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Para professor - inglês
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• Se João estuda, então ele passa no concurso.
• Se João passa no concurso, então ele consegue umemprego.
• João não conseguiu um emprego.
Com base nas afirmações acima, qual das alternativas a seguir é logicamente correta?
Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna no texto acima:
I.O verbo 'pôr' recebe acento diferenciando-se da preposição 'por'.
II.Devem ser acentuados pela mesma regra de 'órbita' os vocábulos 'canhamo' e 'exodo'.
III.A palavra 'Irã' é uma oxítona, assim como 'Nobel' e 'ureter'.
IV.'distância' e 'coincidência' seguem a mesma regra de acentuação.
V.São paroxítonas 'lua', 'despertem' e 'sentir'.
Estão corretas:
1."The teacher encouraged her students to read aloud every day".
2."Reading aloud every day, the teacher encouraged her students".
What syntactic difference between these two sentences impacts their interpretation?
"The waves rolled relentlessly against the shore, a steady rhythm echoing the passage of time. They seemed unchanged, constant, yet, in their persistence, each was unique in its form and force."
In terms of literary analysis, which of the following best describes the function of this passage in a narrative text?
"Many cities have invested in urban green spaces to improve quality of life for residents. These spaces not only provide a natural escape but also serve as hubs for community activities and relaxation."
Which cohesive device does the phrase "These spaces" primarily serve as, and what is its function in the text?
1.Could you pass me the salt?
2.Pass me the salt.
What is the primary pragmatic difference between these sentences?
Which is the correct prepositional phrase to complete the sentence:
"The telescope was affected _____ the satellite's light streaks."
Indicate the correct verb form to complete the sentence:
"Scientists _____ that satellite constellations can obstruct astronomical observations."