Questões de Concurso Para professor - inglês

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Q3116465 Raciocínio Lógico
Considere as afirmações a seguir:

• Se João estuda, então ele passa no concurso.
• Se João passa no concurso, então ele consegue umemprego.
• João não conseguiu um emprego.

Com base nas afirmações acima, qual das alternativas a seguir é logicamente correta?
Q3116464 Matemática
Em uma empresa, 10 trabalhadores produzem 480 peças em 6 dias, trabalhando 8 horas por dia. Quantos dias seriam necessários para que 18 trabalhadores produzam 1.440 peças, mantendo a mesma carga horária diária?
Q3116460 Matemática
Uma empresa realiza um sorteio mensal de brindes entre seus funcionários. No mês atual, há 12 funcionários no setor de vendas e 8 no setor de marketing. A empresa irá sortear 4 brindes, sendo que dois deles serão destinados aos funcionários do setor de vendas e os outros dois, ao setor de marketing. Cada funcionário pode ganhar apenas um brinde, e todos têm chances iguais dentro de seu setor. Quantas formas diferentes existem para selecionar os 4 funcionários ganhadores, respeitando os critérios do sorteio?
Q3116458 Matemática
Considere o polinômio P(x) = x4 - 6x3 + 11x2 - 6x . Sabendo que uma das raízes desse polinômio é x=1, assinale a alternativa que representa corretamente a soma das raízes restantes.
Q3116451 Português
(______) é um gênero injuntivo que apresenta normas e instruções específicas para orientar comportamentos e atividades dentro de um determinado contexto, como instituições, empresas, escolas ou eventos. Visa estabelecer regras claras para garantir a organização, segurança e funcionamento adequado do ambiente ao qual se refere, definindo direitos, deveres e proibições. Utiliza linguagem objetiva e direta, geralmente no imperativo ou com verbos no infinitivo, para facilitar a compreensão e o cumprimento das regras.

Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna no texto acima:
Q3116022 Português
O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder à questão.

O dia é 28 de maio do ano 585 a.C., na atual Anatólia, na Turquia.

Os medos, um povo antigo que vivia onde hoje fica o Irã, e os lídios − um reino no sul da atual Turquia − vêm lutando há seis anos.

O historiador grego Heródoto (485-425 a.C.) conta que a guerra mostrava poucos sinais de estar chegando ao fim e nenhum dos lados fazia progressos significativos.

Seria preciso um eclipse solar para pôr fim ao banho de sangue.

Quando a batalha começava a esquentar, o dia subitamente se transformou em noite", escreveu Heródoto. "Quando observaram a mudança, os medos e os lídios pararam de lutar e ficaram ansiosos para definir um acordo de paz."

Talvez não observemos uma reação tão dramática ao eclipse total que passa pela América do Norte em 8 de abril deste ano, mas pesquisas recentes indicam que ele pode causar fortes impactos sobre a nossa psicologia, evocando o nosso deslumbramento.

Existem poucos eventos que despertam mais o nosso deslumbramento do que a série de coincidências celestiais que nos permite experimentar o eclipse solar total. A Lua precisa estar no tamanho correto, na distância exata da Terra e na órbita certa para passar em frente ao Sol e bloquear totalmente a sua luz por alguns momentos.

Presenciar esse evento surpreendente pode nos inspirar a encontrar mais humildade e cuidado pelos outros, segundo as pesquisas.

"As pessoas podem ser mais cooperativas − elas podem dizer que tem laços sociais mais fortes com os outros e se sentir mais conectadas à sua comunidade", afirma o psicólogo Sean Goldy, da Universidade Johns Hopkins, nos Estados Unidos, que pesquisou os efeitos psicológicos do eclipse de 2017

Avalie as afirmações a seguir sobre os vocábulos extraídos do texto:

I.O verbo 'pôr' recebe acento diferenciando-se da preposição 'por'.
II.Devem ser acentuados pela mesma regra de 'órbita' os vocábulos 'canhamo' e 'exodo'.
III.A palavra 'Irã' é uma oxítona, assim como 'Nobel' e 'ureter'.
IV.'distância' e 'coincidência' seguem a mesma regra de acentuação.
V.São paroxítonas 'lua', 'despertem' e 'sentir'.

