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Q1990202 Enfermagem
De acordo com as referências do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), assinale a opção correta, relativa à assistência em saúde mental.
Q1990200 Enfermagem
Assinale a opção correta, relativa a procedimentos técnicos de enfermagem.
Q1990199 Enfermagem
Acerca do histórico e da organização do processo de trabalho em saúde e enfermagem, julgue os itens subsequentes.

I O processo de enfermagem como instrumento metodológico surgiu no século XX.
II Há participação bilateral na gestão do trabalho quando gestores e trabalhadores usam mesas de negociação permanente para definir, entre outras questões, rotinas dos processos de trabalho em saúde.
III O diagnóstico de enfermagem é realizado antes da anamnese ou, eventualmente, simultaneamente.

Assinale a opção correta.
Q1990198 Enfermagem
As recomendações para a prevenção da infecção do trato urinário (ITU) incluem
Q1990197 Enfermagem
Considerando as principais medidas preventivas práticas para os casos de infecção da corrente sanguínea (ICS), assinale a opção correta. 
Q1990196 Enfermagem
Acerca da classificação e dos conceitos de classes de risco, assinale a opção correta.
Q1990195 Enfermagem
Tendo em vista que os ambientes de saúde são compostos por diversos tipos de riscos, como biológicos, físicos, químicos e ergonômicos, assinale a opção que contempla corretamente ações de biossegurança em saúde.
Q1990194 Enfermagem
No que se refere à associação entre a espécie de bactéria gram-negativa patogênica e a doença causada por esse agente infeccioso, assinale a opção correta. 
Q1990193 Enfermagem
   Mauro diluiu o medicamento anfotericina B em soro fisiológico. No entanto, a anfotericina B é incompatível com soro fisiológico e deveria ter sido diluída em soro glicosado 5%.
Nessa situação hipotética, a associação de medicamentos física ou quimicamente incompatíveis é um erro de
Q1990192 Enfermagem
Com relação à terapia medicamentosa, assinale a opção correta. 
Q1990191 Enfermagem
Sobre a ascaridíase, assinale a opção correta.
Q1990190 Enfermagem
Em relação à anatomia e à fisiologia do sistema cardiovascular, assinale a opção correta. 
Q1990188 Inglês
Text 20A12-I

  As technology advances, the car industry has developed new ways to improve user experience. One of these ways includes using artificial intelligence to make cars self-driving. A self-driving car (also known as an autonomous car or driverless car) is a vehicle that uses a different number of sensors, radars, cameras, and artificial intelligence to travel to destinations without needing a human driver. Many companies have already started to manufacture self-driving cars, which are put through many tests to ensure they are eligible to be on the road without making any errors. To qualify as fully autonomous, a car must navigate routes to predetermined destinations without any human intervention.

  Artificial intelligence powers self-driving vehicle frameworks. Self-driving vehicle engineers utilize a great deal of information from image recognition systems, AI and neural networks to assemble frameworks that can drive self-sufficiently. The neural networks distinguish patterns in the data, which is fed to the AI calculations. That data include images from cameras for self-driving vehicles. The neural networks figure out how to recognize traffic lights, trees, pedestrians, road signs, and different parts of any random driving environment.

   As an example, Google has started to develop self-driving cars, which use a mix of sensors, light detectors, and other technology, like GPS and cameras. All the input data are combined and the artificial system predicts what those objects might do next. This whole process happens in a matter of milliseconds. Similar to any human driver, the more experience these systems gain, the better they become at driving. The more data it deals with in its deep learning algorithms, the more choices it will make and the faster those choices will be. 

Internet: <> (adapted).
From the excerpt “The more data it deals with in its deep learning algorithms, the more choices it will make and the faster those choices will be” (last paragraph of text 20A12-I), it can be concluded that 
Q1990187 Inglês
Text 20A12-I

  As technology advances, the car industry has developed new ways to improve user experience. One of these ways includes using artificial intelligence to make cars self-driving. A self-driving car (also known as an autonomous car or driverless car) is a vehicle that uses a different number of sensors, radars, cameras, and artificial intelligence to travel to destinations without needing a human driver. Many companies have already started to manufacture self-driving cars, which are put through many tests to ensure they are eligible to be on the road without making any errors. To qualify as fully autonomous, a car must navigate routes to predetermined destinations without any human intervention.

