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Q2465905 Inglês

(Available in: – text especially adapted for this test).

Which of the questions below is NOT answered by the article?
Q2465904 Inglês

(Available in: – text especially adapted for this test).

Analyze the following statements about the excerpt “Margrethe will retain her title of queen and may represent the royal family on occasion” (l. 22-23):

I. The word “may” suggests a possibility.
II. In a negative structure, “may not represent” and “cannot represent” have the same meaning.
III. “Will retain” is an example of the Simple Future Verb Tense.

Which statements are correct?
Q2465903 Inglês

(Available in: – text especially adapted for this test).

The correct statement about the text is:
Q2465102 Pedagogia
De acordo com Bacich e Moran (2018), há diversas formas de se desenvolver a avaliação. O importante é que ela ocorra ___________ e que ____________________________.
Assinale a alternativa que preenche, correta e respectivamente, as lacunas do trecho acima.
Q2465101 Pedagogia
O Arco de Maguerez é uma estratégia de metodologia ativa problematizadora que parte do(a):
271: C
272: E
273: D
274: D
275: A