Estão corretas: 
Q3116019 Inglês
In English phonology, which of the following statements about the relationship between phonemes and graphemes is accurate? 
Q3116018 Inglês
An English teacher wants to improve students' ability to infer meaning in complex reading passages. She decides to use a combination of strategies, including teaching context clues, analyzing tone, and practicing identifying theme. Which of the following approaches would best align with these strategies?
Q3116017 Inglês
According to the principles outlined in the Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC) for English language instruction, a lesson focused on enhancing student fluency in speaking should primarily include:
Q3116016 Inglês
Consider the following sentences:

1."The teacher encouraged her students to read aloud every day".
2."Reading aloud every day, the teacher encouraged her students".

What syntactic difference between these two sentences impacts their interpretation? 
Q3116013 Inglês
Read the excerpt below and answer the question:
"The waves rolled relentlessly against the shore, a steady rhythm echoing the passage of time. They seemed unchanged, constant, yet, in their persistence, each was unique in its form and force."
In terms of literary analysis, which of the following best describes the function of this passage in a narrative text?
Q3116012 Inglês
A student encounters the word "stream" in different contexts and asks the teacher for clarification. Which of the following explanations would best illustrate the importance of context in determining word meaning?
Q3116011 Inglês
Consider the words home and house. While both words denote a dwelling, they often differ in connotation. Which of the following statements best describes this difference?
Q3116010 Inglês
Consider the following excerpt and answer the question:
"Many cities have invested in urban green spaces to improve quality of life for residents. These spaces not only provide a natural escape but also serve as hubs for community activities and relaxation."
Which cohesive device does the phrase "These spaces" primarily serve as, and what is its function in the text?
Q3116009 Inglês
Consider the following two sentences:

1.Could you pass me the salt?
2.Pass me the salt.

What is the primary pragmatic difference between these sentences?
Q3116008 Inglês
O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder à questão.

Read the dialogue below:

Thalia: "Hey, did you hear about the new art gallery opening downtown? They say it's got some really unique pieces from local artists."

Blaise: "Yes, I did! I read that some of the artwork explores themes like urban loneliness and the impact of technology on our lives."

Thalia: "Exactly. One of the reviews mentioned a painting that uses dark shades and fragmented images to depict a city skyline. It's supposed to reflect how disjointed city life can feel."

Blaise: "Sounds interesting. I wonder if they're planning to have events or artist talks. Sometimes hearing directly from the artists adds a lot to understanding their work."

Thalia: "True. But I also appreciate forming my own interpretations first, then seeing if they align with the artist's ideas."

Blaise: "Good point! Art's so subjective − I think it's meant to evoke different responses in each person. Are you planning to visit soon?"

Thalia: "Definitely! I think it'll be a chance to see how these artists portray familiar themes in ways that might challenge or change our perspectives."

Free text. 
Based on Blaise's response to Thalia about artist talks, what can we infer about his approach to experiencing art?
Q3116007 Inglês
O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder à questão.

Read the dialogue below:

Thalia: "Hey, did you hear about the new art gallery opening downtown? They say it's got some really unique pieces from local artists."

Blaise: "Yes, I did! I read that some of the artwork explores themes like urban loneliness and the impact of technology on our lives."

Thalia: "Exactly. One of the reviews mentioned a painting that uses dark shades and fragmented images to depict a city skyline. It's supposed to reflect how disjointed city life can feel."

Blaise: "Sounds interesting. I wonder if they're planning to have events or artist talks. Sometimes hearing directly from the artists adds a lot to understanding their work."

Thalia: "True. But I also appreciate forming my own interpretations first, then seeing if they align with the artist's ideas."

Blaise: "Good point! Art's so subjective − I think it's meant to evoke different responses in each person. Are you planning to visit soon?"

Thalia: "Definitely! I think it'll be a chance to see how these artists portray familiar themes in ways that might challenge or change our perspectives."

Free text. 
When Thalia says, "I think it'll be a chance to see how these artists portray familiar themes in ways that might challenge or change our perspectives," what does this suggest about her expectations for the gallery visit?
Q3106463 Inglês
O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder à quesão.

ASTEROID WARNING Elon Musk's web of satellites make it harder to detect dangerous near-Earth asteroids, scientists warn

Elon Musk's web of satellites makes it harder to detect dangerous near-Earth asteroids, scientists have warned.

The number of satellites orbiting Earth has soared from just a few hundred in 1986 to 10,000 today.

Another tenfold increase is expected over the coming decade - much of it driven by Musk's Starlink network.

Starlink is a fleet of satellites which brings internet to people with little or no signal - including troops in Ukraine.

But more than 100 astronomers have now warned against launching more "megaconstellations" of satellites.

The boffins said clogging up the Earth's orbit with satellites could block their telescopes' view of outer space.

