconnectedness of these issues and the importance of global solidarity. Thank you both for this enlightening conversation.

John and Sophia: Thank you, Emma.

What does the term "digital divide" refer to in the context of the dialogue?
221: E
222: B
223: D
224: C
225: B
226: D
227: D
228: A
229: C
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231: D
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233: D
234: A
235: A
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239: E
240: A