  Artificial intelligence powers self-driving vehicle frameworks. Self-driving vehicle engineers utilize a great deal of information from image recognition systems, AI and neural networks to assemble frameworks that can drive self-sufficiently. The neural networks distinguish patterns in the data, which is fed to the AI calculations. That data include images from cameras for self-driving vehicles. The neural networks figure out how to recognize traffic lights, trees, pedestrians, road signs, and different parts of any random driving environment.

   As an example, Google has started to develop self-driving cars, which use a mix of sensors, light detectors, and other technology, like GPS and cameras. All the input data are combined and the artificial system predicts what those objects might do next. This whole process happens in a matter of milliseconds. Similar to any human driver, the more experience these systems gain, the better they become at driving. The more data it deals with in its deep learning algorithms, the more choices it will make and the faster those choices will be. 

Internet: <> (adapted).
The main purpose of the second paragraph of text 20A12-I is to explain
Q1990186 Inglês
Text 20A12-I

  As technology advances, the car industry has developed new ways to improve user experience. One of these ways includes using artificial intelligence to make cars self-driving. A self-driving car (also known as an autonomous car or driverless car) is a vehicle that uses a different number of sensors, radars, cameras, and artificial intelligence to travel to destinations without needing a human driver. Many companies have already started to manufacture self-driving cars, which are put through many tests to ensure they are eligible to be on the road without making any errors. To qualify as fully autonomous, a car must navigate routes to predetermined destinations without any human intervention.

  Artificial intelligence powers self-driving vehicle frameworks. Self-driving vehicle engineers utilize a great deal of information from image recognition systems, AI and neural networks to assemble frameworks that can drive self-sufficiently. The neural networks distinguish patterns in the data, which is fed to the AI calculations. That data include images from cameras for self-driving vehicles. The neural networks figure out how to recognize traffic lights, trees, pedestrians, road signs, and different parts of any random driving environment.

   As an example, Google has started to develop self-driving cars, which use a mix of sensors, light detectors, and other technology, like GPS and cameras. All the input data are combined and the artificial system predicts what those objects might do next. This whole process happens in a matter of milliseconds. Similar to any human driver, the more experience these systems gain, the better they become at driving. The more data it deals with in its deep learning algorithms, the more choices it will make and the faster those choices will be. 

Internet: <> (adapted).
According to text 20A12-I, 
Q1990185 Legislação dos TRFs, STJ, STF e CNJ
Conforme a Resolução CNJ n.º 370/2021, as aquisições de bens e a contratação de serviços de tecnologia da informação e comunicação deverão atender às determinações do
Q1990184 Governança de TI
De acordo com o COBIT 5, o domínio alinhar, planejar e organizar (APO) inclui os processos
Q1990183 Governança de TI
Gerenciamento de catálogo de serviços, gerenciamento de fornecedor e gerenciamento de capacidade são processos do nível de serviço da ITIL denominado 
Q1990182 Governança de TI
Na biblioteca ITIL, o nível de serviço que busca transformar o gerenciamento de serviços em ativos estratégicos para atender aos objetivos da empresa é conhecido como  
Q1990181 Legislação dos TRFs, STJ, STF e CNJ
Segundo a Portaria CNJ n.º 131/2021, o Grupo Revisor de Código-Fonte é responsável pela análise das mudanças no código-fonte que forem sugeridas pela comunidade de desenvolvimento nas soluções disponibilizadas na PDPJ-Br e também no sistema PJe, e seus membros desempenharão as atividades em caráter honorífico. Com relação à composição desse grupo revisor, assinale a opção correta. 
81: B
82: E
83: C
84: A
85: D
86: E
87: D
88: C
89: C
90: D
91: E
92: D
93: E
94: B
95: E
96: A
97: B
98: E
99: D
100: B