Professor Robert McMillan told Space: "Artificial satellites, even those invisible to the naked eye, can obstruct astronomical observations.

"These observations help detect asteroids and understand our place in the universe.

"The potentially long-term environmental harms of deploying tens of thousands of satellites are still unclear."

Light streaks from Starlink have dazzled a California telescope which scans the sky for exploding stars and dangerous near-Earth asteroids.

A study found that Musk's satellites could stop the Zwicky Transient Facility picking up asteroids coming from the sun.

Around one in five snaps from the huge telescope have been affected, Scientific American reports.

Expert Przemek Mróz said: "We don't expect Starlink satellites to affect non-twilight images.

"But if the satellite constellation of other companies goes into higher orbits, this could cause problems for non-twilight observations."

Co-author Tom Prince said: "There is a small chance that we would miss an asteroid or another event hidden behind a satellite streak."

Which of the following sentences uses the passive voice?
Q3106462 Inglês
O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder à quesão.

ASTEROID WARNING Elon Musk's web of satellites make it harder to detect dangerous near-Earth asteroids, scientists warn

Elon Musk's web of satellites makes it harder to detect dangerous near-Earth asteroids, scientists have warned.

The number of satellites orbiting Earth has soared from just a few hundred in 1986 to 10,000 today.

Another tenfold increase is expected over the coming decade - much of it driven by Musk's Starlink network.

Starlink is a fleet of satellites which brings internet to people with little or no signal - including troops in Ukraine.

But more than 100 astronomers have now warned against launching more "megaconstellations" of satellites.

The boffins said clogging up the Earth's orbit with satellites could block their telescopes' view of outer space.

Professor Robert McMillan told Space: "Artificial satellites, even those invisible to the naked eye, can obstruct astronomical observations.

"These observations help detect asteroids and understand our place in the universe.

"The potentially long-term environmental harms of deploying tens of thousands of satellites are still unclear."

Light streaks from Starlink have dazzled a California telescope which scans the sky for exploding stars and dangerous near-Earth asteroids.

A study found that Musk's satellites could stop the Zwicky Transient Facility picking up asteroids coming from the sun.

Around one in five snaps from the huge telescope have been affected, Scientific American reports.

Expert Przemek Mróz said: "We don't expect Starlink satellites to affect non-twilight images.

"But if the satellite constellation of other companies goes into higher orbits, this could cause problems for non-twilight observations."

Co-author Tom Prince said: "There is a small chance that we would miss an asteroid or another event hidden behind a satellite streak."

Which is the correct prepositional phrase to complete the sentence:

"The telescope was affected _____ the satellite's light streaks." 

Q3106461 Inglês
O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder à quesão.

ASTEROID WARNING Elon Musk's web of satellites make it harder to detect dangerous near-Earth asteroids, scientists warn

Elon Musk's web of satellites makes it harder to detect dangerous near-Earth asteroids, scientists have warned.

The number of satellites orbiting Earth has soared from just a few hundred in 1986 to 10,000 today.

Another tenfold increase is expected over the coming decade - much of it driven by Musk's Starlink network.

Starlink is a fleet of satellites which brings internet to people with little or no signal - including troops in Ukraine.

But more than 100 astronomers have now warned against launching more "megaconstellations" of satellites.

The boffins said clogging up the Earth's orbit with satellites could block their telescopes' view of outer space.

Professor Robert McMillan told Space: "Artificial satellites, even those invisible to the naked eye, can obstruct astronomical observations.

"These observations help detect asteroids and understand our place in the universe.

"The potentially long-term environmental harms of deploying tens of thousands of satellites are still unclear."

Light streaks from Starlink have dazzled a California telescope which scans the sky for exploding stars and dangerous near-Earth asteroids.

A study found that Musk's satellites could stop the Zwicky Transient Facility picking up asteroids coming from the sun.

Around one in five snaps from the huge telescope have been affected, Scientific American reports.

Expert Przemek Mróz said: "We don't expect Starlink satellites to affect non-twilight images.

"But if the satellite constellation of other companies goes into higher orbits, this could cause problems for non-twilight observations."

Co-author Tom Prince said: "There is a small chance that we would miss an asteroid or another event hidden behind a satellite streak."

Indicate the correct verb form to complete the sentence:

"Scientists _____ that satellite constellations can obstruct astronomical observations." 

1081: A
1082: C
1083: B
1084: D
1085: C
1086: B
1087: A
1088: B
1089: C
1090: D
1091: C
1092: A
1093: B
1094: A
1095: C
1096: A
1097: B
1098: A
1099: C
1100: D